Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 99 The Ideal Is Full

Shen Feng was discussing with Yu Renshu in the office how to arrange for the members of the Self-Aid Association. Unexpectedly, at this time, the little girl in the communication room rushed into the office and said anxiously: "The president is not good, someone is going to store it." The gun building was robbed, you go quickly..."

Before the words fell, the little girl saw Shen Feng and Yu Renshu sitting together discussing something. Considering that there were only these two people in the office, the little girl immediately began to wonder if she interrupted the tryst of these two people? The vice-chairman Chang Jianyi hasn't shown up these days. Could it be that the chairman took the opportunity to develop another relationship line?

"I've heard that the president is a game master. I didn't expect that in real life, the president is also so good that he has learned multi-line operation!" The little girl set off a storm in her heart.

Shen Feng was shocked when he heard that someone dared to rob guns. If the guns were really stolen, wouldn't the foundation be unstable? I originally planned to distribute the guns tomorrow, but I didn't expect that someone would start robbing tonight. It's really daring.

Shen Feng also knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to withstand the gunshots, so Shen Feng absolutely did not want other people in Luzhou City to have guns.

Afterwards, Shen Feng opened the window, jumped down from here, and then used the ability to let the wind support his body down. After landing smoothly, he quickly used "follow the wind" and rushed towards the building where the guns were stored. He wanted to You know, what kind of guy dares to snatch guns from the hands of more than 20 evolutionaries!

It is definitely no problem for an evolutionary to fight against ordinary people, but if the number of opponents is particularly large, it will be difficult for the evolutionary side to parry, especially if the enemy starts to use indiscriminate methods, it will be even more difficult to deal with. What Shen Feng was worried about was the group of evolutionaries under him. If they were accidentally plotted against, it would be too bad.

In the office, the little girl looked at Yu Renshu who was sitting behind the desk, and stammered, "I...I won't go out and talk nonsense."

"No, you will talk nonsense after you go out, the more exaggerated the better, understand?" Yu Renshu stood up and said.

The little girl nodded, expressing that she already understood. Although she didn't understand why she deliberately told this matter, since it was Yu Renshu's request, she had no choice but to obey her orders.

Yu Renshu leaned on the office chair and stretched, guessing in her heart: "Chang Jianyi, if you hear about this, will you continue to trust Shen Feng? If you don't trust him, then it's mine Already!"

After Yu Renshu was rescued by Shen Feng, her whole body changed. She began to appear in front of Shen Feng on her own initiative, not only to dress up beautifully, but also to show her own charm, hoping that Shen Feng could Take the initiative with herself, now she has an idea, can she find a way to snatch Shen Feng from Chang Jianyi's hands.

It's a pity that Yu Renshu discovered that Shen Feng is sometimes a stickler. After he liked Chang Jianyi, he never provoked other women. He was simply a good man with one heart and one mind. It seemed impossible to make him like himself So Yu Renshu wanted to use some other means.

At this time, Cao Fulie, Wang Chong and others in front of the building were confronting each other. Wang Chong saw that Cao Fulie was not going to let go, so he yelled, "Brothers, come together, grab the guns, we are the masters of Luzhou!"

Afterwards, Wang Chong took the lead in charging, and more than a hundred other people also rushed up, waving steel bars in their hands, as if they were about to kill someone at any time.

Facing these people rushing up, Cao Fulie kicked Wang Chong away, and shouted: "Kill!"

Cao Fulie's side is full of evolutionaries, whose physical fitness is far superior to the ordinary people present. More than 20 people here charged against more than 100 people. Facing the steel bars in the hands of this group of people, they waved them one after another without any fear. The blade in his hand began to resist. Basically, these more than a hundred people could not successfully attack the evolutionary, and the evolutionary could disembowel these people with a single knife.

Cao Fulie was the first group of people to follow Shen Feng, that is, he followed Shen Feng when he was in medical school, so he was already extremely proficient in combat, let alone the battle with the corpse king some time ago. A group of people fought desperately, killing countless zombies. At this time, when facing the crowd of robbers, they didn't hold back their hands, and they were about to kill people.

Wang Chong was the first to charge up, because he knew that if he didn't take the lead in the charge, the others would not have the guts to charge up, and there were so many people on his side, he only needed one charge to defeat the group of people on the opposite side. .

The reason why he had such an idea was because Wang Chong hadn't seen the scene of the evolutionary fighting, and he didn't know how strong the evolutionary was. In his opinion, the evolutionary should be a slightly stronger human being, and it is impossible to fight It is particularly exaggerated, so Wang Chong is not afraid of evolutionaries at all, this is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

As a result, Wang Chong who rushed up was the first to be kicked away. Afterwards, Cao Fulie led the charge, and no one on his side was injured. The more than one hundred people on the opposite side were splashed with blood, and many of them were stunned by this rush. Didn't they say that if they fight together, they can win? Why did dozens of people die on my side, but the other side was still completely uninjured?

Ever since, seeing the situation was not good, Han Yong yelled "Run", and then took the lead and slipped away. The rest of the people saw that they couldn't beat them, so they quickly retreated. The guy couldn't help scolding, "You have no guts." After that, he led people to catch up with them, and even dared to rob them of guns. Wouldn't it be a mistake to let them run away?

Cao Fulie first rushed to Wang Chong who was lying on the ground. Without saying a word, he broke the guy's legs with the back of his knife, preventing him from escaping, and then continued to chase him out.

Wang Chong lay on the ground and yelled. At this moment, he felt severe pain and wanted to run for his life, but he couldn't stand up at all. His leg was broken, and even moving it now hurts his heart. For this, Wang Chong was terrified. At the extreme, I didn't expect that the people guarding the building were all evolutionaries, and their strength was too exaggerated. Before he had time to react, he was kicked away and couldn't stand up for a long time. Afterwards, everyone scattered and fled. His legs Being interrupted again, even if he wanted to run at this time, he was completely unable to run away.

Wang Chong didn't want to die. He no longer wanted the so-called glory and wealth. He just wanted to live, so he crawled on the ground with his hands.

However, at this moment, a pair of leather shoes appeared in front of Wang Chong. He raised his head and took a look, only to find that the person in front of him was a young man with a very sunny appearance and a faint smile on his face. Chong was in despair, because the person who appeared in front of him was Shen Feng.

"Robbery, right?" Shen Feng asked with a sneer, "Then have you ever thought about what will happen?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Feng kicked Wang Chong's body, and directly sent Wang Chong flying a long distance. The distance Wang Chong crawled just now was a negative number because he had already been kicked to the edge of the building.

Cao Fulie and the others grabbed one person and came back. After they were caught, they all knelt down and begged for mercy. They were still blaming Wang Chong, who had his legs broken, and said, "It's this Wang Chong who bewitched us. It's him." It is said that if we rob guns, we can stand up and be the masters."

It's a pity that Cao Fulie and others didn't listen to this, they caught these people in front of Shen Feng, and said: "City Lord, the leaders are one named Wang Chong and the other named Han Yong, Wang Chong is the one lying on the ground, Han If you were brave, we didn't catch it!"

Shen Feng looked at a group of kneeling people begging for mercy, and shook his head helplessly. He thought that the person who came to rob guns must be some kind of hero, at least a gang leader, but he didn't expect that these rebels turned out to be A group of guys who built the city wall were dissatisfied with the current treatment, so they wanted to make trouble.

"Take them to identify other people, be sure to catch all those who caused trouble tonight!" Shen Feng gave the order, and then prepared to send more people to guard the building.

However, at this moment, there was a "click", the sound of glass shattering, which seemed to be coming from the back of the building. Shen Feng's face changed, and he quickly kicked open the door of the building, turned on the light and walked in. At this time, one of the rooms where the guns were stored had been knocked open.

It turned out that after Han Yong escaped, he thought that he would never be able to escape, so he acted boldly, detoured from a distance to the rear of the building, broke the glass and entered it, and began to look for guns in the room here. He knew that as long as the guns were in hand, the battle would definitely be reversed.

After Shen Feng led people into the building, he immediately saw Han Yong coming out of the house with a rifle in his hand. Immediately, everyone started to scatter in search of cover. Even Cao Fulie was no exception. He also found a He hid in the corner of the wall, only to find Shen Feng still standing at the door of the building, and couldn't help shouting: "The city owner be careful."

"Be careful? Be careful!" Shen Feng stood at the door of the building without dodging at this time, and walked towards Han Yong.

Seeing Shen Feng approaching him, Han Yong showed a ferocious expression on his face, and shouted: "Go to hell, I'm going to kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Han Yong pulled the trigger, but found that there was no bullet fired from the gun at all. He didn't understand what happened at once. Why couldn't he increase his combat power even though he had already got the gun?

While walking, Shen Feng said: "Idiot, do you think I will put the gun and the bullets together? You didn't even load the bullets, who can you scare? If you want to grab my gun, then prepare to die Bar."

Cao Fulie only remembered it at this time. It seems that when Shen Feng was carrying supplies during the day, Shen Feng asked people to store the guns and bullets separately, and the grenades were also stored separately. If the gun was found, the bullets had to be searched separately. Only then did he walk out from the corner in embarrassment. He didn't expect to be frightened by an empty gun with no bullets, and the others also hurried out.

Han Yong was terrified. Seeing Shen Feng's approaching footsteps, he threw the gun in Shen Feng's position to try to delay time, and then turned around and ran towards the broken glass window. He just wanted to escape now. No matter what.

Shen Feng quickly caught the gun, it would be a great loss if it was damaged, he only had 3,000 rifles on his side, one was missing, and he hadn't replenished it in a short time, so it couldn't be damaged.

Cao Fulie rushed out quickly. Han Yong had just arrived at the window and was about to climb over the wall to escape, but Cao Fulie slashed on his thigh with a knife, and blood shot out instantly. Han Yong fell to the ground and begged for mercy, but Cao Fulie could Regardless of these, kill him with a knife.

Shen Feng put the gun back to its original position, closed the metal box, shook his head helplessly, and said: "It seems that I don't kill people, people always think I'm easy to bully. Tomorrow, gather people and hold a meeting in the square."

The incident of the building being robbed this time reminded Shen Feng that these people dared to make trouble with more than a hundred people. Is it because they were not given enough food or a safe place to live? neither! The reason they make trouble is because they want more. They are very greedy and think that as long as they have a gun, they can get a life of luxury.

Therefore, Shen Feng planned to come tomorrow to make an example of others. The group of people who robbed tonight will all die tomorrow.

Afterwards, Wang Chong and those who were caught were imprisoned in a temporary prison transformed from a school dormitory. Security windows were installed here, and it was obviously impossible to slip through the windows. Ren Jing was also imprisoned here. Shen Feng originally planned to execute in public, but he didn't want to take advantage of him. Shen Feng planned to find a cruel way to deal with Ren Jing.

Those who escaped were lucky enough to escape from the urban area. At this time, the city wall had only laid a foundation, so it was completely uncovered. Those who were unlucky thought they could get away with it and hid at home. The people who finally hid at home were identified by their accomplices and people from the combat team, and were eventually taken away. These people were basically single men, and a few of them had family members who were still alive. The family members saw the combat team and came to arrest them. People, begged one after another, hoping to let these people go.

The combat team doesn't care about this, we let you go, but the city lord will not let us go! Then all the perpetrators were arrested.

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