Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 883: Imagination And Reality

Li Keyi started to check himself immediately after waking up, only to find that his body was already wrapped in a tarpaulin, and Shen Feng was still checking the items in the backpack on one side. This time going to sea, it can be said to be quite rewarding Feng, not only got meteorite fragments, but also got a lot of evolutionary crystals, the most important thing is the evolutionary crystallization of whales, this evolutionary crystal is as big as a human head, far beyond the comparison of ordinary evolutionary crystals.

When Li Keyi found out that there was nothing unusual about her body, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because yesterday Li Keyi specially tested Shen Feng with no defenses. If Shen Feng can pass the test, it means that he is An honest gentleman, Fang Qinghao's previous accusations were all false, but if Shen Feng really made a move, Li Keyi could also take advantage of the situation to pester Shen Feng and demand that Shen Feng be responsible.

Now it seems that Shen Feng is completely a man who can stand the test, so Fang Qinghao's accusation is completely nonsense, Shen Feng did not do anything to abandon his wife, but Li Keyi is somewhat disappointed now, because Shen Feng did not It's not that he has evil thoughts about himself, and he failed to attract Shen Feng.

At this time, Li Keyi began to ask: "Shen Feng, what should we do next? We have no fresh water at sea, and we must make an early decision now."

Shen Feng replied: "Now I can fly with you, find an island to recuperate, change some clothes, and then find a sailboat to go back."

Li Keyi couldn't help asking: "Why don't you just fly back? Why are you still looking for a boat?"

Shen Feng explained, "Flying looks simple, but it is actually quite exhausting. Flying half the ocean, I can't do this kind of thing. Let's take a boat. I still remember the map here. We found After getting off the ship, go to Yangon, where I have acquaintances, and then let these people send us to Yuzhou, when you return to your Yanjing, I will continue to guard my Yuzhou."

Li Keyi could not object to Shen Feng's current thoughts, and then Li Keyi also wanted to try his own abilities, and then tried it, and suddenly found that his laser knife could reach a length of five meters Yes, it can be seen that Li Keyi's combat ability has also been improved.

Seeing how happy Li Keyi is now, Shen Feng couldn't help asking: "Haven't you watched One Piece?"

Li Keyi asked back: "What does this have to do with watching One Piece? I don't want to go to sea often. Besides, I don't like anime very much. I have heard of it, but I haven't watched it."

Shen Feng nodded to himself, and said: "That's it, no wonder you are timid when using the ability. If you can fire the laser when you cast the ability, wouldn't the lethality increase in a straight line? Why bother?" It’s hard to use the laser knife, the attack distance is also short, and the attack area is relatively small.”

Now that Shen Feng said this, Li Keyi understood what Shen Feng meant. It turned out that Shen Feng felt that the way he used his abilities was too simple, so he had no choice but to explain: "Reality is different from animation. Do you think I don’t want to become stronger? I really can’t do it. First of all, it is not easy to condense the laser, which consumes a lot of energy. Secondly, the energy dissipation of the laser in the air is very serious. The laser in Star Wars The gun has not been developed, do you think I can surpass the current level of technology?"

Shen Feng couldn't help feeling sorry when he heard such an explanation, and then said: "Then there is no other way, I actually really want to see the scene of eight-foot Qiong Gouyu shooting lasers indiscriminately in the sky, and now it seems that there is no chance."

Li Keyi explained: "Maybe I can do this when I become stronger. As for now, I still think about some practical things. If you want to fly with me, you should hurry up. Are you holding me?" What about me? Or are you carrying me behind your back?"

Shen Feng hesitated for a moment and said, "Can you carry it? This way the two of us won't be too intimate."

After getting such an answer, Li Keyi couldn't help giving Shen Feng a contemptuous look, and asked, "Are you so afraid of me?"

Shen Feng explained: "It's not that I'm afraid of you, it's that I respect you. After all, you will marry in the future. If you don't pay attention to your image, you won't be able to marry in the future. I also need to pay attention to my own image." , because after all, I also have a family, if you and I are too intimate, it will destroy my family."

Li Keyi saw Shen Feng saying this, and quickly replied: "I don't want to destroy your family, I just want to join your family, that's all."

After Shen Feng heard this kind of words, he didn't know what to say for a while. Want to join my family? Even if I agree, the two jealous jars in my family will not agree, besides, Du Xinshi has only been frozen for a short time, Shen Feng is not in the mood to continue messing around at this time.

"Okay, okay, I don't need to say such things anymore, I just pretend I didn't hear you! I'll carry you on my back, but there must be a backpack in between." Shen Feng chose a compromise method, separating the backpack between the two In between, unnecessary contact can be avoided.

Then Shen Feng started to take off with Li Keyi on his back, and flew out towards the north, and not long after flying out, he saw a small boat on the water surface, floating alone, luckily, after boarding the boat, Shen Feng Feng made a sail out of a piece of wood, and started driving very quickly after using his supernatural power.

Shen Feng and Li Keyi had just left the circular island, and Ke Yiming and others also rowed past here. They were originally looking for the evolutionary crystals in the blue whale, but they couldn't find it in the end. The whale's belly had exploded, and There is also a huge hole at the position of the whale's skull, and there are many cracks at the position of the hole. It can be seen that it was destroyed by external force.

"Who did this? It can actually cause damage at the position of the whale's skull. It is impossible for ordinary shells to blow through a bone plate several meters thick. Could it be that someone used explosives to blast it?" Xiao Sheng saw it. After this scene, I was very surprised. I didn't know who was fishing in troubled waters. It was not easy to take away the evolutionary crystal of the whale before I arrived.

On the side of Shen Feng and Li Keyi, the two have successfully landed. This is a large island in Indonesia. The population on the island is still large, but it is impossible to form a strong group in the end of the day. They are all one by one. The base originally had gold buttons on Shen Feng's clothes, and they were valuable things anyway, but Li Keyi, a loser, used Shen Feng's clothes to attract Fang Qinghao, and finally disappeared in the whale's explosion. Without a trace, Shen Feng has no currency to use.

After all, Shen Feng still needs clothes. The general difference between humans and animals is that humans have a sense of shame, so humans can wear clothes, but if they don’t have money, they don’t need to talk about it. As the saying goes, a penny can’t beat a hero. Feng was stumped. In desperation, Shen Feng chose to steal. With his speed, stealing clothes is not a simple matter?

After stealing clothes, Shen Feng still needs money to live in a hotel and to find a decent sailboat. Stealing clothes is nothing, but stealing other people’s money is not good. Thinking of this, Shen Feng decided In order to make money, I inquired about it. There is a fourth-order mutant beast in the mountains. It is a species called green iguana. It used to be a vegetarian, but now it also eats meat. It has eaten a lot of people, so many people don’t like it. Dare to enter the mountains.

After hearing about this incident, Shen Feng immediately said to Li Keyi: "Okay, our opportunity to make money has come, prepare to eliminate harm for the people!"

When Li Keyi saw that Shen Feng was going to make money by beating around the bush, he couldn't help but said: "Can you make good use of your power? We are rare seventh-level supernatural beings in this world. We directly went to the boss of this base and beat him up." He had a meal, and he had everything, but at this moment, you are still thinking about this kind of thing, isn't it too ridiculous? The strong can surpass the rules."

What Li Keyi said at this time is also what most supernatural beings would do. He has strong strength, and the existence of this kind of strength means that he will not be short of money wherever he goes. Obedience to orders shows great destructive power, who dares to be disobedient?

In the end, Shen Feng had to make money first, and then obtain supplies. Isn't this a bit too disciplined?

Shen Feng explained: "I don't like to break the rules. Since the rules have been made, they must be followed by people. If I break these rules, it is equivalent to saying that I surpassed the rules." Ordinary people, but in fact I am also a human being, I don't want to be treated differently, of course, if someone offends me, then I will do it."

Li Keyi had no way to refute, because what Shen Feng said now did have some truth, so after thinking about it carefully, he let Shen Feng go, it was only a two-day delay, so let's delay it. Anyway, even if I returned to China, there would be nothing wrong.

Then Shen Feng flew directly into the jungle to kill the fourth-order mutated lizard, and carried the lizard to the base. As soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by crowds. After a closer look, everyone found that this was actually the legendary Fengshen , So they started taking pictures one after another, and the city lord personally welcomed Shen Feng to his home and entertained him carefully.

Shen Feng said: "The lizard is for you, and I don't care, but then prepare enough food for us for half a month, and also need a sailboat, and the most important thing is to prepare a radio station for me to send a telegram to Yuzhou , just say I’m still alive and everything is fine.”

The city lord quickly nodded and agreed. He naturally had to obey Lord Fengshen's request, and it was not in vain. Wasn't the mutated lizard in the mountain killed? The meat on the lizard is a good thing, and it can cultivate a lot of supernatural beings.

Many people in Southeast Asia can actually speak Chinese, because they often need to receive tourists. In addition, there are many overseas Chinese living here. It is not uncommon to know Chinese. The current city lord quickly said: "We must meet the requirements of Lord Fengshen. Arrange these things now, and please stay in my mansion, no matter what you want, I will satisfy you."

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