Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 949: Finding A Savior

After careful consideration, Shen Feng still decided to give the crystallization of evolution, because he had no other choice. If he did not receive treatment, he and his apprentice would die in a foreign country. Now Andorf has guaranteed that the supernatural being introduced will be able to give him Heals the body, the supernatural being who has no other way of finding the cure than trusting him.

Shen Feng also knows a lot of supernatural beings who can heal him, but most of them are in China, and he is in Europe now. It will take a long time to return to China. Shen Feng can't wait for these times. .

"This is the evolutionary crystal! Here it is, now you can tell me who can heal us, right?" Shen Feng threw a red evolutionary crystal over, and Andorf caught it.

"It seems that this is the real thing. With this evolutionary crystal, I can also become a seventh-order supernatural user. Of course, it is no problem if you want to know the whereabouts of this supernatural person. I can tell you right away. This one The man is in the cactus forest, he is not in Europe, but in Central Asia." Andolf then answered.

After Shen Feng got the answer, he immediately took his disciples and wanted to leave, and Andorf said afterwards, "Or stay and have dinner before leaving."

"If it was in the past, this would be no problem, but now I don't have time to waste here. You can eat dinner by yourself. We'd better rush to the cactus forest you mentioned. I have a map here, you can quickly give it to me. I'll mark the location, and I'll rush there right away!" Shen Feng said anxiously.

Now that Shen Feng said this, Andorf also knew that the matter was urgent, so he took out a marker pen and marked an area on the map. This area is indeed in Central Asia, and it is located on the Iranian Plateau. Even if Shen Feng No matter how fast the speed is, it will take three days to arrive.

"Okay, now that we know the exact location, we're ready to go, bye!" Shen Feng then began to say goodbye, and flew towards the marked area with Wang Feiying.

"You must be careful when you arrive at the destination. I heard that there is a relatively large force in the cactus forest. If you conflict with them, be careful and you will suffer." Andolfo bid farewell to Shen Feng, and specifically warned He notes.

Shen Feng nodded, and continued to fly towards the east with Wang Feiying on his back. If it really didn't work, he had to find a secluded place to eat the evolutionary crystals. In this way, he might be able to survive, but Wang Feiying couldn't.

After flying for more than three days in a row, Shen Feng hardly rested. He was so tired that he fell to the ground to find some food, replenished his energy after eating, and then continued to take off.

Wang Feiying was also very moved when he saw how tired the master was, and then said: "Master, I can fly by myself, so you don't have to carry me on your back."

"Are you kidding? Your hair and feathers are falling out all the time. If you flop twice, all the hair on your body will fall off. You should take care of your image. It's okay if I carry you behind my back." Shen Feng Said angrily.

At this time, Wang Feiying can be said to be very miserable. The hair on his body has begun to fall off, the skin on his body is festering, and a lot of pus is constantly flowing out. As long as you get close, you can smell a stench. As for the wings, they are also starting to shed their hair now. It may not be long before Wang Feiying will only have bare wings left on her back.

In this case, Wang Feiying couldn't continue to fly at all, and Shunfeng could only take his apprentice to fly continuously towards the area on the map.

Finally, after three days, I saw a piece of green on the ground from a distance. In the Iranian plateau, this piece of green is not very common, because the most in this area is the plateau desert, where there are relatively few trees and not many water sources. Maybe it used to be There used to be a forest here, but it has been cut down by humans long ago.

The ground is full of patches of cacti. It is reasonable for these cacti to be called forests. The average cactus is at most a few meters high, but it is not uncommon to see 20-30-meter-high cacti here. Countless cacti are crossed. Ya formed a forest.

"Master, the tallest plant in the forest seems to be a ruler. I didn't expect it to grow so tall, it's 30 meters!" Wang Feiying said to Shen Feng, looking at the ground at this time.

Measuring ruler is one of the common plants in the tropics. The reason for this name is that this plant always grows up section by section, and it looks like a ruler, as if trying to measure the height of the sky. So I finally got this title. What is certain is that the cactus forest here is basically a mutated plant. If it grows normally, the average cactus will grow five or six meters high. It is impossible to really be as tall as a forest cat. , but now after the mutation, plants like cacti really grow like forests.

In the cactus forest, there are many animals. Many small animals even dig caves directly on the cactus and live in the caves. However, it is not so easy for large animals to enter the cactus forest, because the cactus There are sharp thorns on the top of the cactus. When large animals pass by the cactus, the fur on their bodies will be pierced by these sharp thorns. Once injured, they will not be far from death.

However, Shen Feng did not have the difficulty of entering the cactus forest, because he could fly into the sky, so he directly flew into the sky with his apprentice on his back, flying from above the cactus forest to the depths, searching the cactus forest while flying possible human smoke.

When flying towards the depths of the cactus forest, Shunfeng has been looking around anxiously. If he can't find anyone who can heal him here, then he can only hurry up and return to the country, but I don't know if Wang Feiying can still do it. hold on.

After flying for about half an hour, Shen Feng suddenly saw a rich green in the distance. There seemed to be a lot of cooking smoke around this green. For rice, smoke is often produced when cooking, and this is how the so-called pyrotechnic gas comes.

Shen Feng immediately flew towards the place where the smoke appeared. When he came to the vicinity, he took a closer look and found that there was a huge overlord tree here. The overlord tree is a unique plant in tropical areas. It is relatively fat and thick, and the leaves usually grow on the top. It looks like a large piece of green. Compared with the cactus, the color of the body is much stronger. The most eye-catching thing is that this Overlord tree is 50 meters high. , this plant stands out from the crowd in the cactus forest.

"It seems that there is a city, so we have found the right place!" Shen Feng was very happy after seeing the city. The city seemed to be built around this Bawang tree. There are many people in it.

However, when Shen Feng was approaching the city, suddenly many planes took off in the city, as if they were going to surround Shen Feng and shoot them down.

Shen Feng came to this city now to heal his injuries, not to start a conflict, so he didn't do anything, but shouted to the people around him: "I didn't come to fight you, I'm just here If you want to get treatment here, please report to the master here! If you really fight, if I hurt you, it will be bad."

However, after the fighter pilots heard Shen Feng's words, they laughed one after another. The opponents were just two people, and one of them seemed to be seriously injured. This kind of lineup wanted to shoot down the fighter jets on their side. , is completely a fantasy.

The fighter jets piloted by the pilots are relatively old, and new fighter jets can’t be manufactured just by wanting to manufacture them. It just so happens that many old fighter jet blueprints have been published, and the requirements for making old fighter jets are not very high, so the fighter jet models in this city are relatively large. Old, but from the appearance point of view, these planes are brand new.

"It's fine if you want to be cured, but land and surrender immediately. Where did you come from? Answer quickly!" The pilot then used the horn and loudly instructed Shen Feng to act.

Shen Feng was still shouting loudly: "I'm not kidding, I'm Shen Feng, if you mess with me, I can shoot down all your planes in an instant!"

Shen Feng is not afraid of missiles and other objects at all. With his ability, he can completely avoid most of the attacks in the world, and once he breaks out, his lethality cannot be underestimated. The whole city will be destroyed by him for destruction.

It's a pity that after hearing Shen Feng's words, many pilots laughed one after another, and some pilots still said brazenly: "You must have taken the wrong medicine, that's why you talk so much nonsense, if you If you have the ability to shoot us all down, you can try it!"

Shen Feng is hesitating now, he is asking someone to do something, if he really wants to shoot down these fighter jets, it will be too much, but if he doesn't do it now, the other party is still pestering him endlessly, and will waste his time in vain, For a split second, he hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, at this time, all the pilots received a message: "It is forbidden to fight this man, and immediately send him to the palace respectfully, he is capable of killing all of you, don't Suspect!"

The pilots were very shocked when they got the news, because they couldn't imagine the existence of such powerful people in the world. This place is relatively isolated, and many people have never heard of Shen Feng's name, so at this moment Well, many people actually don't know that Shen Feng is a powerful superhuman.

As a result, some fighter pilots began to shout to Shen Feng: "Your Excellency, please land on the ground, and we will take you to the palace right away."

The fighter jets then landed in the city, and Shen Feng also landed slowly. Although he couldn't understand what these people said, after seeing their actions, Shen Feng also understood that this battle could not be fought. Among them, most of them are men and women with their hair wrapped in scarves, and it can be seen that most of the people here are religious.

Soon someone found Shen Feng, and said to Shen Feng in standard Chinese: "Master Fengshen, please follow me, an old friend is waiting for you here!"

Shen Feng is very confused now. He didn't know that he had friends here. In his impression, he should not have any friends in Central Asia, but it is useless to guess now. The most important thing is Get treatment and the rest doesn't matter.

"Then you lead the way ahead, and I will meet this old friend! However, we are in urgent need of treatment now, so please be prepared." Shen Feng had no choice but to follow the other party to the palace while walking him At the same time, I was thinking about what kind of friends I have here. If I really have such friends, it is impossible for me not to have a little impression.

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to get good treatment. We can guarantee this, but only after meeting our king." The person who led the way said to Shen Feng seriously.

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