Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 745 The World Is In Chaos

When Shen Feng left Yuzhou Beishan, the Yuzhou army at that time was cleaning up the mutated birds in Daba Mountain. Without the interference of mutated birds and mutated beasts, Yuzhou had a good harvest. With a population of 5 million, compared to the 30 million resident population before the end of the world, 5 million is naturally nothing, but compared to the population decline in other places, Yuzhou is completely thriving.

However, under such circumstances, migratory birds went south. No one knows how many mutated birds there are in Siberia, because even a big city like Tyumen has been destroyed by mutated birds, and the Far East is still covered with vast forests. And the permafrost is not suitable for people to survive at all, so naturally they don't know the status of the mutated birds.

People in China don't know how many mutated birds there are, they can only see blackness everywhere, as long as they see the appearance of birds, people will immediately hide in the house, the house can avoid being attacked by mutated birds, but , In places that haven't yet harvested, whether it's wheat, millet, or even corn, they are all targeted by mutated birds, and then they start pecking constantly.

This has angered a lot of farmers. What farmers are most worried about is the harvest of grain. The hairy bastard has been ruined, how can this be tolerated? So I immediately opened the door and tried my best.

If one or two mutated birds appear, there is actually no problem. Any old farmer can kill them, but when groups of mutated birds appear, it is not something that can be solved by just one person. So, those who rushed out the door and wanted to fight the mutated bird were immediately besieged by the mutated bird, and finally killed, and the flesh on their bodies was constantly being pecked at.

In this case, Zhonghua can only implement the strategy of "strengthening the wall and clearing the wilderness", but it is really helpless to implement this strategy, because as long as it appears outside, it is easy to be injured, so it can only hide helplessly. All the food is hidden, and the mutated bird that can't find the food can only leave.

However, the food that was too late to harvest could only be cheaply mutated birds, and the lack of food directly caused famine.

Right now, there are hungry people all over the territory of China. Wherever there is food, the hungry people will rush to the place with food like crazy, just to have a bite of food, and after the migratory birds see it, they can’t find food at all. , but chose to go to the southern hemisphere for the winter.

The emergence of famine directly led to chaos in the world. Throughout the history of China, as long as there is no chaos in the peasant group, there will be no major crisis. But once there is famine, intense conflicts will break out. Existence will destroy a dynasty.

Shen Feng's team didn't know that such a serious situation had occurred in China. Originally, Shen Feng speculated that there would be a famine, but that was only a small-scale situation. I never thought that it has appeared on a large scale in China. Famine, and the immediate effect of this is a turbulent society.

Shen Feng's group took a sled and headed south, finally found a small town when the night was approaching, and then began to rest.

Shen Feng looked at it and said with emotion: "When I came to Siberia, the places I saw were basically dilapidated. It seems that the problem of mutated birds in Siberia is really too serious."

The excuse Shen Feng chose when he came to Siberia was actually to investigate the situation of the mutated bird, but after Shen Feng came here, let alone investigating the mutated bird, even if he wanted to find a few living people who knew It's a problem, Shen Feng immediately felt helpless, now that he doesn't even know the situation of the mutant bird, how can he deal with the crisis of the mutant bird.

Xu Xing said quickly: "City Master, Yuzhou is definitely fine. I believe that Mr. Guo and the others have cleaned up all the mutated birds at the end of Daba Mountain, so there is no need to worry about the situation in Yuzhou."

At this time, Xu Xing thought that Shen Feng was worried about the situation in Yuzhou, so she couldn't help comforting Shen Feng. Shen Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly, and said, "Yuzhou is fine this year, so what about next year? What year?"

Shen Feng is no longer worried about the safety of the city of Yuzhou. What he is most worried about now is how to deal with the problem of mutated birds in the future. Compared with the mutated beasts in the mountains, the problem of mutated birds is undoubtedly much more serious , because the mobility of mutated birds is too strong, especially migratory birds. Swifts can even fly from Siberia to Africa for the winter. As for the danger of migratory birds, unless the whole world takes action, otherwise, the crisis of mutated birds It will definitely continue.

In the next few days, the group continued to drive southeast, but at this moment, Shen Feng and Xiao Sheng had a divergence in route. Xiao Sheng meant to go from Central Asia to the Uyghur Autonomous Region, from Xijiang to Yanjing, maybe he could still take the train, but Shen Feng thought that he should go to Outer Mongolia, cross the Great Wall from the grassland and then go back.

Xiao Sheng couldn't help asking: "What on earth are you thinking? If you follow our route, you will also reduce the distance. Moreover, for our sake, you can take the train directly. What are you doing?" The route is to go around Outer Mongolia, don’t you know that the straight line between two points is the shortest?”

Shen Feng said flatly: "I still have a task. I'm going to the grassland to find Zhang Jue's wife and son. You don't seem to know that Zhang Jue is dead."

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng recounted what happened in the coal mine on the grassland. The always timid Zhang Jue chose to blew himself up in order to protect his wife and children. The wolf king lost an eye, while Zhang Jue lost his eye. She lost her life, and only a few bones are still in Shen Feng's hands.

Xiao Sheng fell silent immediately after hearing Shen Feng's explanation. He didn't expect his former friend Zhang Jue to be dead, and he was still a member of the Ability Management Bureau. In the end, after his death, it was not the Ability Management Everyone in the Bureau is responsible for the aftermath, but outsiders like Shen Feng are trying to take care of Zhang Jue's descendants. The existence of this situation is simply a slap in the face of the Superability Bureau.

Xiao Sheng then said: "In this case, we will also go to Outer Mongolia. Zhang Jue has always been a member of the Supernatural Management Bureau. Since his son is still alive, we have to help find it."

This time, no one in the Ability Administration Bureau objected. They all looked down on the timid Zhang Jue before, but the most timid guy died to protect his relatives, which made the image of Zhang Jue appear in their minds. changed.

However, there is a problem in Central Asia and on the grasslands, that is, there are too many mutated wolves. Even if a group of supernatural beings walk together, it is easy to be attacked by wolves on the grasslands. It is difficult to find food in the grasslands, and the number of wolves has also recovered. Now the number of wolves on the grasslands can be as few as three or four hundred, and the number of wolves in the larger ones can reach tens of thousands. Even in Ulan Bator Such a large city will be attacked by wolves, and smaller towns will be directly destroyed by wolves.

The most important thing is that there are always eagles flying in the sky. These eagles communicate with the wolves, so the vision of the eagles can be shared with the wolves, and the rabbits on the ground can be captured by the eagle's sharp eyes. If you can see it with your own eyes, let alone human actions on the grassland.

Ever since, during the journey on the grassland, the biggest crisis the team encountered was the harassment of wolves. The wolves were already very hungry. The competition among the wolves is so cruel, and now there are humans riding sleds on the grasslands, is this okay? Of course, it was targeted by the eagle, and the nearby wolves were called together to attack humans.

It's a pity that what the wolves are facing is not ordinary humans, but supernatural beings who may not be able to become one in ten thousand people. As a result, an unknown number of wolves have surrounded the team of supernatural beings. It was directly killed by the supernatural being.

Shen Feng and Xu Xing once fought out from the pack of wolves, and at that time Xu Xing was only a fourth-order ability user, but now there are twenty more ability users beside Shen Feng, this lineup It was even possible to destroy a city. As a result, the mutated wolves found it at this time. When they met the team of supernatural beings, needless to say, the only way to be slaughtered by supernatural beings was naturally the only way.

It happens to be winter now, and winter is Zhang Zi's home field. The grassland has experienced a once-in-fifty-year snowfall. In Siberia, I was already suffocated, and now the two fifth-level power users have the same idea: "If we can't beat the treants, can we still beat you?"

For the powerful treant, ordinary supernatural beings are not opponents at all. The characteristic of invulnerability alone is enough to discourage countless supernatural beings. How to deal with the tree people, but a group of wolves that have grown in size, but even if they grow in size, wolves are still just wolves, not tigers.

Immediately, many supernatural beings teamed up and fought all the way back to the Great Wall from Outer Mongolia. The ancient Great Wall was actually called the Nine Sides, and here used to be a frontier area. When he arrived at the Great Wall, Xiao Sheng asked someone to report the supernatural power of the headquarters. The news from the management bureau, on the one hand, is to use the authority of the supernatural power management bureau to obtain news about Zhang Jue.

Shen Feng also brought back the few soldiers who stayed here when he passed the coal mine. What Shen Feng did directly made the five soldiers who survived the death very grateful. For them, When they were most desperate, Shen Feng personally appeared to rescue them, and finally brought them back from the grassland. Such kindness is too great, and it may not be possible to repay them even with grass and rings.

And Xiao Sheng has been lying on the sled for the past few days and has been taken care of by others, and he has gradually recovered his vitality. A message came from the sentry post: "More than a month ago, someone came in from the outside, and they seemed to be family members near the coal mine, but we don't know where they went."

"In this way, Zhang Jue's daughter-in-law and children are probably still alive. It's really not easy. It's really hard to walk back from the grassland in the cold winter months." Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sigh.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Sheng, Zhang Jue's wife is not actually a supernatural person, so it is too difficult for a weak woman to come back from the grassland full of wolves. And with a child under the age of one, I can't imagine how she did it.

"Xiao Sheng, do me a favor, let someone find Zhang Jue's wife and children and send them to Yuzhou. It's over." Shen Feng hurriedly said to Xiao Sheng.

Xiao Sheng also knew that Zhang Jue's younger sister had actually been sent to Yuzhou, and it was reasonable to continue to take care of Zhang Jue's wife and children, so he didn't object.

However, Shen Feng searched for a long time near the Great Wall, and even found survivors who escaped from the coal mines, but they never found Zhang Jue's wife. Our team was eaten by wolves."

But there are also people who say: "No, Zhang's daughter-in-law is not dead, she just ran to the south alone, and her mental state is not very good, she is probably crazy."

Shen Feng was completely helpless. He searched many places but couldn't find anyone. Now it seems that there is no way to go, and he is almost ready to return.

Xiao Sheng first bid farewell to Shen Feng: "We are going back to Yanjing, I will ask for leave to get married next time, remember to come and have a wedding banquet then."

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