The next day.

A large number of survivors came to Longting Base.

As the corpse tide in the four areas from z5 to z8 was eliminated, there were almost no green slaves on the road from the city center to Blue Bay.

Even if there were, they were eliminated by the survivors who came to Longting.

Now in City B, as long as you have the courage to step out of the safe shelter, it can be said that there is no danger to reach Longting Base.

The island where the manor is located has been completely isolated, and Mu Yun has set up a new living area on the other side of the island.

The semi-arc area is divided into four levels.

The outermost circle is naturally the most dangerous slums, which is a place where you can live without purchasing the right of residence.

There is no house to shelter, only a tent, which can barely keep people alive.

After all, the savior character is still needed, and the surface work must be done well.

The ordinary area near the inner city is where the survivor teams with some strength live.

The base in this area will help build small houses with two or three floors, which can be connected to water pipes and wires. Of course, you have to pay extra.

After the water pipes and wires are connected, if you want to use them, you have to pay extra.

What if there is not enough water and electricity? Keep adding money.

It can be said that as long as you stay in the Longting base, you are spending money all the time.

Ye Hanyue has developed a sophisticated plan to make money. The capitalists showed their evil faces, but Mu Yun agreed very much.

So, in the third area, a long commercial street rose from the ground.

As long as you are rich enough, you can buy anything in this commercial street.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, cigarettes, alcohol, small umbrellas...

In addition, there are gambling houses, clubs, and 9D cinemas (live performances, the ultimate experience.)

The last area left is also the core area closest to the inner city.

This is the living area for the people inside the base, and it is also the public area where the hospital, school, task release hall, human resources department, etc. are located.

As for why the school is built, it is to cultivate fresh blood for the base. Children's loyalty is the easiest to cultivate, and the future of their base belongs to the young.

The above plans are still in the initial stage. The outer city is still a wasteland except for a few small houses.

According to the agreement, Ye Hanyue will complete the transformation of the entire outer city within one month, and then she will be free.

However, Mu Yun is not going to let such a talent run away. As for how to keep her, it is not easy.

Mu Yun has all the animation resources in his hands, and he doesn't believe that this middle school girl will not give in.

At this moment.

In the human resources department of the outer city, Ah Fu, Ye Hanyue and Coco are sitting in a temporary wooden shed.

Outside the wooden shed are the survivors who come to join Longting one after another.

"Next, Zhang Xiaomei!"

Niu Dazhuang maintained the order on the scene and shouted casually.

A thin figure stood up and walked into the wooden shed.

As soon as she came in, a white rune entered her heart and disappeared.

Coco was wrapped in a black cloak, and her true face could not be seen. This was the base's treasure, and it was impossible to expose her true face.

Zhang Xiaomei was just slightly stunned, and then began to introduce herself.

"My name is Zhang Xiaomei, I am 28 years old, I was a teacher in a certain university before the end of the world, and I escaped by hiding in a rental house after the outbreak of the end of the world..."

Ye Hanyue didn't even raise her head, but just kept typing on her laptop.


All the files about this woman were called out one by one.

The information was confirmed to be almost exactly the same as what Zhang Xiaomei said herself, and then Ye Hanyue peeped into her heart again.

"Confirmed, go to Area A and wait." Ye Hanyue ordered indifferently.

Ah Fu recorded her information in the notebook and handed over a card with a seal.

"This is your work permit, don't lose it, or you won't have food to eat."

"Okay, okay, thank you, thank you so much."

Zhang Xiaomei took the permit with great excitement.

This permit is issued by the base, representing an official position in Longting. In the future, as long as you don't do anything that violates the rules of the base, you will be protected by the base and enjoy normal food supply.

Fortunately, I came early, otherwise such a job would definitely not be my turn.

Zhang Xiaomei left the wooden shed with a feeling of longing and excitement.

"Next, Zhao Liwen!"

After the words fell, a woman with heavy makeup, revealing clothes, and short skirts and stockings walked into the wooden shed.

For this interview, Zhao

Liwen dressed up and put on the food in her backpack.

"My name is Zhao Liwen, I'm 20 years old, a college student. After the apocalypse, I escaped danger with my intelligence and arrived at the base alone. I think I am fully capable of being the management of the base with my talents."

"Hmm?" Hearing her words, Ye Hanyue raised her head and glanced at her, then continued to type on the keyboard.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can do?" Zhao Liwen looked at Ye Hanyue expectantly.

"Take off your clothes first." Ye Hanyue smiled.

"Ah!" Zhao Liwen exclaimed.

"I'm a girl~"

"You're still a girl at 30?" Ye Hanyue said contemptuously.

"You, what do you mean, I'm only 20, don't talk nonsense."

Zhao Liwen seemed to have been exposed in her lies, and she was so angry that she widened her eyes and glared at Ye Hanyue.

"Zhao Liwen, 30 years old, a native of Jiangzhou B City, dropped out of school before graduating from junior high school, and then spent years hanging out in nightclubs, bars, and clubs. She was once detained in the detention center for 14 days because of a 1V3 room inspection..."

Hearing the information read out by Ye Hanyue, Zhao Liwen's legs softened and she knelt down directly.

She knew she couldn't hide it anymore, but there was no acquaintance here, so how did this woman know?

"The sign at the door clearly states that no matter what job you used to do, as long as you tell the truth, you can stay in District D and enjoy the minimum living allowance at the very least."

"And there is a great demand for women like you, what a pity."

Ye Hanyue shook her head and said with regret.

"Come on, get out, never hire again!"

Ah Fu waved his hand, signaling the two men next to him to act quickly. Time was running out, and there was no time to waste on such people.

"Stop! I was wrong. I'll tell you everything. Don't kick me out!" Zhao Liwen wailed, not caring about her dignity at all. She waved her hands and feet wildly, trying to break free from the man's hands. But it was useless. The two strong men threw her out of the fence that had just been erected in the base in front of all the survivors. "Brother Fei, save me. I don't want to face those monsters. Please, don't you like Ice and Fire Nine Heavens? I promise you, I will do it for you every day." Zhao Liwen shouted desperately.

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