Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 954 The Ant Who Stole The Meteorite

When Shen Feng flew to the destination, he happened to see a group of worker ants carrying the queen to move. The queen's body is too huge. Although the queen ant also has insect feet, its legs can't support its own movements at all.

The body of the queen ant is white, and it looks like a potbellied person. From a distance, it looks like a cabbage caterpillar. Without the care of the worker ants, the queen ant would definitely not be able to move.

Shen Feng will attack afterwards, as long as the queen is killed, everything will be fine, and the remaining army ants will be controlled by Long Qian.

However, just as Shen Feng condensed the Howling Cannon, the position of the ground suddenly changed. The original solid ground suddenly cracked, and a dark cave appeared underground. The queen and worker ants All fell into the underground cave, and Shen Feng was stunned by the sight in front of him.

The ground, which was still intact just now, suddenly cracked a hole, and no one thought that there were other passages underground.

Now at this time, Shen Feng has no other choice but to fire the cold wind cannon, "Boom", the air cannon hit the ants in the cave fiercely, but Shen Feng didn't know how the army ants suffered. Know.

"Srustling..." At this time, there was a sudden change among the army ants that had been huddling together all this time. The army ants scattered one by one, and even started digging holes in the ground.

Just by looking at the uniform movements of these ants, one knows that the queen is not dead at this time, otherwise the ants would have lost control.

"I'm sorry, the mission has failed! I didn't expect these army ants to dig a tunnel underground. They obviously don't know how to dig a nest. The queen has already escaped. I don't know what's going on underground." Shen Feng Back on the helicopter, he said to Long Qian.

"It's not your fault, because we didn't know that the habits of these army ants changed so quickly." Long Qian could only shake his head helplessly at this time. Although he felt very unwilling now, he didn't dare to blame Shen Feng.

Generally speaking, desert army ants spend their whole life on the road of migration, and at most they will stay for three to five days after migrating for a period of time. Army ants do not have fixed nests, so people habitually think that army ants are not They can dig caves, but now it seems that all creatures can evolve. In order to survive better, army ants have learned to dig tunnels.

"Don't be discouraged at this time. Since there are underground passages, there must be many entrances in the nearby area. Through these exits and entrances, you can know where the desert army ants' nests are, and then formulating strategies will be much easier. .” Suddenly someone put forward his own opinion.

Shen Feng and Long Qian nodded in agreement after hearing this statement, and then everyone dispersed around to look for the exit and entrance of the ant nest.

The desert army ants also found danger at this time. Taking advantage of the disappearance of the tornado in the sky, they hid in the ground one after another, and tiny holes appeared on the ground. If you didn’t look carefully, you might think these holes were mouse holes. These caves are designed specifically for ants to pass through.

Finally, after searching, everyone determined the center of the cave. In the end, the helicopters were all concentrated in the center area. When they looked down, they found that this was the area where the meteorite fell.

"Let's go down and have a look. With me by your side, you don't need to worry about your own safety, please rest assured." Shen Feng then suggested.

After everyone heard Shen Feng's proposal, they agreed one after another. With a seventh-level supernatural being following them, could they still encounter any danger?

A rope hangs from the helicopter, and everyone follows the rope to the ground. It is not suitable to stop the helicopter in this cactus forest, and there is not enough space for the helicopter to land, so the only way to get down to the ground is through the rope.

Shen Feng flew directly to the center of the crater, and found that there are many tiny caves here, these caves are not too big or small, just enough to accommodate a mouse to pass through here.

"Now, I may know where the meteorites went. I can't find the meteorites in the craters, but there are caves under the craters. Needless to say, I also know that these meteorites were stolen by ants." Shen Feng then said.

"This meteor crater has a diameter of four to five meters. Calculated in this way, the meteorite is also very large, at least the size of a human head. Are these ants really capable of taking such a large meteorite away?" Doubt the authenticity of this matter.

"Don't forget, these army ants are powerful. Even one army ant can't take the meteorite away, but how about dozens or hundreds of them? Otherwise, how do you explain the meteorite's whereabouts?" Shen Feng asked rhetorically.

Long Qian seemed to be convinced at this time, he pondered for a moment, and then said, "Even if it is possible, we will not find this meteorite."

"How do you know if you don't try it? If you are not interested in this meteorite, then if I find it, it will be mine." Shen Feng said with a smile.

"That's not okay. I discovered this crater first. It stands to reason that the meteorite inside should also belong to me. If you want to snatch it away, it will be a robbery!" Long Qian said afterwards.

Originally, Long Qian came to Central Asia to search for meteorites, but after searching for many years, he found nothing. Although he apparently gave up searching for meteorites, but now the meteorites are about to appear in front of him, if he doesn’t If you fight for it, you will have to watch the meteorite fall into the hands of others.

Shen Feng smiled and said: "Since we want to find meteorites, we need to mobilize the strength of most people in the city. These ant nests are located very deep, and we have to dig three feet to find meteorites."

Long Qian vaguely felt that something was wrong, obviously he was looking for Shen Feng before and asked him to help him eradicate the army ants, but now the purpose has changed, and the two are going to fight to find the meteorite instead.

After returning in vain this time, everyone returned to the city, and then they had to discuss how to deal with the desert army ants. These desert army ants have learned to build nests underground, and their fighting power is very strong. They want to defeat them completely. Not an easy task.

After returning to the city, Long Qian summoned the management personnel in the city and asked everyone to gather in the conference room to discuss the situation. It is no easy task to eliminate the army ants at this time, but the imminent crisis is also inevitable. If it doesn't work out, if Shen Feng is gone, there will be no one in this city who can deal with the mutated army ants.

"At this time, we can know that the leader of the desert army ants is the queen, so we only need to find a way to kill the queen, and then it will be very simple to solve these marches." Someone put forward such a point of view.

Everyone in the meeting room spoke Persian, and Shen Feng couldn't understand it at all. Fortunately, there was an exclusive translator next to him. No matter what he wanted to know, the translator would tell him in Chinese accurately, so At this time, Shen Feng also wanted to know what these people were thinking.

"Before, the desert marching ants did not encounter any great threats, so the queen dared to walk outside, but today Fengshen did not kill the queen at once, and it will inevitably I will be vigilant and will not leave the ground easily." Someone then retorted.

"If you can't kill the queen, you can only choose other methods, such as killing millions of army ants." Someone found that the method of killing the queen was not feasible, and finally proposed other methods. s method.

It's a pity that this suggestion is even more unreliable than the previous ones, because it is not a simple matter to clean up millions of army ants. It is even more difficult than killing the queen. What's more, as long as the queen ant exists and there is enough food, it can continue to reproduce.

"Normal methods cannot eliminate these desert army ants. We might as well start from other aspects, such as using poisonous food to poison all these ants to death."

"I think the effect of poisoning is not good, and it's a waste of food. We can't eat enough for ourselves. Why use poisoned food to poison these ants? So I think we should use fire to attack, and shoot them on the ground. With a fire, all these holes are sealed, even if the ants cannot be burned to death, they can all be suffocated."

"This is a completely bad idea. I really don't know how your brain came up with such an idea. If you want to set a fire, you need fuel. Our fuel is even a problem for heating, so setting a fire is even more useless."

"Since setting fire is not enough, we might as well use water. There are many wells here that can draw deep groundwater, and all the ants can be drowned as long as they are filled with water."

"So many ants, it would be too naive if we could solve it by watering. This ant nest is not an ordinary ant nest, and it can be solved by just filling a few buckets of water! We don't even know what's going on underneath. , if the underground space is huge, then I don’t know how much water will be wasted to achieve the goal.”

The crowd quarreled in the meeting room for a long time without discussing a useful countermeasure, and Long Qian was also speechless. Although he is the king now, he doesn't have any available talents under his command. When encountering a critical problem, No one can come up with a good solution, but they are tearing down one after another.

Long Qian looked at Shen Feng who was sitting on one side, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Shen, do you have any good ways to help us solve this crisis?"

Shen Feng shook his head seriously at this time. Obviously, he has no other solution. He often drills into the ground to check the situation, but he always operates underground where people can pass through. Now these ants The cave is the size of a rabbit, so I have no way to go underground to investigate the situation. Since I don't know the situation underground, it is even more difficult to come up with a solution.

"Since this is the case, we can only adjourn the meeting. After everyone goes back, think carefully about the solution!" Long Qian saw that there was no solution at the meeting, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting, and continued to listen here When others make noise, the mood of the whole person will turn bad.

After returning to his room, Shen Feng couldn't help checking the news. Shen Feng is currently living in Longqian's palace. There are signals and networks here. During normal times, Shen Feng also likes to watch the news. Big things happening in the world.

Now the oxygen concentration on the earth is rising, the mutated cyanobacteria in the seawater have spread to a large area, and the rate of oxygen production has been greatly improved compared to before, so the oxygen concentration in the air is increasing, and many bugs are also at this time There is a chance to rise.

Giant insects once appeared in prehistoric times. At that time, dragonflies could directly lift a person up. However, after several mass extinctions, the oxygen concentration of the earth continued to decline, and the size of the Zerg also decreased. Originally, the Zerg race was already the lowest link in the food chain. Whether it was the birds in the sky or the beasts on the ground, they could bully these insects, but they didn't expect that these insects would have a chance to develop in the apocalypse.

Through the news, Shen Feng discovered that gigantic insects appeared all over the world. He encountered desert army ants on his side, while many red fire ants appeared in North America, and a giant insect also appeared in the tropical rainforest of South America. Butterflies, these butterflies are also eating crops, making it impossible for humans to survive in South America.

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