The old man was lying, and the old man was lying.

"You must be lying! You'd better tell the truth, otherwise you will die miserably!"

The beautiful girl Laura standing next to Qin Hao suddenly raised the magic cane in her hand and pointed it at Zhao Yang, who was held in the hand of the killer Wushuang, and asked in a suspicious voice.

"I tell you, I can use truth magic. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for using truth magic on you. You will become a fool!"

There was a hint of ferocity in the beautiful girl Laura's delicate words, which directly scared Zhao Yang, who was bruised and swollen.

"No, I swear! I really didn't lie!"

Qin Hao, who was standing aside, changed his face in an instant after hearing Laura's words, raised his hand and threw a punch at Zhao Yang's face again.

"Damn it, I've been talking to you nicely, and you dare to lie to me?

Do you want to be skinned and torn? Or do you want to be cut into pieces? I'll give you another chance, tell me the truth."

A dozen punches went down.

Zhao Yang's face was swollen beyond human form, and the whole person fell into a dazed state again, and his brain stopped thinking.

"Forget it, Laura, just give him a truth magic, so that this kid won't lie to me again."

Qin Hao suddenly turned his head and looked at the beautiful girl Laura standing next to him.

"Ah?" The beautiful girl Laura muttered in a low voice, a little embarrassed: "That... Big brother, I haven't learned the truth magic yet.

I just... just scared him, to see if he was lying."

As she spoke, Laura's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally she lowered her head in embarrassment.


Suddenly, Qin Hao and the summoned creatures around him fell into silence.

So you are fooling him?

"You... don't bully people like this!"

Zhao Yang, who had just woken up from his daze, vomited blood when he heard Laura's words, and his eyes rolled up and he fainted.


The Killer Wushuang glanced at the fainted Zhao Yang, and then lifted Zhao Yang in the air and shook him hard like a sack.

A few seconds later.

Zhao Yang, who had been tortured to death, opened his eyes again, and his swollen face showed an expression of despair.

"Or... you should just kill me."

Just then.

The cute tentacle girl who was only as tall as a palm and looked cute and well-behaved sitting on Qin Hao's shoulder suddenly raised her little right hand and said in a soft and tender voice with a silly face:

"That... Master, I have a way to make him tell the truth. I can make him enter a mental state without any defense."


Hearing the words of the little tentacle girl, Qin Hao's handsome face showed a trace of joy, and raised his hand to take the tentacle girl sitting on his shoulder into his palm.

"Then hurry up."

"Yeah~" The little tentacle girl stood on Qin Hao's palm and nodded with a silly face.

Then she turned around, raised her two little palms and placed them on her temples, and waved the six red tentacles on her waist at the same time.

In an instant.

An invisible and intangible mental wave shot out rapidly from the little tentacle girl's eyebrows, and in an instant it was wiped into Zhao Yang's eyebrows.


Zhao Yang's whole person seemed to have turned into a fool, his expression became dull, and he showed a silly smile.

"Not bad~ Little cutie, well done!"

Looking at Zhao Yang who suddenly looked dull and silly, Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he glanced at the ordinary zombies around him, and a tank zombie and some mutant zombies had already appeared in them.

"Annie, you and Evelyn go kill that tank zombie.

Wushuang, you and the headless knight go kill the three muscle zombies."

"Lilith, you go." Qin Hao suddenly turned around and looked at the fallen nun wearing a nun's robe and with a gloomy and terrifying face and asked: "What's your name?"

"Ivy." The fallen nun said, holding the blood-stained silver cross in both hands.

"It's a nice name." Qin Hao nodded to her, and then instructed the stiff-faced Deadly Puppet Princess:

"Lilith, go with Ivy to kill those stitched zombies, and the Shadow Hunter, you should also go with them to help."


Qin Hao gave a series of orders.

Except for the beautiful girl Laura, Spider Girl, and Little Tentacle Girl.

All the other high-level summons rushed into the zombies around them and killed their targets.

Annie and Evelyn were running, holding two guns in both hands, and constantly attacking the tank zombie five or six meters away.

Killer Wushuang directly threw Zhao Yang, who had become stupid in his hand, to the ground, and then charged with the headless knight.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, waved their long swords and sabers, while slashing ordinary zombies, and rushed towards three bloody muscle zombies.

Under the control of more than a dozen blood-colored threads, the deadly puppet Ji Lilis ran out with an elegant posture and very stiff steps dancing ballet.

In the graceful dance.

Seven or eight of the dozen blood-colored threads on her body suddenly disappeared.

The next second.

Seven or eight blood-colored threads suddenly fell from the top of the stitched zombie five or six meters away.

At the end of each blood-colored thread was a sharp blood-stained hook, which hooked the hands and head of the stitched zombie in an instant.

The next second.

Lilith, who was dancing ballet, was dancing gracefully. The head on her neck with a stiff smile suddenly spun rapidly and strangely.

The speed was so fast that it was like a rapidly spinning top, spinning 360 degrees rapidly.

Something strange happened.

The stitched zombie that had just been hooked by seven or eight blood-colored threads five or six meters away, its ugly big head also spun rapidly with Lilith's head.

In the rapid rotation.

An ugly head directly broke away from the neck like a crazy spinning top, and flew into the sky in a stream of smelly blood.

This terrifying scene made Qin Hao, who was just about to interrogate Zhao Yang, dumbfounded. "Oh my god, is it so powerful?"

The fighting power of the shadow hunter and the fallen nun on the side should not be underestimated either.

The shadow hunter was constantly rolling, and quickly shot sharp crossbow arrows at a four-armed stitched zombie.

Each sharp arrow hit the head accurately, bringing up dark green blood flowers.

The fallen nun Ivy waved a 1.5-meter-long silver cross with both hands, and directly stabbed it into the eye socket of a stitched zombie.

Then, she twisted the silver cross in her hands with both hands, and directly twisted the stitched zombie's head to pieces.

"Not bad, one is more powerful than the other, I'm relieved." Looking at his summons, one more powerful than the other, Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

Then, looking at Zhao Yang, who was thrown to the ground by the killer with a dazed look on his face, he asked again in a stern voice:

"Tell me the truth, what secrets are hidden in you?"

The beautiful girl Laura standing next to Qin Hao also waved the magic wand in her hand.

With a fierce expression on her pretty face, she asked delicately: "Tell me! What secrets are hidden in you?"

"That's right! Tell me the truth! Otherwise, I will eat you up bit by bit!"

The little tentacle girl standing on Qin Hao's palm also put her hands on her waist, and a fierce expression appeared on her little face.

Even the spider who was in Qin Hao's jacket pocket, with only half of his head exposed, showed an eager expression.

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