Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 893 Mountains And Rivers Broken Part 4

Obviously, too fast is not a good thing. The speed of fighter jets exceeds the speed of sound, which means that ordinary birds cannot keep up with fighter jets. But similarly, if fighter jets find danger, it is difficult to change their speed and direction.

A large black swan came out of the clouds and hit the fighter jet. The pilot with the fighter jet reacted quickly and shot directly.

The shooting guns on the fighter jets are specially made, and can automatically fire 20mm bullets, called machine guns, which can directly tear a person's body apart when hit on a person's body. Even dinosaurs can't withstand such shooting. When the bullets started firing, the black swans rushing out of the clouds were all killed one after another, completely without the slightest ability to resist.

A large number of black swans were torn to pieces, it seems that there is no danger, but there are still many broken bones in the sky, and the fighter jets are still flying at supersonic speed at this time, and immediately hit them hard, countless The broken bones hit the fighter plane like sharp bullets.

The fighter jets are all new fighter jets. Even the glass in the cockpit is bulletproof glass. When the broken bone hits the bulletproof glass, there is a bursting sound immediately. There are cracks on the glass, which are distributed on the glass like spider webs. above, but even though it has been cracked to the present point, the glass still shows no signs of breaking.

"No. 3, fighter No. 3, answer quickly, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, a hurried voice suddenly sounded, and everyone hurriedly observed the surrounding companions.

After the black swan was killed by the machine gun, the threat to the fighter jet was obviously reduced, but when countless broken bones and long beaks hit the fighter jet, the fighter jet was also equivalent to experiencing a strafing of bullets. The two fighter jets fell down, and the position of the cockpit was also a bloody mess. I don't know what's going on in the cockpit.

"Number six, number six, please answer as soon as possible now, how are you doing?" The pilot began to call another companion.

On the No. 6 fighter plane, Wu Zhenyuan was already covered in blood, and in front of him was a blurred instrument panel. Besides, there was a whistling cold wind blowing. When he looked down, his chest and abdomen were already covered in blood. It turned out that he was hit by a broken bone during the encounter with the black swan just now, the blood was flowing continuously, and there was the call of his companions in his ears.

"Maybe I can't do it anymore. When you go back, tell my team members that you must observe the surroundings at any time during the battle, and don't act recklessly." At this time, Wu Zhenyuan was already very weak, and he could only confess his last words to his companions.

"Number 6, hurry up and eject, activate the eject button, and we will look for you then." The rest of the pilots hurriedly called out, as long as the companion is still conscious, there is hope of being rescued.

Wu Zhenyuan can no longer operate the fighter jet, and the instrument part of the fighter jet has also been damaged. Even if he is awake, he may not be able to change the situation of the battle. This is an altitude of 10,000 meters. Only then can there be a way to survive.

Wu Zhenyuan's consciousness has been blurred. When he saw the eject button, there are two ways to eject. One way is to press the eject button, and he will be ejected into the air at that time. The other way is to pull the operating lever , now Wu Zhenyuan doesn't have any strength to pull the joystick, so he can only press the eject button.

After the ejection button was pressed, there was a "bang" in the cab, and then a person tied to the seat was ejected. There is an intelligent system on the seat that can distinguish the surrounding terrain. When descending to a certain height, the seat will open the parachute, and there is an emergency first aid kit in the seat to ensure that the pilot can heal himself after landing.

"Fortunately, the sixth child still has a chance to land, but the third is probably dead." The pilots said with emotion.

In the recent battles, the mutated beasts basically used the same method of attack, that is, to rely on the advantage of numbers to win. When the fighters appeared, the mutated birds would rush up. The fighters were flying very fast. , no matter what it hits, it will suffer a strong attack. The casualties of fighter jets are often caused by collisions with mutant birds. Pilots are very careful about this. They cannot be surrounded, and they must occupy the commanding heights .

Only this time, no one thought that the mutated bird could carry out an ambush in such a situation. Two pilots lost contact in a hurry. However, the task of killing the beast king has now been completed. The casualties this time It is also acceptable.

"Commander, we are currently returning to Yanjing, and the goal of killing the Beastmaster has been completed." The pilot then reported the completion of the mission.

But at this time, the headquarters discovered a very strange phenomenon through the satellite, that is, the animal hordes did not disperse at this time, but tended to gather. Seeing this situation, the headquarters then began to question: "You Has the beast king really been killed? Why hasn't the beast tide dispersed at this time? Did you miss a few beast kings?"

The pilots obviously didn't expect this to happen. They had indeed killed all the beast kings with missiles just now, but in the end there was still a wave of beasts gathering. This is really outrageous.

"We are sure that the missiles have killed all these beast kings just now." The pilots clearly said in the intercom.

The headquarters sighed helplessly, and said, "Anyway, come back at this time."

Now at this time, the beast tide has already received air support from mutant birds. In this case, fighter jets will be useless in a short time. However, there are medium-range missiles that can be launched in Yanjing City. Next In the game, satellite positioning is needed, and then the Beastmaster is killed remotely. As for the effect, it is hard to say.

The fighter jets finally returned to Yanjing, but the mutant beasts had also arrived near the Great Wall. Originally, Yanjing was already threatened by air power. It is an unknown thing to successfully prevent the approach of the mutant beast.

At this time, Qin Kewei was still training supernatural beings to fight. Once the day came, the mutated birds would attack Yanjing. At this time, people already knew to hide in the air-raid shelter without the air defense alarm. It can be said that people nowadays It has been trained by the mutated bird to the point of conditioned reflex.

At night, people got out of the air-raid shelters one after another, returned to their homes to light a fire, cook, and rest by the way.

Qin Kewei has always wanted to figure out the whole thing. It seems that many things have happened to him before, but these things can't be remembered now for some reason. At this time, there is no need to force, and he can only wait. As time goes by, memories will slowly emerge.

"Instructor, are you okay now?" He Qiu'an suddenly saw Qin Kewei holding his head at this moment, so he couldn't help but become concerned.

Qin Kewei quickly shook his head and said: "I'm fine, it's because of the existence of energy blocks in my brain, so I can't remember many things. Wait for a while, and then I can remember everything, but, now At this time, as long as I recall it, I will have a headache immediately.”

He Qiu'an heard that Qin Kewei still had energy blocks in his brain, so he volunteered and said, "Well, I can use my supernatural ability to heal you. Instructor, don't worry, now I have mastered supernatural abilities. Very skilled."

Qin Kewei also knows why He Qiuan said this. He Qiuan's ability is gamma rays. This kind of ray is very powerful and contains a lot of energy, so it is a relatively dangerous ability. If he is given enough time to grow , maybe he can become a strong man like Gong Changfa.

Qin Kewei thinks about it for himself, at this moment, he has no other way. If he wants to know what happened, he must clear the energy blocks in his head. Right now, he can only believe that he can do it Well, He Qiu'an is not a child, he will not do things that he is not sure about.

Next, He Qiu'an was going to treat Qin Kewei, and he also had his own doubts at this time, and then he couldn't help asking: "Instructor, how long do you think we can last? If the mutant bird still hasn't left in winter , what will happen to us?"

After this question was asked, Qin Kewei has also been silent. The current situation is different from the past. Now the mutated bird has treated human beings as enemies. It is a situation of immortality, and it is very likely that it will be winter. , the mutated bird still hasn't left, if things really develop to this point, then something bad will happen.

Qin Kewei was silent for a while, and said: "I don't know what will happen in the future. I only know that we must guard this city. When the birds have no food in winter, they will naturally leave."

Even mutated birds need to be supplemented with food. As long as this matter remains unchanged, Yanjing will still have a huge advantage after winter.

Then He Qiuan's treatment began. He Qiuan had a very strong control over the ray in his hand. He controlled the ray to enter Qin Kewei's brain and smashed the energy block in Qin Kewei's brain. The process needs to be very careful, otherwise, the brain will be damaged if you are not careful.

The energy blocks are gradually being shattered, and at this time, the activity of Qin Kewei's neurons will no longer be hindered, and the memories of the past have also emerged one by one, and pictures appear in front of her eyes. These things really happened, It was only now that she could recall.

"Damn it, what a bunch of bastards, they actually sealed my memory, and tried their best to deceive me, let me marry a scumbag, and in the end, let me kill Yue Hengyi, what a bastard! I Revenge." When the energy block in her brain was shattered, Qin Kewei understood everything, and she understood why she couldn't recall the key things that happened. It turned out that her memory had been sealed many times , Every time I am about to wake up, the memory will be sealed once.

Thanks to He Qiu'an's help, at this moment, Qin Kewei finally woke up. For a while, memories appeared in her mind like flowing water, and scenes from the past had emerged. There is still deep hatred in the existing Tianlong Bureau, she is resentful that her life has been changed by others.

"Sister Qin, has your memory recovered? It seems that my ability is still useful." He Qiuan was relieved when he saw Qin Kewei suddenly stand up. It seems that his ability has not failed, although It's a little hard work, but as long as it works, it's enough.

Qin Kewei woke up, looked at He Qiuan, and said, "Mr. He, thank you for your help. If it weren't for your help, my memory is still not enough to recover."

He Qiuan quickly said: "It's just a little effort, nothing to worry about, as long as you don't have a headache, instructor."

Qin Kewei said slowly: "In the future, I won't have a headache anymore, because those who have used me, I will kill them one by one!"

At this moment, Qin Kewei feels that he has been played by the whole world. He was used by the black hands behind the scenes to kill his dear ones with his own hands. Instead, he feels sorry for the death of a scumbag. All of this All of these are because of his tampered memory.

Now at this time, the memory has recovered, Qin Kewei decided to make everyone who hurt himself and Yue Hengyi pay the price!

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