Shen Feng looked at the small buildings in the distance, frowned and began to think, could the corpse king be hiding there? If he rushes over by himself, there is no protection of mutated zombies around the corpse king at this time, so he can easily get close, and the difficulty of killing the corpse king will definitely be very low.

However, if the corpse king is not there and rushes over by himself, wouldn't it mean that his purpose has been exposed, and the corpse king will definitely be more vigilant in the future, and it will become more difficult to find him! Therefore, Shen Feng has two choices at present, whether to rush to the side of the small building to check, if the bet is right, then he can make a lot of money here, but if the corpse king is not there, he wants to find the corpse in the future Wang, that is more difficult.

Shen Feng looked at the people who were fighting hard on the dam, and muttered to himself: "Should I take a gamble? It is already very difficult for the base to hold on."

After much deliberation, Shen Feng still did not choose to gamble. Although the small building at the center of the circle is most likely the place where the corpse king hides, after all, it is about the same distance from the nearby speed zombies. If something happens, these speed zombies will use He rushed to Xiaolou's location as quickly as possible, but is it really possible that the corpse king doesn't have a mutant zombie around him? In the end, Shen Feng decided to wait until Yu Renshu and Guo Pinming took action. It would be safer. Although there were risks, the position of the corpse king would be more certain.

Shen Feng knows that he bears the fate of the base, so he must not take any risks. If the corpse king is still alive because of his gambling and the base is breached in the end, then he will be a sinner. Shen Feng looked to the Yangtze River. If you're ready, it's almost time to do it now, right?

Shen Feng's guess was not wrong, because at this time Yu Renshu had come to the edge of the Yangtze River and was hiding behind the bushes. Yu Renshu took a deep breath, it seemed that she had practiced the skills for so long, and finally she could Used it, and thinking of this, she also became a little excited.

Yu Renshu looked at the wave of corpses besieging the dam not far away, and said silently in her heart: "Now, just watch mine!"

After that, Yu Renshu quickly stood up and rushed towards the direction of the tide of corpses. With her charge, the water in the Yangtze River also had waves, and this wave was still getting bigger and bigger. In the end, Yu Renshu rushed When they got near the zombies, the zombies ignored Yu Renshu. They only received one order, which was to rush to the base opposite the dam, so they didn't care if there was anyone by their side.

"Water flooding the golden mountain!" Yu Renshu didn't pay attention to herself when she saw the zombies, just in time to use the moves she developed without any scruples.

I saw huge waves appearing in the Yangtze River behind Yu Renshu, and then the water in the Yangtze River began to rise. In just a few breaths, the river water had already risen to a height of ten meters from the shore. It is almost impossible to see the inland area, but at this time it was displayed by Yu Renshu.

The zombies still didn't move, and Yu Renshu was also reassuringly storing water. The more water she stored, the greater the power of her move would be. At this time, there were no zombies to disturb, and Yu Renshu was just using it to try it out. What kind of scene is it like to use the ability with all your strength?

Sweat gradually appeared on Yu Renshu's forehead. She was almost at her limit. At this time, the water channel in the dam was instantly shortened by half, because the excess water had been sucked up to the sky, and the huge waves hung high in the air. It gives people a feeling of howling mountains and tsunami, as long as the huge waves fall, it will definitely be a huge disaster for the zombies.

Yu Renshu felt that she had reached the limit, even her body was about to lose control, her legs were trembling slightly, watching the tide of corpses in the distance, sweat was streaming down her cheeks, her hatred for zombies was no less than others, and now it is Chance for revenge!

"Go to hell with me!" Yu Renshu shouted, pushing out her hands.

As if under the control of Yu Renshu, the huge waves that had rolled up high flew out in an instant, like a giant dragon soaring in the sky. After the huge waves fell on the ground, they instantly swept over the zombies on the ground. The waves spread directly towards the tide of corpses, and the zombies pushed by the river fell down one after another. The power of the river was undoubtedly revealed. As long as they were zombies in front of the river, they were all pushed away by the huge waves without exception. Hundreds of zombies were pushed away by the river. After the siege, he drowned on the spot. It can be said that Yu Renshu's move caused thousands of zombies to be lost.

The river swept forward in a mighty way, and lasted for half a minute. The river advanced 500 meters in the tide of corpses. During this time, the zombies swept by the river fell down one after another. The road, and the river was exhausted in the end, and it did not continue to sweep, and the river flowed in all directions, making the zombies defeated for a while.

The roads that appeared in the tide of corpses were all fallen zombies. Many zombies were drowned, and some zombies survived by luck, but they couldn't stand up. Most of the zombies had broken bones, obviously unable to stand up.

After Yu Renshu used this trick, she no longer had any strength, and slowly fell to the ground, panting heavily and looking ahead. After performing this trick, she felt sore all over her body, as if all her strength had been drained, and she wanted to sleep very much at this moment, but she knew very well that at this moment, she must not fall asleep, otherwise, she would lose sleep at any time. May be in danger.

Due to the effect of "Water Flooding the Golden Mountain", the pressure on the combat team on the dam suddenly eased, because the ordinary zombies nearby couldn't replenish it for the time being, and there was a shortage of fuel in the refueling tactics. After killing half of the mutated zombies, the dam finally relieved the pressure and barely held the line of defense.

At this moment, Yang Chang walked up to Chang Jianyi and said, "Vice President, now let me take the rest of the brothers to join the battle, and kill all the zombies on the dam in one go!"

Now Yang Chang has seen the right moment, knowing that he only needs to rush up with the people who have rested for a while, and he can kill all the zombies on the dam, and push the defense line out again!

Chang Jianyi shook her head lightly, and said: "Rest now, you will need to fight later, you have more important tasks!"

"What mission?" Yang Chang asked.

Chang Jianyi lowered her voice and said, "The president has brought two people to kill the corpse king. If they succeed, they may be surrounded by zombies. So, when the time comes, you need to rush in to protect the president and them, understand?"

When Yang Chang heard about this task, his expression became heavy immediately. He didn't expect the president to do such a dangerous thing, and if he wanted to save the president from the zombie group, it seemed to be a very dangerous thing. Now resisting so many people Zombies are very difficult things. If you rush into a group of zombies, isn't it a near-death situation?

However, it was impossible for Yang Chang to disobey the order at this time, so he had no choice but to reply: "Okay, I understand."

When I returned to the base, I thought about how to rescue the president.

Just when Yu Renshu fell down, Guo Pinming in the distance was also ready. He found a van, which was the only car that could start nearby. When the river gradually receded, Guo Pinming immediately He started the car and rushed towards the gap exposed among the zombies. He had already prepared his own ability, as long as he could rush into the crowd of zombies, he could cast it instantly.

"Go to hell!" Guo Pinming rushed out in the car, along the direction where the river rushed before, and rushed into the group of zombies. Many zombies fell to the ground, before they had time to stand up, and then They were run over by a van, those who were lucky were crushed to death on the spot, those who were unlucky had their hands and feet broken and could only struggle on the ground, waiting for them to be trampled to death by other zombies, other than that, It was killed by the people in the battle group.

Guo Pinming rushed out and advanced hundreds of meters along the direction of the river. At this time, he could already meet resistance. The resistance came from the surrounding zombies. Zombies were not afraid of being hit by a car at all. They were attacked by the corpse king. Take control and surround it in the direction of the van.

Guo Pinming, on the other hand, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove the car to drive away the zombies blocking him. Fortunately, there are gaps between the zombies. Guo Pinming didn't feel any obvious resistance. If the zombies were all crowded together, It was like hitting a wall.

Guo Pinming moved forward for tens of meters again, but the van was still blocked by the tide of zombies. The densely packed zombies seemed endless. The van could knock away one or two zombies, but what about a hundred or a thousand? Or 10,000?

The van couldn't move forward again. At this time, the car happened to be in the center of the tide of corpses. The zombies received the order and blocked the rushing van. After that, they all climbed up and wrapped the van tightly. The inside of the van It also instantly became quiet.

The van gradually began to deform under the squeeze of many zombies. At this time, the engine had been turned off, and it was impossible to start it again. Guo Pinming took a deep breath and began to use his own abilities. First, he used the iron block of the engine to make spikes. Puncture the gas tank of the car, and then use the ability to make two iron plates rub against each other to create sparks, igniting the gasoline.

Dozens of zombies pressed tightly on the van, making it difficult for the van to move. However, there were gaps among the zombies, and at this time, a lot of black smoke floated out from the gaps. These black smoke rose slowly, giving people a sense of relief. It was a bad feeling, but the zombies didn't feel scared, so they still surrounded the van tightly. These zombies didn't want the van to move on at all.

At this moment, a strong flame appeared among the zombies, and after that, a loud "boom" sound spread all around, the car exploded, and dozens of zombies around were thrown high on the spot, and were instantly blown to the ground. In the distance, the surrounding area of ​​five or six meters was instantly emptied. At the center of the explosion, billowing black smoke rose, and there was a huge iron ball here, which was also dented due to the previous explosion. , but is not damaged.

Shen Feng has been observing the movement of the zombies on the roof. During the "Water Flooding the Golden Mountain", the zombies did not move much. When they arrived in the tide of corpses, the speed zombies in the tide of corpses moved. These zombies suddenly jumped on top of other ordinary zombies and rushed towards the small building.

At this moment, Shen Feng was sure that the corpse king must be hiding in a small building on the edge of the tide of corpses. At this time, the corpse king was frightened, so he summoned speed zombies for protection!

After confirming the location of the corpse king, Shen Feng immediately jumped down from the top of the building, and then used the wind to support his body so that he would not fall to his death due to the speed when he landed. Afterwards, Shen Feng moved towards Xiao He rushed in the direction of the building. Although there are basically zombies here, Shen Feng has the blessing of supernatural powers, so he can step on the heads of the zombies and move forward. Shen Feng's goal is the corpse hiding in the small building. king.

"It seems that it was because I was almost attacked by a missile before, so at this moment, I was frightened by the sound of the explosion, and I was afraid that I would be attacked by a missile again, so I recalled the speed zombies? It's a pity that you died today It's settled." Shen Feng said to himself.

Shen Feng's guess was not wrong. At this time, in the dark of the small building, the corpse king with a big head was trembling at this moment. He remembered the inexplicable attack that occurred this morning. He brought a group of mutated zombies I just left the hotel room, but at this moment, a comet fell from the sky and hit the center of the hotel directly, followed by an explosion, and the huge air wave directly swept up the zombies in the distance. The nearby zombies were torn into pieces.

When the corpse king saw this scene, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp. He didn't expect that he would suffer such a violent attack, so he could only hide, for fear of being hit by another missile. In my mind, it was simply a scene of heaven and earth falling apart!

However, at the moment when the car exploded just now, the huge explosion sound had alarmed the corpse king in the dark. At this time, the corpse king thought that he was about to be attacked again, so he immediately let the surrounding speed zombies approach, and he needed to be attacked at the critical moment. protect yourself.

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