After Xu Xing started the public opinion offensive, the people below immediately began to implement it. The first thing was to expose the evil deeds of Xue Ba and Dong Chao. Only by exposing the actions of these two scumbags can they truly gain the support of the masses.

At this time, many men and women wearing monk uniforms suddenly appeared on the city wall. These men and women all looked fanatical. They had been brainwashed by the Huanxi sect, and they felt that what they had been doing all along was correct. After the helpers came to the city wall, they began to distribute their property, and the gold, silver and food were distributed directly.

While distributing food, these Huanxi sect guys were saying: "This is given to you by the most virtuous and benevolent chief suzerain and the merciful city lord. Be grateful. This is the mercy of the two living Buddhas. In addition, the city lord prepared If you divide the land after resisting the refugees, if these refugees rush into the city, then you will not get the land."

It turned out that after Xue Ba and Dong Chao saw something was wrong, they came up with a way to stabilize people's hearts, that is, to give enough benefits. Among them, the distribution of land for finance and promises was actually the way they came up with.

"Give us the land? Is this true?" After hearing this, everyone was stunned. It was obvious that all the land was occupied by the city lord before, and no one could farm the land privately. This is what everyone hates Xue Ba the most. The reason, because without the land, there is no basis for living, and now the city lord said that he would divide the land, is this okay?

When the people learned that the land could be divided, they immediately went crazy. Land is the most important thing, even in the end of the world, and farming is something that is deeply rooted in the Chinese nation. Nowadays, dividing land When such a thing appears in the eyes of everyone, it is still very attractive.

A group of cult members continued: "Of course it is true, what the city lord says is absolutely true, and this matter is guaranteed by the lord suzerain, and it will definitely be implemented on you in the end, so you should fight hard!" , after the matter is completed, you can be regarded as people who have property."

The civilians on the city wall immediately became excited after learning about the future treatment. First, they had gold and silver treasures in their hands, and now the city lord promised to divide the land. Such good benefits appeared in front of them, and everyone started Look forward to the wonderful life that may appear in the future.

And the promises made inside and outside the city are completely disproportionate. The inside of the city gave property and vigorously announced the benevolence of the city lord and suzerain, but outside the city, they just repeatedly told Xue Ba and Dong Chao's crimes, at most it was a promise Will not kill civilians, and the two are in contrast, needless to say? Of course, he is on the side of the city lord, because as long as he can keep it, he will have property and the future will be bright. If the refugees from outside the city rush in, it will really be over.

Therefore, under such circumstances, the people outside the city were just talking empty words, and naturally they couldn't move the hearts of ordinary people. It has to be said that Dong Chao is still very strong in deceiving people's hearts.

At this time, everyone on the city wall was happily discussing the possible land distribution in the future, and unconsciously, the mood of the people stabilized. Hatred is indeed unforgettable, but as long as there is Property, that can be bought.

Moreover, in the matter of land distribution, there is another hidden condition that ordinary people have not discovered. This kind of thing is nonsense. In this way, those who want to get property in the city can only defend the wine city desperately. Otherwise, such things as land distribution are nonsense.

And in the tower on the west side of the city wall, after seeing this change, Xue Ba and Dong Chao finally breathed a sigh of relief, because at this moment, as long as there is no chaos in the city, they can persevere. Hold on, the winner must be your side.

After Xue Ba saw the people discussing the matter of land distribution, he immediately smiled contemptuously and said, "These fools are really easy to deceive. After a few random promises, they will be able to make them work honestly. Hehe, wait until After defeating the opponent, whether it is property or land, it will still be mine in the end.”

Xue Ba is very clear, that is, as long as you have a gun in your hand, you will have everything. Not to mention other things, the property distributed this time is only temporarily kept by the people below. When the war is over, it can be passed at any time The way of collecting taxes is recovered. As for the land, there will be everything in the dream, so go dreaming.

At this time, Dong Chao became worried: "However, what if the supernatural beings attack the city? Now that there is heavy snow inside and outside the city, the supernatural powers of the supernatural beings are difficult to be discovered."

Dong Chao had heard that there were two supernatural beings outside the city. This was the news brought by his faithful followers from outside the city, and Dong Chao also firmly believed it. Therefore, at this moment, what Dong Chao was most worried about was It is the powerful strength of supernatural beings.

However, after hearing Dong Chao's worries, Xue Ba said disdainfully: "These two guys who hide their heads and show their tails don't have to worry at all. Someone broke into my palace before, and they were also a man and a woman. This is probably Cong Yu. Those two people from Zhouzhou, but they didn't dare to fight my soldiers at all, and ran away after the incident was revealed, in my opinion, these two supernatural beings are like this, and their strength is not enough."

Xue Ba already knew who the guy who entered his palace was after invoking the monitoring system. According to speculation, it was probably the two supernatural beings who came from Yuzhou. If you want to hide and go, it is conceivable that the strength of these two people must not be very good, so why worry?

Dong Chao felt a lot of uneasiness in his heart, but seeing Xue Ba's confident appearance at this time, he also felt that there should be no problem with this matter.

Seeing that there was no disturbance on the city wall, and no one was responding to her, Xu Xing immediately knew that there was no chance to attack at this time. The enemy was well prepared, and it was not wise to attack the city at this time.

"Okay, it's cold, hurry up and go back to the nearby camp to rest, leave a group of people to watch in turn, save your strength first, and wait for the opportunity to fight." Xu Xing said to everyone immediately.

Now that Xingxian has spoken, who would dare to neglect at this time? Xu Xing was the goddess in the minds of a group of disaster victims. Since the goddess said to save her energy, she had to follow suit.

It is also very strange to say that the snow this year is really heavy. It is absolutely rare for Jiucheng to snow heavily. It is located in the south, and there are very few days of heavy snow. Even if it snows, it is just a little snow rice. After a little bit of snow rice fell on the ground, it couldn't even cover the ground. As a result, the heavy snow this time has not stopped after a night, and it is still floating in the sky.

Xu Xing was very helpless. Walking on the ground was a deep footprint. Under such circumstances, it was very difficult to attack the city, so he had to wait for time and wait until the snow stopped.

The battle has not yet started, but the wine city has been surrounded. The lives of the victims during this period can only be described as hell. They are full of anger and cannot vent at all, but everyone is holding back their energy, that is, they must Let the evil bastards in the wine city pay the price.

The people outside the city began to rest, and the people inside the city also began to rest in batches, preparing to wait for the next battle.

And there is a temple in the city called Donglai Temple, because it is said that this is the temple built here after Xuanzang came from the east, but no one can say whether it is the same thing, everyone He will put gold on his face, and being close to a celebrity is a common thing. No matter what it is, as long as it is associated with a celebrity, it is a dignified person.

It’s just that Donglai Temple is now in ruins, and there is only one old monk left in the whole temple. If this old monk was not Dong Chao’s master, then Donglai Temple might have been occupied early. To gain glory and wealth, all you need is for him to hold his stinky feet, but the old monk Zhizhen still didn't say a word in the end. In this case, the elder Zhizhen ended up living a poor life.

When night fell, a pot of fire was lit in Donglai Temple, and a dozen people sneaked in from the door. These were about a dozen thin men who seemed to have been starving for a long time. Those who are thin can see the cheekbones.

Elder Zhizhen seemed very happy after seeing the appearance of everyone, and said: "I didn't come here today for alms, I also know that everyone has righteous thoughts, now, I hope you can help me. "

Elder Zhizhen has been in Wine City for decades. He is not only familiar with all kinds of big and small things in Wine City, but also knows many people who yearn for Buddhism over the years. Now, Elder Zhizhen has found someone who can contact him. A group of people on the Internet, I hope they can help themselves.

After Elder Zhizhen finished speaking these words, these people also said on the spot: "Where did the elder say, as long as you speak, we will definitely help, but it doesn't matter."

These are all pilgrims from Donglai Temple. They knew Elder Zhizhen in the past, and Elder Zhizhen often explained these people's doubts, and they got to know each other over time. Now at this time, popularity comes in handy.

Elder Zhizhen said in a deep voice: "The wine city is already a hell on earth. If this continues, the wine city will definitely fall into the abyss of eternal doom. The city is full of people who are neither human nor ghost. If this continues, wine The city is only facing despair, so we must change all of this.”

Everyone nodded quickly and said, "Elder Zhizhen, just say, if there is something that needs us to complete, we will definitely complete it."

Elder Zhizhen nodded, and found a thick stack of paper from one side, which was all written with a brush. It was written down by hand. One can imagine how exhausting it is, but now, Elder Zhizhen solemnly He handed a thick stack of papers to everyone, and said, "Then I would like to trouble everyone to post these things everywhere in the city. It can be regarded as a helping hand to save the wine city."

Everyone took the thick white paper handed over by Elder Zhizhen, and when they looked carefully, they were stunned at the time, because what appeared in front of everyone were words that encouraged everyone to resist. If these things were posted, it would definitely cause people Sensational amount.

At this time, someone asked in surprise: "Elder, did you write these leaflets yourself?"

At this time, it is very easy to print leaflets, because there are copiers, and you can print as many as you want. However, this is a leaflet promoting rebellion. If it is seen by others, it will be directly sentenced to death .

Elder Zhizhen said helplessly: "This is written down one by one by the old monk. Fortunately, I learned to copy scriptures when I was a child, and now I can still copy leaflets. It took half a year to write, and there is only so much, which is ridiculous. gone."

Everyone saw the leaflets in their hands. There were at least 3,000 leaflets in total. So many leaflets appeared in front of them. It was really shocking. What kind of person can have such great perseverance to complete such a difficult job?

"Elder Zhizhen, what are you trying to do? If refugees from outside rush in, we will be affected too." Someone couldn't help asking.

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