Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 971 Chasing Down The Scolia

The native bees reappeared in the sky, and the countless people on the ground began to attack. Today, the native bees have caused great harm to humans. The original native bees were very afraid of humans, because they have been hunted down by humans for a long time. The object of expulsion, but recently, the bumble bee broke out with a strong fighting power and killed a large number of humans. The bumble bee also changed its strategy and has been retaliating against humans. to the lair.

Originally, people could still hide in the air-raid shelters. At any rate, there would be no danger to their lives. However, since the earthquake, the city has become unsafe. Everyone has already run out of the city, but no Thinking that they will continue to be threatened now, Bumblebee has not let them go at this point.

Now everyone saw the appearance of the Scolia once again. These Scolia seemed to be about to launch an attack, so they couldn't be careless.

The crowd that had been temporarily stabilized became chaotic again. Everyone thought that the next few days would be the same as the previous few days. Once the Scolia fell in the sky, it would be an absolute disaster for the current people.

After Shen Feng came out of the tent, he saw the chaotic scene of the crowd, so he quickly flew into the sky and shouted loudly, "Everyone, please don't mess up, I am Shen Feng, I am here now, and I will protect everyone." Good for you, so you must not mess up now!"

After Shen Feng appeared, it really calmed some people down. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, in a chaotic situation, only people with high prestige can stop the chaos, let alone Shen Feng, a well-known person. Appeared here, when he flew into the sky, everyone saw that it was Lord Fengshen who came, and immediately wept with joy.

Many people believe that after Shen Feng appeared here, he must be able to save everyone, because the mutated bird was so cruel back then, and in the end Shen Feng killed tens of millions of them. There are many, but the strength is definitely not as strong as the mutant bird. Lord Shen Feng will definitely be able to deal with these damn bugs neatly.

It is also possible that the pressure brought by the Scolia is too great. Although most people already believe that Shen Feng can protect them, there are still some people who are still running around. It can be seen that these people are real Already terrified.

Shen Feng also knows the current chaotic situation. The people gathered around the camp have all escaped from Rongcheng. They have just lost their homes. It is a time of great panic. It is not good to be harsh on these people at this time. If you want to stop the panic, you can only kill these bumblebees flying in the sky as soon as possible, and now only you can do this.

"Wet the cloth strips with water, cover your mouth and nose, and close your eyes to avoid accidental injury." Chu Chaoyan shouted loudly at this time.

Everyone also remembered the scene they saw yesterday, knowing that Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan were going to use poison gas to kill the bugs, so in order to avoid accidental injury, everyone quickly covered their mouths and noses with water-soaked cloth strips, and the whole body All curled up on the ground.

At this time, Chu Chaoyan had already controlled countless poisonous gas to fly into the sky, and the poisonous gas spread out in the sky. The bees knew the power of the poisonous gas, so they didn't dare to enter the area where the poisonous gas was, so they all walked around.

However, Shen Feng didn't give these bumblebees a chance to go around. He landed beside Chu Chaoyan, put his arm around Chu Chaoyan's waist, and said, "Concentrate on controlling the poisonous gas, don't let the poisonous gas disperse, I will Together with you, kill these damned bumblebees."

Before Chu Chaoyan could react, Shen Feng had already put his arms around her soft waist, and flew directly into the sky. Chu Chaoyan watched the surrounding scenery quickly fall downwards, and couldn't help but grab Shen Feng. She is very worried that she will fall off at this time.

There were a lot of poisonous bees in the sky, and they were about to attack the crowd at this time, but a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the sky. At the moment of this gust of wind, countless poisonous gases also flew into the sky. It was too slow, there was no time to dodge at this moment, and he directly bumped into the yellow-green smoke.

The reason why the bumblebee can grow to the size of an egg is because the oxygen concentration in the air has risen, and the tracheal system of the bumblebee can get enough oxygen, so it has grown a lot, but now it is shrouded in poisonous gas, and the breath enters The trachea was full of poisonous gas. Where had these bumblebees encountered such a strange attack, they couldn't dodge it. They entered the yellow-green mist head-on, and then the bumblebees fell from the sky one by one.

It was as if it was raining on the ground, and the bumblebees killed by the poisonous gas in the sky fell to the ground with a "crackling" sound, and the respiratory system of these bumblebees had been destroyed by the poisonous gas. The respiratory system was destroyed. Although he is not dead yet, he will not live for long.

People gritted their teeth with hatred when they saw these bees falling from the sky, especially many of the bees were still crawling on the ground with difficulty, far from the prestige of the past, so people directly faced the bees on the ground and kept on When you step on it, there is a constant "creaking" sound under your feet. This is the sound of a bumble bee being trampled to death alive.

It has been ten years since everyone has been in the doomsday. Such a long time has made many people forget the pain of losing their loved ones. Especially Rongcheng is still relatively stable. Many people have become accustomed to living in the doomsday. It's just that everyone didn't expect that Rongcheng was actually breached by the Scolia, and many people lost their relatives again. The hatred made these people angry, and they wanted to kill all the weak Scolia on the ground.

The bumblebees never expected this kind of thing to happen. A sudden gust of wind in the sky blew strange fog and appeared. As long as they passed by, the bumblebees would fall to the ground at this time. I have never experienced it before, and now I suddenly encounter such a thing, and I suddenly feel caught off guard.

After realizing that something was wrong, the bees changed directions and flew away. This was also the order from the queen bee to leave, otherwise the bees would have died and injured a lot.

A large cloud of yellow-green mist in the sky lingered, enveloping the bumble bees all the time, as long as it passed through the bumble bee swarm, it would kill a large number of bumblebees immediately.

In this cloud of mist, Shen Feng was hovering in the air with his arms around Chu Chaoyan. Shen Feng had already cast the "Wind King Barrier" at this moment, so the surrounding yellow-green mist would not harm the two of them at all. The transparent barrier can isolate the surrounding poisonous gas.

Seeing that the bumblebee in the sky wanted to escape at this time, Shen Feng couldn't help snorting coldly, and said, "It's too late if I want to run now!"

Shen Feng was in a bad mood right now, because his parents had been kidnapped, and now millions of disaster victims are still waiting for help. The culprit of all this is the bumblebee. If it weren't for the bumblebee's sudden attack, Rongcheng would not be so easy breach.

Rongcheng has always been Shen Feng's hometown. After he came to Rongcheng with his parents, he was very familiar with this place, but now his hometown has been destroyed, and there are still many elders in his hometown buried under the ruins. He was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, and the appearance of the bumblebee just happened to allow Shen Feng to find an outlet to vent his emotions.

Shen Feng immediately chased after the Bumblebee in the distance, controlling the strong wind to push the poisonous gas forward, and Chu Chaoyan was also using his supernatural ability, so that the poisonous gas could gather together and not disperse. In the end, the cooperation between the two was very good That's right, a large amount of mist in the sky is constantly sweeping over the colony of the bees, and none of the bees can survive wherever they pass.

"This is the real pair made by nature. I didn't expect Lord Fengshen and Mrs. Chu to be able to explode a powerful lethal force together. From now on, we don't have to worry about being attacked by scumblebees anymore." Everyone on the ground saw it. In the sky, Shen Feng kept chasing the Bumblebee away, and suddenly felt that this world is always one thing and one thing.

"Gather the crowd quickly, food will be delivered at dusk, let everyone gather here, if you continue to go south, there will be no food support." Li Keyi quickly commanded at this time.

Li Keyi knew her mission. She had to arrange a large number of victims in Sichuan Province. She could not let these victims suffer. Once they arrived in Yuzhou, they would definitely have an impact on Yuzhou. At that time, not only Sichuan Province is over, and Yuzhou is also over.

After the disaster victims heard that they would not get food when they went south, they started to discuss one after another, and they all stayed where they were. They all knew that Rongcheng was over at this time, and the next step was to find a place to resettle. The first place was naturally Yuzhou , but Yuzhou doesn't seem to want to accept it, and it won't get support if it continues southward.

Fortunately, there is no threat of the Scolia in the sky. Otherwise, if the Scolia continued to harass the crowd, the victims would be in a mess now, and their actions would not be controlled at all. How could they be resettled smoothly?

Jin Zijue also found Li Keyi at this time, and said: "Rongcheng still needs rescue at this time. There are hundreds of thousands of people trapped under the ruins. Why not organize a group of people to participate in the rescue!"

Li Keyi hesitated for a moment but shook her head and denied it. She said seriously: "Now the victims have just stabilized, and I don't know if there will be more danger in Rongcheng. At this time, I can only ensure the stability of the crowd, I can't do it." There's more to it."

Jin Zijue was in a hurry, and quickly said: "Originally, after the earthquake yesterday, we should go to the rescue immediately, but now it has been a day, and these people have been crushed under the rubble, and their hope of survival is extremely slim. If we go to the rescue, wouldn't those people have to wait to die in despair?"

Li Keyi didn't answer, she pretended she didn't hear, turned around and left.

Li Keyi is a very smart person, how could she not know about this? She is very clear that the best rescue time is within 72 hours after the earthquake. However, the current situation in Sichuan Province is not stable at all. At this time, she cannot stabilize the victims who escaped. If there is a big move, the victims of the disaster will not be able to organize at all. If there is an accident, it will be over.

Jin Zi never gave up, and then found Xu Xing. He almost knelt down for Xu Xing, and only hoped that Xu Xing could help him to rescue the disaster at this time.

But Xu Xing said in a low voice: "Let me tell you the truth. At this time, Yuzhou is not having a good time. Our focus is no longer in Sichuan Province. Now there are millions of disaster victims who need to be resettled. We really don't have enough strength to rescue people. If you want to save people, you can call as many people as you want, just go forward, and we will never stop you! But the 3,000 people on our side will not organize people to help you, we will Order must be maintained.”

After Jin Zijue heard this, he felt helpless, so he could only take dozens of people under his command to gather the victims to go to the disaster relief. After finding more than a thousand people, he set off in the direction of Rongcheng.

Li Keyi herself doesn't know how to deal with the current situation at all. The main reason is that Sichuan Province has no leader at this time, and the rest of the cities are still eyeing. Even taking over Sichuan Province is not an easy task. She has no way to do it for Yuzhou. It was decided that she could only take one step at a time.

And at this time, Shen Feng and Chu Chaoyan had already killed near the old nest of the wasps, the yellow-green mist in the sky never disappeared, and the bees fled all the way, more than half of the bees were killed by the poisonous gas, The bumble bees fluttered in the sky, and unless they encountered a ranged attack, they would not be killed. They were small in size, and when they attacked the crowd, they were like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating everywhere.

Fortunately, Shen Feng has corresponding means to deal with it at this time. The range of his ability can be affected is already very huge. Now with Chu Chaoyan's poisonous gas, it immediately forms a restricted area in the air. As long as it is within the range covered by the poisonous gas, earth It was impossible for the bees to resist, and they were about to fall to the ground one by one.

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