Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 990 Revenge

The mutant beasts didn't seem to have thought that the human beings who were very weak in the past suddenly became extremely brave and rushed towards them. At this time, the mutant beasts finally collapsed.

After the battle started, the mutated beasts couldn't get close to the human position at all. They could only see the fire flickering in the front position. With the flickering of the fire, their companions would fall down one by one. There was not a single casualty on one side.

The mutated beast also felt tremendous psychological pressure at this time, and did not dare to approach the human battle line at all. At this moment, the soldiers in front began to charge, and there were also humans appearing behind, and the mutated beast finally collapsed.

After the collapse, the mutant beasts fled all over the mountains and plains, but the soldiers did not let them escape smoothly. After catching up, they kept shooting and killed these fleeing mutant beasts.

At this time, He Qiu'an even surrounded him from the rear. He never forgot his hatred for Yanjing's destruction. The prosperous city with millions of people was finally killed by mutant beasts and mutant birds. That was his hometown. Watching his hometown being destroyed, how could he bear the hatred in his heart.

So on impulse, he personally led a group of people to steal the back of the beast tide, making it impossible for these mutant beasts to return to the mountain, and then they wanted to take revenge.

"Destroyed my hometown and ate many of my companions, today I will avenge the dead!" He Qiuan said with red eyes.

At this time, He Qiu'an also saw a few huge figures in the distance. These voices were as loud as monsters. It was obvious that these huge monsters were beast kings. Each of them was at least 30 meters high. It will cause the ground to vibrate continuously.

"Finally found you!" He Qiu'an's eyes turned red immediately after seeing this scene. The mutant beasts that once surrounded Yanjing City were controlled by the Beastmaster. It can be said that if the Beastmaster hadn't led the mutant beasts to appear outside the city , then the situation in Yanjing will not deteriorate at all.

He Qiuan rushed out immediately, and many of the guards who followed him were stunned, because they didn't expect that the city lord would personally launch a charge. If there were any troubles, it would be all over. The city lord does not have the strength of the deputy city lord. , so be sure to protect it.

The rest of the people also pressed up one after another at this time, the beast horde was very fragile, and finally collapsed directly.

And He Qiu'an has already rushed in front of a beast king. This beast king is a mutated Siberian tiger. It looks very huge. The Beastmaster has already eaten a lot of people, otherwise he wouldn't be so arrogant.

After He Qiuan came to the Siberian tiger, he launched an attack without saying a word. In an instant, a gamma ray was emitted from his hand. The strong ray penetrated the body of the Beastmaster in an instant, and the huge Siberian tiger swayed for a moment. , unexpectedly stood still.

"Roar..." The tiger let out a violent roar, and the surrounding beasts all prostrated themselves on the ground after hearing the sound.

Immediately afterwards, the Siberian tiger found the person who attacked him just now, swung its paw violently, and slapped it down. If this palm was slapped on the body, even a person with supernatural powers would turn into meat paste, so He Qiuan quickly avoided it.

"City Lord, this thing is so brave, we can't defeat him now, we should retreat first." The guards next to him immediately rushed to protect the City Lord, and they also made a voice of admonition.

"Don't worry, I know it well! This Siberian tiger is huge, and it won't die for a while, but I have severely injured his internal organs, and he will collapse soon." He Qiuan said quickly.

His judgment was not wrong at all, because the Siberian tiger seemed to want to stop the pain by jumping and rolling continuously, but all this was in vain, the gamma rays had already penetrated its body, and even killed its body. The internal organs were also penetrated, and the more lively it behaved now, the worse its situation proved to be.

Not long after, the huge Siberian tiger fell to the ground in an instant, and could no longer roar. Many mutant beasts around, after seeing this scene, they all ran away without daring to stop the humans.

He Qiuan continued

"Come on, brothers, try to get rid of these mutant beasts in one night!"

Everyone answered together, and then all fought bravely.

Someone fired a lot of flares in the sky. When the flares rose, the whole ground was illuminated in a vast expanse of whiteness. Although it was not as bright as the sun during the day, but at this time, if you have the means of lighting, you will have the pursuit way.

More than 30,000 people spent one night defeating all the mutant beasts in Yanshan Mountain. So far, the mutant beasts in Yanshan Mountain no longer have the strength to fight against humans.

When the battle was completely over, the eastern sky was already slightly pale, and it could be seen that the sun was about to rise. Everyone had fought for a whole night and gained a lot.

"Camp in place, rest for a day, and then continue to set off." Lu Kaiyang gave the order unhurriedly, as if everything in the battle that happened last night was within his expectations.

While Lu Kaiyang was directing everyone to clean up the battlefield and take a rest, He Qiuan also came back with a detour.

He Qiuan looked at the orderly arrangement in the camp, and then said with a smile, "I really did not misunderstand the person. Mr. Lu, your command ability is really strong. It can be seen that everyone obeys your command."

"Mr. He, you are just joking. It is nothing more than commanding an ordinary battle. It is not a big deal. Instead, Mr. He, you are going to perform the task of going around the back. If there is something wrong with it, then I can't bear the responsibility. Yes!" Lu Kaiyang said with a wry smile.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. We will rush to Yanjing as soon as possible by tomorrow." He Qiuan quickly changed the subject.

Although this battle consumed a lot of ammunition, the soldiers also got a lot of meat after cleaning the battlefield. There are very few ways to obtain protein in the apocalypse. Generally, beans are used to obtain protein, but now, Everyone killed hundreds of thousands of mutant beasts, and everyone killed at least 10 mutant beasts. Such a large amount of meat can not only be used by the entire army, but can also be made into dried meat and transported back to the ice city.

But everyone was not happy for too long, and soon there was a change outside the camp, but this time it was not a mutant beast, but a human being who came outside the camp.

Hundreds of ragged people appeared outside the camp. These people looked very embarrassed. There was not a piece of clothing on them, and they were all covered with patches. These people were unkempt, and their bodies were full of numbness.

"We have been hungry for several days, can you give us a bite?" These ragged people couldn't help asking.

Ever since the city of Yanjing was breached, these people have been displaced, hiding in the mountains to make ends meet, even if they have grown food, there will be mutated birds that will eat up all the food before it is harvested. You can't even make sure you're self-sufficient.

"Give food to these people. They are all our compatriots, and we will work hard with us to build Yanjing in the future. We cannot let them starve at this time." He Qiuan immediately issued an order after learning about this. A lot of food and the meat of mutant beasts were distributed in the barracks, and they were given to these people after making meals.

After these victims saw the food, they rushed over like crazy, crazily snatching the food. After seeing the food one by one, it was like seeing a savior.

"These people must have been starving for a long time, otherwise how could they be so crazy." After seeing this situation, the people in Bingcheng couldn't help sighing.

But this matter is not over yet. I thought it would be over after giving food to these hundreds of people, but this matter has spread out somehow. It spreads widely, and eventually hundreds of thousands of people swarmed outside the barracks. , didn't dare to attack the barracks, didn't dare to rush into the barracks, just wandered around, howling uncontrollably.

He Qiu'an did not expect so many people to gather here. Before, everyone thought that there would not be too many residents around Yanjing, but now he discovered that there are still many people surviving around Yanjing. He suddenly didn't know what to do.

When he was in trouble, suddenly a person outside the barracks sent a request, "in the army

A man in uniform appeared outside the camp and said he wanted to see you. "

"Then bring him in. This person should be elected by the victims. Just listen to him and you will know what the victims mean." He Qiuan said afterwards.

Soon the soldiers brought in a guy in military uniform from outside the general camp. This guy was in his 30s and looked like he was in his prime, but his head was already full of white hair and he was prematurely aging.

"Master He, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I thought we would never meet again in this life, but I didn't expect to meet again now." The young man who was brought in said with a smile.

He Qiu'an carefully observed the man in front of him. He was wearing an old-fashioned military uniform, which was the military uniform before Yanjing was destroyed. Maybe he was a soldier before, but now he is mixed with the disaster victims.

"Please sit down, and don't call me Mr. He in the future. My home is gone, so it's not appropriate to call me Mr. He." He Qiuan hurriedly beckoned him to sit down.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Wu Zhenyuan. I used to be a pilot and carried out bombing or reconnaissance missions in the sky. Later, I was attacked by a mutant bird six years ago and finally crashed. The villagers nearby rescued me. Me, I survived by luck." The young man in military uniform who walked in said with a smile.

"It turns out that's the case. Let me tell you why you are wearing an old-fashioned military uniform. It turns out that you are a survivor who survived six years ago. It's really not easy." He Qiuan nodded, knowing the identity of the other party.

Wu Zhenyuan suddenly asked, "I heard through the radio that Mr. He came back to rebuild Yanjing. Is this true?"

"Of course this is true, and I have been working hard for this goal all these years, and now I can finally accomplish this goal." He Qiuan said seriously.

After hearing this answer, Wu Zhenyuan finally let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "If this is really the case, hundreds of thousands of us can finally be saved."

He Qiuan's heart moved, and he quickly asked, "I've been outside the customs all these years, and I don't know much about the situation inside the customs. Please explain to me, what's going on around Yanjing now? "

"Oh, if we talk about this matter, it will be too long." Wu Zhenyuan touched the wound on his abdomen, it seemed that he could still remember what happened before.

"Counting from the time Yanjing was destroyed six years ago, the surrounding area of ​​Yanjing has been very miserable. First of all, mutated birds and beasts ate people wantonly, and 80% of the survivors who were still alive left and stayed here. They were all old, weak, sick, and disabled. I was injured at the time. Thanks to a woman who took care of me, I was able to recover. Although I recovered, my body was already seriously injured. If I went to the battlefield again, I might not be able to do it. Then Come down, the folks are too miserable, want to plant the land, the floods and droughts are ruthless, and finally planted some crops, but the mutant birds are about to go south again. I heard that not long ago, many mutant beasts were killed, and the number has been controlled. But just after spring this year, a large number of locusts appeared, eating up all the crops, and they have never stopped on one side." Wu Zhenyuan said bitterly.

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