Doomsday Catastrophe

Chapter 998: Qin Kewei Captured

Almost everyone in the army did not expect that they would be attacked in the middle of the night. After entering the illusion, it was impossible to wake up with their own strength.

Even supernatural beings don't want to come out of the illusion easily, and it is even more impossible for ordinary people to wake up, so these people become more and more addicted in their dreams, and they can't wake up at all, although they are still working hard. He ran, but in the end he was still in a dream.

Only occasionally when they are injured by objects around them, and the pain on their bodies stimulates their nerves, can these people wake up.

A few supernatural beings were very lucky and just happened to be hurt by people around them, so they woke up. Under the stimulation of pain, they couldn't continue to enter the illusion, so these people who woke up had an important The task is to wake up the people around him as much as possible.

These awakened people all hold short-handled bayonets in their hands. As long as they see people who are indulging in illusions, they will cut their arms with a knife, and then blood will pour out. These people whose arms have been injured, The wound could not heal in a short period of time, and they could wake up under the stimulation of continuous pain.

"What happened? Why is there such chaos in the barracks?" The people who woke up then shouted around, wanting to know what happened.

"There is no time to talk about this now. We have been attacked by a supernatural being. This is a very strong supernatural being! Now almost everyone has fallen into a hallucination. The only thing we can do is to wake up the soldiers around us , and then take them to the Taihang Mountains to meet up, this must be done quickly, otherwise there is a high possibility of being attacked." Then someone began to explain.

But at this moment, there was a huge chaos outside the barracks, and countless people rushed in to the barracks, and the flames could be seen vaguely in the distance.

"It's miserable now, we have already failed, and the only way to do it is to escape!" The sober soldiers all understood that the current situation is now that the enemy has rushed over, and only by escaping quickly can there be hope of survival.

At this time, Chen Xintie said to the many supernatural beings around him, "This time our task is to destroy the opponent's army organization. It is best to capture a few leaders. If we can capture their bosses, then it will be even more important." All right!"

"I think it's impossible for you to catch their boss, because I just saw someone fly away from the sky!" The person next to him then replied.

"Even if their boss escapes, it doesn't matter. There won't be too many people who can fly in the sky. It's a great credit to catch others, especially those with supernatural abilities. If you find a person with supernatural abilities, it's best to capture them alive! "Chen Xintie said to his subordinates.

"Don't worry, if you can't catch their leader, it's easy to catch a few supernatural beings." The supernatural beings under him quickly replied.

"In order to distinguish ourselves, everyone wears a white towel on their hands. Anyone who doesn't see the white towel is the enemy!" Chen Xintie then reminded the people below.

It is now late at night, and there are dark clouds in the sky blocking the moonlight, making it harder to see the ground, and it is not easy to see the person on the opposite side in a chaotic situation. Towels on white.

These supernatural beings tied white towels on their arms, and then attacked. Where this group of people lived, the people living outside were disaster victims. These victims were not affected by the illusion, because they were controlled by illusion. These ordinary people are really worthless, and they will consume a lot of physical strength.

Ever since, Chen Xintie just used the illusion to affect the soldiers and the supernatural beings. When the supernatural beings all started to attack, the disaster victims in the periphery were the first to collapse, because they didn't have the power to protect themselves at all. To take advantage of the fire.

Ever since, countless victims rushed into the barracks.

"Hurry up, get out of here now, I'll cut you off!" Qin Kewei found Qu Zhaoqian and Wang Xiqiang at this time, and told these two teenagers to leave this chaotic place as soon as possible, this is not what they should stay in place.

In fact, the first person to wake up from the illusion was Qin Kewei. On the one hand, she had experienced illusions before, so it was easy to distinguish dreams from reality. She already had resistance. Severe burns, so pain every day, this pain irritates her nerves.

So after waking up, Qin Kewei immediately found the supernatural beings around him, and after waking them up, he used a knife to inflict wounds on their bodies, so that they would not easily fall into the illusion. Now Qin Kewei Wei thought of Yue Hengyi's cousin, so he ran over to wake up the two teenagers in the illusion.

After waking up, Qu Zhaoqian understood the situation around him in a short period of time, so he immediately stated, "Only in the face of the sea can we show our true qualities as a hero. The situation is critical at this time. How can I leave here? I will fight to the end. I want to prove I'm not a weak guy!"

Qu Zhaoqian was very grateful for being awakened from the illusion at this time, if he was not awakened suddenly now, he might die in the hands of the other party later.

But now Qu Zhaoqian has expressed his attitude, if someone needs to break the back, he is not a coward, he will fight until the last moment.

"Leave here quickly, the situation is no longer something you can resist! So I made it clear that at this time, you have to leave here quickly so that you will have a chance to take revenge in the future. If you stay here, it will only be extremely dangerous. As for me , I can leave at the critical moment." Qin Kewei said seriously.

Wang Xiqiang also said to Qu Zhaoqian, "The situation is too chaotic at this time, let's get out of here quickly!"

Qu Zhaoqian nodded and wanted to leave, but before he left, he suddenly had doubts, so he asked, "I wanted to kill you before, why did you save me now?"

"This is because you are Yue Hengyi's cousin. If you die too, then I will feel sorry for him even more. In fact, I was sincere to your cousin before. Whether you believe it or not, it is true! " Qin Kewei said seriously.

"Then we'll leave first!" Qu Zhaoqian nodded, and he and Wang Xiqiang turned and left.

The reason why Qin Kewei wanted to stay behind was because of He Qiuan. This young man came to avenge the tenants, and he couldn't just leave, so staying behind could prevent other enemies from approaching. Flee away from the battlefield.

Qin Kewei started fighting next. She is now a sixth-order peak supernatural user. Originally, according to her strength, she could have become a seventh-order supernatural user, but because she has no evolutionary crystals in her hands, So at this time, Qin Kewei is only a sixth-order supernatural user.

So it can't be compared with the strongest supernatural being, but Qin Kewei has always been a genius. She was already very powerful ten years ago, and she will still be so ten years later.

Qin Kewei stepped hard on the ground, and suddenly countless earth walls rose up on the ground. These earth walls can stop people's charge and block sight. After this attack method appeared, As expected, the victims were unable to quickly attack the barracks, and Qin Kewei's control over supernatural powers became stronger.

"Qin Kewei, you wanted to enter Luliang Mountain several times before, and I have warned you many times, but you have not listened and even stole our confidential documents, so don't even think about running away at this time today! "Suddenly an angry voice came from a distance, and immediately on the earth wall a very vigorous figure appeared, rushing towards Qin Kewei.

Obviously, Qin Kewei's stealing of confidential information has been exposed before, and these people can't wait to tear Qin Kewei into pieces, so they rushed over to fight.

Qin Kewei didn't dare to fight. She knew very well that the opponent had a lot of supernatural beings, which was far from the number of the so-called Thirteen Taibao. Especially in recent years, these people on the mountain have been hunting and killing supernatural beings. And blame this incident on the Tianya League, they have grown quietly, and it is definitely not easy to fight with supernatural beings, now at this time, it is best to run away immediately.

"You guys hurt me before, and I was just taking revenge on myself, but today is not the time, see you next time!" After saying these words, Qin Kewei immediately went underground, wanting to get out Flee in the soil.

Talking about the life-saving ability, in fact, the life-saving ability of material-type supernatural beings is very strong. People who control rocks can escape from rocks, people who control water flow can escape water, and people who control clods can escape earth, hiding in the ground. Under these tangible substances, it is difficult to take a serious blow.

Qin Kewei has often encountered danger in the past few years. Every time she encounters danger, she just burrows into the soil and escapes.

She thought that this move would be a good way to escape from the soil, but she made a mistake. Qin Kewei suddenly noticed that there were many ropes around him, and after a closer look, he found that these ropes that appeared in the soil turned out to be slender rhizomes.

"It's not good, I was caught in a trap. It's too late to leave now. I didn't expect these people to have predicted the direction I would flee, and then laid a net." Qin Kewei felt scared when he found the underground rhizome. The escape method was cracked.

Another ability user appeared in the distance. His ability is to control the growth of plants. This ability is very powerful. It is mainly used to control the enemy's position. It was once used in Yanjing, and it was controlled immediately. Cao Fulie, if not for Li Keyi's rescue later, Cao Fulie would have been caught too.

After the supernatural person appeared, he said lightly, "We have escaped from the ground with triple flips before. How could we be unprepared? To put it bluntly, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Others can't catch you, but I can catch you." of."

Just now, a supernatural person controlled the roots of plants to grow wildly underground, weaving a giant net, and then wrapped Qin Kewei who wanted to escape, Qin Kewei wanted to escape, but was caught by the roots. It is not easy to escape.

Qin Kewei was finally caught, and a group of people dug her out of the soil.

"This is a big man. It will be much easier to negotiate after she is caught. If possible, tie her to the head of Taiyuan city and kill her with one knife. It can be regarded as killing the people. After all, she once broke through Yanjing." Everyone was very happy after capturing Qin Kewei, and felt that they already had a huge advantage.

"Don't be complacent at this time. I suddenly found two teenagers running towards the mountain. Let's catch up and take them down! These two teenagers are Shen Feng's disciples. Someone with a very strong ability." Suddenly someone shouted loudly in the distance, don't be complacent just because you caught a big fish, there are more fish waiting to be hunted by your side.

"Give this guy a sedative, then lock her up, tie her up with an iron chain, and forbid her to move around at will, and she can be shot at critical moments." The supernatural being who manipulates plants said slowly, at this time Qin Kewei's There are already thick roots wrapped around his body, but Qin Kewei may not be able to bind so many roots. If he wants to really control a powerful supernatural being, he must be injected with a sedative and then tied up with an iron chain. stand up.

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