Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 773 Borrowing Grain

Xu Xing found it very easy to gather the crowd, because the victims' hatred for Xue Ba and Dong Chao had reached an exaggerated level, especially after she revealed her true identity, countless people cheered, as if they were In the eyes of these people, if they come by themselves, then the blue sky will come.

Xu Xing immediately said to Li Yiqiang: "At this time, you should cook porridge for the victims first, and I will bring the food back. When the time comes, I will gather the victims and surround the wine city directly, so that all evildoers will be killed." I can’t run away, and besides, you have to send someone to bring the guns quickly, I remember that if you go by water, only one day is enough, please hurry up.”

When Li Yiqiang learned that Xu Xing might be going to borrow food, he said with a wry smile: "Now the victims in the wine city are prohibited from moving freely, especially in the border area. They will all be driven away, and you want to borrow food from Zhaotong, in my opinion, it is not that easy."

After hearing this, Xu Xing frowned and thought about it, and then said: "How will you know if you don't try it? Since there is food in Zhaotong, even if I use force, I will come back with food. I will do what I say."

Li Yiqiang actually wanted to ask Xu Xing why he didn't ask Yuzhou to help, because as long as Yuzhou took action, the crisis in Jiucheng would be resolved in an instant. As a result, Xu Xing seems to have only two people dealing with it now. There are too few people in the wine city.

Xu Xing is not easy to explain the situation, because this task itself is for Xu Xing to solve independently. If Xu Xing asks for help, it is equivalent to admitting that it is difficult for him to complete the task independently. In this way, Xu Xing wants to kill the bandits in the future. It also became impossible.

And Xu Xing also believes that he can successfully borrow food, and then prepares to go to Zhaotong in the south. In Xu Xing's view, such a thing as borrowing food must be sure, and the weapon that is urgently needed now is also because of The emergence of Steel City has solved the problem. Steel City has many more weapons than Wine City. Especially there are iron and coal mines in Steel City. It is very simple to produce weapons, and it is close to the Yangtze River waterway to transport materials. It was a breeze.

Li Yiqiang quickly said: "There is also a motorcycle in my car, you two, you go and come back quickly, if there are too many victims here, it is impossible for me to control the situation."

"That's right, let us use it, let's go back quickly." Xu Xing said hastily.

Li Yiqiang then opened the truck and prepared to cook porridge. Although it cannot satisfy everyone, as long as they can eat a bowl of porridge at this time, it is the happiest thing. After the incident, they started queuing up obediently, mainly because the other party had guns. If they dared to rob them at this time, they would definitely be attacked, so they could only wait for the rice porridge to be distributed.

Xu Xing got a motorcycle, but she didn't know how to use it, because she didn't learn it before. Fortunately, Lin Yue was riding on the motorcycle and said: "Come on, hold me, and I will take you away. I saw that you didn't know how to use it." Someone who drove a car."

Xu Xing then sat on the back of the motorcycle, but just reached out and grabbed Lin Yue's shoulder, and said seriously: "Drive quickly, it is impossible to hug you, I am not your wife, let your wife hug you All right."

Lin Yue didn't answer at this time. After shifting gears, he pinched the handlebars and twisted, and then the motorcycle sped out "chug chug" and headed south quickly.

Just four hours later, Xu Xing and Lin Yue had arrived at the junction with Zhaotong. There was Luka next to the boundary marker. A group of soldiers blocked the way here and shouted loudly from a distance: "Where is the road?" Here? What is it for? Stop quickly."

Lin Yue said calmly: "He's from Yuzhou, hurry up and report to your chief that someone from Yuzhou is here."

Afterwards, Lin Yue stopped directly at Luka's position, and Xu Xing shouted: "Let us go quickly, don't delay our time."

Borrowing food is very important, especially when there are a lot of victims outside the city. If the food cannot be brought back in time, there will be chaos among the victims themselves, and the food carried by Li Yiqiang can only last at most. It took more than a day, so at this time, Xu Xing wanted to pass this level quickly.

"Stop, this is not something you can pass by casually. You came from the wine city. It says that people from the wine city are not allowed to go south. You say you are from Yuzhou. What proof do you have?" The soldiers were very responsible. , directly blocked the two of them, and did not have the idea of ​​letting them go.

Xu Xing got out of the car immediately and said, "I have a food stamp from Yuzhou on me, take a look, this is my certificate, right?"

What Xu Xing can think of as proof is the food stamps in his hand, and in the end of the world, all regions have their own food settlement methods, and under normal circumstances, all regions use their own food stamps for settlement, and in this way For one thing, food stamps used in different places are of different styles, and only local food stamps can be used in one place.

However, after Xu Xing took out the food stamps on her body, the other party continued to say: "Even if you are from Yuzhou, you can't go there. The headquarters has an order that people in Yuzhou are not allowed to walk around at will. Go back quickly. If you have any objections If so, let your city lord Shen Feng come over in person, otherwise, you are not allowed to go there."

Xu Xing originally wanted to explain seriously, at least to clarify her identity and purpose, but at this moment the other party mentioned Shen Feng, and she was still uttering wild words that Shen Feng must come in person to let him go. Xu Xing became angry immediately, and said, "You are really using chicken feathers as arrows, really think you can stop me?"

After finishing speaking, Xu Xing stepped hard on the ground with one foot. When the sole of her foot hit the ground, it immediately caused a violent vibration. The entire road was already shaking violently, and there were ripples on the solid ground. It turned into the surface of water, such a drastic change that the soldiers couldn't think of, and they couldn't stand upright immediately, and fell to the ground.

Xu Xing immediately jumped into the car and urged Lin Yue, "Run, let's pass now."

The checkpoints on the side of the road are relatively simple, with only a few road poles in the center, but now that Xu Xing has cast a supernatural power, the surrounding ground has been destroyed, and the surrounding roads are already in a mess. Taking advantage of this, Lin Yue rode his bicycle and left.

"Hurry up and contact your superiors. It's best that when we arrive in Zhaotong, someone is already there to welcome us. Otherwise, don't blame us for breaking the city wall." Lin Yue said coldly, and then galloped out.

After the soldiers got up from the ground, they looked at each other in blank dismay, because they never expected that the two people in front of them turned out to be supernatural beings, and their destructive power was so powerful that they destroyed the surrounding ground in an instant. Let alone the road surface, even the surrounding hillsides have already collapsed. With the checkpoint as the center, all the ground within a radius of 100 meters has been destroyed. go.

"They turned out to be supernatural beings? What are they doing in Zhaotong? Are they looking for trouble?" Some soldiers began to ask.

"How could such a thing happen? We didn't offend Yuzhou here, so how could they find fault?" The captain immediately began to refute.

"But when he was in Yanjing, wasn't Yue Hengyi alone? The casualties caused were very serious. In my opinion, the woman who appeared just now was not much different. She just stepped on her foot, and the surrounding ground was already Turned upside down, if no one can control her, these two must have caused huge casualties."

"I'm going to report what happened to my superiors now. You continue to stay here. Remember, the victims cannot be allowed to go south."

After Xu Xing and Lin Yue forcibly broke through the checkpoint of going south, they finally came to Zhaotong smoothly. There are very famous apples here, which taste very sweet, but there are too many mountains around, and the traffic is a problem. And many of the fields here are on the mountains. It is unrealistic to use large-scale machinery to cultivate the land here. At most, small-scale agricultural machinery is used to cultivate the land.

Xu Xing was very skeptical: "Is there really enough food here? The old monk Zhizhen is not lying to me, is he?"

Lin Yue didn't answer, but continued to move forward. Xu Xing continued to observe. Although there are more mountains here, the places suitable for reclamation have basically been reclaimed. In many fields, wheat seedlings can still be seen. At that time, Xu Xing finally believed that Zhaotong had food.

When the two finally arrived outside Zhaotong City, it was already dusk, and after running for a day, the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle was already boiling hot, and it was even possible to fry eggs. At this time, Xu Xing and Lin Yue also saw a group of people outside the city. They were all wearing formal attire and surrounded by many people. One could tell their identities by looking at this group of people. They must be the leaders here.

After Xu Xing and Lin Yue stopped, someone greeted them immediately, "Mr. Lin Yue, Ms. Xu Xing, what is your business in Zhaotong? We contacted Yuzhou during the day, and Master Fengshen said that he I didn't ask you to come to Zhaotong, so I don't know what you are here for?"

Xu Xing didn't hide it anymore, and said directly: "I'm here to borrow food, and you are bordering on the wine city, you must know that the wine city has been occupied by two demons at this time, and that side has become Hell on earth, and I came here just to completely solve the problem in Wine City."

Lin Yue originally wanted to negotiate. After all, everyone does not violate the river. Even though Yuzhou is blocked, they are all one family in the southwest region. Everyone can understand their dialect. It is okay to be polite. It's normal, but at this moment, Xu Xing directly stated the purpose, which is obviously not understanding the negotiation process.

After hearing this, the leader of Zhaotong said with a smile: "So, let's go to the city to talk. As for food, our side is not rich, but we can still give out ten tons and eight tons. .Talk about this slowly.”

After Xu Xing heard this, she immediately felt that something was wrong. It would be useless to give only ten tons of food. There were at least 50,000 victims outside the city of Jiucheng. These victims were restricted from moving around. All rat holes have been dug out. If it is estimated based on 50,000 people, each person eats 500 grams of grain per day. In total, 2.5 tons of grain is enough. This is the minimum standard. If you save a province, that is five days' supply, which is still too little. Once something goes wrong, the food will be cut off. Therefore, at least 50 tons of food is enough.

"The next step is how do we make a request?" Xu Xing then looked at Lin Yue, as if asking for advice.

At this moment, Lin Yue really couldn't stand it anymore, and then said in a low voice: "When you eat later, remember to drink, don't drink too much, and then look at me and act, I will come to make the conditions, If the other party disagrees, then you are going to be crazy about drinking."

Originally, Lin Yue didn't plan to make a move, but if he didn't want to do anything, then according to Xu Xing's personality, he would definitely threaten with force. If the relationship between the two parties deteriorates, it will definitely bring troubles to Yuzhou. Trouble, so I had to find a way.

"Drinking madness: I don't know. Besides, as a girl, wouldn't it be too much for me to be drunken crazy in front of so many big shots?" After Xu Xing heard Lin Yue's suggestion, she suddenly felt a little nervous. If you don't like it, being drunk and crazy will ruin your reputation no matter what time it is.

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