Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 94 Mutant Mouse

On the streets of Luzhou, zombies were lying on the ground staggeringly. These zombies were completely dehydrated, so they couldn't stand up at all. At this time, mice had appeared on the street unscrupulously. These mice usually eat garbage in the city, but After the cessation of human activities, the mice could not find anything to eat, so they had to look around for food, and the zombies that fell on the ground became the objects of the mice foraging.

The mouse tentatively bit the zombie twice, but found that the zombie was still motionless. It seemed to be different from the human beings a month ago, so it continued to eat the zombie. Many mice that ate the flesh and blood of the zombie gradually became bigger. , and the zombies didn't even have the strength to drive away the mice, so they could only let the mice eat them.

If it is in normal time, the rats certainly have no guts to bite people, but it is different when they are extremely hungry. Rats that are extremely hungry will start to bite the zombies who are unable to move on the street after they can’t find food, and eventually eat them one by one. His belly was round, obviously because he had a good life.

However, at this moment, a human voice came from the street in the distance, shouting loudly: "Brothers, follow up, the zombies here are all dehydrated!"

The mouse heard the human voice, and immediately hid in the sewer, but the body became much bigger, and it became more difficult for the mouse to drill the hole.

Yang Chang rushed to the street with more than a hundred people. When he saw zombies lying everywhere on the street, he quickly said: "Brothers, quickly deal with these zombies. Remember, no one is allowed to be left alive! In addition, the corpses will be recovered by the logistics team." A group of people will clean it up, so we don’t need to carry it.”

While talking, Yang Chang hacked to death a dying zombie with a knife in his hand, and the rest of the team members also started their hands one after another. Everyone's hands were all cold weapons, but when dealing with zombies, it was much easier, after all These zombies have basically lost their mobility.

Guo Pinming, Cao Fulie and others also took their hands to kill the zombies. At present, they only need to kill the zombies, which is enough. Shen Feng is going deep into the city to find traces of mutant zombies. He is worried about the number of people on his side. Too many will scare away these mutated zombies. After all, they already have basic intelligence, so Shen Feng plans to kill the mutated zombies by himself. Anyway, he can move freely in the city like no one else.

Yu Renshu originally wanted to hunt mutant zombies. Her reason was: "The Self-Aid Association has wasted more than 90 evolution potions for me. I can't turn a blind eye to it. Therefore, I want to contribute a piece of my own to the Self-Aid Association." strength."

Chang Jianyi sneered when she heard such an explanation, and said to herself, "I don't know what you are thinking yet? Don't you just want to take the opportunity to get close to Shen Feng? You have a good idea!"

Ever since, Chang Jianyi said solemnly: "Doctor, I can understand that you want to make a contribution, but you are recovering from a serious illness and cannot do strenuous exercise, so you should take someone to carry the corpses of the zombies, which is also very important." Content."

Yu Renshu had no choice but to take people to carry the corpses as ordered. The logistics team and the transportation team cooperated to transport the corpses from the city to the edge of the Yangtze River, and then threw them into the Yangtze River. The turbulent river will take them away Zombie corpses, and this method is to avoid the appearance of the plague. You must know that the lack of medicines is a troublesome thing when dealing with the plague. In order to avoid casualties caused by the plague, let's throw the corpse away.

Chang Jianyi is organizing everyone to move. The base here in Hezhou no longer needs to be used. Is it uncomfortable to live in reinforced concrete houses in the city? Isn't Simmons more comfortable than a plank bed? In particular, all kinds of circuits in the city are well established, and the lights are bright, which can be said to be much better than narrow and dim shacks.

The urban areas near the dam are the first to move in, and people can live in them after tidying up casually, and the dam has already started to supply power to the city. With electricity, human civilization can continue to develop, whether it is the speed of information transmission or other things. Get a qualitative leap.

After moving into the city, the survivors thought that the previous disaster was over. After all, they had returned to live in the city and would never face the threat of zombies again. After all the zombies were cleaned up, everyone would continue Rebuild a better world.

However, Shen Feng, who was wandering around in the city, found something was wrong, because he found that fat mice were often seen in the city. It would be fine if a mouse was as big as a mouse, but a mouse can grow to be as long as forty or fifty centimeters, which is not right, and it is not a guinea pig, so how can it be so big?

So, Shen Feng drew out his dragon-slaying sword and killed a mouse with one sword, only to find that the mouse still had no resistance and was killed immediately.

"Are mutant mice so weak? Do you want to try breeding them?" Shen Feng muttered to himself.

It is obviously impossible for ordinary mice to grow so big, so Shen Feng thought that what he killed was a mutated mouse, but this is strange, is the mutated mouse so weak?

Shen Feng's idea is very simple. Since the mouse is so weak and can grow to the size of a rabbit, it is better to breed and eat meat. I just don't know if this idea will be approved. After all, eating mice is still too magical. One point, what if you eat a disease?

While Shen Feng was thinking wildly, he quickly turned the corner and came to the next street, and saw a shocking scene in an instant, hundreds of mice were eating the zombies on the ground in this street, and these mice were also so fat, Shen Feng rushed to the intersection, these mutated mice immediately turned their heads to look at him, the mice's eyes kept turning, as if observing Shen Feng's movements.

"Hey, a bunch of beasts!" Shen Feng yelled, and the fear engraved in the mouse's genes suddenly appeared, so the mouse hurriedly ran away, and only a minute passed, and the mice on the street disappeared.

Shen Feng was very proud of his performance, and said to himself: "Back then, even if Zhang Fei and Chang Banpo yelled, it was just as powerful as me, right?"

So what about the hundreds of mutated mice, didn't they scare away with a loud shout? Shen Feng felt pretty good about himself, but then he thought about it, hundreds of mutant mice were no threat, but what about a thousand? What about 10,000? Mutated mice are not easy to deal with. They usually hide in dark places, such as sewers and garbage dumps. They are all hiding places for these things, and the more they are, the greater the threat to humans!

"It seems that the mutated mice need to be properly cleaned up!" Shen Feng said with the thought of being prepared.

Originally, Shen Feng thought that zombies are the biggest enemy at present. After all, the number and threat of zombies are the most troublesome. However, apart from zombies, animals seem to mutate. It is not that becoming zombies has no intelligence, but physical fitness Become stronger, if all animals have this similar mutation, then after the zombies are eliminated, other animals will also be very dangerous. Mice can grow so big, wouldn't tigers be more dangerous?

Fortunately, there is no zoo in Luzhou, so Shen Feng doesn't have to worry about whether tigers will escape from the zoo. Otherwise, a tiger hunting everywhere in the city may be very dangerous. But after thinking about it, hundreds of thousands of zombies are moving in the city, even tigers will eat you, it is impossible to survive until now.

Zombies are entrenched in the city, and there seems to be good and bad. The bad thing is that these zombies must be killed to recover the city. The good thing is that with the existence of zombies, the danger caused by other mutant animals will be reduced. If it is in the wild It would be a disaster if all the animals started to attack humans.

Shen Feng spent half a day looking over the main urban area of ​​Luzhou, and confirmed that there is no danger in the urban area. If there is still a corpse king, it would be too miserable, but at this time In Luzhou, apart from zombies, mutant rats are the only thing that can pose a threat to humans. These things are as big as stray cats, and there are quite a lot of them. They must be cleaned up in time.

Hu Lai also followed Chang Jianyi's order and contacted a hundred people guarding the granary. At this time, Li Xiang was guarding the granary in fear, always worried about whether zombies would come to attack him, but he heard that Shen Feng Luzhou is being recovered. At this time, there are no zombies in Luzhou City that can form combat effectiveness, so I feel relieved. It seems that my task of guarding the granary is over.

Hu Lai also brought an order, that is to prepare to move all the grain in the granary. These grains will be placed in a safe place and guarded by special people, and these grains are the two-year rations that support many people in Luzhou. , must not be lost.

Everyone knows very well that if the food production cannot be organized quickly in recent years, the existing food will be eaten up sooner or later. Therefore, agricultural production is imminent, but it is a pity that it is already late autumn. In addition to planting some beans, Other crops are basically impossible to grow.

Li Xiang began to organize the people below to carry the grain, and at the same time began to ask Hu Lai, "What will we do in the future? Have the president and the others decided?"

Hu Lai quickly said: "The president and the others decided to form the City Lord's Mansion to manage the affairs of Luzhou in a unified manner. We will establish new departments in the future. In addition, Luzhou will also be renamed Jiang Yang, and the city wall will be built. Live on."

"Oh, I can only do what the president said." Li Xiang said in a low voice.

In the past, Li Xiang was still imagining that the army would come to rescue him, so that his life would return to the way it was before, but now it seems that before the zombies are wiped out, his life cannot be restored to the past, and , even if all the zombies are killed, but the labor force is also particularly lacking, I don't know how many years it will take to restore the original population.

Luo Qing stood near the radio station, and patiently recorded the news from the radio station. It was all about the army annihilating so many zombies and winning huge victories. Luo Qing had heard too many such words. At first, Luo Qing thought that the progress of this kind of recovery was fast, but after she knew the population in the east, she completely understood that killing more than 100,000 to 200,000 zombies every day is not worth mentioning at all.

At this time, Luo Qing suddenly noticed that the headquarters seemed to have sent a contact, so he quickly connected and said, "This is the base of the Self-Aid Association. What's the matter?"

"We have observed that your base is undergoing large-scale combat operations. We came to inquire about the specific situation. Please report the results at any time." The people at the headquarters said so.

Luo Qing didn't expect that the headquarters actually wanted to connect to the combat situation on his side, and he didn't know how to answer, so he said directly: "Currently the president and vice president are not here, so I can't give an answer, please contact me later .”

Hearing Luo Qing's words, the people at the headquarters were silent for a moment, and then continued: "For the operation to recover the city, it needs to be reported to the headquarters for approval. The Self-Aid Association has violated the relevant regulations by recovering the city without authorization. Or the vice president will come to reply, otherwise..."

"What are you talking about? The signal here is not good, I can't hear you, goodbye!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Qing quickly interrupted the other party's words, and then hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Luo Qing said to the people around him: "Unplug the power and remove the battery. No one is allowed to answer the phone. I will go to the vice president to explain the situation now."

Afterwards, out of breath, Luo Qing found Chang Jianyi, who was directing the relocation in the city, quickly said the call from the headquarters just now, and asked worriedly: "Vice President, have we violated the military regulations? What should we do now?"

Chang Jianyi laughed when he heard Luo Qing's report, and said, "You have done a good job in this matter, so just pretend you don't know anything, and contact the other party after Luzhou is recovered."

Luo Qing asked worriedly: "But is this really good? It's just an application, and the headquarters shouldn't approve it, right? If we make decisions without authorization, won't the people in the headquarters be unhappy?"

Chang Jianyi said confidently: "If the application is written, then something is wrong. We are not members of the military, why should they agree? We are recovering our hometown, and they have no reason to stop us. When we recover the city After that, it’s done, so don’t bother with their orders.”

Luo Qing left suspiciously. Although she still had a lot of doubts in her heart, at this moment, she could only follow the vice president's orders.

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