Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 837 The Last Chance

Shen Feng directly called Yuzhou. After Chang Jianyi got through the phone, he quickly asked, "Afeng, what's the situation with you now? Is the progress going well?"

Shen Feng said directly: "The progress is mediocre. Do you still remember the supernatural potion I asked you to keep safe? It was used by Yue Hengyi's cousin. I remember it was called Qu Zhaoqian. Let him become a supernatural person. Then, Let Xiaojie bring him over in a few days and let them help us fight."

After hearing Shen Feng's instructions, Chang Jianyi quickly replied: "I see, I'll do it right away, but as long as these two boys come to help you, is it really okay?"

Chang Jianyi knew that Shen Feng might have encountered a problem, so she hurriedly asked, because Chang Haojie's combat power was not very strong, and even if Qu Zhaoqian became a supernatural person, he still had no combat power in a hurry Yes, under such circumstances, Shen Feng still lacks manpower.

Shen Feng said seriously: "It's okay, they don't need to fight, the enemy is a mutant beast, I can deal with it, but for Mushroom Forest, they need to cooperate with them. Also, how is the situation in Yuzhou? If it is very busy , I'd better ask Chaoyan to go back and help you."

Chang Jianyi quickly said: "No need, just let Chaoyan accompany you. The matter of garrisoning fields and arranging victims in Yuzhou is more complicated, but I can handle it. Recently, the City Lord's Mansion has recruited a group of people. , although they are just newcomers, they are all capable, and the children in the orphanage are also helping, Yuzhou is fine, if you still need people, keep talking, and I will arrange for others to come and help."

Shen Feng was still worried about the situation in Yuzhou. He and Chu Chaoyan had already left Yuzhou. Now only Chang Jianyi was left to deal with the documents. Shen Feng meant to let Chu Chaoyan Go back to help Chang Jianyi, but Chang Jianyi has now refused, so in this case, Shen Feng can't object to Chang Jianyi's decision.

Shen Feng also knew that he was overweight by doing so. Shen Feng chose to believe in Qian Bufei, believing that he could defeat Mushroom Forest in the end.

As long as Ruili is recovered, oil can be obtained first, and Yuzhou will get rid of the transportation method of steam ships, and the oil refining industry can also be developed in the future. Moreover, with the existence of the Burma Road, materials can also be sent from Southeast Asia to Chongqing. In the state, the business routes that were previously cut off by the headquarters can also be resumed.

Under these kinds of benefits, Shen Feng saw more long-term rewards. Although it took more energy, as long as he won, the benefits would be endless.

Shen Feng and Chang Jianyi chatted for a while, and suddenly remembered something, so he said quickly: "Senior sister, help me, pass me a few words, and tell Du Xinshi that I won't be able to return in a short time." Here it is, the time to go back may be later, let her take care of her body."

Chang Jianyi said: "I see, I will let Hua Jingran spread the word, you should be careful outside, and I will take care of things at home."

This is not the first time Shen Feng has heard Chang Jianyi say such things, and every time he goes out for a long time, Shen Feng can handle his own affairs with peace of mind. Now Shen Feng heard what Chang Jianyi said again at this time , I was also very moved in my heart, and said: "Senior sister, I was the one who was sorry for you before, and when I come back, I will give you an explanation."

"Say something stupid, maybe my desire to control is too strong." Chang Jianyi couldn't help laughing, she knew that Shen Feng still hasn't changed at all.

After hanging up the phone, Chang Jianyi found Hua Jingran on the phone, and said to Hua Jingran, "Go to Mrs. Du's house and pass on a few words. In addition, you can keep an eye on the kitchen for a while. I want to treat sometime, just a few people, you don’t need to welcome, but the dishes should be richer, you can handle it well.”

Now Hua Jingran has become the new chief manager of Fengshen Palace. Although she has not been officially appointed, the relationship between her and Chang Haojie is here, and no one dares to object. Moreover, Hua Jingran often gets advice from Du Xinshi, Knowing how to manage the affairs in the Fengshen Palace, and Chang Jianyi has also discovered Hua Jingran's advantage, that is, obedience, she may be a little weak at ordinary times, but she can complete the things that are explained to her.

Hua Jingran then found Du Xinshi, and after explaining the situation, Du Xinshi couldn't help but shook his head and said, "The world is so chaotic, even Shen Feng can't direct his own actions, and I can't help but shake his head." It is impossible to ask for more, life is always losing, if you work hard, you will have a bright future in the future."

Hua Jingran quickly said: "Mrs. Du thinks too much. After you and your sister reconcile, you will still be the chief steward of Fengshen Palace. Don't be so pessimistic."

At this time, Hua Jingran still thought that Du Xinshi was sad because she lost her status as the manager, so she quickly comforted her. It was thanks to Du Xinshi's guidance that she could have her current position, so she naturally did not dare to snatch Du Xinshi away. s position.

Du Xinshi smiled, pointed to Xiaolong who was playing with toys, and said: "Contrary to children, he has a lot of time, and what I lose is time. Forget it, let's not talk about it, I have to continue You are making clothes, if you have nothing to do, sit down together, if you have something to do, just go and leave me alone."

Hua Jingran hastily left at this time, she still had to consider the banquet tonight, Chang Jianyi wanted to treat guests, and the guests who were invited to the banquet were Yue Hengyi's family members, Hua Jingran didn't know the reason.

After Du Xinshi sent Hua Jingran away, she couldn't help coughing violently, and her expression was very painful. She knew that she was running out of time at this time.

"God is unfair to me, if you give me another ten years, that would be fine." Du Xinshi thought silently in her heart.

Besides, Shen Feng, ever since Qian Bufei paid more attention to the Mushroom Forest, Shen Feng has been running errands all day long. After all, even if Shen Feng is in the Mushroom Forest, no one can stop him. With speed, he can also save his life. The ability, at this time, is naturally the best candidate for detecting intelligence.

So Shen Feng had to wander around the forest with the instrument all day long, and the instrument would release ultrasonic waves to detect the ground based on the difference in the data returned by the ultrasonic waves.

After consulting a lot of documents and data, Chu Chaoyan finally made a judgment: "If you want to defeat the mushroom forest and open a road in the forest, the key point is not the mushrooms on the ground, no matter how tall these mushrooms are, it is the Ten meters or twenty meters, whether it will emit spores, the most important thing is underground, there are sclerotias of mutated fungi underground, if the sclerotias cannot be defeated, the mushroom forest will never be defeated."

This conclusion is agreed by many people. Shen Feng has been running around in the Mushroom Forest with his equipment all day long. He also checked the underground situation. From the data, everyone can draw a conclusion that there is a A huge sclerotia, and this is the body of the mushroom forest. This sclerotia controls the actions of the mushroom forest on the ground.

The so-called sclerotium is something formed by the condensation of countless mycelia. Some mushrooms can form sclerotia, but some mushrooms cannot. At this time, the sclerotia that appeared underground in the mushroom forest is actually the largest in the world. creatures, and the mushroom forest on the surface can be understood as an organ used by fungi to reproduce.

After hearing this conclusion, Qian Bufei couldn't help frowning and thinking: "The enemy is underground, and bacteria and viruses want to go deep underground. It is not easy to make holes in the forest. In addition, there are many mutant beasts in the mushroom forest. These mutant beasts were selected after raising Gu. It is also a big force and needs to be solved .”

With the deepening of the investigation, the true face of the mushroom forest has also been known. It seems that the mushroom forest is the biggest enemy, but the real enemy of everyone is the sclerotium underground, and no matter how many mushrooms are cut off, they will be destroyed. It can grow back, so if you want to win, you need to solve more problems.

Qian Bufei couldn't help cheering himself up: "I must work hard. As long as I defeat the sclerotium, I will be a hero in Yunnan Province. I can bring benefits to Yunnan Province. I can bring people on the plateau and mountains out of poverty. I can definitely do it. What did Mencius say? If you want to rule the world, in today's world, who can do it better than me?"

At this moment, Qian Bufei even uses the words of Mencius to motivate himself. He knows that he cannot give up. In the current situation, as long as he completes the task by himself, the next thing will be much easier. The countries in the south cannot stop it. seized the port for themselves.

And Chang Haojie also brought Qu Zhaoqian, who became a supernatural user, to the camp. Compared with a year ago, Qu Zhaoqian at this time is much calmer. This time he came to Yunnan Province with a book in his hand Looking at it, he is still a junior high school student, but he is about to go to the battlefield.

Qian Bufei didn't expect that the helpers Shen Feng hired were actually two teenagers, and Chang Haojie was fine. A fourth-order supernatural being can fly freely in the sky, and can also snipe the enemies below in the sky, but Qu Zhao Qian, he is a few years younger than Chang Haojie, can he be useful?

"Mr. Shen, you have found these two teenagers, can they really be useful?" Qian Bufei couldn't help finding Shen Feng and asked quietly.

After Shen Feng heard this, he said seriously: "Don't underestimate them, they are very powerful, especially Qu Zhaoqian, don't you know? He is actually Yue Hengyi's cousin. I personally chose the ability, so what are you still worried about?"

"What am I worried about? Yue Hengyi is very strong. I admit this, but just because Yue Hengyi is very strong does not mean that his cousin is also very strong. I have some doubts that they can help." Qian Bufei said honestly.

Unexpectedly, these words were heard by Chang Haojie and Qu Zhaoqian, and Chang Haojie said directly: "Aspirations do not lie in old age, and no aspirations lead to a hundred years of life. Mr. Qian, it seems too much for you to underestimate us two aspiring young people. "

Qu Zhaoqian also said at this time: "If we can be selected by the city lord, we must be capable. When it comes time to fight, we will definitely not let you down."

Shen Feng shrugged and looked at Qian Bufei, and said, "Look, they are all very enthusiastic too, what else do you want to say now?"

Qian Bufei quickly apologized: "Okay, okay, I underestimated the two young heroes, so I still look forward to the two young heroes showing their prowess in the next battle."

At this time, Qu Zhaoqian still couldn't forget to avenge his cousin. Although all the people in the Tianlong Bureau had been killed by Shen Feng and Wang Aoye and were forced to disband, Qu Zhaoqian did not forget that among the people who framed his cousin back then were still There is Luliangshan Thirteen Taibao, these guys are also damned, just wait for themselves to grow up, just wait for themselves to become stronger, and then they will wipe out Luliangshan.

And as time passed day by day, the monsoon from India and Dudu also brought abundant water vapor, and the rainy season in Ruili has arrived.

This season is in the north, and the rainy season is still far away. Perhaps at this time, the north has just planted seeds, but in Ruili, the rainy season has already arrived.

There is a saying about eating wild mushrooms in Yunnan Province, especially when picking mushrooms, it must be early, because since the rain, the mushrooms have come out of the ground, but under the rain, there are also hidden problems, because the mushrooms This thing rots quickly. The appearance of rain is conducive to the reproduction of bacteria, and many bacteria grow at night. Only when you get up early can you find the freshest bacteria. For example, at five or six o'clock in the morning, the sky is not bright Get up at the right time, and gain the most at this time.

Two months have passed, Qian Bufei was ready at this time, after the first rain, he made a decision, "Get ready to fight, now I know the mutated fungus here very well, follow the plan , ready for action."

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