Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 889 Yanjing's Strongest Belonger

"I understand, I understand why this is the case. This is the mutated bird taking revenge at this time, it must be like this, I can't guess wrong, it must be the situation I said, the mutated bird has already had a preliminary Wisdom, with the concept of revenge, and last year, North America poisoned and killed most of the mutated birds, and the mutated birds started to retaliate after realizing this." In the research institute in Yanjing City , a zoologist is shouting loudly.

If you want to know why mutated birds attack cities, you also need to know the behavioral logic of mutated birds, and this matter is generally studied in animal behavior. By studying the behavior of animals, you can know the logic behind animals doing this kind of thing. Now At this time, zoologists have also come up with the logic of the mutated birds attacking the city.

Now Yanjing is already in a state of panic. People have also heard the news that all the cities outside the pass have fallen. All of them have been breached by mutated birds and mutated beasts. Even if this kind of thing is a fairy tale, it may not be able to deceive children, but this kind of thing has indeed appeared in front of everyone's eyes, so they have to believe it.

But at this time, an assistant asked: "Teacher, it's not us who put the virus in, but the bacteria and viruses put in by people in North America. Even if the mutated bird wants revenge, shouldn't it come to us?"

The zoologist looked at his student, and said helplessly, "What are you talking about? Is there any big difference between an orangutan and a silverback gorilla from a human perspective? In my eyes, it is enough for birds to know that it is human beings that have caused their population to decline sharply. There are people in North America, but are there no people in Asia?"

At this time, Yanjing is already very dangerous, because the mutated birds have arrived outside the city of Yanjing. Although there is no attack for the time being, there are too many mutated birds in the surrounding areas, and there are always mutated birds in Yanjing. dangerous.

"Teacher, what should we do next? Should we hide in the air-raid shelter?" The student began to ask.

The zoologist shook his head helplessly, and said: "You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime! The mutated bird has now regarded human beings as the last enemy. If you want to survive, there is only one way, or you can destroy all the mutated birds. It can only be crazily retaliated by the birds."

There are actually acts of revenge among animals. Whether it is a bear or an elephant, they can remember the appearance of humans and take revenge. Among the birds, crows are smarter. After more than ten years, crows have not Will forget to take revenge, so for human beings, they are now hostile to the mutated birds. If they want to survive, there is only one way to survive, and that is to completely wipe out the mutated birds, otherwise, the war will not end.

"Is there no better way? Like eliminating the hatred between the two parties and living in harmony?" the student continued to ask. After all, it is too difficult to eliminate the mutant bird, and it cannot be done overnight.

It's a pity that such an illusion was ruthlessly pierced by the professor, "Harmony? What are you thinking? When did humans and animals coexist harmoniously? The so-called harmonious coexistence means that humans occupy most of the resources, and animals Get a small part of the resources that humans don't need. Now that the mutated birds have become stronger, they are bound to get more resources, such as food and habitats. Humans can't tolerate these, so in the end, the ending is It is already doomed, humans, mutated birds and mutated beasts are now in an endless situation."

After the professor explained the essential contradiction between humans and mutated birds, the students have already understood why the mutated birds must attack humans at this time. Apart from revenge, it is also to snatch resources. With a lot of resources in his hands, this will definitely not be accepted by the mutant bird.

At this moment, an air defense siren sounded over the city, and the people in Yanjing City hurriedly searched for the surrounding air-raid shelters to take shelter, while the soldiers were already in position, and the combatants stood on the streets and on the roofs of buildings one after another, preparing for the attack of the mutated birds.

At this time, fighter jets had already taken off from the airport in Yanjing, and three thousand fighter jets took off one after another, carrying enough weapons on the fighter jets, including missiles and machine gun bullets.

Sitting in the cockpit, Wu Zhenyuan said to the team members behind him: "Remember to follow me when flying later, don't be surrounded by mutant birds, our battlefield is outside the city, and save ammunition, don't throw bullets at once Light up everything, don’t fly too fast, remember to save fuel, and return later.”

Wu Zhenyuan is no longer the immature soldier he was at the beginning. Now he has become the captain at this time, and there are several team members under him. Now he suddenly understands how the captain he sacrificed at the beginning thought of him. After leaving the battlefield, I have to be responsible for bringing these children back, which is really a heavy task.

The young team members have heard that the captain participated in the defense of Yanjing a few years ago, and they were just hiding in the city at that time. Now, the team members have also started to ask: "Captain, I heard that you I participated in the defense of Yanjing before, isn't it true?"

Wu Zhenyuan said calmly: "That's right, there is this incident, and it is precisely because of this incident that I will ask you to make preparations every time before setting off, especially the preparation of ammunition, otherwise, it will be easy to sacrifice .”

Wu Zhenyuan can't forget until now, how his captain died back then! No one expected that at that time, the corpse king had joined forces with the mutant birds, and the original fighter jets were only carrying out the mission of bombing the zombies. But afterwards, in order to prevent the mutant birds from approaching, the captain and the rest of the old pilots rushed Going up and risking his life in exchange for Yanjing's defense time.

"Captain, how do we fight with so many mutated birds?" Suddenly a team member started asking, interrupting Wu Zhenyuan's thoughts.

Wu Zhenyuan then replied: "When the time comes, you can just follow me and fight according to the formation you trained before. Remember, you must fly very high during air combat. If you don't fly high enough, you will be surrounded." , Mutant birds are very good at using life-for-life combat methods, so we must avoid dogfighting and use the advantage of maneuvering to win."

After speaking, it was his turn to take off, Wu Zhenyuan said: "Keep in touch, the microphone is turned on at any time, ready to take off."

Wu Zhenyuan made up his mind that the players behind him must also bring them back safely.

The attack of the mutated birds has begun. Yanjing still has a population of more than 6 million. It is an absolute big city. The mutated birds are obviously very aware of this, so especially when the flocks of birds outside the city have gathered tens of millions The attack will only start when the number is high.

Facing the mutated birds rushing over, the first line of defense was surface-to-air missiles, which were aimed at places where the mutated birds were densely populated, and a single launch could kill hundreds of mutated birds.

The second line of defense is the anti-aircraft guns. Some anti-aircraft guns are aimed automatically, while others are manually controlled. It is hard to tell which one is good and which is bad, because the automatic control is not easy to use once it fails, and the manually controlled anti-aircraft guns are not enough. Accurate, but in the face of endless mutated birds, as long as a series of bullets are shot out, blood will rain from the sky. At this time, aiming does not make much sense, mainly because the firepower is sufficient.

The third line of defense is the anti-aircraft machine guns, coupled with the defensive power of the soldiers on the ground, although the power is not as powerful as the first two, it is better in large numbers.

After the battle started, the mutated bird caught the small mutated beast and set off. After reaching the sky above the city, it would directly drop the mutated beast it caught from the air, causing the mutated beast to cause chaos in the city, while the mutated bird was Constantly harassing in the air.

The supernatural beings also stood on the top of the building to deal with the mutant birds. Li Keyi was the most eye-catching existence at this time. She stood on the top of the tower in white, and she became the focus. The light in the sky seemed to have disappeared. All gathered on her body, she looks so holy, coupled with her title of goddess of light, at this time, she is the real goddess in the hearts of many people.

Li Keyi did not expect Yanjing to encounter such a crisis. If this is not handled properly, Yanjing City will be breached.

Now that Li Keyi is using the light, the strong light keeps blooming from her body, blinding the mutated birds in the air. The eyesight of birds is very strong, but because the eyesight is very sharp, as long as they are irradiated by strong light, they can be easily blinded. At present, Li Keyi is constantly irradiating the eyes of birds, causing the blinding effect.

After being blinded, the mutated bird lost its eyesight, and eventually had to fall to the ground. As long as it fell to the ground, after falling to the ground, it lost the advantage of flying, and the bird could only be slaughtered.

After the elite among the mutant birds found out how tricky Li Keyi was, they immediately started a sneak attack, but Li Keyi had a very good grasp of the light, and there was no blind spot in the 360-degree field of vision. For the mutated bird, Li Keyi could split it into two by directly summoning a two-meter laser knife.

In the distant direction, Jin Zijue, Xiao Sheng and others were together, and they were also surprised after seeing Li Keyi's amazing performance now, and Jin Zijue even said directly: "Li Keyi has definitely become a seventh-order superhuman , otherwise, according to her current way of performing supernatural powers, her physical strength would have been exhausted long ago, it seems that the title of Yanjing's strongest supernatural being can only be given to Li Keyi."

After seeing Li Keyi's performance at this time, both Jin Zijue and Xiao Sheng could see that Li Keyi had definitely broken through the barrier of evolution at this time, otherwise it would be impossible to perform so shockingly, As for why Li Keyi had evolutionary crystals, they also knew very well. When they were at sea, Li Keyi and Shen Feng took advantage of the fire and stole several evolutionary crystals.

Before that, many people were still in dispute about the ownership of Yanjing's strongest superpower. Some people thought it was Xiao Sheng, and some people thought it was Jin Zijue. But after seeing Li Keyi's performance today, everyone You know, at this moment, the strongest person in Yanjing is definitely Li Keyi.

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