After leaving the bathroom, Shen Feng finally felt a lot better. Taking a shower for half an hour finally reduced the heat on Shen Feng's body, but after Shen Feng entered his bedroom, he was stunned immediately, because at this time Li Keyi was lying on his bed, wearing close-fitting pajamas, showing his perfect figure, with a pair of long legs exposed, Li Keyi was still pointing at Shen Feng and said, "Come here, you are still waiting what?"

Shen Feng was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Why are you in my room? Go back to your own room quickly, I'm going to sleep."

Li Keyi looked at Shen Feng with a smile and said, "I'm waiting for you now, don't you feel that there is something wrong with you? To be honest, you have been tricked, and I can't wait any longer , you are a very good man, I have been longing for you all the time, so I have learned some methods of scumbags, now, what are you waiting for?"

Only then did Shen Feng understand why he was hot all over, and it turned out to be Li Keyi who was playing tricks, so he quickly said: "Stop messing around, can't we be ordinary friends? Why do you still pester me? Forget it, anyway, I'll go out Solve physical problems."

Shen Feng is also very clear about Li Keyi's feelings. Li Keyi had already revealed it when Yanjing parted before, but he didn't expect Li Keyi to learn such a dirty trick, and he was doing it for himself. Prescribing medicine, obviously this is what a man should do, but at the last moment it turned out to be Li Keyi's behavior.

Li Keyi saw that Shen Feng was about to go out to find a woman, but he still had no idea about himself, so he rushed up and closed the door, and asked, "Am I ugly? Did I not fall into your eyes?" ? Or do you hate me?"

Shen Feng explained: "You are a rare beauty in the world, and I don't hate you, but I really can't do this, you get out of the way, or I won't be polite."

"It's already come to this time, why are you still unwilling to accept me? Obviously I have done so many things, but you still reject me?" Li Keyi continued to ask.

Shen Feng explained: "You know the reason, I already have a family, Du Xinshi's appearance has already made them angry for a long time, if I accept you, they will definitely not agree at first. "

Li Keyi continued to question: "Then let me ask you, when you were in Wa Kingdom, you were still playing songs every night. Didn't you think about family at that time?"

This matter was told by Yue Hengyi and Ke Yiming to Li Keyi. At that time, Shen Feng's alias was Shen Fuyao and he did whatever he wanted. At that time, Shen Feng didn't think about family at all, but at this moment, he actually used such an excuse to prevaricate himself , which makes no sense at all.

Shen Feng was at a loss for words for a while, and said in a hurry: "That's because I just play with them, what should I consider?"

"Then can't you play with me at this time?" Li Keyi continued to question, pressing every step of the way without giving Shen Feng a chance to breathe.

Shen Feng explained: "It's different, we are friends, if something happens to me with you, I need to be responsible, that's why I can't do rude things to you, you understand the meaning ?"

"Then I just want to tell you what I mean. I don't need you to be responsible. I just need your actions to prove that you like me. That's enough. No one will know what happened tonight. Is it okay now? Li Keyi continued to retreat, she already understood what Shen Feng meant, but she still didn't intend to give up.

Finally, Shen Feng was dazzled by desire, picked Li Keyi up and threw him on the bed, and the final boundary between men and women was about to be broken.


When the sun of the next day has appeared, Shen Feng wakes up slowly, the biological clock has been formed, and it will automatically wake up at about the same time, and Shen Feng also gets up and opens the curtains. When Shen Feng is standing on the ground, For a while, he didn't stand still, and his legs softened a little.

The sun had already appeared, passing through the window and shining on Li Keyi's body, and Li Keyi's flawless white body had also appeared in front of Shen Feng. Shen Feng also had lingering fears when he thought of the madness last night, because Li Keyi was simply It's a beautiful snake, it's really terrible when it's stalking people.

After Li Keyi woke up, he looked at Shen Feng with a smile and said, "Good morning, husband."

Shen Feng was taken aback when he heard this title, and said, "You said it last night, you said that I am not responsible, so don't use this title."

Li Keyi got up, and while getting dressed, said: "How many women have you seen keep their promises? Anyway, I'm already entangled with you now, and I have no way if you want to dump me. Speaking of which, at this moment, If I return to Yanjing, I will most likely be excluded, so I have no choice but to join you."

Shen Feng quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, you can't go to Yuzhou. If you go to Yuzhou, because you are a supernatural person and don't have a heart attack, my two wives must fight with you. So it’s absolutely impossible.”

Li Keyi put on his clothes and looked at Shen Feng seriously, but Shen Feng turned his eyes away, looking guilty.

"Well, I knew you were an irresponsible person, so I won't embarrass you anymore. I'll just go back to Yanjing in the future. As for the questioning from the headquarters, I took out an evolutionary crystal, and everything was settled. , but in the future, I want you to visit me every year, so it's okay, right?" Li Keyi said immediately.

"Um, I'll try my best." Shen Feng said hastily.

Li Keyi sneered: "What do you mean by trying your best? If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it! I made it clear, if you don't come to me, I will come to you in person Already!"

Shen Feng nodded quickly: "No problem, I will definitely come to you every year, and I will do what I say! Unless I am really not free, because you also know that sometimes I often fight outside, and you always need to consider special circumstances of."

Li Keyi nodded, and said in his heart: "The purpose of going out this time has finally been achieved."

Although due to external resistance, Li Keyi cannot accompany Shen Feng, but as long as he can maintain an underground relationship, this is also Li Keyi's choice to take a step back. The cruelest thing in life is not getting what you want. It's okay if you never meet, because it's just heard, it's not a big deal, but after meeting, there is an intersection, and life is no longer related, that's too sad.

What Li Keyi is most worried about is that she will never have anything to do with Shen Feng in the future. If this happens, Li Keyi would rather be killed. After all, she has lost her family. If you can't get it, life is meaningless.

After experiencing the incident with Li Keyi, Shen Feng has already seen that Li Keyi is definitely a bad woman. If she is pushed into a hurry, she can do anything. She is a good woman, but at this moment she chooses despicable methods!

"What a bad woman, she's so scheming." Shen Feng couldn't help muttering.

"What are you talking about?" Li Keyi seemed to have heard Shen Feng's muttering, and asked directly at this moment.

Shen Feng quickly said: "It's nothing, I didn't say anything, I think it's time to go, hurry back to Yuzhou as soon as possible, the mosquitoes in this place are also very vicious, if you continue to stay, you may even get sick. "

Li Keyi said to Shen Feng after thinking about it: "Are you in such a hurry? Play on the island for a week before setting off! That's the decision, now go shopping with me."

After finishing speaking, Li Keyi stretched out his hand, and Shen Feng also held hands quickly, and obediently gave in. Thinking of the problems that might arise in the future, Shen Feng felt a headache, and now he can see that Li Keyi is not a fuel-efficient lamp However, if Li Keyi came to the door in the future, Shen Feng would not be able to deal with it.

"Now I can only take one step at a time, and I can't do other things." Shen Feng muttered in his heart.

After spending a week on the island, the relationship between Shen Feng and Li Keyi has finally evolved into lovers. They will habitually hold hands when shopping, and Li Keyi will also serve Shen Feng with vegetables when eating. In the end, the time to sleep at night is also in a bed.

After the week ended, Shen Feng and Li Keyi also set off again. It took half a month to arrive in Yangon by sailboat. There are many people from Yunnan Province here, and they all know Shen Feng's, I think Shen Feng also came to help when he was attacking the Mushroom Forest, so everyone hurriedly sent Shen Feng off and provided the glider. After having the glider, Shen Feng arrived in Yuzhou in a day.

After arriving in Yuzhou, Li Keyi also knew that it was time for him to leave. This was Shen Feng's home, but not his own.

"I'm leaving now, do you have anything to say?" Li Keyi asked outside the city.

This is a forest outside the city, and no one would come during normal times, so I put the farewell place here so that no one else would see it.

Shen Feng suddenly remembered something, so he immediately found a head-sized evolutionary crystal from his backpack, and said, "I almost forgot, this is for you! Going out to sea, it's hard to let you get nothing, this The evolution crystal is very precious, so let it be a gift for you. As long as you put this evolution crystal in front of the headquarters, the headquarters will not be able to embarrass you."

What Shen Feng is most worried about now is that Li Keyi will be embarrassed by others when he returns to Yanjing. If this happens, he has no way to protect Li Keyi, so he simply gives away this evolutionary crystal. , can also be regarded as a farewell gift.

However, after seeing the gift from Shen Feng, Li Keyi laughed out loud, and then asked: "Do you really understand or do you not understand? This is the only one in the world. The evolutionary crystal of the ninth-level sea beast is more precious than the meteorite fragments in the backpack, if you give it to me, won't you feel it is a pity?"

Shen Feng smiled wryly, and said: "Our relationship cannot be known by others, so I am sorry for you, so I have to give you some compensation. Only these things, precious as they are, give you as you give them."

After hearing what Shen Feng said, Li Keyi was somewhat moved, and then said: "No need, such precious things should be kept in Yuzhou, but you must keep them safe, maybe there will be more in the future." Great use, as for me, just take a small evolutionary crystal."

After finishing speaking, Li Keyi set off, and gave Shen Feng a kiss before parting. Shen Feng could only stand there sadly, watching Li Keyi leave blankly, although he wanted to prevent Li Keyi from leaving , but could not speak.

"Maybe I'm not a qualified husband, I can't do anything well, and I always make the women around me sad. If only I could have a harmonious harem like the male lead in the harem comics." Shen Feng felt helpless in his heart thought.

In many harem-type anime, the male protagonist always hugs left and right, so there is no need to worry about the harem being unharmonious. Women get along very well with the male protagonist and will not be jealous, but this kind of cartoon is only in the imagination. It will appear, but in reality it will not be so simple.

But having said that, the reason why these harem comics are enduring is also because they cater to the tastes of readers, and everyone likes to fantasize about these unrealistic things.

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