When Long Qian led the people to ambush in the mountains, Shen Feng, Wang Aoye and Lu Xian had been waiting here for a long time in the woods far away. "City Lord, Mr. Wang, at this moment, Long Qian has brought people into the mountain. It is estimated that there are more than 200 people in ambush in the surrounding caves. What should we do here?"

Shen Feng said unhurriedly: "Now it is natural to close the door and beat the dog. You know, the dog is very difficult to catch, and the dog will jump over the wall when it is anxious. If you want to teach the dog severely, then Naturally, the door will be closed, and this matter will be handed over to Mr. Wang's subordinates, right?"

Wang Aoye smiled, and said confidently: "No problem, isn't it just to close the door and beat the dog? I mean, at night, my subordinates will arrive. At that time, the surrounding terrain will be changed directly. At that time, this savage There are all cliffs in the valleys of the mountains, and these bastards will be fish in the pot in the end, and they will not be able to escape in the end."

Shen Feng also knew at this time that as long as the people from the Tianlong Bureau appeared here with soldiers, his plan would be half successful, because the terrain here was chosen by Shen Feng and Wang Aoye. As for the news revealed by Zhang Xiaoqiang , that was naturally arranged by Shen Feng before.

Zhang Xiaoqiang rarely escaped from the dead, this is Chang Jianyi's nostalgia, when Zhang Xiaoqiang took refuge in Chang Jianyi, the other girls in the school didn't know anything, and Chang Jianyi did want to train Zhang Xiaoqiang before , but Zhang Xiaoqiang is really a big mouth, and often uses the inside information she knows as capital to show off, said a lot of words that should not be said, and leaked a lot of information.

And after Zhang Xiaoqiang was released from prison, there was no punishment at all, because Zhang Xiaoqiang was an arrogant person, so Chang Jianyi aimed at this characteristic of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and specially arranged for Zhang Xiaoqiang to clean the toilet. What was Zhang Xiaoqiang talking about? He didn't have any complaints, so he chose to clean the toilet honestly.

Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi don't know whether Zhang Xiaoqiang has repented of cleaning the toilet honestly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is indeed working every day, no matter whether there is someone or no one, they are cleaning the toilet, as if she has found the meaning of life. Like motivation.

The toilet is one of the dirtiest places, especially the women's toilet, where you can find all kinds of weird things, and cleaning the toilet is also a kind of humiliation to proud people, and most people can't accept it It was humiliating, but Zhang Xiaoqiang spent the whole day cleaning the toilet with a smile on her face, which made Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi look at each other with admiration.

Zhang Xiaoqiang also took a trip to the gate of ghosts. Those individuals who betrayed Yuzhou before were basically killed by Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi. There were only two people who were pardoned, and one was Lu Xian's wife, Hong Yehui. , and the other is Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Because of hatred, Hong Yehui wanted to take revenge on Shen Feng, so he secretly passed on a lot of confidential information about Yuzhou. It can be said that if Lu Xian did not have to save his wife, Hong Yehui had probably been killed, while Zhang Xiaoqiang was innocent. She survived only because of Chang Jianyi's nostalgia.

During this operation against the Tianlong Bureau, Shen Feng had already remembered Zhang Xiaoqiang, and felt that it was time for Zhang Xiaoqiang to act as an undercover agent, and then Shen Feng tried to arrange for Zhang Xiaoqiang to pass the news on. People didn't have any doubts at all, and they really rushed to the Savage Mountain.

In the middle of the night, the remaining 20 superpowers from the Tianlong Bureau had also rushed to the Savage Mountain, and as soon as these people appeared, they were dissatisfied with the surrounding environment, because the surrounding terrain was steep and snowy. The most terrible thing is that you can't make a fire in the mountains.

Immediately, some supernatural beings found Long Qian and expressed their protest: "Long Qian, what kind of bad idea are you doing? It's still winter, and you actually prevented us from making a fire. If we couldn't make a fire, how would we survive? "

Long Qian looked at the group of spoiled young masters in the Tianlong Bureau, and couldn't help but said: "Ordinary people can live in the mountains without lighting a fire, but you are all supernatural beings, so you can't live anymore, right?"

Long Qian has always felt that it is none other than the team members of the Tianlong Bureau who are restricting his achievements. When Su Liuying led people to seize Yuzhou, he had already taken all the courageous and combative people in the Tianlong Bureau. They were taken away, and left to Long Qian were a dozen or so courageous young masters. Relying on their status as supernatural beings, these people showed off their power when they demanded privileges, but when they needed to fight, All kinds of timidity!

It can be said that Long Qian wanted to replace this group of players in his dreams. If he was with this group of insects, how could he become famous?

At this time, some supernatural beings were complaining: "These soldiers have been trained, so they can naturally survive in the wild, let alone, it's late at night, and now we are still in the mountains, and the temperature has already dropped to below zero Now, if there is no fire, how can we replenish our body temperature, how can we eat hot meals?"

Regarding this statement, Long Qian replied directly: "The sleeping bags given to you are made of aviation materials, and there are space quilts inside. The heat insulation effect is very good, and you can't freeze to death in the sleeping bags. As for eating, there are self-heating rice. , add water to heat the food, what else do you have to be picky about now?"

For a group of young masters, Long Qian was also very troublesome to serve, and said in his heart: "In the future, if the Tianlong Bureau wants to expand its manpower, I will first select people from the army. Well, a group of second-generation ancestors don't have much ability, but the requirements are more. A lot of."

Long Qian has a lot of opinions on the people under him, because Long Qian thinks that these people are useless, but now Long Qian has to rely on these people to fight, because currently Long Qian's abilities cannot be used, and Long Qian's The ability is to control the actions of insects. However, it is winter now, and even if there are insects in the mountains, they are hibernating. His ability cannot exert its due effect at all. He is currently equivalent to an evolutionary of the same level. The power is very strong, as for the ability, sorry, it is currently useless.

And Long Qian also wished he could live in the tropics all year round. The tropics were hot all year round, so there would naturally be no shortage of bugs.

For example, in Hainan, there are bugs all year round, and Long Qian also feels that as long as he is in Hainan, he must be like a fish in water, but unfortunately, the strength of Long Qian's ability can only be continuously changed with the change of the assembly fluctuation.

"If I want to make a qualitative change in my ability, it seems that I can only wait until the scientists in the laboratory develop bugs that can move all year round. Alas, my ability can only be used in summer, and the restrictions are too great. Big." Long Qian couldn't help but sigh at this time.

The strength of Long Qian's ability fluctuates greatly. For example, when dealing with Yue Hengyi before, almost most people were helpless, because under ten times the gravitational field, it is impossible for ordinary people to approach Yue Hengyi, but Long Qian You can take advantage of the time when Yue Hengyi is hit by the illusion to succeed in a sneak attack. From this aspect, Long Qian's ability is very strong, but in winter, Long Qian can't find any bugs that can be used. Weak, from this point of view, Long Qian is very weak.

The so-called morning bacteria don't know the dark moon, and crickets don't know the spring and autumn. What I said is that ordinary insects cannot survive the winter. In winter, the severe cold will arrive. There is no food and no warm sunshine. At this time, the insects are basically a dead end, and some insects choose to hibernate. It will only emerge from the soil when it is stunned.

And just this night, Wang Aoye's men had also arrived, and two of them had supernatural powers who controlled the rock. There was only one entrance to the valley, which was left after being washed by the current, and the pavilion in the mountain was also the place of nearby villagers. It was built, and I rest here when I go up the mountain to cut firewood, but at present, the nearby villages are all empty, and there are no more people around.

Unknowingly, the stone walls at the mouth of the valley began to close together. The two supernatural beings stood aside and immediately started to cast their supernatural powers. Afterwards, the stone walls on both sides slowly closed.

One night passed, and there was only one passage left at the mouth of the valley.

Wang Aoye wanted to seal the valley directly, but Shen Feng said: "Don't seal it, don't forget that we have to lure snakes out of the cave, if it is sealed, how will Zhang Xiaoqiang and the others get in?"

Wang Aoye was puzzled, and asked: "As long as the exit is sealed, we can start. Is there any need to lure the snake out of the hole?"

Shen Feng shook his head seriously, and said: "No, I'm a decent person, I've read the books, and I have to pay attention to a teacher who is famous in everything. Now we are attacking the Tianlong Bureau. It is our inhumanity, but if the people from the Tianlong Bureau attack If so, then the people from the Tianlong Bureau made a mistake first, and our next step is self-defense, defensive counterattack, so we have to lure the other party to act first, that's what it means."

When Wang Aoye heard this, he had no choice but to agree, and said in his mouth: "Who would know about this in the deep mountains and old forests? But it's up to you, as long as you think it is necessary to do so, then do it. Anyway. Just postpone it for a day."

What Wang Aoye meant was to directly kill a group of people from the Tianlong Bureau. Anyway, he has gathered more than 20 combat-type superpowers from the Qinghong Gang and Yuzhou, and Wang Aoye has also become a sixth-order There is a supernatural person. If a supernatural person does not evolve once, there will be a qualitative leap. Looking at the Tianlong Bureau, there is only one Long Qian who is a fifth-level supernatural person. This is not considered by Wang Aoye at all. .

However, the comparison of strength was too obvious. Wang Aoye obviously didn't pay attention to Tianlong Bureau, so even if it was postponed for one day, Wang Aoye had already agreed.

Right now, as long as Wang Aoye is willing, the valley can be completely closed at any time, but under Shen Feng's suggestion, a road that can accommodate one person is still left at the entrance of the valley.

Shen Feng handed the camera to Lu Xian who was beside him, and said: "You are not good at fighting, and when you fight, you remember to capture the precious pictures. After shooting the video, I am also useful, you just take pictures."

On the one hand, Shen Feng also dared not start a fire, and was also worried about exposure. In the middle of the night, a bright fire would easily expose him. However, Shen Feng had also prepared heating equipment, which was an electric stove.

Shen Feng brought the electric furnace to the mountains, and one of Wang Aoye's men controlled the electric current. The level could not reach the level of Jin Zijue, but after generating electricity, the electric furnace could be powered, and a group of people gathered together. keep warm.

On the third day, the Savage Mountain was filled with mist and the sky was gloomy. On the top of the big tree in the mountain, there were already scouts observing the valley from the branches of the tree, holding high-powered binoculars in their hands, just waiting for the target to appear. At this time, some of the sons of the Tianlong Bureau are still hiding in their sleeping bags, and they are not willing to come out at all. Although they can keep warm as long as they move their hands and feet, they are simply too lazy to move now.

At this moment, the scouts discovered the situation, and two women appeared in the gazebo, one of them was Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the other was Luo Qing.

"The target appeared. It was a person from Yuzhou with a box in his hand." The scout hurriedly reported to the people below.

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