Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 83 Zombie Fueling Tactics

In the office, everyone was looking at Shen Feng. Yu Renshu first asked: "President, what should we do now? Are we going to resist directly?"

Yang Chang also whispered to Shen Feng: "President, if you want to evacuate, the boat is ready!"

Shen Feng shook his head lightly, sat slowly on the office chair, and said: "At this moment, we absolutely cannot retreat. It has reached this level. If we retreat, all previous efforts will be in vain, because the target of the zombies is us!"

Seeing that Shen Feng was unwilling to retreat, Chang Jianyi stood up and said, "We must not retreat. We finally weakened the fighting power of the zombies by polluting the water source. Now that the zombies come to the Yangtze River, we will not be able to pollute the water source." It has been used, so this is our best chance and only chance to recover Luzhou!"

Guo Pinming also quickly said: "Brothers, you can't retreat now. These tens of thousands of zombies are already the only combat power among the zombies in Luzhou. As long as you can defeat these zombies, then Luzhou will be at your fingertips. If you miss this opportunity, it's really I don't know when and what month we will be able to truly recover Luzhou!"

After hearing everyone's analysis, Yang Chang could only helplessly say: "Then we can only fight. It's just that our base has never had the experience of fighting tens of thousands of zombies head-on. Can we really fight?"

Yang Chang's problem is also a problem in other people's minds. The battle is easy to say, but no one has experienced such a large-scale battle. Tens of thousands of zombies rushed over. If they can't hold it, it will be over. If you want to escape, there is water all around, and it is difficult to escape.

"Now we have to fight if we can't beat it!" Shen Feng stood up and said directly: "We are backed by the Yangtze River natural danger, surrounded by water, we only need to guard the dam, and the zombies can't get through, even though it is raining. The corpse king has not been killed, but the water in the Yangtze River has risen, which is a good thing for us!"

Shen Feng glanced at everyone, and continued to direct: "Yang Chang took people to get half of the gasoline, and poured it on the opposite side of the dam to block the way of the zombies' attack. At critical moments, they can set fire to block the zombies. Hu Lai led the transportation team." Drive to block all the streets in the city, use all the cars, don't feel bad, the car will burn if it burns. The rest of the people are ready to fight, once the zombies break through the double line of defense, all of us need to guard the dam, as long as we guard the dam, we have Hope for victory!"

Chang Jianyi quickly asked: "Then how do we fight back? It's impossible to keep defending forever, right?"

Shen Feng looked at Luo Qing who was on the side, and said: "You immediately contact the military and ask for missile support. Just one more missile will kill the corpse king. I will look for the corpse king's trace. If I can find If you get it, you will come back quickly!"

Afterwards, Shen Feng looked at Chang Jianyi and said, "Senior sister, the people in the base need you to organize, and they may need their help at critical moments."

Chang Jianyi nodded in agreement, and then the group started to act. At first, everyone thought that the missile would definitely be able to kill the corpse king, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. The corpse king is not an idiot, he just stays in place Don't move, the zombie king is coming to attack at this time, now everyone can only unite as one and kill the zombies.

Shen Feng quickly went to the city to monitor the zombies. It would be the best if he could find the corpse king. If he couldn't find it, then the base would have to fight the zombies with swords and guns.

When Shen Feng came to the periphery of the zombie group, the sky started to rain again. The zombies immediately raised their heads and opened their mouths, and began to drink the rainwater falling from the sky. It seems that it was really a heavy rain that saved these zombies , lest the corpse king be killed.

But having said that, it was always sunny some time ago, which can be regarded as helping Shen Feng, because the city lacked water, and the zombies could only drink the dirty water on the ground, which eventually caused dysentery among the zombies. Now it started to rain, But saved the zombies. It can only be said that God doesn't care about humans or zombies. God just rains when he wants to rain, and sunny when he wants to be sunny.

Shen Feng quickly climbed to the top of the building, condescendingly observing the group of zombies below. It is estimated that in another 20 minutes, the zombies will go around the dam, and within this time, the base is already ready to fight , and the most important thing for Shen Feng now is to obtain the position of the corpse king, so he had to search among the zombies.

Shen Feng carefully observed the group of zombies, and found that there were about 50,000 zombies, and these 50,000 zombies were distributed in more than a dozen nearby streets, crowding the streets densely. The mutated zombies were scattered in twos and threes, with no intention of gathering at all. It seems that the zombies also understand that they are easy to be found when they gather together. Therefore, these zombies are scattered in the tide of corpses. It is extremely difficult for Shen Feng to find the corpse king. pole.

"I guess I was frightened by the missiles, so I didn't dare to expose it at all, but we must be dealt with, the corpse king must be hiding in the dark!" Shen Feng muttered in his heart, now it is certain that the corpse king is intelligent, And it must be stronger than the wisdom of mutant zombies, so as long as the corpse king hides, Shen Feng is really hard to find.

While Shen Feng was constantly moving on the roof of the city, the zombies had already started to fight the people at the base. The first thing the zombies faced was the vehicles blocking the street intersection, especially the heavy trucks blocking the intersection. It's like one man is in charge of the other and ten thousand is not open. But the zombies rushed over like a tide, and hundreds of zombies worked together to push the truck to move. In front of so many zombies, the means of creating obstacles seemed to be ineffective.

At this time, Yang Chang had already had people pour gasoline on the road beside the Yangtze River. The asphalt road, which was more than ten meters wide, was now soaked in gasoline and exuded a pungent smell. They crossed the road and prepared to cross the road to attack the people on the other side of the dam.

Looking at the zombies rushing towards him continuously, Yang Chang gritted his teeth and said, "Wait until the zombies rush over before lighting the fire, try to burn a few more to death!"

A lot of gasoline was collected in the base, but more than half of the gasoline was consumed on the road, just to create a fire wall to block these zombies. However, the current situation is different from the previous fire zombies. At that time, many fortifications were dug , just to restrict the movement of the zombies, in order to allow the zombies to move within a small area, this resulted in the achievement of killing 30,000 zombies, but at this time, the surrounding area is all open, unobstructed, and gasoline is used to deal with it Zombies must be less effective.

The obstacles made by cars are the first line of defense, and gasoline is the second line of defense. Zombies set foot on the road full of gasoline without any scruples, and don't care whether they will encounter danger when they charge.

When hundreds of zombies rushed to the road, Yang Chang gave an order and said, "Light it up!"

Several people around hurriedly threw out the torches in their hands. After the torches fell on the road, the gasoline was instantly ignited, and then the flames spread to the distance at an extremely fast speed. In just a dozen seconds, the people near the dam The entire road was already on fire, and the road with a width of more than ten meters instantly formed a sea of ​​flames. The zombies that rushed to the road instantly burned, but only a dozen seconds passed, and these zombies had already fallen down.

Even if it was raining at this time, it was difficult to extinguish the flames of the burning gasoline. Billows of black smoke emerged from the flames and continued to rise towards the sky. And the zombies can only fall down in the sea of ​​flames. No matter how vicious the zombies are, they are still flesh and blood, so of course they cannot stop the burning of the flames.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "With the existence of the firewall, these zombies should not be able to get through for a while, right?"

As soon as Yang Chang finished speaking, Li Minghua quickly said, "Team leader, look at the opposite side, those zombies are still rushing forward!"

Yang Chang quickly watched, but found that the zombies did not retreat because of the appearance of the fire wall. These zombies continued to rush forward without fear of death, but they could only be engulfed by the sea of ​​flames in the end.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chang suddenly felt bad, and said, "These zombies are under control, they won't feel afraid! So, these zombies are going to use their bodies to fill out a path, are they so ruthless?"

Everyone stared intently at the group of zombies in the distance, and found that the zombies were rushing forward one after another, and the zombies would be burned to death soon, some died of burns, some died of suffocation, but the fallen corpses were under pressure. On the road, although the corpses will burn, the degree of burning is far less than that of gasoline. Gradually, the bodies of the zombies cover the road for more than ten meters. There are thousands of these fallen zombies, but their death But it formed a road, a road made of corpses!

Subsequent zombies stepped on the corpses one after another and rushed towards the dam. The second line of defense composed of gasoline has also been broken through, and thousands of casualties are nothing to the zombies. They still have more than 40,000 zombies. You can continue to rush forward, and the defense line on the base side is only the last one left, the battle group.

Yang Chang turned his head and shouted loudly: "All follow me to stand up and kill these hateful zombies!"

Afterwards, Yang Chang led his men to stand at the head of the dam and began to fight against the zombies. The fighting power of the zombies was really not good. On average, each member of the combat team could fight three or four zombies, but they couldn't hold back the continuous rush of zombies. , Tens of thousands of zombies charged desperately, instantly suppressing everyone in the battle group.

Yang Chang led the combat team to fight hard, but the space was constantly oppressed. Everyone was suppressed from outside the dam to the dam. The width of the dam was about ten meters. Everyone retreated continuously because there were already members of the combat team. He was caught and bitten to death by the zombies. In just one breath, this member was caught and eaten by the zombies. It can be said that he didn't even have a whole body left.

Some of them collapsed in an instant after seeing such a fierce battle, and ran away crying, Yang Chang hurriedly shouted: "Don't be a deserter, come back to me immediately!"

But the few people who fled ignored Yang Chang's cry at all. They would rather bear the stigma of cowards, and would rather bear the eyes of being pointed at for fleeing in battle, than face those brutal zombies. They regretted it, regretted why they joined the battle Group? Why risk your life to fight zombies.

Yang Chang looked at the few people who were running away, and was very annoyed. It's okay for these people to escape, but it's not good if they shake the fighting will of other team members.

What Yang Chang is most worried about is that he can't hold the front line. Once the front line collapses, the people in the base will be wiped out! However, the appearance of deserters made everyone start to shake. If there is one person who escapes, then the rest of the people want to run together, and no one wants to be a scapegoat.

At this time, Chang Jianyi appeared with someone. Behind her were all girls. These girls were secretly cultivated by Chang Jianyi. More than 30 people were all evolutionaries. They were not known by everyone before. Recognize, because the evolution potion has always been in the hands of Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi, and each reward for the evolution potion is carried out individually. If you don't take the initiative to declare yourself as an evolutionist, other people will not know who is the evolution potion at all. By.

Chang Jianyi stood in the middle of the dam with a girl composed of evolutionaries, looked at the members of the combat team who had fled back from the head of the dam in embarrassment, sighed, and said, "Kill these deserters!"

Chang Jianyi had already spoken, and the girls hurriedly followed the order to kill the few people who escaped from the front. These deserters never dreamed that they did not die in the hands of zombies, but died in the hands of their own people. , who let them escape? It not only disturbs the morale of the army, but also spreads an atmosphere of terror.

"Listen up, everyone in the combat team. If they dare to escape, these people will be punished!" Chang Jianyi said loudly, standing in the middle of the dam with a short knife in her hand. The girls she led formed a supervisor team at this time. The task is not to kill zombies, but to kill your own people who dare to escape.

Many members of the battle group were recruited only recently, so they didn't have enough combat experience, and when encountering zombies rushing up, they quickly started to run away. However, Chang Jianyi led people to form a supervising team, which immediately prevented other people from escaping.

"Hold them all, the people at the front need to rotate and shrink the front line slowly." Chang Jianyi commanded quickly.

These girls under Chang Jianyi are all evolutionaries. Except for her and Shen Feng, no one knows the true strength of these people. A supervisory team was formed to kill the deserters in front one by one.

The people in the battle group slowly retreated to the top of the dam, and the pressure of the zombie attack was reduced immediately, because the left and right only needed to guard the width of the dam of about ten meters, and more than 20 of us could block the zombies. In a small space, the zombie's ability to move was instantly weakened.

At this time, Yang Chang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the zombies rushing over, after the ones in front were killed, the ones behind rushed over again, using refueling tactics to fight, which makes people feel lucky in misfortune , the road above the dam is narrow, and the zombies cannot attack on a large scale, so they can only advance sequentially. In this way, they can only be killed by people on their side one by one!

However, tens of thousands of zombies are boundless, and it seems that there are only densely packed human heads. Yang Chang can't help wondering whether it takes a few days to kill all these zombies?

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