The two zombies were so small that they were almost completely destroyed.

All this happened so fast.

Two petite weightless female zombies, two fat zombies in blue security uniforms, and the tyrant zombie holding a Vulcan Gatling gun.

Almost at the same time, they attacked Qin Hao, who had just walked to the entrance of the mall.

Hundreds of bullets shot through the two fat zombies in an instant.

After the two fat zombies were blown up into flying limbs and broken arms, the bullets continued to shoot into Qin Hao's body.

In mid-air.

The two petite weightless female zombies also waved their pale arms and were about to pounce on Qin Hao's body.

At a critical moment.

The spider child lying in Qin Hao's pocket instantly ejected, and in a dazzling blood light, it turned into a two-meter-long blood-red spider.

It blocked Qin Hao and the tyrant zombie holding the Vulcan Gatling gun, blocking all the countless bullets that followed.

At the same time, it also blocked the broken limbs and arms of the two fat zombies after the explosion.

The blood-red body of the spider child is very hard!

Hundreds of rapidly fired bullets hit its extremely hard blood-red shell, only splashing dazzling sparks and the sound of "clang clang clang" of metal collision.


Even if the spider child's reaction speed is very fast.

But it is still a little slow after all, so that more than a dozen bullets shot directly into Qin Hao's body after penetrating the fat zombie, splashing blood flowers.

"Wo Shi!!!"

The tearing sensation and heart-wrenching pain caused by dozens of bullets piercing his skin and shooting into his body made Qin Hao roar in an instant.

However... the heart-wrenching pain did not make him faint or lose consciousness.

The effect of immortality took effect in an instant and began to repair the blood holes made by the bullets at a very fast speed.

And at this moment.

The two petite weightless female zombies in the air also pounced on Qin Hao and grabbed Qin Hao's body tightly with their two pale arms.

They opened their big mouths full of bloody fangs and bit Qin Hao's body.

"Go to hell!!!"

Almost at the moment when the bullets shot into his body, Qin Hao's handsome face showed a trace of ferocity, and he directly used his mind to summon eight skill cards.

[Frost Fury] instantly froze the two weightless female zombies that were about to bite his neck into two ice sculptures.

[Holy Light Healing] instantly healed the dozen blood holes on his body that were made by bullets, and also removed the zombie virus on the bullets.

[Light Shield] [Defense Aura] directly enveloped his body, forming two lines of defense.

At the moment when the Frost Fury exploded the two frozen weightless female zombies into ice slag.

Qin Hao directly used [Fearless Sprint] to rush to the top of the Tyrant Zombie's head, and used three skill cards in succession on the Tyrant below.

[Stiffness] [Paralysis] [Dizziness]

At the same time, he quickly waved his right hand and beat the Tyrant Zombie, which had been controlled by three skills.

"TMD! I told you to sneak attack me with a Gatling gun! I told you to sneak attack!"

The next second.

The spider girl, who turned into a bloody spider, directly shot out a bloody spider web, instantly entangled the Tyrant Zombie, whose face was hit and crackling.

"Little Spider, tear it into pieces!"

Following Qin Hao's roar.

The two-meter-tall blood-red spider jumped up directly, and with a mountain of pressure, it directly smashed the tyrant zombie that was controlled in place.

Then, waving its two sharp forelimbs, it began to pierce the body of the tyrant zombie, dismembering it bit by bit into bloody stumps.

Qin Hao in mid-air also landed on the back of the blood-red spider, and the defensive aura and light shield covering him also blocked all the ice chips that splashed over.

The blood holes on his body had been instantly healed by the Holy Light Healing Spell and Eternal Life just now.

The fatal injury suffered this time also greatly improved the effect of Eternal Life.

He believed that when he used up the number of [Holy Light Healing Spell], the effect of his Eternal Life would probably catch up with the healing effect of the Holy Light Healing Spell.

"These mutant zombies seem to be much smarter than ordinary rotten zombies. They even know how to hide in the fog.

It's really insidious to launch a sneak attack in the middle of the enemy.


What's the matter with this Tyrant Zombie holding a Vulcan Gatling gun?

Could it be... that someone is really making biological weapons? "

Qin Hao picked up the AK47 he had thrown on the ground, and looked at the Tyrant Zombie who was being brutally killed by Spider-Girl with a puzzled look.

"Forget it, these things have nothing to do with me. I'm just a small follower. The responsibility of saving the world should be handed over to those sons of the planes. "

Each of the two weightless female zombies dropped three unopened cards, and the two fat zombies did not drop any cards because they were blown up by bullets.

The tyrant zombie that was being brutally killed by Spider-Girl dropped fifteen unopened cards.

In the previous battle, Qin Hao obtained a total of 21 unopened cards, and also consumed some skill cards.

It can't be said to be a profit, but it is definitely not a loss.

"After being injured, it hurts, and it's a bit of a waste of clothes. It seems that I need to prepare more clothes. "

After taking a look at the tattered black sportswear on his body, Qin Hao frowned slightly and took off his clothes directly.

Then, he took out a brand new black sportswear from the shelter of the other dimension and put it on.

After changing clothes.

Qin Hao jumped off the bloody spider, walked to the steps beside and sat down, took out two servings of beef brisket rice and ate them in big mouthfuls.

After he finished eating the two servings of beef brisket rice and drank a large bottle of mineral water, the bloody spider also dismembered the tyrant zombie into a bloody stump.

Even the Vulcan Gatling in the hand of the tyrant zombie, along with the ammunition box on its back, was dismantled, and bullets rolled into a pool of blood.

After doing all this.

The bloody spider sent a trace of mental fluctuations to Qin Hao and asked: "Master, is this okay?"

"It's okay, so the anger in my heart is almost gone. "Looking at the bloody broken limbs and scattered bullets on the ground, Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

This is the fate of sneak attacking him!

He decided that if anyone dared to sneak attack him again, he would be treated according to this standard.


The blood-colored spider exuded a trace of joyful spiritual fluctuations, and turned into a fist-sized spider again in a cloud of blood mist.

It jumped directly onto Qin Hao's shoulder with a volley, rubbed Qin Hao's neck intimately with its furry body, and then waved its eight legs and crawled into his shirt pocket.

After taking a look at the increasingly dense fog around him.

Qin Hao decided to enter the mall to find a safe place to rest, and by the way, open all the cards in his hand at once to see if he could What surprises can it bring to me.

As for why he didn't enter the shelter of the other dimension?

Naturally, he didn't want Ye Zhenzhen to know too many of his secrets yet, nor did he want to check the cards he got in front of her.


Qin Hao walked into the first floor of the mall.

However, due to the power outage, and the gray fog outside, the light inside the mall became very dim.

After searching for a while.

Qin Hao found a utility room where the cleaner lived next to the elevator. After locking the door, he sat directly on the single bed and summoned the card system.

At this moment.

He has a total of 144 unopened cards.

"Praise the goddess of luck, may the goddess of luck grant me endless luck and open more golden legends! "

After praying silently in his heart.

Qin Hao's mind moved, and all 144 cards on the system interface were opened in an instant.

In an instant.

A dazzling light flashed rapidly on the system interface.

Among the white, green, blue, and silver lights, there was also a touch of dazzling gold and purple.

"Nice! Sure enough, a guaranteed golden legend will appear after 100 consecutive draws!"

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