Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 959 Can't See Reality Clearly

When Atuya saw her beloved man being killed in this way, she was completely devastated, because she never thought that things would turn out like this, she clearly only wanted to dominate her marriage, But now, I just wanted to try to escape, but I was caught back, and the person I liked was killed by a single shot. Why does this world treat me so unfriendly?

When Shen Feng brought people back to the city, someone came here soon. After a closer look, Shen Feng still recognized this person. She is Atuya's sister and Long Qian's wife. Now I saw it After being captured by Shen Feng, the younger sister became anxious immediately, and then she kept begging Shen Feng for mercy.

"Master Fengshen, please spare Atuya, I can guarantee that this kind of thing will never happen again, just please spare her life." The elder sister said to Shen Feng seriously.

Yousha is Atuya's older sister, and she has only one younger sister left now. She thought she had found a good home for her younger sister, but she didn't expect her younger sister to choose to escape from marriage, and now she was arrested. If she angered Shen Feng, her sister would definitely be killed.

So, for the sake of her sister's life, Yusha rushed here immediately, and then asked for love.

However, Atuya was not happy after seeing her sister's appearance. Instead, she showed a look of resentment, and said to her sister in Persian, "The reason why I became what I am now is because I was forced to You did it, if you hadn't asked me to marry an ugly ghost, I wouldn't have escaped, now that the person I like has been killed, you shouldn't be hypocritical here."

Although Shen Feng can't understand Persian, he also knows that when these words are not spoken in the city, many people around are watching here. Shen Feng must take people away quickly at this time, otherwise today Once the news of this is spread, it will definitely bring shame to Wang Feiying in the end.

The most important thing for a man is actually his face. As long as he has enough face, a man is even willing to do a lot of disadvantageous things, but at this moment, Wang Feiying's fiancée has escaped marriage. Shen Feng never expected that this would happen Once this kind of thing is spread, it is conceivable that Wang Feiying will be ridiculed by countless people in the end, and Wang Feiying will really become a green turtle by then.

Hence, Shen Feng quickly said: "There is no need to say these words now, let's go back quickly at this time, and we will wait until we return to the palace to talk about everything."

Shen Feng brought people back to the palace. At this time, Long Qian was still holding a celebration banquet with people, so he couldn't deal with this matter at all. Mr. Shen, you can deal with it, no matter how you deal with this escaped woman, it’s fine, if you are not satisfied, you can kill her directly, and I can find other women to marry here.”

Shen Feng didn't want to kill people, he just hoped that this matter would be peaceful, but he was also worried about one thing, that is, if Atuya would rather die than obey, this matter would be really embarrassing.

Yousha also seriously persuaded at this time: "Lord Fengshen, I just want to ask you to forgive Atuya for her ignorance. She was just deceived by a damned man. She is a good child, and she will definitely do it in the future." She can be a gentle wife, so please forgive her this time, so that she can have a chance to change her mind."

Yousha can speak Chinese. After all, she is one of Longqian's bedside people. She must have learned Chinese during the normal time of communication. Now she starts to explain to her sister, pushing all the responsibility to a dead person , This is also a very normal choice, anyway, the dead can't speak, even if all the sewage is poured on the dead man, no one can refute it.

Shen Feng said immediately: "My apprentice Wang Feiying is a very good young man. Although he is very ugly now, he was also a handsome guy before. As long as he can recover, he will definitely be able to make stronger achievements. Yes, besides, he is still a third-level supernatural user, and his future is limitless. I don't understand why your sister ran away? If you are not satisfied, why didn't you just reject the marriage beforehand?"

Yousha still pointed to the dead body on the side of the room and said: "It's all because of this shameless man. We used to be neighbors, but this man has been pestering my sister all the time. Atuya is just a young girl. It's impossible to tell right from wrong, so I was deceived by him in the end, otherwise, my sister would never leave here, and she would never dare to betray Master Chen Xinzhi."

At this time, Atuya kept pleading for his sister, even knelt on the ground.

Shen Feng also found an interpreter and asked the interpreter to explain his words clearly: "If you and my apprentice are not engaged, I don't care where you want to go, but Atuya, at this time, you You are already a woman with a marriage contract, but you still want to escape in the end, your actions will shame Wang Feiying, and the reason why things turned out like this is entirely your own fault."

At this time, Atuya had lost all hope. After all, her beloved had been directly killed, and she had also been captured. She just wanted to die now.

Therefore, Atuya then looked at Shen Feng viciously, and said: "Obviously this marriage was imposed on me by you, and I have no right to choose at all. In the end, under your planning, I can only marry Shen Feng." To an ugly ghost who doesn't like it at all, now say it's my fault, I don't accept it, it's not fair at all."

The translator also hesitated for a moment, and then re-translated these words to Shen Feng.

After hearing this, Shen Feng was not in a hurry to refute the other party's point of view. Instead, he nodded and said, "That's right, the situation you mentioned does exist, and your marriage is not something you can control at all, but, You have only seen the surface, but you have not seen the deeper truth. In the final analysis, it is because you are short-sighted. You want to chase love, but you don’t understand the price you have to pay for pursuing love. There are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the East, but In the west there are Romeo and Juliet, why is there a tragedy in chasing love?"

Atuya didn't know how to answer after hearing these words, but now she was waiting for Shen Feng's explanation.

Shen Feng took a deep breath, walked around the room, and said as he walked: "In fact, the status gap has never disappeared, and a marriage with a status gap will inevitably bring misfortune. The man who wants to take you away What did you promise before? Did he say that he will protect you in this dangerous world? When you escaped and couldn’t find food outside, when you went to a strange environment and couldn’t find income, What should he do? This kid seems to be just an ordinary person!"

"He promised to protect me for the rest of his life, and I believe he will not change his mind. If we can leave this ugly city, we will have a better life." Atuya said without hesitation.

When Shen Feng heard this answer, he couldn't help laughing: "Can you have a better life outside? Haha, what a joke! The two of you are not even evolutionaries. I would like to ask you, what if you meet other people? People are forcibly collecting taxes, what do you do at this time? What if someone sees you beautiful and snatches you away? What if you encounter villains who are robbing you? Do you simply lose your life?"

Atuya didn't know how to answer at this time, because she obviously didn't know how to answer this question now. The question Shen Feng asked was something she had never considered. Now that she heard this question suddenly, she also I don't know how to answer at all.

Shen Feng then said to Atuya: "You haven't considered these questions at all, so when you hear this question at this time, you can't answer it at all. In addition, you don't care about your sister at all, obviously she You have done a lot for this, but you treat your sister as an enemy, you are right and wrong!"

"You are just a foreigner, why do you teach me? Even if I die, I don't need you, and don't think that I will change my mind after you teach me." Atuya can't stand being reprimanded by Shen Feng now. , she would rather die now.

Shen Feng thought about it, if he wanted to force the other party to admit his mistake, it would definitely not be an easy matter, but if the other party did not admit his mistake, Wang Feiying's matter could be resolved in any way.

After thinking of this, Shen Feng said to the others: "Lock her up, be careful not to let her commit suicide, starve her for two days first, after starving, she will understand what the world is like. "

After Shen Feng gave these words, the rest of the people immediately started to take Atuya into the cell. This is a very special cell. Basically, there are not many items in this kind of room. In particular, there are no sharp objects at all, and the walls of the cell are all covered with rubber. Even if you want to commit suicide, it is not easy.

The most difficult thing in this world is starvation. When there is nothing in the stomach, the whole person’s emotions will be affected. After many people go hungry once, they will leave a psychological shadow for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the purpose of Shen Feng That is to let this woman who can't see the times go hungry, and then she will understand what a cruel world is, and she will definitely calm down a lot.

Shen Feng wants to make Atuya change his mind, otherwise, Wang Feiying's reputation will be ruined. If Atuya really wants to pursue happiness with all his heart, there is no other way, maybe he has to change Wang Feiying's marriage. Row.

And after Shen Feng returned to the room, news came out of the laboratory, and this news was naturally sent to Long Qian at the first time. He himself appeared here because of the meteorite, and now the meteorite is finally here. Once in the hands, it is natural to figure out the composition of the meteorite at this time.

Long Qian got the latest information about the meteorite right away, but it's a pity that this information is not good news: "The main component of the meteorite is glass. There is nothing else except glass. It seems that there is a kind of fluorescent substance inside the meteorite." , but it certainly does not contain extraterrestrial elements, it is just an ordinary meteorite, which melted at high temperature when it passed through the atmosphere, and finally turned into a translucent glass."

"Damn it, it's really unlucky, I thought it was 99% sure that it was a meteorite containing extraterrestrial elements, but now I look at it, it turned out to be just an ordinary meteorite, it made me waste a few years of work, it's really abominable. "As soon as Long Qian heard the news, he couldn't help becoming annoyed.

Long Qian didn't expect that he had worked so hard for several years to get such a result. There was no gain at all.

But Long Qian immediately thought of another thing, and that was about Shen Feng. If he wanted to get resources on his side, he had to close the relationship between himself and Shen Feng. A large number of evolutionary bases, it is said that there are many evolutionary crystals in Shen Feng's hands, there are many such important things in Shen Feng's hands, as long as he can deduce something from Shen Feng's mouth, then he will definitely have more Good development.

"Notify the doctor that the medicine Wang Feiying takes every day will be halved. In short, Wang Feiying cannot be cured in the fastest time, but Wang Feiying cannot die." Long Qian finally made a decision at this time.

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