The little girl was standing in front of the jewelry store, and the little screaming female zombie raised her head and screamed.

She bent her legs slightly, then jumped up, waving her two slender pale arms and rushed towards Qin Hao, revealing bloody fangs covered with minced meat in her slightly opened mouth.

She seemed to have the jumping ability of the weightless female zombie, and jumped five or six meters away.

"Damn! Why is there another female zombie who can only howl like a ghost? It's so annoying!

But it's okay. Your shout directly attracted all the zombies around, and I don't have to look for them one by one."

After silently complaining in his heart, Qin Hao changed the AK47 in his hand to an M72 anti-tank rocket launcher.

"Bye, I'll send you to heaven!"

With an excited look on his face, Qin Hao quickly used both hands to carry the rocket launcher and pulled the trigger at the female zombie who jumped towards him.


A 66mm armor-piercing shell hit the female zombie in the air in an instant, and the high-speed armor-piercing shell flew directly with the female zombie.

After flying out of the safe distance of the muzzle, the armor-piercing shell exploded instantly, blowing the petite female zombie into flying limbs and arms.

Qin Hao threw away the rocket launcher in his hand at the moment he pulled the trigger, and entered the shelter of the other dimension with a thought.

"Huh? Ah Hao, why are you back?"

Ye Zhenzhen was sitting cross-legged on the sofa loading bullets into the spare magazine of AK47. When she saw Qin Hao suddenly appear, a hint of joy appeared on her beautiful face.

"It's okay, I just came in to hide for a while, and I'll leave soon."

Qin Hao smiled at her, then reached out and picked up the Remington m870 shotgun loaded with shotgun shells from the coffee table.

After thinking about it.

He exchanged all the hot weapons he had obtained before, and then told Ye Zhenzhen who was sitting on the sofa:

"Help me fill the magazines of these weapons with bullets, so that I can use them at any time."

"Oh~ OK!"

Looking at the automatic rifles and pistols that suddenly appeared on the coffee table, as well as the M32 grenade launcher and a lot of ammunition.

Ye Zhenzhen, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, was obviously startled and stunned for a moment, but still nodded obediently.

At the same time, he muttered silently in his heart.

"Oh my God, where did Ah Hao get so many guns and grenade launchers, but with these weapons and equipment, he will be much safer."

"Be good~ Stay here, I will take you out to bask in the sun when we get to a safe place."

Qin Hao showed Ye Zhenzhen a sunny smile, and at the same time, he exchanged all his D-level material cards with a thought.

In an instant, a large pile of various foods and drinking water appeared on the ground.

"Zhenzhen, eat whatever you want, don't save it for me, I'll go and get busy first."

"Ah? Oh~"

Ye Zhenzhen, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the pile of supplies that suddenly appeared on the ground, and the whole person was completely stunned.

But she reacted immediately, nodded to Qin Hao obediently, and then ran towards the pile of supplies on the ground with a happy face.

Qin Hao, holding a shotgun, disappeared directly on the spot and returned to the mall in the real world.

It seemed like a long time for him to enter the extra-dimensional shelter and then come out, but it actually took only four or five seconds.

The moment he just came out.

Ten unopened cards flew towards his mind at a high speed.

The screaming female zombie and the jewelry store had been blown into a mess.

At this moment...

A dozen ordinary zombies that were just attracted by the piercing scream of the screaming female zombie.

They also waved their two rotten arms, and stumbled towards Qin Hao with a low roar.

In the shadows behind the dozen ordinary zombies, there were several mutant zombies.

They seemed to have some self-awareness, and did not rush towards Qin Hao immediately, but stayed where they were and watched.

"Annie, come out to help."

After throwing the golden summoning card [Mechanical • Battle Girl] into the air with a flick of his hand.

Qin Hao held the shotgun in both hands and rushed

He quickly turned around, aimed at an ordinary zombie that rushed to him two or three meters away, and pulled the trigger.


The shot directly blew up the head of this zombie, and it fell backwards to another zombie behind it.

"Come on, come on, the more the better!"

Qin Hao shouted excitedly, quickly pulled the bolt to load the gun, and pulled the trigger at the second zombie that rushed to him.


Annie, who had just appeared in a golden light, turned her back to Qin Hao and quickly reached out to pull out the two silver laser pistols at her waist.

He pulled the trigger at the ordinary zombies that rushed over from another direction.

Green lasers shot out from the barrel at a high speed, directly blowing up the heads of the zombies one by one.

That's it.

Qin Hao and Annie stood back to back, using their guns to blow up the heads of the zombies that were roaring and rushing over.

More ordinary zombies were rushing out from the depths of the mall, and there were five or six bloody zombie dogs among them.

Three lickers also appeared in the darkness not far away, but they did not immediately attack Qin Hao, but stood with the mutant zombies and waited.

These mutant zombies seemed to know that they could not withstand the damage of hot weapons, so they were using ordinary zombies to consume the ammunition in Qin Hao's gun.

Among the seven or eight special mutant zombies around, Qin Hao keenly discovered several mutant zombies that he had never seen before.

The most conspicuous one was the spider zombie that was sewn together with four or five corpses.

The four or five corpses were sewn together abruptly, turning into a very bloated, indescribable deformed body with eight legs, eight arms, and five heads growing irregularly on it.

The eight arms also held some bloody spines, as well as some thigh and arm bones that had not been eaten clean.

This hideous and terrifying scene made people's hair numb and their backs cold. Those who were a little timid would probably be scared to death by this hideous and terrifying monster.

In addition to this extremely scary deformed spider zombie, there is also a fat zombie with a dark green body.

And another kind of blade zombie with a strong body, but its arms have been replaced with blood-colored bone knives, similar to mantises.

"Why is it this kind of modified zombie that is stitched together again? Is it man-made? Or is it because of the zombie virus that is self-evolving?"

Looking at the deformed mutant zombies hiding in the darkness not far away, Qin Hao had a little doubt in his heart.

There is no doubt.

These zombies are constantly evolving!

And they have begun to have some self-awareness, and have begun to learn to think, and will not rush up all at once.

I just don’t know whether the appearance of these deformed stitched zombies is a form of self-evolution or someone is conducting some biochemical experiments.

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