The more you kill the monster, the more you will be able to fight.

With a call in his heart.

A translucent blue light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Qin Hao.

But it seemed that only he could see it.

Because Liu Yang happened to look back at him just now, but he didn't see the blue light curtain.

This also made Qin Hao feel relieved.

[Killing monsters and exploding cards system]

[Unopened cards: 0 cards]

[After successfully killing a monster, an unopened card can be dropped. After opening it, you can get a card of random type, level, and rarity]

[Different levels of monsters drop different numbers of cards. The higher the level, the more cards are dropped]

Qin Hao just saw the words displayed on the light curtain clearly, a blue light flashed, and the interface turned into four plate areas.

[Personal Card Pool][Card Synthesis][Card Decomposition][Points Card Draw]

After a little thought, Qin Hao said to the four people standing by the window: "Ouch, my stomach is not feeling well, let me go to the toilet first."

Liu Yang turned around, glanced at Qin Hao who looked painful, and waved his hand impatiently.

"It's not a class, you can go if you want, you don't have to report to us."


Qin Hao turned around and walked out of the office.

After leaving the office.

He entered a dimly lit corridor.

However, he did not really go to the toilet, but leaned against the wall next to him and began to check the detailed information of the monster killing and card explosion system.

After opening [Personal Card Pool], a card collection page was displayed, but there was no card on it.

After a careful observation.

He found that there were a total of nine sub-interfaces, each of which was divided into five categories.

The nine sub-interfaces correspond to nine different card levels, from the lowest level F-level cards to the highest level SSS-level cards.

The five categories are [Skill Card] [Item Card] [Material Card] [Summon Card] [Mysterious Card]

However, since Qin Hao does not have any cards now, he is not clear about the specific appearance and attributes of the cards.

"Nine levels, five categories, this represents infinite hope!" Qin Hao couldn't help but show a happy smile on his face.

What if I can't awaken my talents?

Anyway, I can live forever, as long as I get enough cards.

I can still be invincible in the world!

With a happy face, Qin Hao directly switched to the second interface.

[Card Synthesis]

After the interface is opened, three card slots in the shape of a character "品" are displayed.

And a synthesis button.

There is also a line of instructions next to it.

[Put in any three cards to randomly synthesize a new unopened card]

"Tsk tsk~ This synthesis seems a bit tricky."

After curling his lips, Qin Hao directly switched to another interface.

[Card Decomposition]

This interface shows a card slot and a decomposition button.

There are also instructions next to it.

[After putting the card in the card slot, click the decomposition button to decompose the card and get a certain number of card points]

[Please note that different levels of cards will get different points after decomposition]

[F level 0.1 points, E level 0.5 points, D level 1 point, C level 5 points, B level 20 points, A level 100 points, S level 500 points, SS level 1000 points, SSS level 2000 points]

After frowning slightly, Qin Hao directly switched to the last interface.

[Points Exchange]

[Consume 10 points to exchange for an unopened card]

[Current points: 0 points]

[Exchange_ cards (please enter the number of cards you want to exchange)]

"What a pit!"

After understanding the card-exploding system for killing monsters, Qin Hao turned off the azure light screen in front of him.

In simple terms.

As long as you kill a monster, you can explode an unopened card, and after opening it, you can get a random card.

Nine levels, five categories.

Useless cards can be synthesized, decomposed, and exchanged for new cards using points.

Others are unknown.


"Since I have a golden finger, I must step on this world!"

After raising his hands and rubbing his cheeks.

Qin Hao's handsome face showed a sunny smile, and then turned and walked into the office.

At this time.

The four people in the room were sitting at a desk and discussing something.

After seeing Qin Hao coming in.

Zheng Hao

Long turned his head and waved to him with a smile.

"Qin Hao, come here, we are all waiting for you."

"I am coming, I am coming."

Qin Hao walked to the side of the group with a smile, pulled a chair from the side, and sat next to Tingting.

"I am really sorry, I just felt sick, what is going on outside now?"

"You'd better go and see for yourself." Liu Yang said with an unpleasant look.

The faces of the remaining three people were not very good either.

In doubt, Qin Hao stood up and walked towards the window.

He looked out of the window.

The first thing that came into view was the blood-red moon in the sky that was several circles larger than the ordinary moon.

The earth was illuminated by the dazzling blood-red moonlight, emitting a strange blood-red color.

He looked around and at the ground with the help of the moonlight.

Qin Hao found that he was at least thirty or forty meters away from the ground at this moment, and it was estimated to be about ten floors high.

Most of the rooms in the surrounding buildings were dark, and only a few rooms were lit.

Indistinctly, vehicles and some swaying figures could be seen everywhere on the ground.

After looking up and down, left and right.

Qin Hao suddenly found that only his floor was dimly lit in the entire building, and the other floors and rooms were pitch black.

"It seems that the four of them don't know that the world in front of them is a doomsday wasteland with a strange natural disaster."


Qin Hao turned around and sat down next to Tingting.

"Since we are all together, it means fate." Zheng Haolong said: "Let's talk about it, what should we do next?"

Liu Yang, who was sitting next to him, said with a gloomy face:

"What else can we do? This world is obviously in trouble. If things go wrong, it will be the end of the world. Let's survive first and then talk about other things."

JK girl Lingling seemed to think of some terrible pictures, and shuddered and said: "Do you think there will be zombies in this world?

I have read a plot in a novel before, which is that a group of people died and traveled to the doomsday world. There are zombies and monsters everywhere, and they must find a way to survive."

"Shut up your crow mouth!" Liu Yang glared at her fiercely. "If there are zombies, feed them first!"

"No! I'm scared!" Lingling shuddered subconsciously. "I don't want to say anything."

After dying once.

She now cherishes her life very much.

Tingting, who was sitting next to her, was also frightened by Lingling's words.

She raised her hand and hugged Zheng Haolong's arm, begging tenderly: "Brother Long, can you protect me?"

While speaking, she directly pressed her two big white rabbits on Zheng Haolong's arms.

"Don't worry." Zheng Haolong lowered his head, glanced at the white flesh, and a lewd smile appeared on his face.


He looked at everyone and said: "I suggest that the five of us form a survival team. I will lead everyone to find shelters and supplies and survive in this world."

"I agree with Brother Long's proposal." Tingting, who was almost hanging on Zheng Haolong, raised her hand first.

"I... I agree too." Lingling thought about it and raised her right hand.

She felt that the strong Zheng Haolong felt much safer than Liu Yang and Qin Hao on the side.

"I have no objection."

Liu Yang glanced at the fussing Tingting with a smile, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"I don't mind." Before he got the life-saving trump card, Qin Hao didn't mind teaming up with others.

After all, he didn't have any self-protection ability now.

"Okay, that's decided." Looking at the answers of everyone, Zheng Haolong nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's rest here tonight, and we'll go find food and water when it gets light."

As soon as he finished speaking.

A messy sound of footsteps rang out in the corridor.

Suddenly, the five people panicked.

"Is it a human or a monster?" Liu Yang held his breath and asked in a low voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't care whether it's a human or a monster, find a weapon to defend yourself first." Zheng Haolong stood up and searched in the office.

The other four people saw this.

They also stood up and searched in the office.


Zheng Haolong found a bag of golf clubs in the corner, and after opening it, there were five or six golf clubs in it.

"One for each person, no matter if it's a human or a monster, knock them down first." Zheng Haolong whispered as he distributed them.

The footsteps in the corridor were getting closer and closer.

The five people turned their heads and looked.

They found a dirty zombie staggering into the office.

"Oh my god! There's really a zombie!" Liu Yang was shocked when he saw the zombie coming in.

, glared at Lingling next to him fiercely.

"You are such a bad mouth!"

"Don't feed me to the zombies!" Lingling was so scared that she hid behind Qin Hao and subconsciously hugged one of Qin Hao's arms with both hands.

At this moment.

The second and third zombies also broke into the office.

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