Under Shen Feng's order, Liu Changfu was directly kicked out of Yuzhou. When he went to Yuzhou, no matter what Liu Changfu asked, Yuzhou would try his best to satisfy it, because many people I don't want to frustrate the relationship with Jiucheng, but at this moment, the city lord has already said that he doesn't want this person to stay in Yuzhou, so the people under him don't need to swallow their anger, and just pretend to be Liu Changfu in Yuzhou. In the car, after arriving at Jiang Yang's place, he kicked out and kicked Liu Changfu to the ground.

After Liu Changfu got up from the ground, he roared angrily, "You will definitely regret treating me like this today."

After speaking, Liu Changfu walked towards the wine city, and the two soldiers who were in charge of escorting him said disdainfully, "Regret? I want to see who will regret it in the end."

When Liu Changfu came to the vicinity of Wine City, his heart suddenly turned cold. Before that, Liu Changfu thought about taking the 200,000 people from Wine City to attack Jiang Yang, but when he saw the people around Wine City After the situation, I was stunned immediately, because the victims were walking out of the collapsed city wall, carrying baskets in their hands, and were going to dig wild vegetables in the wild.

The number of hungry people is more than before, but now it is snowing heavily, and the ground has been covered with snow. It is obviously more difficult to dig wild vegetables, and there is no food in Jiucheng.

However, at this time, Liu Changfu still had the last glimmer of hope in his heart. He knew that many leaders in Jiucheng not only sent envoys to Yuzhou to ask for surrender, but in fact, there were envoys in the four directions of southeast, northwest and north. Those who went there, especially the envoys from the north, went directly to Rongcheng to ask for surrender. They were directly under the headquarters. Even if the forces in other places did not support Jiucheng, Rongcheng would definitely support it.

After Xu Xing completed the task, he left immediately, and Li Yiqiang from Steel City also returned to Steel City by boat with a dozen people under his command. For a while, there was no leader in Wine City, and In the end, the rebel army elected more than a dozen leaders to decide various matters in the wine city.

Liu Changfu came back the fastest among the envoys, and after the leaders heard that Liu Changfu was back, they held a meeting immediately, wanting to know whether Liu Changfu came back from Yuzhou with good news.

"Liu Changfu, what did Lord Fengshen say when you came back from Yuzhou?" In the hall, several leaders immediately started asking, obviously wanting to know Yuzhou's attitude at this time.

However, after Liu Changfu was humiliated yesterday, he was directly tied to the car on the way back and suffered serious bumps. At this moment, he is already full of complaints. Immediately afterwards, he began to speak ill of Yuzhou, but he didn't mention anything about what he had done.

"Leaders, I was driven back by Shen Feng from Yuzhou. Shen Feng is so arrogant. After hearing about our three demands, he scolded me and drove me back. He said a lot of nasty words." Liu Changfu said seriously.

After hearing this, many leaders were also a little angry, and then asked, "What did Shen Feng say?"

Liu Changfu then began to add fuel and vinegar: "Bosses, listen to me, Shen Feng's arrogance is very arrogant. He didn't agree to our three conditions at all, and he also said that Xingxian is just an ordinary ability of his subordinates." Or, if he only needs one word, he can even ask Xu Xing to warm his bed, these conditions of ours are completely wishful thinking, if you want to take refuge, you can just kneel on the ground and beg him to come."

After Liu Changfu finished saying this, the leaders were immediately angered. The reason is very simple, because Xu Xing led a group of disaster victims to defeat the vicious enemy and won the victory. In their mouths, Xu Xing has turned into a bed warmer, which is an insult to their idol.

Moreover, let yourself kneel to welcome the arrival of Shen Feng, so do you still want your dignity?

"Shen Feng is really too arrogant. He dared to say such a thing. He simply pretended that we didn't exist. Since he is so arrogant, let Shen Feng wait. We must give Shen Feng some color in the future. have a look."

"That's right, especially when Shen Feng insulted Xingxian's reputation, it's too much. You must know that Xingxian is our savior, but he is so arrogant, we don't agree."

"Yes, I absolutely can't agree. This guy Shen Feng just had a little luck and became a supernatural user. He turned out to be so cruel to the people under his hands. He must be a brutal guy."

I have to say that Liu Changfu is not good enough, but he is more than bad. It is very difficult for him to accomplish one thing. After all, he was just a worker on a factory assembly line before, and he didn't know many things. It's very simple, because if you want to anger a group of people, that is to say the opposite to these people. In this way, it will naturally make these people angry.

Liu Changfu was already excited when he saw many leaders, and immediately said while the iron was hot: "Shen Feng and his men are too arrogant, let's attack Jiang Yang, the city of Jiang Yang is not much bigger than our city of wine, as long as we If you beat Yang Yang down, you can teach Shen Feng a lesson."

Liu Changfu felt that he was underestimated in Yuzhou, so at this moment, he wanted to take revenge on Shen Feng immediately, and attacking Jiang Yang was a very good decision.

However, right after Liu Changfu finished speaking, many leaders immediately looked at monsters. When they looked at Liu Changfu, their eyes were full of sympathy, as if they were pitying the fool.

At this time, a leader said directly: "Liu Changfu, I know you like bragging, but I still didn't expect you to be so good at bragging, that you can even talk about attacking Jiang Yang. You As long as you have a little brain, you won’t have such a suggestion.”

Liu Changfu was very puzzled and asked, "What do you mean? Didn't our 50,000 people even take down the wine city? And it only took two days. I think the city wall of Jiang Yang is only 12 meters long. We must be able to beat it."

"Come on, take this idiot down, don't talk nonsense with this idiot, next, let's wait for answers from other parties." A leader waved his hand and asked someone to take this idiot away.

Even before leaving, Liu Changfu still didn't understand where he made a mistake. He was always thinking about the wine city, why didn't the leaders listen to his suggestion? "Listen to me, attacking Jiang Yang is our best way out. Now Jiang Yang has food, as long as we take Jiang Yang down, we can survive this winter."

And many leaders sat in the hall of the palace, although they were listening to Liu Changfu's arrogant words, but they didn't dare to think deeply about what Liu Changfu said, because it was obviously impossible to take down Jiang Yang. Things, among other things, how to attack the 12-meter-high city wall?

Now everyone is doubting whether it is right to send people like Liu Changfu to Yuzhou. There is no self-knowledge at all. Yes, the wine city was broken through the joint efforts of everyone, but the person who destroyed the city wall was not someone else, but It's Xu Xing. Xu Xing has already left now. Even if they reach the Jiang Yang city, how can they cross the city wall? The siege of 300,000 zombies in the past failed to break through the city wall, but now, Jiang Yang and Li Xiang, a supernatural being, are sitting in the town. Even if it is Jiang Yang, how to attack?

Not to mention that at this time, Jiucheng has completely run out of food. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to reach Jiang Yang by road. Even if you only walk ten kilometers a day, it will take only a few days. Arrived, but who will solve the food problem during this period? Without food, who wants to leave the wine city?

A day later, the envoys sent to the south came back, and it is said that their respected Xingxian went to Zhaotong in the south. If Xingxian can be found in Zhaotong, then Jiucheng will definitely be able to get help. You know, before Xingxian Xian once brought back 500 tons of grain. Although it was basically cornmeal, as long as it was edible, it was fine, so there was no reason to be picky now.

However, the envoy finally cried and said: "We failed to enter Zhaotong. There are special soldiers guarding every road position. We can't get through. We were driven back."

For Wine City, it was another bad news, as the south side could not get support either.

Next, many leaders pinned their hopes on Rongcheng in the north. Rongcheng will definitely support them, and the headquarters will definitely not stand by.

After three days, there was absolutely nothing edible in the wine city, and the 500 tons of food that Xu Xing brought had been eaten. Now, even the rebels can only go out of the city to dig wild vegetables. But in the wild, even the vole holes have been hollowed out, not to mention wild vegetables, weeds can't be found! Everything that was edible was eaten.

Under such circumstances, the envoy to Rongcheng finally came back. He excitedly found more than a dozen leaders, and said excitedly: "Rongcheng said that they will support us, and I also saw Rongcheng General Xie told us that as long as spring comes, they will send the food over immediately."

However, after getting this answer, many leaders were completely desperate. Let alone persisting until spring, it would be impossible to persist for another week. How could they persist until winter? But even this news is the only good news so far. As for the envoy who went to the west, he hasn't come back yet. I don't know if he was eaten by wolves in the mountains.

However, the envoy who went to the north did not bring back any news. At this time, the envoy said to the leaders seriously: "Leaders, when I was waiting for an answer in Rongcheng, I heard another thing. It was Yuzhou who sent a telegram."

"What telegram?" The leaders were all in a daze, not knowing what happened.

The messenger hurriedly said in a low voice: "Yuzhou said that our wine city sent out rude people. During their stay in Yuzhou, they were arrogant and domineering. Such disrespectful behavior of Wine City will not be forgiven in a short time."

After the envoy said this, many leaders immediately felt deceived, because the envoy who went to Yuzhou was Liu Changfu, and the answer he reported after he came back was completely different. If the telegram issued by Yuzhou is true , it can only show one thing, that is, Liu Changfu lied, and he didn't say anything bad, and the result worsened the relationship between Jiucheng and Yuzhou.

"Where is Liu Changfu? Hurry up and arrest him!" the leaders shouted angrily, pushing Yuzhou, which might have accepted their attachment, to the opposite side. Liu Changfu was a heinous sinner.

When Liu Changfu was caught, he still refused to admit his mistake under the confrontation of the envoy. Instead, he said convincingly: "I am right. When negotiating, the attitude is to be tough. Otherwise, how can you gain the upper hand? And , now we still have strength, as long as we attack Jiang Yang..."

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