Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 834 Parasitic Disturbance

Shen Feng did not accept the pancakes that had been delivered in front of him, but said seriously, "I ate outside when I just broke through, and I'm not hungry now, you should distribute the pancakes to others Bar."

Shen Feng had already said this, so the soldier couldn't say too much, so he could only pass the big cake to others, and the others hadn't eaten yet at this time.

Everyone is very envious of Shen Feng, supernatural beings are good, more than 8,000 people are trapped in the forest helpless, but at this time Shen Feng can freely go in and out of the forest, no one can stop him , the strength is really strong, and such a powerful supernatural person naturally doesn't need others to worry too much.

But in fact, Shen Feng hadn't eaten anything all day, that is, he drank a little mineral water at noon. As a supernatural user, his own energy consumption was relatively large. How can you not be hungry at all?

The reason why he lied was because Shen Feng worried that once he showed up outside the protective clothing, he would be parasitized by spores if he was not careful. At that time, there was no damage to the protective clothing. Now that he actively exposed his head, it was easy for the spores to enter the body.

Shen Feng looked at others eating big cakes, although he was very envious in his eyes, but he also knew at this time that he couldn't open the protective suit just because of a little desire at this time, he could only close his eyes, what to do None seen.

"I hope that after tonight, the infection of the soldiers will not be a big problem. If the soldiers are infected too much, then it will be really troublesome in the future." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

At this time, Shen Feng saw the risk of the soldiers eating big cakes, but even so, it was impossible for Shen Feng to stop the soldiers' actions. The soldiers had been fighting for a long time, and now this time is very serious. Fatigue, and we all know that to resist fatigue, the most important thing is to supplement food and rest. I am not the leader of these soldiers, even if I stop it, it is useless.

And Shen Feng didn't choose to eat or drink at this time, he kept observing the surroundings, and indeed found that many people had the same choice as himself, choosing to stay inside the protective clothing, not eating or drinking, quietly waiting for the first time. The arrival of two days.

Fighting in an unfamiliar place in the middle of the night is a big challenge. It is impossible for the commander to command everyone to break through at this time. At this time, everyone is waiting for the day to come. Only when the day comes, everyone recovers. Behind the line of sight, this is the chance to successfully break through.

After eating and drinking enough, everyone continued to sleep. Sleeping in the pile of rocks was obviously not a good choice, because there was almost no flat place to find, and their backs would be squished when they slept.

But there is no way. If you want to break through smoothly, you must conserve your energy. Even in the rubble, you can only find a way to sleep. Most people sleep on the rocks, holding a rifle in their arms. can fight.

Shen Feng couldn't sleep well, so he simply jumped onto a 20-meter-high mushroom canopy to sit on. Not to mention, the mushrooms were moderately soft and hard, and sitting on the mushrooms was much more comfortable than sitting on the pile of rocks.

Suddenly, Shen Feng, who was sitting on the mushroom, saw a red light in the forest in the distance. There seems to be something there, do I want to follow the past to have a look?"

After thinking about it carefully, Shen Feng suddenly remembered something: "No, helicopters flew over the sky many times before, and they didn't see any abnormalities. It is impossible to see any abnormalities at this time. In my opinion, this is probably a trap specially designed to lure others into being fooled, and it cannot be passed easily."

Therefore, Shen Feng acted as if he hadn't seen anything about the red light in the depths of the forest.

Shen Feng thought that there would be no trouble overnight, but when the sky was about to brighten, there were chaotic voices in the temporary camp, and many people covered their heads and shouted in pain: "My head is good!" It hurts, someone help me."

"Something went inside my head and it's still moving. My head is going to burst."

After hearing the voices of the crowd, Shen Feng immediately felt something was wrong, and said in his heart: "Oh no, these people are still parasitized. It seems that at least thousands of people have symptoms, which is not good at all. .”

Fortunately, the sky is getting brighter at this time, and the situation in the Mushroom Forest is gradually becoming clearer. Shen Feng has been using his abilities, so the area where everyone is located is free of spore powder and fog. At this time, the commander commanded: : "Everyone is preparing, the goal is to rush out of the mushroom forest."

The soldiers were in severe pain in their brains, but fortunately they were not controlled at this time, and they still had reason. Ever since, everyone gritted their teeth and charged out. With a roaring sound, no matter what kind of mushroom it is, as long as it is hit by a shell, it will be smashed directly.

Taking advantage of the strong firepower, it took them two hours to rush out of the mushroom forest. When they rushed out, countless people fell to the ground on the spot.

It is not easy for the people parasitized by the fungus to rush out. There are hyphae blocking the way, and the soldiers cut off the mycelium and rushed out. Not to mention the exhaustion of the body, at this moment, the head is about to explode. .

So, after rushing out of the forest, many people fell directly on the ground, and many people rolled over with their heads in their arms at this moment, as if they wanted to use this method to relieve their physical pain, but this was just a futile approach.

After Qian Bufei in the camp saw this scene, he immediately showed an almost desperate look. Unexpectedly, the thing he was most worried about happened. Before, dozens of people were parasitized by fungi. It's not a big deal, because the medical level can barely keep up at this time, but now, nearly 4,000 people have been parasitized by fungi, and now, the medical system alone can't keep up.

"How about your casualties in the forest?" Qian Bufei approached the commander and asked about the situation.

The commander shook his head slightly at this time, and said: "No one was injured, and no one died, but almost half of the soldiers were parasitized, and many people's protective clothing was torn during the battle. In this case, we have no way to resist the spores at all, and now, ordinary people will lose their combat effectiveness."

Such an answer is the worst result for Qian Bufei. Qian Bufei can accept casualties, because the impact of downsizing will not be particularly huge, but at this time half of the soldiers, 4,000 people lost He lost his combat effectiveness, and he didn't know if he could be cured in the future, so at this moment, Qian Bufei was completely hopeless.

"Let's take the soldiers back to the camp for treatment first. I will not give up treating anyone. However, in order to prevent them from doing radical things, they should be tied up and executed immediately. As for now, in a short time You can't enter the forest anymore." Qian Bufei said in a deep voice.

Shen Feng saw Chu Chaoyan at this time, and Chu Chaoyan looked at Shen Feng worriedly and said: "You haven't come back all night, I have been worried about you all the time, others say you have been back, but I don't I didn't see you, why didn't you find me after you came back?"

Shen Feng said helplessly: "The situation is urgent. I don't have time to explain the situation to you, so I can only leave in a hurry. Now it seems that no enemy can be underestimated. Even fungi are not to be underestimated." .”

Previously, including Shen Feng, they were not particularly worried about the mushroom forest. The reason was simple. Mushrooms were always just mushrooms. What kind of threat could this pose? As long as they avoided the hallucinogenic spore powder, that would be enough.

But things have developed to the present point, and everyone discovered that there is a huge danger hidden in the mushroom forest, not to mention that the mushroom itself is difficult to clean up thoroughly, but there are still mutant beasts in the mushroom forest. Beasts are all under control, and it is difficult to gain an advantage without heavy firepower.

When the heavy firepower was already available, the army underestimated the enemy and rushed into the depths of the forest on the first day of obtaining the heavy firepower. It can be said that the combat power is very strong. No matter what kind of mutant beast it is, it can only be killed. As a result, they were attacked by mycelium at night, and at this time, 4,000 soldiers were parasitized, and the Yunnan Province suffered heavy losses.

Chu Chaoyan looked at Shen Feng worriedly, and asked: "Then are you okay? You also stayed in the mushroom forest overnight, did you also encounter danger?"

Shen Feng nodded seriously, and said, "That's right, I encountered a huge danger in the Mushroom Forest, that is, I was almost starved to death."

When Chu Chaoyan heard the first half of Shen Feng's sentence, she was still worried about Shen Feng. She didn't know what kind of danger Shen Feng had encountered, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, she immediately became speechless and angry. Said: "I am so worried about you now, but you are still joking at this time, let's go, I will cook for you."

Shen Feng shrugged and followed Chu Chaoyan back to the camp. In fact, what Shen Feng said was not all joking. Shen Feng was really hungry. When he was on the deserted island before, Shen Feng could still fish , although he is not full, but there is something in his stomach, but just last night, there was nothing in Shen Feng's stomach, Shen Feng could only endure the hunger silently, never knew that starvation is so terrible matter.

After eating enough in the camp, Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan went to the hospital to observe the situation. Before entering the hospital, the two had already heard various wailing sounds, countless people howling in pain, and It was as if his head was about to explode.

These are just the initial conditions of being parasitized by fungi. Everyone can still feel pain at this time. Although they are parasitized, as long as they feel pain, it means they are still conscious. There are more than 50 people in the group, and now there is no movement.

Shen Feng came to the deepest part of the military tent, where there are more than 50 hospital beds, and the people above are all lying on the beds quietly, without any movement, and at the top of these people's heads, growth A mushroom, in order to prevent the spread of spore powder, the medical staff wrapped the mushroom in plastic bags.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shen Feng couldn't help asking the medical staff here: "Is there really no way to treat these parasitic soldiers?"

Seeing that Shen Feng appeared here, the doctor could only answer honestly: "Now it seems that yes! There is nothing to do. The human brain is the most fragile, and it is difficult for drugs to reach the human brain. If the fungus It can be cured if it is parasitic in other parts of the human body, but if the fungus is parasitic in the brain, there is really no way.”

After getting this answer, Shen Feng could only shake his head helplessly, but at this moment, Shen Feng thought of something, so he hurriedly went to the researchers, there are professionals who study fungi, no matter what kind of questions about fungi, Professionals can give answers.

"Then what, I want to ask one thing, that is, do mushrooms glow?" Shen Feng then began to ask about the abnormal conditions he saw in the forest.

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