"Be careful, the sea beasts have awakened now." A shout came from the coral island, and then the rope around the waist of the supernatural being was pulled. The supernatural beings did not resist, because they also knew that this was a coral island. The people above are saving themselves.

When Xiao Sheng saw Shen Feng's glider being smashed by a dolphin's tail, he was shocked now. When he saw Shen Feng snatching the spoils just now, Xiao Sheng was very angry. Because Shen Feng is doing nothing for nothing.

But he blamed Shen Feng, but when he actually saw Shen Feng being sent flying by the sea monster's tail, he still couldn't help worrying. After being attacked so violently, would Shen Feng still survive? "If Shen Feng died at sea, it will be difficult for me to explain when I go back." Xiao Sheng thought silently in his heart.

After the sea beasts woke up, their brainwaves have also recovered. Although more than a dozen sea beasts were killed, the rest of the sea beasts found no danger and started to attack again, and these supernatural beings who took the initiative to attack were still soaking in the water. , a group of people on the shore were already pulling the rope vigorously, and the supernatural beings who strengthened their bodies gritted their teeth and exerted force, but the dragging speed was still too slow, and the supernatural beings were unable to go ashore for a while.

Jin Zijue leaned against a piece of coral on the shore, looked at the sea beast that had regained its vitality in the water, and couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect that I would be so weak, but I can only control the sea beast for two minutes. It seems that we This time it's going to be wiped out."

At this time, Jin Zijue was already heartbroken. To put it bluntly, after seeing that he had gone all out, there was no result. At this time, he had no fighting spirit and self-confidence. Resign yourself to fate, because that's all you can do.

The supernatural beings in the water suffered heavy casualties. Originally, it was not their home field in the water. It was also because of Jin Zijue's performance that everyone had a chance to defeat the sea beasts. But at this moment, the sea beasts have already awakened. Can be slaughtered by others.

Xiao Sheng went ashore very hard. He was very lucky. The rope on his body was not broken, so he was dragged ashore. After landing, the first thing Xiao Sheng did was to look for the members around him. The one he hopes to find most now is Zhang Zi. Now he wants to know why the frozen sea beast can still attack people, but when he looks around, Zhang Zi has disappeared. Only then did he realize that Zhang Zi was probably He hadn't had time to go ashore, so he might have died in the sea.

"God, are you really going to torture us like this?" Xiao Sheng looked up to the sky and sighed. Now that the sea beasts have launched an attack again, the typhoon is still raging, and there is no hope of survival in the dark. In such a situation, it seems It's hard to survive.

At this moment, a huge sea turtle crashed into the coral forest as if going crazy, completely ignoring his own injuries. As a result, it rushed to the position of the huge pillar under the coral island and hit it hard. Originally, the coral island had already been hit before, but at this time, the sea turtle hit the coral pillar fiercely, and the coral broke on the spot. The coral island sank into the water, and the people on the island also fell into the water, facing attacks from all directions. When the sea beast came, everyone wanted to stop paddling.


The typhoon raged all night, and finally dissipated. The blue whale was dead. The sea area of ​​Tiancoral Island has also returned to calm, and the sun shines on the sea again.

There is a lot of marine debris on the sea, the most of which is the wood on the boats. Seeing these woods, we can know that many boats were destroyed in yesterday's typhoon. On the circular island, Shen Feng and Li Keyi are Found a higher place to recuperate.

Yesterday, what Shen Feng was thinking about was wealth and wealth, so he had to take risks to snatch the evolutionary crystals. As a result, something happened. Shen Feng and Li Keyi were swept by the tail of the awakened dolphin, and the two immediately He was thrown out, and the glider he was riding on was already in pieces, not to mention the aluminum alloy frame, even the titanium alloy frame couldn't withstand the attack.

Shen Feng and Li Keyi were seriously injured immediately, and the bones on their bodies were broken. At this time, sea beasts attacked everywhere, and Li Keyi had no choice but to use invisibility. The movement was finally blown to the position of the ring island by the waves, and it was considered safe to resist the typhoon for one night.

Shen Feng's arms and thighs have been broken, and he can't move. Although he can still use supernatural powers, the supernatural powers can't support his actions at all. Li Keyi is better than Shen Feng, with one arm and one leg broken. Fortunately, Li Keyi Ke Yi practiced martial arts since he was a child, and knew how to deal with broken bones, so he found some nearby corals and put splints on himself and Shen Feng, in order to avoid secondary injuries.

Shen Feng leaned on the coral, while Li Keyi looked for some nearby corals and began to treat Shen Feng. While putting on the splint, he complained: "Obviously I have warned you before, don't lower your flight If you don’t listen to the persuasion, it’s better now, let’s not even mention that we are seriously injured, and now we are still living on a deserted island, it’s up to you what to do!”

Shen Feng endured the pain of being straightened by Li Keyi, grinning his teeth and said: "Isn't this a reward? I have already found five evolutionary crystals. If I don't take risks, how can I have such a reward? As for living on a deserted island, It's okay, two years ago, Yue Hengyi and I were living in a place where nothing shit happened, so we still survived, and now we are definitely not in the final desperate situation."

Li Keyi fixed Shen Feng's hands and feet so that the bones would not grow crooked, and then he sat on a large piece of coral nearby and said, "It's not a problem to stay here, if there are supplies I can still recuperate, but there is nothing here except corals, so I have to find a way to leave."

Shen Feng pouted his mouth at the giant whale in the center of the circular island, and said, "Isn't there food? At least tens of thousands of tons of meat, isn't this enough to heal the wounded?"

The whale's body is too huge, so it doesn't move at all under the blowing of the typhoon, and Shen Feng is not easy to move now, otherwise Shen Feng will open the whale's head immediately, and the evolution crystal inside Take it out, but it is temporarily impossible to do it now.

And the whale looks very strange at this time. Originally, the back of the whale just came to the surface of the water, but now the whale is lying on its side at this time. An already inflated balloon.

Li Keyi looked at the whales in the sea. Under normal circumstances, after a whale dies, it will fall into the water. After falling into the water, the dead body of the whale will become food for other marine life. It can be said that whales feed countless marine life with their bodies.

But now, whales cannot fall into the water, and no marine life can come here to eat, and finally run aground on top of the volcano. The reason why the whale's abdomen swells is because the microorganisms in the body have fermented, and the microorganisms are multiplying in large quantities. The internal organs of the whale are decomposed, starting from the intestinal tract, producing a lot of gas, and these gases support the whale's belly, which looks weird.

"Now the whale is no longer fresh and cannot be eaten, so we still don't have any supplies. In this case, let's find a way to get out." Li Keyi said quickly.

"Really? It's only been one night, how could it be stale? Why do I feel like you're lying to me?" Shen Feng felt a pity looking at the whale carcass like a hill. This is the strongest sea beast in the world. If you can't eat a single bite of the dead body, it feels like watching the fat slip away from your mouth.

Li Keyi explained: "There are a lot of bacteria in the sea water, let alone one night, even if it takes a few hours, the meat will start to rot, but there are still zombie viruses multiplying in the sea, now If you eat it, who knows what will happen?"

Shen Feng shook his head helplessly, thought for a while in silence, and then said: "Li Keyi, give me an evolutionary crystal, I'd better evolve to the seventh level now, as long as I can become a seventh-level superhuman, then everything There are ways to solve it, you work hard, I will evolve first, and my injury will recover after a day, then you will evolve again!"

Li Keyi thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that's the only way. After the evolution, the injury has recovered, and it will be easier to find a way."

After finishing speaking, Li Keyi opened the backpack and found a red crystal, which was only as big as a jujube pit, but under the sunlight, it looked like a gemstone.

Shen Feng opened his mouth, but he couldn't take the evolutionary crystal with his hands, so he could only open his mouth and wait for Li Keyi's feeding.

Seeing Shen Feng like this, Li Keyi said angrily: "Do you want me to chew it up and feed you? Really, you don't even look at what it looks like."

Shen Feng said helplessly: "Then I have to be able to do it. If I can't do it now, aren't you the only one who will feed me?"

Li Keyi reached out and stuffed the evolution crystal into Shen Feng's mouth, and said, "You'd better complete the evolution quickly, who knows if there will be danger in the future? My ability can only melee and hide myself. If you encounter If it's dangerous, I can't protect two people."

Shen Feng chewed the evolutionary crystals in his mouth, and there was no taste. He felt as if a handful of sand had appeared in his mouth. After swallowing it with difficulty, he finally fell into a deep sleep.

Li Keyi looked at the surrounding islands, and found that there was no one here. Most of the people who came here before had died at sea. Facts have proved that sea beasts are more powerful in the sea.

"Unfortunately, there is no way to contact the headquarters, and I don't know if the outside world will send someone to rescue us." Li Keyi was talking to himself.

After much deliberation, it is impossible to survive for too long in the water-scarce sea. Li Keyi began to think of a way at this time, it is best to get water, otherwise, it will be unbearable for a day, and Li Keyi's hands Nothing but two empty plastic bottles.

After much deliberation, Li Keyi decided to use his ability to gather sunlight after using his ability. After gathering the sunlight, the light brought heat, and then made the seawater in the bottle evaporate continuously. Although slow, fresh water can indeed be obtained using this method.

While Li Keyi was concentrating on making distilled water, the light behind her suddenly changed. She noticed this immediately, turned her head and shouted, and asked, "Who is it? Stand up for me, By those who want to hide."

Li Keyi was originally a person with the ability to control light, so he was naturally very sensitive to light, and he had already noticed that someone appeared behind him.

As soon as the words fell, a man came out from behind a coral forest next to him. After a closer look, it turned out to be Fang Qinghao. During the battle last night, Fang Qinghao disappeared as soon as the sea beast appeared. At that time, many people speculated that Fang Qinghao might be dead, but now it seems that Fang Qinghao is still alive and well.

"Miss Li, don't be nervous, it's me! I appear in front of you now, does it scare you?" Fang Qinghao said with a smile, and approached Li Keyi while talking.

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