Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 962 Disaster Befalls Rongcheng

Everyone was working hard at this time, and they seemed to have seen their bright future. As long as they could bring a large amount of honey back to Rongcheng, they would definitely be able to make a fortune. What they were digging now was still a huge beehive, and inside it must be There is plenty of honey.

The bee collectors were still working selflessly at this time, but they didn't realize that there were more and more bumblebees around them, and the size of these bumble bees was extremely huge. It is also impossible to be bigger than the finger of an adult, but these bumblebees appearing in the sky now can be as big as a palm.

The size of these bumble bees is definitely larger than that of ordinary bees, and only the mutated bumble bees can have such a large size.

"Boss, look, why did the light around us suddenly dim?" Someone felt something was wrong at this moment, so he hurriedly asked.

Then everyone looked around. Through the glass cover in front of them, they saw countless bumblebees flying in the sky. These bumblebees were all extremely huge. It was far from normal to see bumblebees. Appearing in the sky, it is extremely terrifying to see.

"What are you afraid of? We have protective clothing on our bodies. These bumblebees can't do anything to us. Besides, look at the surrounding ground. Someone has already dug honey and made a fortune. Now we are doing the same Things, is our luck worse than these people? They can dig up these bumble bees, can't we do it?" The leading man looked at the people around him instead.

After hearing the words of the boss, everyone gradually realized that this is indeed the case. Others have already made money to change their lives, so why can't they do it themselves? Others didn't encounter any danger when digging for honey, so it didn't make sense that something would happen when it was their turn.

So everyone calmed down and continued to dig the nest of the Scolia at this time. Finally, half an hour later, the six people dug a hole directly from the ground. An extremely huge hive, this hive occupies a large area underground, and it is impossible to see it all at a glance. It seems that there are more hives in the hole in the distance.

There are also densely packed wasps in the hive. These wasps come in and out of the hive, which looks very scary.

"There are a lot of bees. We have dug the largest beehive here. I don't think it's good down here." Some people felt fear after seeing this scene. They didn't know how much soil there was in the deep cave. There are bees, if you are surrounded by countless bees, you will be really miserable.

"Nonsense, what is bad? This is obviously the end of the day. If you don't believe me, look carefully. There must be countless honey in such a large hive. As long as we dig it out, we will be rich by then." The leader His eyes were shining, and he could clearly see the huge hive underground through the glass mask, and he knew that he was about to get rich.

However, at this moment, the bumblebees in the sky suddenly landed on the ground, besieging these people who dug the hives one after another. Almost instantly, the bodies of these people gained a lot of weight, and every part of their bodies had been covered. The bees were covered, and everyone hurriedly patted the protective clothing on their bodies, trying to shake all the bees off the protective clothing.

"Boss, these bumble bees have already fallen, let's hurry up now, if we continue, we may have an accident." Someone continued to persuade.

"Shut up, we have chili powder in our car. Use chili powder to light the fire. As long as there is smoke, all these bumble bees will be dizzy. Hurry up and find pepper powder and hay." The boss said seriously, and asked his subordinates The people in charge went to take the prepared things out of the car.

The way to get honey is basically the same all over the world. Smoke the bees. As long as these bees are smoked by the smoke, they will be dizzy immediately. Where the smoke appears, the bees will not come near here at all. The bees are often To re-choose a place to nest.

At this time, the cave is several meters deep. Inside the cave, two people are observing where to start, while others are waiting at the entrance of the cave. Some people go to take out the things prepared on the car. As long as they can create smoke, they can Fume away all the bumble bees around.

However, when someone went to the car, someone felt that something was wrong, because at this moment, there was an itchy feeling on his back, which appeared very quickly, and spread almost instantly. All over the body, the protective clothing on his body also became swollen.

"Hurry up and take a look for me, how is the protective clothing on me?" When he felt something was wrong, this person immediately asked the people around him to see what was going on, and he found that his The protective clothing turned out to be relatively narrow.

The rest of the people were slapping the bumblebees on their bodies at this time, and no one had time to observe the conditions of their teammates. Now when someone looked up, they were immediately startled, because the opponent's armpit There is a gap in the lower part, and countless bumble bees entered the inside of the protective clothing along this gap.

"Ah, run! These bumble bees can enter the protective clothing." The people next to them were shocked when they saw this scene, and quickly shouted at everyone.

"Run, these bumblebees are biting my clothes." A person next to him has also discovered something abnormal, his clothes are being bitten by bumblebees constantly, even if the material of the protective clothing is relatively tough, However, under the successive bites of the bumblebee, it still had to be bitten.

"Help, save me quickly, I'm going to be killed!" At this time, the person's protective clothing was torn, and in an instant, countless bumble bees flew into the protective clothing, followed by constant stings, painful The feeling permeates the whole body.

It's a pity that now everyone has discovered how powerful the Scolia is, and they will stay away from here. No one cares about others, because their body has been covered by the Scolia, and the attack method of the Scolia is nothing more than biting And using tail stings, the protective clothing is made of asbestos, it is a good way to prevent the stings of the wasps, but these bees have mutated, and they will continue to bite after they pounce on them again, and the protective clothing is also damaged Case.

As long as there is a hole on the protective clothing that can accommodate the wasps, the rest of the wasps will drill into the protective clothing along this hole. Everyone thought that as long as they hid in the protective clothing, they would not be attacked, but they never I never thought that the bumble bees could get into the clothes, as long as they got into the clothes, they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

Immediately, this group of people started yelling, rolling on the ground continuously, using their weight to crush all the mutated bumblebees to death, but this kind of efficiency was not very good, a large dense area in the sky was full of bumble bees, one piece After one of the wasps is crushed to death, the rest of the wasps will then pounce on them.

This group of people already sensed that something was wrong, and the leader of them got into the car without caring about anything. He dropped his men and equipment, and drove the car to a distance.

"You bastard, why did you abandon us? It was clearly agreed before that everyone would make a fortune together, but you dare to sneak away at this time!" The people who were thrown down began to roar, obviously they were all sorry for being abandoned This thing is angry.

If the guy in the car stops at this time, they will definitely rush up and beat him up. This guy is simply not loyal. When he sees the benefits, he rushes forward desperately. Once he finds danger, immediately Regardless of the life and death of the brothers.

It's a pity that cursing can't turn back the fleeing guy in front, the boss drove the van and fled directly towards Rongcheng, as for the people under his command, they were all thrown into the wilderness.

Scales are constantly flying in the sky, attacking humans who are destroying their nests without mercy. There are too many of them, and it is impossible to see how many of them are in the sky. All I know is that the sun has been blocked Quite a few, with such a large number, even if the army appears here, it will feel tricky.

The people who were finally thrown into the wilderness all had their protective clothing torn. When the protective clothing was torn, many bumblebees got into the clothes directly. Human beings themselves are very afraid of the bee venom of bees. Nowadays, countless bumble bees The bees got into the clothes and sting, but within a few minutes, these people died in the wild.

These people who died in the wild looked very miserable. When they came out of Rongcheng, they were all skinny. After all, they didn't get much nutrition for a long time, but now they are all bloated, not because they supplemented it. Nutrition, but they have all been bitten, and all parts of their bodies are swollen, so they look fatter.

And the boss among the bee hunters did not escape smoothly. Although he was running desperately in the van, and he didn't even close the trunk door, the bees in the sky were already angered. The nest has been repeatedly destroyed, and now it is unbearable, and it is about to attack humans. Some people are still alive and running away. For the Scolia, this person must be killed.

The bee picker is constantly galloping towards Rongcheng, because he knows that as long as he arrives in Rongcheng, he can survive. There are many troops stationed in Rongcheng. These troops have experienced many battles and have seen all kinds of scenes. None of the zombies and mutant beasts could break through the city, and the army would definitely be able to deal with these little mutant bumblebees behind me now.

Not to mention that there are still many supernatural beings in Rongcheng, and all of these supernatural beings are capable of penetrating heaven and earth. As long as they can reach Rongcheng, they will be able to look at the supernatural beings and kill them all. .

What the bee collectors didn't know was that the mutated bumble bees in the sky had already formed a long queue and were flying randomly in the sky, making a "buzzing" sound. Wherever they passed, countless mutant beasts were so shocked that they hid in their nests and didn't dare to come out. Although the body of the wasp was relatively small, there were so many of them that even the mutant beasts didn't dare to fight with them. For the enemy.

At this moment, Rongcheng has also discovered anomalies. There are a large number of unknown objects in the air approaching Rongcheng. The radar has detected this, and finally sent a reconnaissance plane to observe the outside world. Suddenly, countless bumble bees were found. Getting closer, these bumble bees are really too big, and they are all mutated.

"Command center, we now find that countless bumble bees are heading towards Rongcheng, which may pose a threat. Please prepare for defense as soon as possible." After discovering this situation, the reconnaissance plane immediately made a report.

However, after receiving the news, the command center in Rongcheng was at a loss for a while, because they never expected that Rongcheng would be attacked by scumblebees. Rongcheng had been attacked by zombies, mutant beasts, and mutant birds before. However, these The species are all very large in size and relatively simple to defend.

Today's bumble bees are relatively small, and each bumble bee is only the size of a palm. It is too difficult to defend against them.

"Hurry up and find Xiao Sheng, let him find a way with the supernatural being, and the army will help defend at this time." The command center finally made a decision.

The air defense siren sounded in the sky above Rongcheng, and then the city gate was closed. Countless people were already dumbfounded. Shen Feng had already killed most of the mutant birds in Siberia before. It stands to reason that the current air threat is not that great. , But why is the air defense siren sounding again now?

"Run, run, hide in the air-raid shelter." Everyone in Rongcheng panicked immediately, and ran towards the places where they could hide.

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