Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 980 Locust Plague Everywhere

In the early morning of that day, newspapers from all over the world published a piece of breaking news: "Lord Fengshen has found the lair of the killer organization, and wiped it out overnight, leaving no one behind!"

The emergence of this news is extremely shocking. Many forces have heard of the organization Tianya League, and almost no one knows where the lair of this killer organization is. As a result, at this moment, Shen Feng has found their lair, and How can such a huge change not shock people?

There are a lot of pictures and texts on these newspapers, all of which are bloody scenes on a mountain, and on one side there is a photo of a murderous Shen Feng. Bloodstains, once a high-spirited young man has now become a terrifying executioner.

A reporter who is not afraid of death interviewed Shen Feng and asked Shen Feng why he did this. Shen Feng just replied indifferently: "The rules of the rivers and lakes, the disaster is not as good as the family. As a result, these people killed my parents. If this is the case, I will not be righteous. Now, since they dare to kidnap and kill my parents, then I will let everyone in their family die!"

As soon as this incident was reported, some people immediately began to praise: "Lord Fengshen is really ruthless in handling things, and he is not procrastinating at all. If you say kill his whole family, kill his whole family, this is the demeanor that a person in the world should have. And don't talk about it to the other side. Morally, what Master Fengshen did is completely retaliation."

After reading the newspapers, a large number of people praised Shen Feng's actions, and felt that Shen Feng's actions were completely fine. Even in the Spring and Autumn Period, such a truth has been explained, which is enough to see the justice of Shen Feng's actions.

"I think it's too cruel for Shen Feng to do this. It's enough to kill the perpetrators, but he even killed the family members of these people. I think there are still many children's bodies. He How can you do it?" In addition to praise, there are also many criticisms, many people think that Shen Feng's method of murdering the whole family is too drastic.

Everyone thought that after Shen Feng killed an assassin organization, the matter would be over, but they never expected that Shen Feng would offer a reward afterwards: "Eliminate all evil and do everything, Tianya League, an assassin organization, has done a lot of evil. Killing countless supernatural beings is beyond description. As far as I know, there are still many informants who provide information to this Tianya League. Now a reward is issued. As long as someone can report the informant of the Tianya League, then the reward will be ten yuan Evolution base."

After the reward was released, almost all the people in the southeast coastal area took action, looking around to see if there were any informants from the Tianya League around. It's so tempting.

Only after obtaining enough evolutionary bases can people break through the barriers of evolution. Without the evolutionary bases, it is impossible to reach the fourth level. The supernatural beings are also very distressed about how to obtain the evolutionary bases, because this thing cannot be obtained with money. Almost all the evolutionary bases in China were produced from the hands of Shen Feng. This business has been monopolized, and ordinary people are simply unable to produce evolutionary bases.

Now at this time, everyone found a good opportunity to earn evolutionary bases, so they were all tempted. For a while, many informants from the Tianya League were found in the southeast region. They thought it was just a normal way to make money, but now that disaster is imminent, they can't escape even if they want to.

Countless people were sent in front of Shen Feng, and after finding out the truth, Shen Feng killed a lot of people in the southeast region.

Shen Feng's behavior is naturally very extreme, because according to his way of killing, it is not enough to kill tens of thousands of people, but ordinary people have no ability to dissuade Shen Feng. What a deal it is to catch an informant from the Tianya League and get an evolutionary base.

Shen Feng has been in the southeast region for half a month, and he has been killing people almost every day. He wants to use killing to make himself feel better, and his murderous intent has become more and more intense. It can scare others half to death.

In the end, it was a phone call from Yuzhou that stopped Shen Feng from continuing to kill. This was a call from Chang Jianyi, and she said seriously: "Shen Feng, come back quickly, something big happened in Yuzhou, locusts entered Yuzhou Within the scope of Hechuan Province, a lot of food has been eaten, and the crops have been eaten up as soon as they sprouted, now you should come back and solve this problem!"

"Is the problem really serious?" Shen Feng asked hesitantly.

At this time, Shen Feng was actually still immersed in the grief of losing his parents. He never thought that his parents would leave the world due to an accident, so he needed to keep killing people, using killing to get pleasure, so as to calm the sadness in his heart. In his opinion, the informants who provided the information were all to be damned.

But at this time, Shen Feng suddenly learned that something happened at home, and he couldn't ignore the family affairs, so he wanted to know if the situation was particularly serious.

"The matter is very serious. If it is not handled well, there will be a large-scale famine in this autumn, but many people will definitely starve to death!" Chang Jianyi said seriously on the phone.

Shen Feng was silent, he seemed to be still thinking about whether to go back.

"There is one more thing you need to deal with, and that is the funeral of parents. If you don't come back, we can't do it without authorization. You are a filial son!" Chang Jianyi continued.

"I understand. I will definitely come back as soon as possible. Don't worry, my thinking is still normal now!" Shen Feng finally replied in a low voice. After half a month, he gradually accepted it. In reality, death cannot be brought back to life, and the most important thing now is to allow parents to be buried with peace of mind.

Then Shen Feng withdrew the reward list, and hurried back to Yuzhou after issuing the reward.

When he returned to Yuzhou, he realized the seriousness of the matter. In previous years, the farmland was green at this time, but now the farmland is bare, there are no crops, and a lot of locusts can be seen vaguely. Fei Wu, the crops growing in the field have been eaten by these locusts.

"Didn't you say to block the invasion of locusts before? Why are locusts coming in again at this time?" After seeing the locusts in the farmland, Shen Feng felt very puzzled.

After Shen Feng returned to the Fengshen Palace, he soon saw the mourning hall. The family was mourning in mourning. Every day, people came to express their condolences. Even Shen Feng's three children knelt on the ground with their mothers. Shen Yu looked even more haggard.

Mencius said, it is only a matter of death. So it is very important to hold a funeral. After Shen Feng came back, the most important thing to deal with was not the locusts, but to allow his parents to be buried in a beautiful manner.

So in the next few days, Shen Feng has been busy with this matter, and only in his spare time can he listen to Chang Jianyi explaining the origin of the locusts.

The original roads from Hanzhong to Sichuan Province and Yuzhou have been blocked. With Chang Haojie guarding them, the locusts cannot cross Daba Mountain at all, but these locusts fly around as long as they have a place, and they can fly around in the strong wind , and finally reached the Jingxiang area in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Yuzhou and Sichuan Province have been relatively dry in the past few months. The dry climate is very popular with locusts, so the locusts directly entered Yuzhou and Sichuan Province from the Jingxiang area to the west. These hateful locusts gnawed while flying. Food crops, and can lay eggs soon, and the eggs laid down will continue to grow locusts if the conditions are right.

"Actually, the reason for the locust plague is that the Little Ice Age has arrived, and the north has been dry for years. With soil suitable for locust breeding, the water conservancy facilities in the north are no longer good. As long as there is a severe drought, locusts will emerge in endlessly." Li Ke Yi also explained this to Shen Feng.

After Shen Feng heard the information about locusts, he also felt that it was very difficult, and he could not solve it easily. Scolia had a queen, and their reproduction speed was not very good. When they encountered danger, they liked to huddle together and could kill one at a time. Large swarms, but locusts are different, not to mention laying more eggs, and there is no leader at all, the direction of flight depends entirely on their mood, and it is not so easy to kill locusts completely.

"Now we can only take one step at a time. Fortunately, we have food in hand, which can last at least half a year." Shen Feng thought silently in his heart.

Nowadays, many areas in the north are in chaos due to the appearance of locusts. Generally speaking, locusts like dry areas, so they don’t often appear in the south. But this time the situation is special. Both Sichuan Province and Yuzhou have already encountered drought, and the locusts drove straight in. , but caused huge harm in the south.

When Shen Feng held the funeral for their parents, it was the first time for Shen Feng's three children to meet their aunt. Both Xiaolong and Xiaohu had seen their aunt on the screen of their mobile phones, and it was the first time for Shen Yishi. Seeing my aunt, I couldn't help but stay by my aunt's side.

Shen Yu also likes the three children very much. The three lively children have relieved her depression a lot, but every time she thinks about the future, she is at a loss, because although she is married, she suddenly learned that An unexpected news, that is, Xiao Sheng has been paralyzed, and he will not be able to stand up and walk for the rest of his life.

Now, her parents passed away unexpectedly, her hometown has been destroyed, and her husband is still paralyzed. Shen Yu doesn't know how to deal with it at all. She wanted to rely on her younger brother, but his family is happy. She has been staying in Fengshen Palace now, but instead Like an outsider.

Ever since, Shen Yu became more and more depressed, not knowing what kind of future he would have in the future.

Shen Feng is also very concerned about her sister's current state, because he is the only family member she can rely on now. If he ignores her sister, it would be too much. At this moment, Rongcheng has Destruction, rebuilding is not a trivial matter, especially in the apocalypse, it is even more difficult. I can't go back to my hometown, so I must let my sister get good care in Yuzhou.

And Shen Yu has a husband anyway, she has her own family, Shen Feng can't let her sister live in her own home all the time, she will be gossiped by others, so Shen Feng wants to make Xiao Sheng stand up again , as long as he can recover his body, then he is still a good man.

It's just that the weather was unpredictable, and fate seemed to be playing tricks on Shen Yu, because the doctor came to a conclusion after a detailed examination of Xiao Sheng, that is, Xiao Sheng might not be able to stand up again.

When Shen Feng's family was taken away, Xiao Sheng tried his best to stop him, but in the crowd, he was attacked by the enemy from behind, so that the lumbar spine was finally interrupted by the enemy. In the process of human evolution Among them, the spine is one of the most important things. Once the spine is injured, the human being is equivalent to being sentenced to death. He can't even do such trivial things as bending, let alone fighting?

Xiao Sheng himself couldn't accept this cruel reality. He was clearly a high-ranking supernatural being before, but now he suddenly learned that he has become disabled. No one can accept such a huge gap.

Shen Feng was preparing for his parents' funeral in Yuzhou. Originally, he had to make a big deal of it. It would be best to let the main forces of China come to express their condolences, but now there are locust plagues everywhere, and many places simply don't have time to participate in this event. In the end, the funeral had to be organized vigorously in Yuzhou, and it was enough for people from Yuzhou to attend.

The appearance of the locust plague also gave Shen Feng a wonderful opportunity, because Sichuan Province was also severely affected by the locust plague, and there was still some food in Yuzhou, but many places in Sichuan Province immediately ran out of food. Famines appeared one after another, and there were too many people fleeing, and they couldn't stop it.

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