Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 876 Coral Forest War Ii

Li Keyi persuaded Shen Feng: "The situation is still too critical at this time, shall we leave too?"

While speaking, Li Keyi also pointed to the satchel on his body. The meaning is very simple. He has already obtained fragments of meteorites. Although they are only fragments, they are already invaluable. It can be said that he will be able to cultivate hundreds of abilities in the future. Otherwise, leaving now is the best choice.

But Shen Feng replied seriously: "Wealth is sought in danger, the more dangerous the environment is, the more benefits are hidden. Besides, at this time, Xiao Sheng has not yet escaped danger, so I have to take care of him anyway."

Shen Feng was thinking about his sister, it would be easy for him to leave, but Xiao Sheng might not be able to leave, if he died at sea, my sister would be sad.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Feng dared not leave. On the one hand, there may be unexpected gains on the battlefield. On the other hand, if he leaves at this time, others will surely die at sea. A little help is a little bit.

Li Keyi had no choice but to agree with Shen Feng's choice. She had also heard about the relationship between Shen Feng and Xiao Sheng. If Xiao Sheng hadn't gone to sea this time, he would have married Shen Feng's sister by now. We have known each other very early, but due to various reasons, we have been unable to get married for a long time.

So Shen Feng was thinking about his sister, so he had to take care of Xiao Sheng at sea.

Wang Aoye knew that the plan to find the meteorite had failed, so he wanted to leave without hesitation. Since Shen Feng was unwilling to leave, he had no choice but to leave. place.

When Yun Laizhe and Ke Yiming encountered this situation at sea, they looked at each other and said, "This is the situation again, it seems that we can only use the old method."

Yun Laizhe then started to cast his supernatural power, and the copper elements in the water gathered instantly, wrapping himself and Ke Yiming. Last time, they used this method to escape, even though they were eaten by sea beasts. But then they killed the sea beast and got out of the sea beast's stomach. The copper ball will protect the two from harm, and the task of attacking is handed over to Ke Yiming. Now the two plan to repeat the old tricks apply.

As a result, just as the two of them hid in the copper ball, a sea beast immediately stared at the yellow, even reflective thing, and finally opened its mouth and ate the two of them.

This is a big turtle, and turtles are also a species that eat whatever they see. Many people dissected dead turtles and found plastic bags, straws, and fragments of beer bottles in their stomachs. Now , the two were once again eaten by sea beasts.

Now the situation is extremely critical, there are sea beasts everywhere, and the sea beasts start to besiege human beings without talking about martial arts. Everyone is desperate, and I really hope that someone can help me, but now who can help me, everyone is unable to protect themselves state, who has the ability to save people?

The size of the sea beasts is already huge, and they can easily kill all supernatural beings just by their size alone, not to mention that these sea beasts themselves are also powerful supernatural beings. When they started attacking immediately, the human side suffered heavy casualties.

Now no matter which side it is, it is already facing the crisis of life and death, and everyone doesn't know what to do, because they never thought that they would encounter such a situation.

At this moment, a beam of light hangs down from the sky and shines straight on an island in the distance. There is a coral island here. If fighting in the sea, the human side must be at a disadvantage, but as long as they come to the island, everyone Still have the power to fight.

Shen Feng's shout came from the sky: "All go to the island, as long as you land on the shore, you can continue to fight."

Originally, everyone was already in despair. In such an environment, death could be declared, and everyone was waiting to die, because resistance was useless, and they were no match for sea beasts. As a result, a bright light appeared in the sky at this time, and they knew that the beam of light was pointing to last place of survival.

Everyone burst out with a strong desire to survive. Driven by the desire to survive, a group of people swam with all their might and headed towards the coral island illuminated by the beam of light.

Sea beasts are still attacking humans at this time, and it seems that they must drive humans to extinction. In the past hundreds of years, humans have been extorting endlessly from the ocean and driving all kinds of marine life to extinction. Now, the situation has reversed. They came here, and the sea beasts possessed great power, so they began to retaliate against humans. This was their means of revenge against humans polluting the ocean for hundreds of years. No matter which human being it was, it had to be killed.

Everyone was swimming towards the island, and wanted to land on the island as soon as possible. As long as they could land on the island, they would have the strength to resist. If they continued in the wind and waves, they would definitely die.

On the glider, Shen Feng is driving hard, keeping the glider in balance, ensuring that the glider will not fall into the sea at this time, and what he can do is to point out a clear way for this group of people in the water, as long as he can If you go ashore, you will be able to regroup.

"This time we fell for the trick again. We didn't expect the sea beasts to support them so quickly, and they rushed over immediately. I don't know if these people in the sea can carry out an effective counterattack." Shen Feng sighed.

If it is on land, with so many supernatural beings gathered together, it must be a very good combat power, but now at sea, many supernatural beings can't show their strength at all, such as Xiao Sheng, in fact, he is now calling The fire, but it will be extinguished by the storm in an instant.

The influence of climate and terrain on supernatural beings is too great. Now Shen Feng can only keep the glider stable, and can't do anything else.

In fact, the conditions were extremely bad. In the end, thirty or forty people landed on the land, and a beam of light shone in the sky, and the location indicated by this beam of light was a coral island. It can be said that many people came to the coral island in one breath. , After landing on the shore, I couldn't help panting.

"We finally survived!" A group of people were extremely excited after landing, because they had escaped from hell, and the ocean was their hell!

Xiao Sheng shouted loudly: "Don't be too happy now, we haven't survived yet, take a look at so many sea beasts around, they will attack at any time, let's prepare for the next battle! "

After the supernatural beings in the sea were basically killed, the sea beasts looked at the only humans left on the coral island. Although there were still two people in the sky, these two flew too high. There is nothing I can do personally, but these people on the coral island can't fly, so I just need to deal with this group of people in the future.

The sea beasts started to attack afterwards. For the people on the coral island, they can still fight because of the coral under their feet. If there is no coral, these people will all die, so the sea beasts began to attack the coral island, no matter on the island As long as the upper part is still underwater, as long as it is coral, it will be attacked by sea beasts.

"We can't just wait for death. We must take the initiative to attack. Only by killing a few sea beasts will these sea beasts feel fear. Otherwise, we can only wait to die." Xiao Sheng said loudly.

Gong Changfa's face was ugly. When he fell into the water just now, he saw his good brother Xun Yan was killed. A living person disappeared into this world like this. He was very angry, but no matter how angry he was, he couldn't Unable to avenge his brother.

"How can we take the initiative to attack in this situation? Now the sea is full of wind and waves. As long as we go into the sea, we will be beaten dizzy. There is no chance to fight back." Gong Changfa said sadly.

Of course he wanted revenge, but he couldn't find a way to deal with the sea beast for a while, so he could only be anxious. Gong Changfa looked around at this time and found that Ke Yiming and Yun Laizhe had disappeared, and he didn't know what happened. Did the two go into hiding or were killed.

"Damn it, now I can't find anyone who can use it alone. How can I fight back?" Gong Changfa once again experienced the feeling of being alone. He knew that the Tianxuan Bureau was broken up again. The chance of the Tianxuan Bureau is gone.

"There must be a way, as long as we don't give up! We can definitely think of a way to deal with sea beasts. Everyone, hurry up and think of a way. What should we do at this time? If we continue, the underwater coral will be broken." Xiao Sheng still Without giving up, he was still working hard to find a way to deal with the sea beast.

"Now I can still fight. I can instantly release a strong electric shock, stunning the sea beasts in the surrounding sea area, but I can only launch this attack once. After doing this, the task of killing the sea beasts will be handed over to you." I leave it to you, and I can't do the rest. Be careful to hide in a high place later." Jin Zijue said quickly.

Now it is a stormy environment, the sky is full of thunder, and the lightning can illuminate the surrounding sea from time to time. Taking advantage of the thunderstorm, Jin Zijue can show his stronger strength. He wants to fight, as long as he can kill the surrounding sea beasts. Give corona, then there will be room for others to play.

"I can control the growth of seaweed, and then I will make long ropes. You go out to fight, and I will be responsible for pulling you back." A supernatural person in India spoke, and he actually started making ropes while speaking. Fortunately, God There are a lot of seaweeds in the area, otherwise, his ability will not be able to be used at all.

"You'd better save yourself, leave the matter of dragging people to our physically strengthened superpowers, and then let us drag people, we promise to be able to drag back the people who attacked." European superpowers This is a body-strengthening supernatural power. Their strengthened bodies are naturally very powerful. At this time, it is also a good choice to use it to pull people.

After the discussion, everyone was going to board the high place of the coral island. Jin Zijue jumped into the sea. At this time, he did not hold back, and displayed his supernatural power, and suddenly his whole body was discharged. Stimulated by the strong current, the sea beast also fell into After getting dizzy, Shen Feng in the sky could vaguely see electric arcs beating in the water. Jin Zijue erupted with all his strength at this time, which really should not be underestimated.

Jin Zijue's move was indeed effective. The sea beast's impact on the coral island disappeared instantly, but such an attack only lasted for half a minute. If it continued, Jin Zijue could even shock all the sea beasts here. Dead, but there is a limit to strength, half a minute of continuous electric shock, the current intensity in the electric field is also unimaginable, this is already Jin Zijue's current limit ability.

"Hurry up and pull people up, Jin Zijue is exhausted." Xiao Sheng shouted hastily.

In fact, Fang Qinghao is the best person to support Jin Zijue now, but Fang Qinghao doesn't know where he is now, and he can't be found on the coral island. Everyone can only tie a rope around Jin Zijue's waist. When he was exhausted, he pulled the rope hard and brought Jin Zijue to the shore.

Under the violent storm, more than 20 sea beasts were stunned by electric shock. Although they were not electrocuted to death, the sea beasts fell into a coma at this time, and the rest of the sea beasts did not dare to approach them. Sea beasts can communicate with each other by means of radio waves. Multiple brain waves disappeared together, and the rest of the sea beasts thought that a large number of their companions had been killed, and now they dare not approach at all.

After Jin Zijue was pulled ashore, he said helplessly to the people around him: "Now that's all I can do, and the next battle will be left to you. I don't know what the sea beasts that were stunned You can wake up in time, anyway, be careful."

Exercising supernatural powers consumes a lot of stamina, not to mention that Jin Zijue is already out of strength when he is shocked by electric sea beasts at this time, and it is impossible to participate in the next battle, but even so, what he has done is already amazing. More than twenty sea beasts were stunned, something that had never been done before.

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