Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 718 Giant Treant

It has been a day since Xu Xing was caught in the cave. Xu Xing has never given up looking for a chance to escape. In her mind, she only needs to recover her strength, be able to break free from the vines on her body, and eat the seeds of the centennial orchid. When the time comes, I will have enough strength. At that time, let alone being able to escape, it is not difficult to escape with others.

However, Xu Xing found that no matter how hard she tried, she was still powerless. Not to mention breaking free from the vines, even moving her arms was difficult. The only thing she could do was to chat with the people around her, and they were arrested. After waiting for a long time, hope has gradually been lost at this time, because they have not been able to get support for a long time, if they can be rescued, they will probably be rescued long ago.

During the day when she was tied up, Xu Xing discovered one thing, that is, whenever she was hungry, a branch full of fruit would stretch out from the tree. The fruit was very sweet and very delicious. Sweet, eating five or six fruits can keep you from starving for half a day. This is the first time Xu Xing has encountered such a situation.

However, at this moment, Xu Xing also suddenly figured out why he was in a state of powerlessness all the time. There must be some special substance in the fruit. The existence of these substances restricted him from performing supernatural powers. You cannot continue to eat these fruits.

Xu Xing quickly told others about her discovery, and when the others heard about it, they shook their heads helplessly: "We have known about this for a long time, but it is useless, even if you are If you don’t eat it, you will eventually have wooden thorns to inject substances into your body, and at that time, it will still be difficult to move.”

Xu Xing didn't believe in evil, so she had to give it a try. If she wanted to escape with her own abilities, she had to recover her abilities. Moreover, even if she recovered her abilities, she might not be able to break out of the encirclement of the treants.

Xu Xing looked at the waterfall in the distance. There are a few exposed caves above the waterfall. These are passages dug by marmots. As long as they can get into the caves, there is still a chance to escape.

"As long as I break the vines on my body, I can escape quickly. At that time, if I go into the marmot's cave, no one will be able to find me." Xu Xing thought silently in her heart.

However, the idea was very good, but Xu Xing made a mistake in the first step, because it was impossible for her to recover her abilities. After the mutant plant found out that Xu Xing hadn't eaten the fruit that was sent over at night, the trunk immediately split open. A hole was made, and a long wooden thorn grew out of it, piercing directly into Xu Xing's abdomen, injecting an unknown liquid into Xu Xing's body.

Xu Xing felt intense sleepiness at that time, and wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids kept falling down, and soon fell asleep, with her head down, unable to utter a word.

After seeing this scene, Chai Kefu shook his head helplessly, and said: "If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss before your eyes. We have already reminded her, but she just doesn't believe it. She deserves it for being hypnotized at this time."

The people who were caught before had already guessed that there was something wrong with the fruit sent from the tree, and they tried not to eat this kind of fruit. As a result, they encountered Xu Xing's current treatment and wanted to restore their abilities and physical strength? Don't even think about it, mutant plants will never give this opportunity.

And when the tree people started to go out to hunt, everyone knew that it was already dark, and this time was usually when Xiao Sheng and the others rescued him, counting the time, it was about to start.

"Tell me, can Xiao Sheng and the others get rid of the tree man this time?" Lu Yizhen asked directly.

When Chai Kefu heard this question, he answered directly: "I don't think so, the two of them are not suitable for fighting in this terrain, surrounded by water, Xiao Sheng's abilities are restricted, and Jin Zijue's thunder and lightning will also be blocked. The trees are blocked by the insulating properties, and they cannot rush over. Zhang Zi’s words have not appeared for several days, so we can’t count on her.”

Just as the two were discussing whether their teammates could come over, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the cave in the distance, and rushed straight towards the center of the pool. The speed was so fast that even everyone present It is also difficult for people with supernatural powers to see clearly. Lu Yizhen is a supernatural person with enhanced eyesight. Although he can't use supernatural powers now, his eyesight is always much better than others. At this time, Lu Yizhen saw Shen Feng directly. face, at this time he was rushing towards him at a high speed.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yizhen couldn't help blurting out: "Shen Feng? He's really here? So soon?"

When Lu Yizhen saw Shen Feng appearing in the underground space, he was almost stunned, because he never expected that Shen Feng would appear at such a critical moment, and as soon as he appeared, he had already broken through the tree man In the defensive line, there is no treeman who can stop Shen Feng.

If it was Shen Feng who came to the rescue, maybe he could really be rescued. Immediately, everyone present became excited and stared at Shen Feng, hoping that Shen Feng could rush over at this time Lower yourself from the tree.

Shen Feng stepped on the water with both feet, and his speed slowed down a lot. After all, Shen Feng was able to walk on the water thanks to the surrounding wind to support his body. The force on the water was obviously not as strong as that on the ground, so the speed slowed It is also a matter of course.

However, even though the speed has slowed down a lot, no one can stop Shen Feng's advance. More than 20 tree people have been blocked by Jin Zijue and Xiao Sheng. Dao's lightning, after hitting the tree man, couldn't kill the tree man directly, but it could cause paralysis. The paralyzed tree man could no longer catch up with Shen Feng.

Xiao Sheng was not to be outdone, the fire dragon in his hand was entangled everywhere, as long as it entangled the tree man, it would release intense heat, and white smoke of "Chi Chi" would immediately appear from the tree man after soaking in water. Now, the tree man had to deal with the two annoying supernatural beings in front of him, and had no time to stop Shen Feng.

And Shen Feng looked at Huxin Island, which was already close at hand, with a smile on his face, and then shouted loudly: "Brothers, I'm here, everything is ready, after I cut off the vines, you will give me back when you land." Run, I can only take two people with me."

At this time, there was no tree man in front of Shen Feng. After discovering this situation, Shen Feng believed confidently that his next task could be completed.

Lu Yizhen hurriedly shouted: "Shen Feng, we are all exhausted now, even if we fall, we won't be able to walk."

Shen Feng didn't care about this, and released a large wind blade with a wave of his hand, aiming at many branches above. As long as the sharp wind blade hits a branch, it can directly cut off the branch at that time, and the cage that was originally hanging on the branch directly It fell down, and the light green digestive juice flowed all over the ground, and in this situation, all the vines on a dozen people were cut off, and they fell straight to the ground.

In Shen Feng's thinking, as long as these people hit the ground, they would be able to escape on their own. However, when the branch was cut off, more than a dozen people with supernatural powers fell to the ground, but they fell so badly that it was difficult to reach out. , not to mention running away, it is also fortunate that everyone has a strong physique, otherwise, if they fell from a height of more than ten meters, they would fall to their death directly.

"Stand up, Mengmeng, stand up!" Shen Feng couldn't help calling out when he saw several people lying on the ground. They were all Chinese who couldn't stand up and had no ambition at all.

"Your sister, Mengmeng, you said we were powerless and unable to move, you just don't believe it, right? You bastard is fully responsible for what we have fallen into." After Lu Yizhen fell to the ground, smelling The smell of the sour digestive juice around me made me angry immediately. If we had the strength, wouldn't we run away by ourselves?

Shen Feng shrugged and said: "It seems that I can only take away two people at random. Whoever is lucky will be the one I take away. By the way, have you seen Xu Xing?"

Shen Feng is not a selfless person. At this moment, naturally, his subordinates are going to take Xu Xing away. Besides, they can also bring along a predestined person. As for the rest, they can only take Xu Xing away. I will talk about it later when I have a chance, anyway, I am very fast, and saving people is also very simple.

However, at this moment, the island in the center of the lake shook, and Shen Feng was a little unsteady standing on the shore. The fluorescent fruits above his head fell one by one, and the water surface was constantly shaking, as if something underground was about to break the ground. And out.

"Well, what is this, Lu Yizhen, what else is there here?" Shen Feng was stunned by the changes in front of him. Didn't it mean that the last defense force in the underground space is the tree man? ? Now that the tree people have been entangled, is there still a monster hidden here?

"I don't know either. I never knew there was anything else here since I was caught. There was nothing unusual before. I don't know!" Lu Yizhen said quickly, and he couldn't figure it out either. I know what the situation is now, is there something special underwater?

At this moment, the towering 50-meter-high tree on the island in the middle of the lake suddenly rose from the ground, directly rising ten meters in height. Looking at the roots of the tree, more than 30 thick and thick rhizomes had already penetrated into the sky. Out of the ground, walking on the island in the middle of the lake.

Immediately afterwards, two thick branches hung down from the big tree, which looked like arms, and a huge tree man with a height of 60 meters appeared on the island in the middle of the lake.

"Damn, how do you fight such a big tree man?" Shen Feng couldn't help but swear when he saw the current scene. He couldn't believe the scene he saw. The tree is just a big tree, but now it is said that this tree will grow.

Xiao Sheng and Jin Zijue in the distance have also been stunned by the change in the center of the lake. The tree man is already very tall when he is more than ten meters high. To a human, he is a giant. The huge treant, how can I fight this? This is already the largest Treant in the world.

"Shua", the huge tree man waved his thick branches and knocked down. Before reaching Shen Feng, the strong wind already made Shen Feng feel the pressure.

Finally, when the branch was pressing down, Shen Feng left directly from the side, dodging the attack of the huge treant. With such a heavy attack, Shen Feng did not dare to resist at all, because what he was most worried about was to use the "wind" After the "King Barrier", the barrier will be broken in an instant.

Next, the huge treant kept waving his arms to attack Shen Feng, but the speed was too slow, and Shen Feng's speed was the fastest in the world. All the sharp attacks were dodged, and the treant's attack didn't work.

Facing the gigantic treant, Shen Feng felt very small. This feeling was the same as facing the sea beast in the deep sea. When the huge size appeared, the attacks of the supernatural being had no much effect.

And there are many supernatural beings hanging on the vines on the tree. With the movement of the huge treant, they are shaking constantly, and they are about to vomit. If it continues, before Shen Feng is killed, they will first Unbearable.

At this time, a woman said to Shen Feng loudly: "Shen Feng, come back in three days, when the time comes, I will lead them to cooperate with each other, now you go quickly."

Shen Feng looked in the direction where the voice came from, and found that it was a woman with disheveled hair talking, he didn't recognize him, but Shen Feng had no other choice right now, at this moment, he could only leave for the time being.

"Then it's settled. Three days later, the inside and the outside will cooperate!" Shen Feng then retreated decisively. The giant tree man with a height of 60 meters was not something he could deal with.

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