Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 920 Change Of Mind

After hearing the explanations from Gong Changfa and He Qiuan, Shen Feng was not very excited. Instead, he calmly asked, "You said you were going to use mutated mushrooms to attack, but in my opinion there is still a huge loophole in this matter, so why?" How to let the mutant birds eat the mutant mushrooms, and how to gather the mutant birds? The most difficult problem with the mutant birds is not to kill them, but that these things will run away when the situation is not good, and they don’t like fighting at all.”

After many years of fighting, Shen Feng already has very valuable experience. This is the experience gained after many times of tempering. Mutant birds cannot be dealt with casually. Once these cunning things see that something is wrong , will spread its wings and fly away immediately, and will never give others a chance to wipe them out.

Therefore, Shen Feng will not shake his original thoughts just because of a few casual words from others, unless the other party can give a reasonable fighting method.

After being silent for a while, Gong Changfa gave the next answer: "It's not to lure mutated birds to come here to eat mushrooms, but to take the initiative. We have a supernatural person who can release induced electric waves here, which can attract birds to come here." attack, and we have collected a lot of mushrooms in the mushroom forest, and they have been ground into powder."

"You have already said that, so it can be seen that you are very well prepared, why do you want me?" Shen Feng asked immediately.

He Qiu'an explained: "These mutated mushrooms have been ground into powder, and it's not easy for the mutated bird to eat them. You have to find someone who can control the strong wind, and when you're caught off guard, roll the powder into it." In this way, the mutated bird can only inhale the powder in the end, which can prevent the mutated bird from escaping. And only you can do this."

Shen Feng hesitated. The other party's suggestion at this time is indeed quite good, because all aspects have been considered, and the implementability is very strong. It will attract a large number of mutant birds to gather and eliminate them. The trace of the mutated bird, but what the final effect will be, that is not clear.

There are two people in the Feiyu Army who are Shen Feng's right-hand men, Wei Xinglong and Li Shanyun, and these two people are also beginning to persuade Shen Feng at this time: "The city lord, as the saying goes: He who travels a hundred miles is half ninety. We We have been outside for five years, and now everyone in the world knows that what we do is to save the world and save the people. No matter where we go, we are welcomed. This is all the credit we have accumulated during these years. "

Shen Feng thought about it carefully, at this moment, none of his subordinates have given up, so it seems inappropriate for him to give up now.

Gong Changfa continued at this time: "Shen Feng, I know you are disheartened at this time, but you must persevere. Many people are expecting you to save the world at this time. If you give up at this time, For many people, they can only despair in the end!"

Shen Feng actually asked: "What if I fail? How long will I waste? If I fail, I will waste a lot of time on this insignificant matter. I would rather go home earlier Rest, in the final analysis, I have no obligation to save people at all. People are born between heaven and earth, birth, old age, sickness and death, misfortune and fortune. All are predestined by God, why force it? I overestimated my own strength, I can't save this The rest of the world, as long as I can protect my family."

After Shen Feng uttered these words, everyone didn't know how to persuade them, because these words were summed up by countless people, and the world's affairs are still unfinished, so it might as well let it go. According to Buddhism, it is useless to be persistent, and there will be no good results if you force it, just give up as soon as possible.

"How can you think like this? Now you are the hope of everyone in the world. Your strength is obvious to all. Everyone knows that you are very strong. What will we do if you admit defeat? We are not as strong as you!" Gong Changfa asked back.

Shen Feng was silent for a moment, and said: "Because I don't want to waste any more time, tell me, how many mutated birds can you kill this time in revenge? Will you kill hundreds of thousands, millions or even 10 million mutated birds?" Birds? How many birds are there in the whole world? There are always more than a billion, and it is impossible to solve the problem with just one or two wars."

"We don't need to kill all the mutated birds in the world. We just need to go to Siberia and kill the birds in northern Siberia, so that migratory birds cannot go south on a large scale. China will not be affected by mutated birds in the future. Threat." He Qiuan also quickly explained.

"How long will it take to do it? Can you give me an accurate answer? I don't want to do meaningless things!" Shen Feng said seriously.

He Qiuan and Gong Changfa looked at each other, as if they were communicating, and then replied: "Shen Feng, it only takes three months to fight side by side with us, and we will let you know that killing mutants Birds are not meaningless things. And this time the action will be announced in your name, which means that all the credit belongs to you. As long as this task can be completed, then you will be the savior in everyone's mind. "

"You gave me all the credit, so what are you doing for?" After Shen Feng heard such an attractive condition, it was hard for him not to be moved, but he also had doubts in his heart, that is, why did these two people do this Do?

"Our purpose has been told to you just now, our purpose is very simple, it is revenge!" Gong Changfa said seriously.

Li Shanyun also came over and said to Shen Feng: "City Master, now everyone in the world hates mutant birds. Who doesn't have a deep hatred for mutant birds? Just like the meaning of these brothers following you, many of them are not from From Yuzhou, they spontaneously made paragliders and followed you spontaneously for revenge, if you choose to give up now, the hearts of the brothers will be broken."

"Okay, since you've all said this, I'll stick with it for another three months, but let's just say, if there's no progress after three months, I'm leaving!" Shen Feng is now finally He was convinced, and now he only wants to persist for another three months. If he finds that there is not much progress in killing the mutant bird, then he will still return to Yuzhou.

"By the way, you should have a radio station here, so help me send a telegram to Yuzhou. I have been away for several months, and I haven't talked to my family. I will use your radio station to send them news." Shen Feng suddenly remembered an important thing, and that was to report the safety of his family.

When Shen Feng said this, He Qiuan also knew that his plan was a success, so he quickly said: "Of course it's no problem, you can just go to the communication room if you want to send anything. In a few months, the people in Bingcheng will also It will be famous all over the world."

In the past five years, the Bingcheng side has been recharging their energy and never taking the initiative to expose themselves, so many people don't even know the news that Bingcheng has been rebuilt. But now as long as he follows Shen Feng to attack the mutant birds, then the ice city will definitely become famous all over the world.

"It sounds like you said that your great-grandfather left you a nine-character mantra, so what do these nine words mean?" Shen Feng suddenly became curious at this moment.

Shen Feng was curious about this matter because his teacher left a nine-character mantra before he died, and the last three words had the greatest influence on him. At that time, Professor Chu asked Shen Feng to save Limin, so Shen Feng followed suit, and when everyone else was resting and recuperating, he led thousands of people to fight outside, just to kill and injure the mutant birds as much as possible.

He Qiu'an didn't intend to hide it, and then said: "There is nothing unusual about these nine words. They are farming and weaving, building industry, and returning to Yanjing. In fact, they are the same as the nine-character mantra that Mr. Shen got."

Shen Feng pondered the nine characters carefully, but said, "The first six characters have almost the same meaning, but the last three characters seem to be different."

The last three words on Shen Feng's side were called "save the people", but on He Qiuan's side, the last three words he got were "back to Yanjing", which obviously had a different meaning.

But He Qiuan replied: "It seems that they have different meanings, but as long as you think carefully, you will find that the meanings of these words are the same. Your teacher advised you to help the common people in the world, and my great-grandfather hoped that I would bring People return to Yanjing, but returning to Yanjing means that the situation will be stable at that time, and it also means that Yanjing can be rebuilt at that time, and when Yanjing is rebuilt, the people on the North China Plain will be able to get relief."

"It seems to mean that, then you should follow his old man's advice and find a place for us to rest. We have been running around for a while, so we haven't had a good rest." Shen Feng also understood what He Qiuan meant. , he also wants to create a peaceful world.

Soon someone took Shen Feng and his men to rest. Most of the ice city is underground. This kind of building is used as a defense, and it is almost indestructible. The underground space is also very large. As long as there is The supply of energy, then there will be no power outage underground.

There are also problems with building a city underground, that is, the ventilation will not be particularly good. Even if there are many exhaust facilities, the efficiency of these exhaust facilities is not very good, and the air in the underground space is very turbid.

After Shen Feng sent the telegram back to Yuzhou in Bingcheng, Chang Jianyi and others received the news immediately, and then started discussions. It seemed that this was just a letter from home, but in fact there were many in this letter. content is worth reading.

"Shen Feng said here that he would go to Siberia with a group of people to kill mutant birds, and that he would come back if he failed. I speculate that this must be because Shen Feng doesn't want to continue fighting outside, so it will sprout at this time Retire." Chang Jianyi said to his family.

Chu Chaoyan also nodded quickly, and said: "According to what I know about Shen Feng, that must be the case. Now that he has finally enlightened, there is absolutely no need to fight outside. Let's return to Yuzhou while this is the time."

"After fighting outside for so long, maybe he has become disheartened." Li Keyi also said at this time.

The three of them discussed in the room for a while, and they all confirmed Shen Feng's real intention. At this moment, he probably wanted to give up.

It stands to reason that Shen Feng is not a person who gives up halfway, but the situation is so difficult, and he has persisted for five years, but the situation has not changed much. It is okay to give up at this time.

Suddenly, Chang Jianyi remembered a very important matter, so she quickly said: "By the way, Shen Feng's sister Shen Yu is getting married. It stands to reason that we are going to celebrate here too. Shen Feng can't go there. We You always need to send someone over there."

Chu Chaoyan thought for a while, looked at Li Keyi and asked, "You should go out now. You don't seem to have met Shen Feng's sister and parents. You should go to her wedding at this time."

Li Keyi thought about it, and it is indeed the case. She is considered to be married to Shen Feng. Although there is no wedding, at least it needs to be recognized by Shen Feng's family. I have heard Shen Feng introduce his parents and sister before. , are a very kind family, and it was just a matter of time to go to Yuzhou when Shen Feng's sister got married.

Originally, Xiao Sheng and Shen Yu's marriage should have been put on the agenda long ago, but in the past few years, Sichuan Province has been unstable. First, mutant beasts invaded the snowy mountains in the west, and later, monkeys from Mount Emei ruined the crops everywhere. Then the plague appeared again, so it can be said that there was no peace, that is, it was settled down in the last few months, and at this time, Shen Yu finally had the opportunity to get married.

Li Keyi has been studying artificial evolutionary crystals for several years, and there has been no progress during this period. Her research has entered a bottleneck period. At this time, she can't reach the point of breakthrough in a hurry, so now is the right time to go out and relax.

"Okay then, I'll go to Shen Yu's wedding. I'm already half of my natal family. What gifts do I need to bring?" Li Keyi then asked.

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