The deadly disaster has been under control.

Under the control of a mysterious force, zombies in the city began to organize and plan crazy attacks on more than a dozen large survivor gathering places in the city.

These more than a dozen large survivor gathering places are basically organized by official, non-governmental organizations, or some large enterprises, occupying some material warehouses and highly defensive buildings in the city.

About a week after the strange natural disaster, more than 100,000 zombies have appeared in the whole city, and the number is still rising in a straight line.

Among them, a small number of zombies have begun to mutate.

They have become special mutant zombies.

On the edge of the city.

There is also a large military base that has become a large shelter.

It was the officers and soldiers in this military base who organized the evacuation of the survivors in the city.


The day after some survivors were admitted to the military base, several survivors carrying the zombie virus suddenly turned into zombies.

It caused a huge commotion, infected many survivors and officers and soldiers, and caused heavy casualties among the survivors and officers and soldiers in the entire military base.

A day later, those officers and soldiers used their hot weapons to completely eliminate all the zombies in the base.

However... something more terrifying and strange happened in the military base that night.

Some ghost-like monsters kept shuttling in the base, like hunting, and carried out targeted massacres against the survivors and officers and soldiers.

And some large weapons and equipment were destroyed.

This series of changes also made the officers and soldiers in the army have no time to take care of other survivors in the city.

In fact, this city occupied by zombies is relatively lucky.

At this time, the whole world has been in chaos.

The communication system, power facilities, and the operation of some official organizations have basically fallen into complete paralysis.

Cities have become isolated islands.

Various strange natural disasters have descended on cities like circles covering land.

Some cities have experienced blizzards, extreme cold, extreme heat, acid rain, and other extreme weather disasters.

Some cities have even seen some space-time cracks, from which some very terrifying alien monsters have emerged, some of which are not even afraid of the damage caused by hot weapons.

Even more terrifying is.

Some cities have seen some powerful demon-like creatures, which will take some survivors as slaves while slaughtering the survivors.

Some cities have even seen some Cthulhu monsters that are difficult to look at and indescribable, emitting terrifying mental pollution, directly polluting some animals, plants and humans into some evil monsters.

There are also various extremely strange and terrifying existences in some cities.

However, fortunately.

These different strange natural disasters seem to have a sense of territory, directly dividing the planet into pieces, and they will not invade each other's territory.

It can also be said that this planet is like a very delicious cake, divided by countless strange natural disasters and terrifying existences!

But for some reason, these strange natural disasters did not directly destroy all humans after they came.

They seem to treat cities, including the areas under their jurisdiction, as farms, leek fields, trial fields, test fields, etc.

They want to harvest continuously, or use them to achieve certain goals.

In short...

At this moment, the fate of the surviving humans on this planet is tragic!

In the face of those terrifying strange natural disasters, the survivors can be crushed to death like ants.

But under the deliberate actions of those strange natural disasters, there is still a glimmer of hope.

It has not reached the point where people are completely desperate and can't see any hope!

All the survivors are struggling, praying for a savior to come and save them from the sea of ​​suffering.


The commercial street where Qin Hao and Ye Zhenzhen are located is located on the edge of the city. It is a commercial development zone that has just been established for a few years.

Therefore, there are not many people living here, which naturally leads to not too many zombies here.

At the same time, there are no large gathering places for survivors nearby, but there are still many small and medium-sized survivor bases.

Under the leadership of the strange natural disaster behind the scenes, those who have fallen into rage

The zombies in the state, led by some mutant zombies or large mutant zombies.

began to launch a crazy attack on the survivors hidden in the surrounding buildings.

At this time.

Qin Hao had just finished breakfast with Ye Zhenzhen, and didn't know the huge changes that had happened in the city. All the zombies fell into a violent state.

After breakfast.

He habitually walked to the window and observed the commercial street below.

Turned his head and looked at the main street at the end of the commercial street.

Found that hundreds of zombies were like crazy, running quickly into the commercial street, and rushed into the buildings on both sides of the street in the blink of an eye.

"Strange? How did these zombies suddenly run into the office buildings and apartment buildings on both sides?"

Just as Qin Hao was puzzled.

He seemed to hear a miserable cry from the apartment building diagonally opposite.

At this time.

He suddenly found that dozens of zombies rushed in from the other end of the commercial street and entered some buildings on both sides in the blink of an eye.

"Why are these zombies like this? Their behavior is as if they have a purpose.

Something seems to be wrong!"

Looking at the strange behavior of the zombies, Qin Hao frowned slightly.

"Ah Hao, what's wrong?"

Ye Zhenzhen, who had just packed her backpack, slowly walked to Qin Hao's side, stretched out her hand to hug one of Qin Hao's arms, and asked with concern.

"Did something happen outside?"

"I don't know." Qin Hao shook his head slightly: "For some reason, I feel a little uneasy, and I always feel that something will happen next."


There were bursts of miserable screams from the nearby buildings again.

"This sound..." After hearing the faint screams, Ye Zhenzhen subconsciously stretched out her hand to hug Qin Hao.

The next second.

Qin Hao found a large mutant zombie more than four meters tall, slowly walking into the commercial street, with dozens of ordinary zombies and several mutant zombies following it.

"No! There must be something wrong." Looking at the large mutant zombie with a bloody tumor on its back, Qin Hao frowned tightly.

Without any hesitation, he directly pulled Ye Zhenzhen back to the bedroom, and then solemnly instructed Ye Zhenzhen.

"Zhenzhen, there is no window in the bedroom. The only window outside has a security net and there is only one security door, so it should be safe here.

You will stay in the bedroom and wait for me to come back, understand?" While speaking, he directly exchanged the 50 revolver bullets and stuffed them into Ye Zhenzhen's hands.

"Take this and try to keep quiet."

"Ah Hao, are you leaving?" Ye Zhenzhen asked Qin Hao nervously.

Qin Hao nodded: "I feel that the zombies outside seem to be a little bit wrong, so I want to go out and see what's going on.

For safety reasons, you can only stay here.

Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

After saying that, he gently hugged Ye Zhenzhen, who looked worried.

"Ah Hao, pay attention to safety and protect yourself. I will always wait for you to come back here."

Ye Zhenzhen also understood that she would only be a burden if she followed Qin Hao. In addition to distracting Qin Hao from protecting herself, she would not play any role.

After standing on tiptoe and kissing Qin Hao's lips lightly, she raised her hand to help Qin Hao adjust his collar.

"Protect yourself, I'll wait for you to come back."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely come back. Remember not to open the door to anyone." After reminding Ye Zhenzhen again.

Qin Hao dumped all the things in his backpack, put on the empty backpack, hung up the dog-leg knife, picked up the shotgun and walked out of the room.

Ye Zhenzhen looked at Qin Hao's back with a worried look on her face, and couldn't help but remind him again: "Ah Hao, be sure to pay attention to safety, I'll wait for you here."

"Don't worry, lock the door and wait for me to come back."

Qin Hao walked out of the bedroom, waved his hand to Ye Zhenzhen with his back, and then closed the security door.

After leaving the company.

Qin Hao also locked the company's glass door with a U-shaped lock, then turned around and walked downstairs.

The target was the zombies that entered the commercial street and the surrounding buildings.

You know, for him, every zombie represents an unopened card.

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