Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 782 The Last Madness

When Xue Ba saw the solid city wall collapsing before his eyes, he was completely dumbfounded, because Xue Ba never imagined that the supernatural beings could do what they are doing now. This is the city wall. I don’t know how much It was built together by people, but when a delicate woman rushed to the city and touched it, the city wall collapsed directly, which made Xue Ba wonder if he was dreaming, because this kind of thing is still too bizarre.

Xue Ba returned to the palace under the protection of his subordinates, and along the way, Xue Ba was still in shock. Originally, Xue Ba thought that the walls of his palace were ten meters high. It's impossible to break through, but at this moment, Xue Ba couldn't help but wonder, can even a ten-meter-high city wall stop the supernatural beings?

After returning to the palace, Xue Ba asked his subordinates to count the number, and wanted to know how many people were still on his side, but he didn't know if he didn't count. There were originally more than 5,000 soldiers, but he went out, and now Only 2,000 soldiers were left, and 3,000 soldiers could not come back. The 50,000 rebels outside the city immediately took advantage of their numbers after rushing into the city. Beaten to death.

"Boss, if it doesn't work, let's run away. As long as there are still people, we can make a comeback sooner or later. I have seen that these mud legs are all with red mud on their foreheads. As long as we do the same dress, If you change into unremarkable clothes, you can run away directly." Someone encouraged Xue Ba at this time, it has already reached this time, it would be a pity to give up easily.

After enjoying a good life, no one is willing to return to the previous state of poverty. For this reason, everyone resisted desperately and did not escape, but even if they did not escape now, their lives would be lost. As for the good life, it is nothing now.

However, after hearing the words of his subordinates, Xue Ba smiled sadly, and said: "We are all surrounded now, where else can we escape? The city is full of people. Instead of fleeing, it is better to stick to the palace. Maybe we can persist." longer."

After hearing such words, the subordinates also nodded one after another. It seems that they can only stick to this road now.

At this moment, Xue Ba's eyes lighted up, and then he thought of something, and then he said to himself: "Now I still have hope of living, the two people who are leading the operation this time are from Yuzhou, and they also They are all Shen Feng's subordinates, as long as I can get Shen Feng's understanding, then I will definitely be able to survive."

After thinking of this, Xue Ba immediately started to act, calling Yuzhou as soon as he arrived at the contact room, praying in his heart: "Lord Fengshen, please forgive me, I don't know if you are It’s so powerful, I know it’s wrong, if there’s something wrong with it, I’ll definitely change it, I’ll definitely change it.”

Although Xue Ba is a supernatural user, his supernatural combat power is not very strong. Manipulating oxygen is basically useless except for combustion. Hence, Xue Ba took it for granted that all the supernatural beings were similar to him. As for the supernatural beings reported on the news, they must be the result of hype.

But now at this time, Xue Ba has seen the power of the supernatural being with his own eyes. Regardless of Xu Xingrou's weak appearance, as long as he gets under the city wall, he can immediately destroy the city wall, and it seems to be able to cause an earthquake. Xue Ba was more than a hundred times stronger.

Therefore, at this moment, after Xue Ba recognized his own strength, he immediately understood the horror of Yuzhou. Yuzhou only needed to send two supernatural beings to destroy him.

Xue Ba is praying that the other party must answer the phone, because only after the other party answers the phone can he have a chance to apologize. As long as Yuzhou Shen Feng can forgive himself, then Xue Ba can give up everything, even his dignity, even If you let him be a dog, he will do it without hesitation.

But things backfired. Even if Xue Ba wanted to apologize, he was not given such an opportunity. After Yuzhou found out that it was the call from Jiucheng, he hung up immediately.

Xue Ba made more than 50 phone calls persistently. In the end, there was no response from Yuzhou. After Xue Ba discovered this situation, he was completely desperate because there was no hope of living. No matter what you do next, it will be meaningless.

"Ah, why do you want to do this? Why didn't you give me a chance to apologize? Why didn't anyone tell me how terrible people with supernatural powers are before? Why is it like this? Even if I did something wrong, give me A chance to reform, right? Why are you unwilling to give me such a chance now? Why?" Xue Ba was already mad at this time, and his whole body became hysterical, and now he urgently needs to vent.

However, the good news never came. Instead, the bad news kept coming. A soldier came to report: "City Master, the palace is about to be breached. Please make a decision quickly? If it doesn't work, we can still surrender. "

However, after hearing this, Xue Ba sneered and asked: "Surrender, do you think we can survive if we surrender? Impossible, we will definitely be killed, and, We will still die miserably, now, you should think about whether you want to commit suicide."

"Then what should we do now?" The subordinates are still asking, death is something no one wants to face, so when everyone knows that their time may be numbered, they still don't want to wake up come over.

"What should I do? Of course it's crazy to the end. If you don't answer my call, then don't expect to get anything from me." Xue Ba said frantically.

After that, Xue Ba directly ordered twenty people to bring the liquor produced in the winery and follow him, and then walked towards the granary.

But when everyone was walking towards the granary, they saw many people buckling up the floor tiles and digging red soil under the floor tiles. After seeing this scene, Xue Ba's eyes were not friendly. Now digging the red mud at this time, This is probably preparing to pretend to be an enemy army, and to Xue Ba, that is blatant betrayal, and such a thing as betrayal is absolutely intolerable, Xue Ba drew out his pistol and killed these people.

Everyone was terrified after seeing this scene. Now the boss is killing his own people. It seems that when he digs the red mud, he must be careful about this situation.

When Xue Ba came to the granary with his subordinates, he opened the door and entered directly, then said coldly: "Pour all the white wine on me."

"What? Boss, you need to calm down now. This food is our foundation. If it is burned, there will be nothing left." After hearing this, the soldiers doubted themselves for a moment. Did you hear me wrong?

What is the most important thing in the last days? Needless to say, food is naturally the most important thing. Without food, everyone will starve to death. Food is a hard currency, which is more important than energy.

However, Xue Ba sneered at his subordinates' questions and said, "Do you think we can still enjoy the food even if the food is left? Since the other party is definitely going to kill us, it is useless for us to beg for mercy." , It’s better to burn all the food and see how Yuzhou will solve the rations of hundreds of thousands of people.”

Xue Ba was already in despair, and when most people are in despair, they would collapse on the ground. However, apart from the decadent state, there is also the possibility of madness. At this moment, Xue Ba felt The days are running out, maybe I will be killed after a while, and the last madness is to burn the food, as long as the food is burned, then even if the palace is broken, the other party will get a little gold and silver at most Forget it, as for food, don't even think about it.

After hearing what Xue Ba said, the soldiers also reacted one after another. That's right, even if they die, they have to go crazy once before they die, and burn all the food. If they can't get what they can't enjoy, then Nor can others enjoy it.

Afterwards, the soldiers continued to pour white wine in the granary with plastic buckets. The granary was full of corn and rice. After storage, it can be kept for many years if it is properly preserved. Sometimes when eating aged rice, It doesn't even feel that this is the rice of the past few years, and in the granary to prevent the grain from getting moldy, it must be kept dry.

After the already dry grain was splashed with white wine, the whole granary became dangerous. Xue Ba lit a cigarette, took a puff, and threw it directly on the grain.

In just an instant, a fire broke out in the granary, and all the grain had been ignited. Seeing the crimson flames, Xue Ba showed a smile on his face, and said, "It's such a beautiful flame, I can't help it." Want to jump in."

After hearing this, the surrounding soldiers immediately started to flee, because after hearing what the city lord said now, they all felt that the city lord's current mental state had become abnormal. In order to avoid hurting themselves, they left as soon as possible Besides.

And Xue Ba was not crazy, nor did he just jump directly into the sea of ​​flames, but at this time he started to use his supernatural powers, and the oxygen in the air gathered instantly, and entered into the granary, with more oxygen Afterwards, the fire reached an astonishing level in an instant. It was originally a flammable material, but now there is sufficient oxygen, the flame changed from red to orange in an instant. The brighter the color, the higher the temperature .

"What I can't get, you can't even think about getting it. By the way, it's this time, let's have fun for the last time." Xue Ba said to himself, walking towards his palace with blank eyes.

Compared with death, the most depressing thing is knowing when you will die. The feeling of counting the time and waiting for death is really bad. Xue Ba also knows that he will die, and after venting, he is Turned into a walking dead.

When Xu Xing and Lin Yue rushed to the outside of the palace, Xu Xing stood in front to open the way again, but with one punch, he directly punched a gap in the city wall. After seeing this situation, everyone cheered endlessly. The city wall was the biggest obstacle, but at this moment, Xu Xing could directly destroy the wall, and in the eyes of the rebels, he was like a fairy.

Knowing the importance of food, Xu Xing and Lin Yue rushed towards the granary, but when they got near the granary, they could smell a strong burnt smell mixed with a special fragrance. That's the smell of carbs after they've been burned.

Xu Xing and Lin Yue were late in the end. When they appeared outside the granary, they could only see billowing smoke. The entire granary was already on fire and the food was gone.

After Xu Xing saw this scene, she gritted her teeth and said, "Xue Ba, you are really nothing."

Conserving food is something that children know, and the poem of compassion for farmers is even known to elementary school students. After wasting food, ordinary parents will teach their children not to waste it, but now, this is no longer a matter of waste Instead, they are burning food, which is totally a crime.

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