The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for a long time.

"Good to see you, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Qin Hao smiled and raised his head, glancing at the three blood-colored lickers lying on the wall of the second floor, looking at him with a hideous and terrifying face.

With a flick of his hand, he summoned [Mechanical•Battle Girl] Annie.

"Annie, these three beasts are in your hands, don't let me down."


A dazzling golden light flashed, and the blonde girl in a white sportswear appeared directly in the air.

The moment she appeared in the air.

Anne quickly reached out and pulled out the two silver laser pistols from her waist, and fired a burst of rapid shots at the three bloody lickers that had just jumped down from the second floor wall.

"Little Spider, you are responsible for staying by my side to protect me and kill all the monsters that want to sneak attack me!"

Qin Hao reached out and touched the spider lying in his shirt pocket, then held the AK47 in both hands and walked towards the ordinary zombies rushing over.

While walking, he held the AK47 in both hands and fired at the ordinary zombies.

Bang~ Bang~ Bang~~~~~

In Qin Hao's opinion, there is no need to waste any skill cards and summon cards to deal with these ordinary zombies that are about to rot in front of him.

An AK47 is enough!

It's just right to practice shooting.

After all, for most men, hot weapons such as guns are more attractive and more secure than beautiful women.

Women may cheat, betray, and cuckold men.

But the gun in your hand will never do that!

It will only bring you a great sense of security!

Even if you want a woman, it can help you find a beautiful woman who is obedient!

The most important thing is...

Qin Hao felt that he was so cool standing on the street with his hands on the AK!

As the gunshots rang out.

The dozen zombies twenty or thirty meters away were constantly hit, but except for direct hits to the head, shooting other places could not kill the zombies.

After a magazine was finished.

Qin Hao only killed seven zombies and broke the arms of four zombies.

At this time, the remaining six rotten zombies were waving their rotten arms, roaring, and rushed to five or six meters in front of Qin Hao.

"It seems that shooting skills cannot be practiced overnight."

Looking at the six rotten zombies that were already close to him with hideous and terrifying faces, Qin Hao took two steps back and threw a [Skeleton Warrior] directly into the air.

A dazzling blue light flashed, and a white skeleton monster about 1.7 meters tall and holding a long-handled battle axe appeared in front of Qin Hao.

"Kill them all!"

With Qin Hao's order, the white skeleton monster holding a long-handled battle axe swung it with both hands and chopped at the zombie that rushed to the front.

"Forget it, I'll give you another helper."

Looking at the white skeleton monster surrounded by six rotten zombies, Qin Hao took two steps back again and threw out a [Barbarian Warrior].

A dazzling blue light flashed.

A barbarian warrior about two meters tall, burly, wearing animal skins, appeared in front of Qin Hao with a battle axe in his hand.

"Go! Chop off the heads of those zombies and kick them like balls!" Qin Hao, who was changing the magazine for the AK47, issued an order to the barbarian warrior who had just appeared.


After hearing Qin Hao's order, the barbarian warrior roared to the sky, swung the battle axe in his hand and chopped at the zombie closest to him.

At this time.

The white skeleton monster surrounded by zombies also chopped off the head of a zombie.

Although it was surrounded by zombies.

However, it was a skeleton monster without flesh and blood and was not afraid of the zombies' bites at all!

With the cooperation of the white skeleton monster and the barbarian warrior.

The heads of the six rotten zombies were all chopped off. The barbarian warrior really raised his foot and kicked the heads of these zombies like footballs one by one.

On the other side.

The three bloody and terrifying blood lickers were all killed by the battle girl Annie one by one!

Thirteen ordinary rotten zombies, plus three blood lickers, provided Qin Hao with a total of 22 unopened cards.

At this time.

That three-meter-tall tank zombie just

He walked to a place about 50 to 60 meters away with heavy steps.

The three-meter-tall tank zombie in front of him was different from the four-meter-tall large mutant zombie Qin Hao had encountered before.

This tank zombie was a burly fat man with a bloody sack hood on his head, revealing only a pair of bloodthirsty eyes and a big mouth stained with minced meat.

A bloody big sack was also worn on his fat body, and blood kept dripping on the ground along the edge of the sack.

A long blood trail was left behind him.

The two thick arms were a rotten gray-white color, covered with pus, and were constantly oozing black and red liquid.

In his right hand, he was holding a bloody triangular hammer, which was covered with minced meat and a mass of black rot.


At the moment when Qin Hao and his summons killed those ordinary zombies and blood lickers, this hideous and terrifying tank zombie suddenly roared.

It instantly entered a rampage state.

Holding the triangular hammer in his hand, he took heavy steps and rushed towards Qin Hao.

"Next, please start your performance and let me see how strong your fighting power is."

Qin Hao smiled at Annie who had just walked to his side, raised his hand, and made an invitation gesture.

Then, he reached out from his pocket and took out the furry spider and threw it directly at the tank zombie that was rushing over.

"Go, little spider!"

Then, he looked at the white skeleton monster and the barbarian warrior who wanted to rush out speechlessly.

"You two, don't join in the fun. Come to my side and protect me."

The white skeleton monster and the barbarian warrior who were about to rush out were stunned for a moment and stopped. A trace of doubt appeared in their not-so-smart heads.

"???, does the master look down on us?"

However... they still obediently returned to Qin Hao's side, like two door gods, protecting Qin Hao in the middle on the left and right.

At this time.

Annie had already rushed towards the tank zombie with her long legs, holding two silver laser pistols in her hands and shooting continuously.

The spider child who was thrown into the air by Qin Hao raised his hand, in order to perform well in front of his master, directly entered the advanced state in a dazzling blood light.

Almost in an instant.

The fist-sized spider child turned into a two-meter-sized, blood-colored spider with a hideous and terrifying face.

Then a volley shot directly rushed towards the tank zombie that was rushing towards this side.

On the way of jumping.

It directly sprayed out a blood-colored spider silk.


The blood-colored spider silk flew directly in front of the tank zombie like lightning, and then turned into a five-meter-circle blood-colored spider web in an instant.

It directly enveloped the running tank zombie, and quickly shrank, webbed the tank zombie into a ball, and made it fall heavily to the ground.

The next second.

The deadly toxin attached to the blood-colored spider web instantly invaded the tank zombie's body, and in an instant, the tank zombie's body turned into a creepy dark green.


Obviously, the deadly toxin does not seem to be too deadly to zombies.

After all, zombies are dead!

And at this moment.

Annie also ran over, holding the gun with both hands, aiming at the tank zombie's head and shooting.



The spider in the air also jumped over and shot out another blood-colored spider silk, which directly pierced the head of the tank zombie entangled by the blood-colored spider web.

So far.

The tank zombie, which was still struggling just now, suddenly twitched and was completely motionless.

Eight translucent cards that only Qin Hao could see floated out of the tank zombie's body and flew towards Qin Hao quickly.

After Annie looked at the two-meter-long blood-colored spider expressionlessly, she inserted the silver laser pistol in her hand into the holster on her waist, turned around and walked towards Qin Hao.

A large group of blood mist instantly emerged from the blood-colored spider's body, and then dissipated in an instant. The spider, who turned into a black spider again, also jumped towards Qin Hao.

"Not bad! Not bad! You all performed very well just now, and I am very satisfied!" Qin Hao showed a sunny smile on his face.

He raised his hands and clapped, praising Spider-Girl and Annie.

"Hehe~ Master." Spider-Girl exuded a trace of joyful and happy mental fluctuations, and went directly into Qin Hao's shirt pocket.


Ni walked directly to Qin Hao's side with her long legs, keeping a vigilant posture, and a standard smile appeared on her pretty face.

"This is what I should do! It's my honor to fight for you!"

"It should be my honor to have you fight for me! We are fighting partners!" Qin Hao said with a smile.


He jumped to the roof of a white car with AK47 in both hands, and looked around to see if there were other zombies nearby.

After observing for a while.

No zombies were seen for the time being.

However, he suddenly found something wrong!

It seemed that fog was starting to form around him, and his vision began to become a little blurry.

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