Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 946: Nuclear Bomb Attack Ii

When the important people in the fleet left by fighter jets or helicopters, the soldiers on board were shocked, because they never thought that their commander would not hesitate to let them come here Those who fought at sea were these commanders, but in the end, seeing that the situation was unfavorable, these commanders actually got in the way and escaped immediately.

The commander's escape made the morale of the soldiers very low, because the soldiers already felt that something was wrong at this time. The commander's escape has never been a new thing, and the commanders have already run away, which means that the soldiers are occupied. It's already very bad. If there is still hope of winning, the commander will not leave casually. At this time, the soldiers all realize that their side has lost, so there is no chance of fighting. thought.

There is an old saying in China, the three armies cannot take away the commander, and the individual cannot take away the ambition.

But now that the generals of the three armies have run away, these soldiers have naturally lost their morale. Surrounded by the vast sea, how can it be such a simple thing to escape from the hands of the ferocious sea beasts?

At this time, the soldiers also scolded their mothers one after another, and gave up resistance one after another. The ships were constantly exploding, and some soldiers kept falling into the water from the ships. The soldiers on the other ships also knew that the people who fell into the water would change after a while. You have become yourself, so if you have anything else you want to say, you can say it quickly, if you don't say it, you really have no chance.

Some soldiers found some wine bottles and corks, and when they were distributing them to everyone, they said: "At this time, let's put all the content we want to write down in the bottle as soon as possible, maybe after we die, these drifters The bottle can also make the dog reach the shore and let others know our last words when we are dying."

The soldiers had no choice but to hold the glass bottle in their hands, put all the words they wanted to write in the bottle, and finally stop it with an oak stopper. After that, can the drift bottle finally fall into the hands of others and be seen by others? , this is what is unclear.

What many soldiers left in the drifting bottles was cursing, cursing the commanders who cheated them into fighting, and cursing this unfair world.

However, there are also soldiers who know that they are going to die, and they should try their best to leave their thoughts on their family members at this time. Death is the most test of a person, because when dying, human beings will be the most authentic of themselves. side is shown.

And Shen Feng was very excited after seeing this scene. There are more than 30 dead sea beasts floating in the sea. If he can take away the evolution crystals in the bodies of these dead sea beasts at this time, it can be regarded as The last huge harvest happened to be that a large number of sea beasts were attacking the ships. No one can take care of themselves in a short period of time. We must take advantage of this time to take risks.

So Shen Feng immediately said to Wang Feiying behind him: "I will use the cold wind cannon to open the heads of these sea beasts later, and then you can go to find the evolutionary approach. The cooperation between the two of us must be better, you know ?"

Wang Feiying nodded quickly. The master has raised him to the current level. At this time, it is natural that the master will do what the master says, and there is no need to think too much at all.

"I see, master, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me." Wang Feiying said afterward.

The soldiers on the fleet in the distance are still crying for their father and mother. They have been deceived by the commander. Now they go to sea to fight, and they thought they could kill the sea beasts, but now they fully understand, and they can only It's just a dispensable person, Shen Feng doesn't intend to save people, because Shen Feng knows that these people have indeed polluted the ocean just now, polluting this place that bred life on earth, and they have committed a heinous crime.

Shen Feng flew towards the sea with a paraglider, condensed the Howling Cannon in his hand, and a Howling Cannon blasted the head of a giant sea beast, and then Wang Feiying jumped from the glider, after jumping He spread his wings and flew, came to the head of a huge devil fish, got in through the gap, and found the evolution crystal not long after, then returned to Shen Feng's side, and put the evolution crystal in the backpack.

The cooperation between Shen Feng and Wang Feiying is very smooth, and Wang Feiying is loyal to Shen Feng, even if he has obtained the evolution crystallization, he will not hide his secrets at all.

The two masters and apprentices are constantly cooperating, but it took only ten minutes to obtain five evolutionary crystals from the battlefield. This is not a small gain. Shen Feng also remembered an old saying, no wonder he said: " Stretch the bold to death, starve the timid to death."

When you encounter risky interests, you should still take risks when you should take risks, because you may get huge benefits if you are not careful.

At this time, Wang Feiying had found another evolutionary crystal, which had just come out of the sea beast's head. It was covered in blood and looked very frightening. He was about to wash off the blood on his body in the sea water, but when At this time, I saw an iron barrel floating over from the sea in the distance, with a yellow and black icon still drawn on it.

"It's really strange, what does this icon mean? Why can't I remember it? Is it a sign of a pollutant?" Wang Feiying thought silently in her heart.

Afterwards, Wang Feiying returned to the glider and said to Shen Feng: "Master, I really can't figure out one thing. There is a yellow-black logo with a hexagon in the middle and a hexagonal umbrella around it. What does this icon mean?"

"Ah? Where did you see this sign?" Shen Feng was shocked when he heard the name. Isn't this an icon of radioactive substances? Why did Wang Feiying suddenly ask about this icon at this time?

"It's like this. I saw a tin bucket at sea just now. There is such an icon on the tin bucket." Wang Feiying explained seriously.

When Shen Feng heard this, he shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, these Westerners are really too shameful to throw nuclear sewage into the sea, which may also be nuclear waste. It's really shameless. The ocean will be further destroyed. It must be known that these radioactive elements will not decay until thousands of years later.”

"It's really shameless. I saw this sign on the military camp on the island before. It turns out that these people have already planned to use this method to kill the sea beast. It's really shameless."

When Shen Feng heard what Wang Feiying said, his eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Wang Feiying blankly. Even if nuclear waste was thrown into the sea, it should be thrown by the fleet on the battlefield. How could there be nuclear waste on the island? ? unless……

"Come up! Let's go!" A terrifying idea appeared in Shen Feng's mind, and then Shen Feng acted like a madman and shouted loudly at Wang Feiying.

Wang Feiying looked at Shen Feng and asked: "Master, don't we still have to fish in troubled waters? There are still a lot of sea beasts in the sea. Isn't it a pity to go away?"

But Shen Feng said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense to me now, come up to me obediently if I ask you to come up, don't talk nonsense! Hurry up!"

Facing Shen Feng's severe reprimand, Wang Feiying didn't dare to speak out, because he had never seen the master get angry so severely now, could it be that something serious happened?

So Wang Feiying immediately sat on the back seat of the glider, and Shen Feng flew out to the distance after using his supernatural power. He didn't save his energy at all now, because he knew that if he didn't leave the battlefield, he would really die Yes, the end of saving energy will be miserable.

Shen Feng was quickly using his abilities to make the glider fly forward in the sky, and Wang Feiying still didn't know what happened, so she couldn't help asking, "Master, what happened? Why did we leave in such a hurry what?"

While flying, Shen Feng replied to the apprentice behind him: "Why are you in a hurry to leave? Of course it is because of the nuclear bomb. If you guessed correctly, these people in Europe and North America are preparing to use the nuclear bomb. The base we were in before was Missile base, you just discovered radioactive material, which means that these people must use nuclear bombs!"

When Wang Feiying heard this, she was surprised and asked: "How dare they do such a thing? Using nuclear bombs at sea, isn't radioactive material spread all over the earth along with the sea water?"

"Hehe, these people have no bottom line at all. Two of my friends passed through the Marshall Islands before and almost died at sea because they were all injured by radiation. Fortunately, they found a healing type of supernatural powers , This is the way to carry it over, these Western talents don’t care about radiation, they only care about whether they can complete the task.” Shen Feng said in a deep voice.

Now Shen Feng also understands why the commanders of these fleets ran away when the victory was tied. , there will be two suns in the sky, and no one or living thing can survive under the nuclear bomb.

After Shen Feng learned the truth of the matter, he could only keep running away. At this moment, once he appeared within the range of the nuclear bomb, he would definitely be killed in the end, and there was no possibility of surviving. Therefore, the only way is to stay away from the place where the nuclear bomb exploded.

Shen Feng took Wang Feiying and flew out within a range of 20 kilometers in one breath. After arriving in this area, Shen Feng felt a little comforted, because he had already left the explosion area, that is, he was not within the range of the fireball. Within this range, he would be instantly evaporated. However, now he has not left the range of influence of the nuclear bomb, even if he is not killed, he will eventually cause severe burns!

Shen Feng was also very scared. As early as when the commander of the fleet left the battlefield, he should have followed closely, but he did not do so. Instead, he stayed on the battlefield for ten minutes. It may be his own life.

At this moment, Shen Feng could only pray in his heart: "There are some commanders who take helicopters who are relatively slow. They may not be out of the range of the nuclear bomb. As long as I can catch up with them, there is hope of surviving.

Shen Feng gritted his teeth and continued to fly, while Wang Feiying kept observing with a telescope. He had heard about the great power of nuclear bombs. It would be really terrifying if such a terrifying weapon that could destroy a small country was used.

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