Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 952 Desert Army Ants

After Long Qian discovered the situation on the ground, he was immediately stunned, because he never thought that such a thing would happen. There were so many desert marching ants in the plateau desert area, and the number and size of these marching ants were too large. Big, looking down from the sky, every ant is about the size of a mouse.

The power of the Zerg itself is very powerful. An ant can lift objects dozens of times its weight. It is a pity that these insects are too small, and the damage they can cause is very low. Everyone has always thought that insects can bring What a huge hazard, of course, except for locusts.

But now, some huge ants are actually moving in groups, which has shocked Long Qian.

"Why did this situation suddenly appear in the desert? What does it mean? Is this a new crisis?" Long Qian was stunned when he saw the current situation. He never thought that there would be such a situation in the world. something happens.

Originally, he chose to establish his country in the cactus forest in the desert to avoid the attack of mutant beasts, because the mutant beasts were too big to pass through the cactus forest, but now there were mutated army ants in the desert. There are a lot of them, and they are small in size. They move in the cactus forest without hindrance at all.

"A lot of army ants! There are at least a million of these ants on the ground. If so many ants attack the city, we will definitely not be able to defend it!" Long Qian was shocked when he saw this scene.

But then something even more shocking happened. In the cactus forest, there is a kind of poisonous snake that often hides under stones or sand. Whenever there is a prey approaching, it will suddenly bite. As long as it is bitten, the venom will quickly permeate the prey. The whole body can completely kill the prey in only ten minutes. This is a rattlesnake, but now it has faced the desert army ants, but this rattlesnake has only bones left after a minute.

Long Qian could see very clearly in the sky. Under the attack of the desert army ants like a tide, the rattlesnake had no time to react, and then the flesh on its body was eaten away bit by bit. The saliva of this army ant has anesthetic effect. As a result, the rattlesnake had no time to resist, and countless ants swarmed up, quickly eating up the rattlesnake.

"These ants are really powerful. It is estimated that the missing soldiers have turned into bones now. The mutated poisonous snake can't withstand this kind of attack, and my soldiers must not be able to withstand it either!" Long Qian now understood his soldiers. Why did they disappear? My soldiers must have been eaten by this mutated army ants.

After Long Qianqian saw the truth of the matter, he immediately summoned the bees back, and then he was eagerly thinking about how to resist the attack of the desert army ants. At this time, the city has not been discovered by the desert army ants, but as long as the desert Army ants are constantly moving, so it will be a matter of time before they discover the city.

"You can't rely on bullets or shells to deal with this kind of desert army ants. It's completely useless. You have to rely on ranged attacks. It's best to use gasoline to burn them all to death, but There is simply not enough gasoline in the city now!" Long Qian was lost in thought.

The city in the cactus forest has its special meaning. When other cities are busy fighting, this city can recuperate and live a more nourishing life. It is like a paradise, but lacks the exchange of materials. Once in the face of danger, it is doomed to not be able to get support from other places.

Long Qian thought for a long time, but he still couldn't think of a solution. Fortunately, at this time, he remembered that there were two patients in his hospital. One of them was the famous Fengshen, Shen Feng, who had experienced many battles. Moreover, he himself is a powerful supernatural being, so it is very reasonable to ask him to help at this time.

So Long Qian immediately went to the underground of the palace, found Shen Feng and Wang Feiying who were recuperating, and then explained the situation.

"Shen Feng, you have lived with me for a long time, and I don't need anything else in return from you. I just hope that you can help me resist the attack of desert army ants. This kind of request shouldn't be too much, right?" Long Qian then asked.

After Shen Feng heard about this incident, he immediately became concerned. The reason is very simple. Li Keyi reminded him to pay attention to the dangerous bugs around him before, but now the dangerous bugs have appeared. We must seize the time to investigate.

"No problem, I'll help you with this! It just so happens that my body has almost recovered. The doctor tested it. After another two months, the radioactive elements in my body will be completely discharged. At this time, fighting is also very important. Simple things." Shen Feng then nodded and said.

"Master, I also want to fight, and my body has recovered a lot now!" Wang Feiying said quickly.

However, after hearing this, Shen Feng directly refused: "You should give me a good recovery here. Your hair and feathers have not grown yet, how do you fight? And fighting is not your strong point."

Wang Feiying really stayed in the hospital for too long, he had already forgotten what the blue sky and white clouds looked like, he just wanted to take the opportunity to go out and have a look at this moment, but such a request was directly rejected by Shen Feng.

Wang Feiying had no choice but to stay in the room. His body recovery was too poor. After all, his evolution level was also very low. He was only a third-order supernatural user, and he did not have such a strong physique as Shen Feng. To completely recover his body, he still needed It takes a long time.

Shen Feng followed Long Qian to the outside. Long Qian briefly described the process of discovering the desert army ants, and then asked Shen Feng for a solution.

Shen Feng felt very strange at this time, and finally said to Long Qian, "Can't you control the actions of insects? You just go there and control these insects to go to other places, isn't that all right?"

Long Qian had been distracted before, and he didn't think about it at all. Now he was suddenly awakened by Shen Feng, and he suddenly realized, "Yes, I can control the movement of insects. Desert army ants are also insects. Isn't this an opportunity for me to increase my strength?"

Shen Feng continued, "Then the next action is very simple. You and I will check the condition of these desert army ants. If you can control their actions, then you can directly gain power. If you can't control them If they say so, then I will directly use a tornado to blow all these ants away. Fortunately, these ants are only the size of a mouse. If they become the size of a cat or dog, I may not be able to do it."

"Then I can only thank Lord Fengshen for his help!" Long Qian said hastily.

Long Qian's ability has always been able to sneak attack, just like when he attacked Yue Hengyi back then, he controlled the mantis to inject Yue Hengyi with tranquilizers, but now he found that the opportunity to become stronger was right in front of him, so He didn't want to miss it at all.

Shen Feng is going to take Long Qian to set off next. Originally, according to his intention, he took Long Qian directly. Two people are enough, and they can fly directly in the sky without being hindered by the forest, but Long Qian proposed Take a helicopter to your destination.

"Bring more people with you, so that you can take care of yourself when you encounter danger." This is Long Qian's meaning.

Shen Feng had no choice but to heed this suggestion. In the end, the two of them took a helicopter and approached the area where the desert army ants were found. A strong tornado, if you don't want to be sucked in by then, leave as soon as possible."

The pilots have heard about Shen Feng's reputation during this period, and they also know that Shen Feng has done many great things. Now they heard what Shen Feng said through the translator, and then they all nodded.

There are ten helicopters in the sky, flying towards the distant forest. While in the sky, Shen Feng kept watching the ground, wanting to see the whole picture of the city clearly. When he came to this city before, he I didn't have time to watch it carefully, and then landed on the ground with the fighter jets, so I don't know what the city looks like.

At the very center of the city is a huge Bawang tree. The top of the Bawang tree is lush and full of green leaves. It looks very lively. The city is built around the Bawang tree, surrounded by low houses. There is a larger space underground, but the underground space is darker.

On the outskirts of the city are huge farmlands. These farmlands are all mechanized. Although there are no rivers around, there is no shortage of irrigation water, because in the surrounding areas of the city, there are tall water towers. These water towers are all Used to extract deep groundwater, the allocation of deep groundwater reserves is more than enough to irrigate farmland.

"I didn't expect Long Qian to have this kind of ability in building cities, reclaiming farmland and building solar power plants. This city really has a taste of paradise." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

The reason why Shen Feng thinks this way is because he has seen a lot of cities, and many people have a luxury to have enough food. It hurts people in a city, but in this foreign country, Long Qian can feed hundreds of thousands of people. Although they are a little poor, at least they have no worries about food and clothing, which has surpassed many city owners.

It didn't take long for the helicopter to see the target. Originally, the desert land was all yellow. Even if there was a cactus forest, it couldn't hide the original color of the land, but suddenly a black scene appeared in the forest. If you take a closer look, you will find that these are all black ants. The order of these ants is very good, just like an army. No wonder they are called marching ants.

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