Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 728 Breaking Through The Limit

Not only Shen Feng was stunned by the changes in front of him, even the giant treants did not expect such a situation to happen. In the idea of ​​mutated plants, as long as they surrounded this group of hateful supernatural beings, more than fifty trees When people act together with their own body, it is very easy to win.

However, the mutated plants never expected that at this time, there would be a person with supernatural powers who had the power to kill the tree man. If I remember correctly, the woman who killed the tree man was directly given by the tree man. The captive, it turned out that he was able to kill the tree man now. The comparison of strength, before and after is too obvious.

And there are still stones falling in the cave right now. Although the treants are powerful, they have never encountered such a situation. Earthquakes are the power of heaven and earth. Even human beings often face earthquakes. Helpless, there is no way to deal with it except prevention. Now, there are huge boulders falling in the cave. Even if the treant is hit by the boulder, he will be seriously injured. Right now in the earthquake, the treant can only stay He just stood still and didn't move.

After the giant tree man discovered the current situation, he also stopped moving and became dull. He stood there without any movement. After thinking for a while, he chose to find a nearby open space in the corner of the cave. , and rooted the roots into the ground. Obviously, the underground soil is very scarce, almost all gravel. As a result, the giant treant forcibly completed the act of taking root in this landform.

After taking root, the giant treant didn't move at all, as if he had become a tree that didn't know anything. This was the way of a tortoise.

Shen Feng originally wanted to take advantage of your illness to kill you, but at this time the whole earth was shaking, and the earthquake caused by Xu Xing is still going on at this time, which cannot be ignored, there are huge boulders constantly falling from the top of your head Come on, if you are accidentally hit by a stone, you can say goodbye to this world.

Shen Feng looked directly at the marmot cave next to the waterfall, where he can temporarily hide from the broken rocks above, but in addition, once the cave collapses, the people hiding inside will also be crushed alive by the boulders die.

"No, you must not hide in the cave right now, otherwise, it will be impossible to survive, and the marmot's cave may not be able to withstand the earthquake." Shen Feng made a decision that he could not hide in the narrow cave, and, taking advantage of the At this moment, the tree man has no ability to act, and he should quickly find a way to get out, instead of just waiting for death.

Since the marmot's cave cannot be the target of choice, we can only go back, Shen Feng shouted: "Let's go back quickly now, and prepare to return the same way."

Afterwards, the six people in the cave quickly passed through the passage and came to the crack, but the treants were all stunned and did not pursue the enemy. No matter how perfect the mutated plants were, these treants always had some problems. It means that the intelligence is underground. In terms of learning ability, mutant plants can learn Chinese through the dialogue of the audience within a month. This completely surpasses most humans and can be called a genius. However, the tree man has been hiding underground , I have never experienced such a thing as an earthquake, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing, and I immediately have no coping strategies.

Shen Feng quickly returned to the edge of the crack, but saw Xu Xing who was being hugged by Qi Yunfang. At this time, Xu Xing's condition was extremely scary, because at a glance, Xu Xing seemed to be boiled in hot water Similarly, the skin all over her body turned red, and she was still steaming. Now she has lost consciousness, and she can no longer hear what others say.

"What's wrong with Xu Xing? Why did she get so big after seeing her in such a short time? Also, she looks very hot, what happened?" Shen Feng asked quickly, wanting to know what happened to Xu Xing. what happened to him.

Xu Xing's situation at this time is really not right, her belly is swollen high, like a woman who is pregnant for seven months, but Shen Feng also knows that Xu Xing is a big girl, at her age, she should be in the upper class It is impossible for high school students to get pregnant at this time, even if they are pregnant, it is impossible to be so fast, almost in the blink of an eye, Xu Xing's belly has become bigger, which is already extremely fast for human beings. Normally, Nezha would feel ashamed if he saw this scene.

Qi Yunfang didn't hide this matter either, and told the story of Xu Xing's battle just now. When Shen Feng heard that Xu Xing killed the tree man with one punch, he couldn't believe his ears, the tree man was invulnerable , even if he himself may not have the confidence to win, but in Xu Xing's hands, he was so vulnerable that he exploded with a single punch. This seems a bit too unusual. Also looks unusual.

"Could it be that the weakness of these tree people is actually inside? Xu Xing's attack can kill the tree people from the inside?" Shen Feng thought in his heart.

Qi Yunfang continued to tell the story of this incident, and then came the attacks from thorns and vines. These attacks were nothing to Xu Xing, because Xu Xing had a strong recovery ability within half an hour, and then followed by Xu Xing was attacked by a wooden thorn, and then injected with some liquid, and then became like this.

Before he fell into a coma, Xu Xing cast his final ability and punched the ground, which immediately caused an earthquake.

After hearing the story, Shen Feng was surprised and delighted. The surprise was that Xu Xing had been severely injured and he didn't know if he could get through the storm smoothly. The joy was that Xu Xing was able to cause an earthquake now. Given time, he would definitely Can grow stronger.

Shen Feng found the wooden thorn broken by Xu Xing's backhand, and found the red plastic residue on it, took it off and tasted it, and found that it was an evolutionary agent. into a state of evolution."

Shen Feng himself has encountered this kind of attack method before. At that time, Shen Feng was full of confidence. He thought that his speed was unparalleled in the world. The wooden thorn hit the body, and the chest cavity was filled with evolutionary bases at that time, and then evolved into a fourth-order supernatural user, and broke through the evolutionary barrier. He was the first person in the world to become a fourth-order superhuman.

"However, this time Xu Xing was injected with too much evolutionary agent. Can she survive?" Shen Feng was worried, thinking that he had only been injected with several liters of evolutionary agent before reaching the level of evolution. , but at this time, Xu Xing has too many evolutionary genes injected, and it is hard to say whether he can withstand such an impact.

While Shen Feng was worried about Xu Xing's situation, Xiao Sheng was extremely anxious, because the escape route had been cut off, and the original 20-meter-wide crack was already an obstacle that people could not overcome. An iron cable connects the two sides, but now the crack has expanded to 50 meters directly, and the iron cable has also broken. This situation is the worst for everyone. It is a dilemma, and they can't even find a place to hide. .

"Shen Feng, can you use your ability to reach the opposite side?" Xiao Sheng found Shen Feng and started to ask.

Shen Feng looked at the distance of 50 meters. Such a distance is not far, nor is it close. If he uses his supernatural ability, he can barely reach the opposite side by gliding for a certain distance in the air.

"Yes, yes, but what do you want to do?" Shen Feng began to ask immediately. On the opposite cliff, there was still a group of treants. The siege, isn't that the end?

When Shen Feng said that he could do this, Xiao Sheng's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly said to Shen Feng: "Then you grab the rope and fly over, tie the rope at both ends of the crack, and then we It will pass."

After learning about Xiao Sheng's plan, Shen Feng immediately began to shake his head, this plan was really a little too reckless.

Qi Lingshan pointed to the moonlight above his head and said, "City Master, look quickly, you can see the moon above."

Shen Feng then looked up, and immediately saw that the line of sky above his head had turned into a canyon, and there was already a starry sky above his head. There are twinkling stars, and it turns out to be a peaceful atmosphere at a glance.

The earthquake caused the underground cracks to start to expand, and the cracks in the underground part have changed, and the cracks in the ground part have also expanded. The cave is located at a height of 200 meters from the ground, and the depth of the cracks is unknown. The cracks below are where moonlight and starlight cannot reach.

Shen Feng immediately understood Qi Lingshan's meaning after seeing the enlargement of the crack above. It was too dangerous to go back the same way, and there were many trees on the opposite side of the cliff. Human beings have no other choice right now, they can only leave from above.

"Lu Xian, Qi Lingshan, quickly assemble the paraglider and prepare to go up." Shen Feng said decisively.

Lu Xian and Qi Lingshan quickly opened the backpacks they were carrying, found the aluminum alloy frame and umbrella cloth, and started to assemble them on the spot. After the glider.

After Xiao Sheng and the others saw this scene, they were immediately taken aback, because they did not expect that Shen Feng and the other three would carry something weighing tens of kilograms on their backs. Even if the frame of the paraglider is made of aluminum alloy, compared Ordinary materials are much lighter, but this is still metal, isn't it heavy on the back?

When Xiao Sheng saw the equipment carried by the three of them, he didn't know what to say for a moment, and finally choked out such a sentence: "Are you all so afraid of death?"

The three people on Shen Feng's side said without raising their heads: "You only have one life, and people with supernatural powers will also die. Isn't it normal for us to be afraid of death?"

In fact, when going down to the cave, Shen Feng wanted to put the parts of the paraglider outside. After all, the paraglider is almost useless underground. It is impossible to take off under the cave. If you carry it on your body, it is just useless It is better to hide it than to add weight.

However, Shen Feng's idea was subsequently denied by Lu Xian. Lu Xian believed that he was already a supernatural being on his side, and it was no problem to carry a few kilograms of weight. It's not necessary, but if something unexpected happens and you need to use a paraglider but don't bring it with you, then it's over.

So, Shen Feng agreed to take the paraglider with him in case of emergency. Unexpectedly, the paraglider just happened to be available now.

Earthquakes came and went quickly. Animals in the nearby forests stay away at night, so it is difficult to see animals in the woods. As a result, the moment the earthquake occurred, mice and soil dogs in the nearby forest The rats came out of the ground one after another. These animals lived underground, and the tree man would not catch the rats in the cave. The moment the earthquake occurred, the huge sound echoed continuously in the forest, and the forest also Shaking, this drastic change directly caused groups of mice to come out of the holes and run continuously in the forest.

A crack appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and soil and trees slipped into the crack one after another. It was like a wound appeared on the ground, and the crack extended five or six kilometers away.

The animals in the forest were terrified and stunned by the natural disaster at this time.

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