Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 940 Prepare Gifts

After Chang Haojie returned to Yuzhou, everyone hurriedly watched and helped Chang Haojie clean up the dust. Those who followed Chang Haojie back to Yuzhou were his two good brothers Wang Xiqiang and Qu Zhaoqian.

Chang Haojie was already eighteen years old at this time. He was just an adult in the past. Maybe he had just graduated from high school at this time, but now it is a troubled time. The teenager is already married, times have changed, and he should get married too.

Today's Chang Haojie has sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with a heroic look, he will attract a lot of people's attention when he walks on the street, because at this time he is already a very handsome young man, and Hua Jingran saw it Even after Chang Haojie appeared, his heart was beating thumpingly.

"I'm back, and now I can fully control the ability." After returning to Yuzhou and seeing everyone, Chang Haojie's first words were about this.

A few years ago, Chang Haojie lost control of his abilities because of his impulsiveness, and the fog completely enveloped Yuzhou. People living in Yuzhou could not see the road clearly. In the end, he had to take people to Dashan At that time, the fog kept covering the mountains, causing the surrounding trees to die because the trees could not get the sunlight.

But up to now, Chang Haojie has been able to fully control his abilities, the sun can shine on him without hindrance, and there is no fog around his body anymore, which shows that his strength is completely The ability can be controlled.

"It's good that you're back, there are important things you need to do next!" Chang Jianyi said with a smile when he saw that his younger brother had returned to Yuzhou.

Chang Haojie was gearing up, and then asked: "If there is anything I need to do, I will definitely finish it right away! Now I am a sixth-level superhuman, and I don't believe there is anything I can't do!"

It can be seen that in the past few years, Chang Haojie has been suffocated. After all, the three of them live in the mountains, and the usual time must be very boring. Even if they bring enough comics or books, it will not be able to pass the boredom at all. At that time, after returning to Yuzhou, he immediately wanted to carry out the mission.

But Chang Jianyi said indifferently: "This task is that you give me the right to get married!"

After hearing this, Chang Haojie blushed a little, looked at Hua Jing who was also blushing, and couldn't help but said, "I'm only eighteen years old, is this too urgent?"

"Why worry about this? Didn't your brother-in-law marry me when he was nineteen years old? Many people younger than you have already had children in their arms. No, children can be soy sauced now! You are from our Chang family. Dumiao, what are you waiting for if you don't carry on the family line now?" Chang Jianyi said immediately.

Shen Feng also nodded, and said: "That's right, this matter really should be taken care of. While the world is relatively peaceful now, hold the wedding as soon as possible. If you wait until the chaos arises before holding the wedding, there will be no chance."

Chang Haojie looked at Hua Jingran who was on the side and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hua Jingran blushed and said, "You have the final say."

Therefore, Chang Haojie gained confidence, and said seriously: "Then this matter is settled like this, and we will get married after a while."

Everyone cheered after hearing the good news, especially Shen Feng's three children started spinning around Chang Haojie, "Uncle, you are married, hurry up and give us happy candy."

But Chu Chaoyan turned her gaze, and said to Wang Xiqiang and Qu Zhaoqian on the other side: "You two are not young anymore, and it's time to find a suitable family to get married. Are you going to find it yourself, or should we give it to you?" What do you introduce?"

"Master and wife don't need to worry about it, we will find true love ourselves, please rest assured." Wang Xiqiang and Qu Zhaoqian said quickly.

In fact, many forces have approached Shen Feng and wanted to marry someone under Shen Feng's subordinates. At first, they hoped to marry their own daughter to Shen Feng's son, but later Shen Feng refused, so they set their sights on Shen Feng. Shen Feng's apprentice, but Shen Feng didn't even agree to this request.

"Let the children find their own happiness. Arranged marriages are too much in this day and age." Shen Feng's answer is like this.

Therefore, many people can only give up. Although marriage is a very good means of cooperation, it has been tested in China for thousands of years. Knowing that this kind of relationship is unreliable, when there is a real danger, these guys who make connections will not be of any help at all, so Shen Feng simply refused.

"Xiaojie is about to get married. Shouldn't you prepare a gift? When your sister got married, Yuzhou gave him a generous gift. Now that my younger brother is getting married, you can't just watch." Chang Jianyi Suddenly began to urge Shen Feng.

After thinking for a while, Shen Feng finally made a decision: "I'm going to go out to sea after a while to hunt down a few mutant sea beasts. The first is to prepare congratulatory gifts, and the second is that Yuzhou's evolutionary crystals are not enough. Yes, I have to hunt sea beasts to replenish the evolutionary crystals in Yuzhou."

"That's it, then I will follow! After all, these evolutionary crystals were consumed by me during the experiment, and I also need to make up for my own behavior." Li Keyi said suddenly at this time.

Li Keyi's purpose is very simple. The reason why she said this is because she wants to live in a world of two with Shen Feng. In normal times, even at home, she often sees Shen Feng and often has the opportunity to spend time together. But she was still unhappy, and now taking advantage of Shen Feng's opportunity to go out, she happened to go out with Shen Feng for vacation.

"No, no, no! There are only two seventh-level power users in Yuzhou. If you leave, there will be no powerful power users left in Yuzhou. You can't go, and I will go if you want to go. At sea, my abilities can be brought into play." Chu Chaoyan immediately began to stop it.

Chang Jianyi also said: "Yiyi, you really shouldn't go out at this time. You are a powerful fighting force in Yuzhou. On the other hand, your supernatural powers won't play a big role at sea."

Li Keyi was stopped by the two, but Chu Chaoyan did not succeed, because Shen Yishi heard that her mother was leaving Yuzhou, so she couldn't help but hugged her thigh and cried: "Mom, don't Go, I miss you!"

then. Chu Chaoyan could only comfort her daughter: "Be good, mom won't leave, mom won't leave, I was just joking just now."

Shen Feng thought about it carefully. At this time, he didn't need to take Li Keyi or Chu Chaoyan out. He happened to have a talented apprentice in Fengshen Palace, so he said, "It goes without saying. When apprentice Wang Feiying goes out, he can also fly in the sky, and in an emergency, both of us can fly in the sky."

Wang Feiying is an apprentice Shen Feng accepted a few years ago. After drinking the supernatural potion bestowed by Shen Feng, a pair of wings grew on his back. These are a pair of swan wings, perhaps his fighting ability Not great, but if it comes to scouting and flying he's gifted.

Wang Feiying also heard the master's roll call at this time, so she stood up and said: "Master, please rest assured, I will definitely perform well!"

Chang Jianyi thought about it, this is indeed a good choice, but if Shen Feng wants to go out, he still needs to prepare a paraglider for sea use. In the deep ocean, it is difficult to see land, so he wants to rest If so, there is only one way, which is to let the glider land on the sea. In this way, there will be a foothold and a full rest.

The ocean Shen Feng chose was the Indu Ocean in the south. After all, Myanmar is now within the sphere of influence of the Yunnan Province. It is very convenient to go south, and you can easily get supplies along the way.

Wang Feiying is a relatively silent young man. The reason why he has developed this kind of character is also related to his childhood experience. He grew up in an orphanage. Killing, after experiencing this kind of thing, Wang Feiying didn't talk much, after all, she was watching her close relatives die in front of her eyes, no matter who it was, she wouldn't feel too good.

When Shen Feng came to the ocean and started looking for giant sea beasts, he found it very difficult to find a giant sea beast.

Shen Feng, with his apprentice, is flying in the sky in a glider. While flying, he looks at the sea area below with his eyes, trying to find the giant sea beast that may be hidden in the sea. If he suddenly sees a shadow appearing on the sea, Needless to say, this is where the giant sea beasts are located.

But after searching for more than ten days in a row, Shen Feng couldn't find the sea beast. At this time, Shen Feng couldn't help but wonder whether he should make some bait to attract the sea beast.

The hostility of sea beasts to humans is very obvious. If there is a huge ship in the ocean, then sea beasts will definitely attack this ship, especially in Japan because they have been hunting whales in the name of scientific research, so sea beasts I hate this country very much. As long as there are ships that dare to go to sea, even in the offshore area, the sea beasts will attack the ships.

Finally, Shen Feng wandered around the sea and found a cruise ship floating in the sea. At this time, there are not many ships that dare to sail in the deep sea. Shen Feng followed immediately, and the two were in the sky. Keep staring down and watching, waiting for the sea beast to appear at any time.

The hard work paid off, and finally a giant sea beast began to attack the ship two days later.

After Shen Feng saw this scene, he also knew that the time had come for him to make a move. He controlled the glider to drive downward continuously. In his hand, a huge air cannon was also being compressed and formed. Just wait until the air cannon condenses successfully. , that is when he shot.

The giant sea beast that attacked the oil tanker was a huge sperm whale. The reason why the sperm whale is called this is because it has spices in its body. It is said that ambergris is formed in its body. This is a relatively large whale. will be hunted.

After the sperm whale appeared, it released a hypnotic gas, which successfully hypnotized all the humans on the cruise ship. Immediately afterwards, the sperm whale began to slap the ship frantically. The sperm whale also has a name, that is, the flying whale. Swimming is like flying.

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