Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 756 Award Ceremony

When does a person die?

It is said that human beings will die three times. First, the first death is in the biological sense, which is the so-called brain death. At this time, human beings are already dead in the biological sense, and the second death is at the funeral. , telling others through a funeral that the person is dead is sociological death. The last death is the disappearance of all traces left by this person, including the death of all those who still remember him. At this time, the last imprint of this person in the world has disappeared, and human beings are completely dead at this time.

In this sense, those human beings who became gods, such as Confucius and Newton, because their contributions are too great, so their names are passed down from generation to generation among human beings. As long as there are people alive, their names It will not disappear, so the spirits of these people are already immortal, unless human beings are extinct, otherwise, these people will always be gods.

It was because of this kind of thinking that Zhang Xixi did not make a fuss at the big brother's funeral, because not many people would remember the big brother, so the only person who needs to remember him is himself, as long as Zhang Xixi If he is still alive, then the traces of Zhang Jue in this world will not disappear.

In the end, Zhang Xixi turned around and left, but the tears fell again, and he put the big brother's bones in the cemetery. It seemed that he had settled a concern, but it meant that the person he wanted to see would never be seen again. .

Zhang Xixi put the letter that she failed to deliver in the box, as well as Zhang Jue's remains. As for the tombstone, it was planned to be carved another day.

Next, Zhang Xixi still needs to prove her ability and continue to live in Yuzhou in the future.

After returning to Yuzhou, Shen Feng soon faced a lot of things that Shen Feng needed to deal with, the most important of which was to reward the children who performed well in the orphanage exams, because Shen Feng once promised that the orphans with the best test scores will get rich rewards, one male and one male respectively.

On this day, an awards ceremony was held in the stadium, and the children with the best test scores turned out to be a pair of siblings, namely Wang Xiqiang and Wang Xiran.

Wang Xiqiang himself is the child king of the orphanage, but he didn't expect to get the first place in the exam. As for Wang Xiran, he was taught by Yu Renshu before, and his grades were passable.

When Shen Feng heard the news, he couldn't help asking Tu Xuhuai, "Both of them are in their teens, right? Can they really get the first place in the exam? Could it be arranged by you? "

Tu Xuhuai smiled slightly, and did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "City Master, I think the first thing you need is not your academic performance, but the degree of loyalty to you, and Wang Xiqiang and his sister are the ones you personally If you bring it back, you must be loyal.”

So, under Tu Xuhuai's answer, Shen Feng has now figured out how Wang Xiqiang's brother and sister could easily get the first place in the exam. You must know that there are 80,000 orphans in Yuzhou if there are no 100,000, and ten A child of two or three years old has a strong learning ability, and it is impossible for them to be surpassed by a pair of siblings in their teens. Therefore, these two must have been manipulated by Tu Xuhuai and others.

However, regarding this matter, Shen Feng became puzzled instead. Since it can be done in secret, why doesn't the senior sister do it and make Hua Jingran the number one?

While Shen Feng was contemplating, Tu Xuhuai continued to add: "City Master, I forgot to tell you, these two people were hand-picked by Madam, among the girls, I remember that Hua Jingran was the first one, but, There is no way, since Madam has made a request, we can only change it."

After getting this answer, Shen Feng was startled immediately. According to what Tu Xuhuai said, Hua Jingran would have been number one, but under Chang Jianyi's suppression, Hua Jingran became He won the third place, and finally agreed to Chang Haojie's pleading, and let Hua Jingran enter the house. This way of candy in one hand and a whip in the other is really amazing.

"Senior sister is so scheming, it's really scary. But I still can't tell Hua Jingran about this." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

The stadium is already full of children, and the camera is always pointing at Shen Feng on the stage. For the children who appear in the stadium now, many of them are seeing the appearance of the Santo for the first time, and they can't wait to stretch looked up the neck.

For today's gathering, the live broadcast was carried out in Yuzhou. Of course, due to the problem of the network base station, it can only be seen in the city.

And before there was news that the first male and female in the orphanage would get a prize, and this prize was nothing but a supernatural potion.

When the news got out, many people were immediately unconvinced, especially some of the management of Yuzhou, who privately said that the city lord employs people like accumulated salaries, and the latecomers prevail. We people have worked so hard for you, the city lord, for so long, but in the end we couldn't get the supernatural potion, but a group of little kids could get the supernatural potion. What's the reason?

After the meeting started, Shen Feng needed to speak. Before he could speak formally, countless reporters had already started taking pictures, because they could be used in newspapers.

"I promised before that the boy and girl who can get the first place in the orphanage exam will get rich prizes, but now, I can directly announce that there are two prizes, one is the supernatural potion, and the other One is to become my student, stay in Fengshen Palace, and accept my teachings personally!" Shen Feng said loudly.

As soon as this sentence was finished, strong applause erupted in the stadium, and the children applauded wildly. Obviously they were very happy after learning about this incident. Although they did not get the first place this time, they There will always be opportunities in the future, who can say for sure what will happen in the future? Maybe in the future, I will also be a student who can become a city lord.

Behind Shen Feng, there were dozens of important people in Yuzhou sitting, and at this time, they also started whispering, all of them were discussing this matter.

Zhou Xiaoxiao moved to Yang Ye's side and whispered, "Have you thought of anything important after hearing the news?"

Yang Ye immediately asked, "What's important?"

"Your intuition is really too slow, even in terms of employing people, you can't even see this? The city lord is planning to train supernatural beings by himself, and these orphans are the most suitable targets." Zhou Xiaoxiao said in a low voice.

Yang Ye said lightly: "Isn't this a very normal thing? Need to be so surprised? It was like this hundreds of years ago. Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, who didn't have a few godsons, and in the Republic of China, they just paid attention to The teacher-student relationship is broken, and now the city lord is just imitating these people."

Yang Ye saw this matter very clearly. The leaders of the uprising peasant army did this hundreds of years ago. They took in a lot of godsons, and these people were their confidantes. Now Shen Feng took these The orphan who ranked first in the exam as a student naturally cultivated supernatural beings who are loyal to him. After five or six years, these children will be fifteen or sixteen years old at least, and they will be a new force at that time.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoxiao also felt that the names of Wang Xiqiang and Wang Xiran were too familiar, so she couldn't help asking: "Why do I think these two children's names are familiar?"

Yang Ye immediately said: "Of course it's because of Tu Xuhuai, you probably don't know it yet, but actually these two people are determined by Tu Xuhuai."

"Damn it, a sycophant, who usually only thinks about the thoughts of the city lord, and now he is our boss, it really makes people look uncomfortable." Zhou Xiaoxiao became angry when she heard this, thinking that she had joined the Self-Aid Association back then. At that time, Tu Xuhuai's skill in trying to figure out people's hearts was very deep, and now, he is still like this.

"Stop talking, the awards are about to start." Yang Ye interrupted Zhou Xiaoxiao's words.

At this time, in front of the podium, Wang Xiqiang stood proudly, and beside him was his younger sister Wang Xiran. Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Xiran couldn't help but bow his head. This stadium can accommodate 100,000 people. Under the gaze of many people, Wang Xiran still couldn't bear such a huge pressure.

Shen Feng said: "Let us applaud for the first place this time, they are Wang Xiqiang and Wang Xiran."

The crowd continued to applaud, and at this moment, a hostess lady in a cheongsam had already walked onto the stage carrying two plates, and on the plates were two bottles of light green liquid.

After the two hostesses came up, everyone's eyes gathered. Although the cheongsams they were wearing were split up to the thighs, the eyes of a hundred thousand people were not staring at the hostesses. Instead, he was looking at the supernatural potion on the plate. As long as he drank the supernatural potion, he would be able to become a supernatural person without any surprises.

Shen Feng handed the two supernatural potions to the brothers and sisters Wang Xiqiang and Wang Xiran, and then said, "Come on, both of you, I will be your teacher from now on, don't let me down."

Wang Xiqiang and Wang Xiran quickly took the supernatural potion and said, "We will definitely work hard in the future."

After the awards are presented, there are still top ten rewards to be awarded, ten for each male and female, and there will be no supernatural potions, but evolution potions and other property rewards. This time, Chang Haojie's little girlfriend Hua Jingran Among them, she was originally the first.

After seeing this scene, Yu Zhiling couldn't help but said to the big brother beside her with some envy: "It would be great if I can be admitted to the top ten in the future, but it's a pity that you can't take the exam, big brother, otherwise, the first place It must be you."

Yu Zhiling believed in the intelligence of the big brother, because the big brother was a genuine genius, no matter what it was, he had already reached the level of a photographic memory, if he took the exam, he would definitely get the first place.

However, at this time, Yu Zhijing has been studying under Banxian for a while, and his knowledge of life experience has improved a lot. At this time, he said directly: "First place? Impossible, no matter how smart I am , I can only take the second place in the exam, you will know this when you grow up, and in many cases, the first place is determined by default."

After Yu Zhiling heard what the big brother said, although she didn't understand what it meant, she had already remembered it in her heart, and planned to study this matter slowly when she arrived.

In fact, the scope of the awards still includes the top 100, but there are too many people, so they can only choose to distribute the awards in the future. Now, the city lord's speech is about to begin.

Shen Feng stood on the stage and said impassionedly: "You are all the future flowers of Yuzhou, and you are still the sun at eight or nine o'clock. Although you have lost your family now and don't know what the future will be, don't give up. In the future, Yuzhou It is your home, and as long as you work hard, you will be able to work in the relevant departments of the City Lord's Mansion in the future.

I have a dream, that is to end this doomsday and make all mutant beasts and mutant birds disappear from the world. In the future, anyone can come and go in and out of the city at will. Not only that, you will not need to worry about food, education and medical care in the future. Worry, I hope that the lives of people all over the world can be restored to before the doomsday, I believe this is your wish too. "

After Shen Feng said this, many children couldn't help crying, obviously remembering the life before the end, living in the end for three years, they already understood what suffering is, and now, the children all Extremely excited, the city lord wants to restore his former life, and this is what he often sees in his dreams.

Shen Feng took a deep breath and continued to shout: "This dream is too great, because we can't see the hope of peace in front of us, but I believe that as long as you help me, this dream can be realized! Now, I want I know, would you like to help me?"

"Yes!" Shen Feng was greeted with a roar of mountains and tsunami, and when countless children in the venue looked at Shen Feng's direction, their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

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