The gun was fired, and the gun was fired.

"Okay! There's no reason not to eat this fat meat that's delivered to your door." Qin Hao, who was about to enter the mall, threw the AK47 in his hand into the shelter of the other dimension.

Then, he exchanged for an M72 anti-tank rocket launcher, opened the safety, and carried it on his shoulder.

He pulled the trigger at the group of zombies fifty or sixty meters away, and with a "whoosh", a 66mm armor-piercing shell directly hit the zombie group.


At the moment of the explosion.

Qin Hao threw away the rocket launcher in his hand, exchanged for a brand new rocket launcher again, and fired another 66mm armor-piercing shell at the group of zombies.


Two consecutive 66mm armor-piercing shells directly killed more than 20 ordinary zombies, and the remaining dozen zombies that were far away were also blown away.

The two consecutive violent explosions directly shocked the people in the minibus, and they all looked through the car window at Qin Hao standing at the entrance of the mall.

"Oh my god! This guy is so awesome! He's holding a rocket launcher to fight zombies, that's so cool!"

"Why does this guy have a rocket launcher? Could he be from a nearby military base? Should we go over and make contact with him?"

"Ah~ If we had a rocket launcher, would we still be chased like grandsons by a group of zombies?"

"Oh my god! Look, this guy has a rifle in his hand. It looks like an AK47, right?"

"So cool! The way he holds the AK47 with both hands is so cool!"

"This guy is really a tough guy! He dares to fight a group of zombies alone with only an AK. Could he really be from a nearby military base?"

"Brother Chu, should we go down and make contact with him? Didn't the people in the military base launch a rescue operation at the beginning?"

The four men and two women in the minibus who were talking to Qin Hao suddenly turned their heads and looked at a middle-aged man sitting in the driver's seat.

This is a middle-aged man with short hair and a melancholy look. His dark face has a trace of vicissitudes of life.

When Qin Hao used a rocket launcher to bombard the group of zombies, he stopped the minibus that was about to be scrapped.

Because there were some cars parked in a mess on the road ahead, and some of them had been knocked over.

Such road conditions made it impossible for the minibus to pass quickly, so he could only turn the minibus into the parking lot of the mall with a helpless look and stop.


There were no zombies nearby.

The group of zombies chasing behind were also blocked by the man outside, which made everyone feel slightly relieved.

After standing up from the driver's seat.

Brother Chu walked to the side and looked through the side window at Qin Hao who was holding an AK47 in both hands and firing at zombies not far away.

There was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Is this boy in black sportswear really from the nearby military base?

But... there is no other reasonable explanation.

After all, ordinary people can't get anti-tank weapons like rocket launchers, and even rifles like AK47 are not available to ordinary people.

"Brother Chu, what should we do now?"

A 20-year-old gentleman with glasses looked at Brother Chu and asked, "Do you want to go down and contact him? Ask what the current situation is in the military base."

"It's different from peacetime now. People's hearts will change. Let's see the situation first." Brother Chu frowned and said.

"Everyone should pack up your things first and take self-defense weapons. We will hide in the mall later and collect supplies by the way."


The six men and women in their twenties obediently began to pack up their supplies.

Everyone held a self-defense weapon in their hands.

Some were steel pipes, some were Tang swords, some were baseball bats, and some were homemade spears.

The weapon in Brother Chu's hand was an 18-cut machete nearly one meter long.

Amid the sound of gunfire.

Those ordinary rotten zombies were killed one by one.

The gentleman with glasses standing next to Brother Chu, holding a Tang sword in one hand, raised his other hand to adjust his glasses, and suggested to Brother Chu standing beside him.

"Brother Chu, it seems that he is alone. I think we can try to communicate with him and let him join our team.

This way our combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

Great improvement.

Maybe, we can also find out where he got the weapon in his hand. "When he said this, the gentleman with glasses showed a trace of confidence on his face.

He believed that with his eloquence, he could definitely convince the boy outside to join his team and get information about the source of the weapon from him.

"Okay, after he kills the zombies, we will go down and contact him." Brother Chu frowned and thought for a while, then nodded to the gentleman with glasses.

"Xiao Sun, you are good at speaking and you are good at talking. You will be responsible for contacting him later. "Brother Chu was quite impressed with the eloquence of the gentleman with glasses.


Qin Hao had already noticed the almost scrapped minibus when it drove into the parking lot and stopped, but he didn't care.

Holding the AK47 semi-automatic rifle in both hands, he kept shooting the zombies that had been blown to the ground but not yet dead in the head one by one.

After more than a dozen shots.

All the zombies that were chasing the minibus were killed!

A total of 36 unopened cards were obtained.


Qin Hao didn't plan to open the cards now, but planned to save up 100 cards before opening them, so that he could at least get a guaranteed card.

After replacing a new magazine for the AK47 semi-automatic rifle, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of the shopping mall not far away.

Just then.

Brother Chu and others also got off the minibus one after another, each carrying a backpack and holding various self-defense weapons in their hands.

Just when Qin Hao was about to walk into the mall.

The gentleman-looking man with glasses, holding a Tang sword in his hand, quickly chased after Qin Hao. After catching up with Qin Hao.

He showed a kind smile on his face and stretched out his right hand to Qin Hao who had just stopped.

"Hello, my name is Sun Bowen, the president of the Student Union of D City College, nice to meet you."

"Sorry, I don't really want to meet you!" Looking at Sun Bowen, who looked like a gentleman in front of him.

Qin Hao also showed a sunny smile on his handsome face, but did not shake hands with him.

"Ah? "Hearing Qin Hao's words, Sun Bowen was obviously stunned for a moment, and withdrew his right hand somewhat awkwardly.

But he continued to smile and said:

"Friend, we have no ill intentions, we just want to make friends with you.

After all, it is the end of the world now, there are zombies everywhere, and there are terrifying mutant zombies.

It is difficult to survive alone, and everyone can live longer by huddling together for warmth. "

"Get out!"

Qin Hao smiled and raised the AK47 semi-automatic rifle in his hand, pointing the muzzle at Sun Bowen's face: "If you dare to say another word of nonsense, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing this, Brother Chu, who had just followed, quickly reached out and grabbed Sun Bowen, who wanted to continue talking, and a simple smile appeared on his vicissitudes of life.

"Sorry! Sorry! We'll leave right away. "

Just then.

A round-faced girl wearing jeans and with long black hair next to him suddenly raised her hand in horror and pointed at Qin Hao's shoulder.

"Spider! There is a big spider on your shoulder!"

"Forget it, don't leave either." Looking at the seven people in front of him, Qin Hao suddenly sighed slightly.

"??? "

Brother Chu and others were a little confused. They didn't understand what Qin Hao meant by this sentence. Did he intend to join his team?

However, the next second.

They found that the black spider lying on Qin Hao's shoulder, which was as big as a fist, suddenly shot towards them.

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