The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Mu Yun checked the situation of several other people. They all went through a cruel experience.

Now, they only have revenge in their hearts.

Mu Yun even suspected that once they get their revenge, they might end their lives.

There was a long silence.

"I don't care about your past, nor the hatred you carry. If you want to gain power, you must pay something. What can you bring to me?"

Mu Yun walked slowly to the front of the girls and asked softly.

"I am willing to exchange everything I have for power, even my life."

A girl walked out of the crowd. The girl looked about 20 years old, tall and slender. Although she was dirty, her eyes were unusually clear.

"I am also willing to exchange my life for power."

"Me too."

"I am also willing..."

More and more girls stood up, they all had the same look, full of determination.

"Remember what you said today, from now on, your life does not belong to you."

Mu Yun glanced at them indifferently, and then took out thirty gold and fire devil fruits that had been deseeded.

Next, Mu Yun will train them into emotionless killing machines, a legion of dead soldiers belonging to the Longting base.

These two attributes are the most lethal abilities, which are very suitable for the future fighting style of these women.

"Eat the fruit, you will have the power of revenge."

"From now on, you will no longer have a name."

"Want revenge? Then try your best to pass the trial and get your own code name."

"Only those with code names can act freely."

The girls looked at each other, picked up the devil fruits, and swallowed them without hesitation.

"Arrange separate accommodation for them. If there are more people like this in the future, they will be incorporated into this team."

After giving instructions to Sister Lan, Mu Yun turned and left.


Just as the Longting base was developing rapidly, Yang Chen's face was grim.

Because of Ye Hanyue's text message, a large number of survivors chose to leave the military base and wanted to go to Longting to find another way out.

In one morning, hundreds of people left quietly, and they were all courageous young people.

The departure of these people undoubtedly broke the order that Yang Chen had established with great difficulty.

Originally, he was going to take this opportunity to recruit a group of new recruits to increase the combat power of the base.

But now it seems that the plan is doomed to fail.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time and completely blocked the entrance and exit of the base, and no one was allowed to go out without orders.

"Report to the commander, according to statistics, 361 people have left the base, most of whom are men."

Yang Chen just returned to the office and heard a report from his subordinates.

His brows furrowed even deeper, "Are there any superpowers among these 361 people?"

"The remnants of Sun Jianguo's forces, a hundred superpowers led by Xu Chengtian, seem to be dissatisfied with the treatment we give them, and have established themselves as a new force and fled to Longting Base for refuge."

"This action was initiated by this person."

Yang Chen snorted coldly, "Okay, since you dare to rebel, you should know that there will be such a result."

"Hmph, this group of ungrateful wolves, just came to the base and forcibly robbed the women, it's better for these people to leave."

Chen Xi said indignantly on the side.

Chen Feng patted his sister's shoulder, "Xiao Xi, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"What, Brother Yang, why do you keep such people?" Chen Xi asked angrily with puffed cheeks.

"Your brother is right. It's not that simple."

"Xu Tiancheng took away Sun Jianguo's elite troops. Most of them have supernatural powers above the second level. Although their character is not very good, they are the main force in clearing the zombies."

"Without them, our casualties will be much more serious than expected."

Chen Xi suddenly realized, "Then what should we do?"

Yang Chen looked at the soldiers beside him, "Have there been new orders from above?"

"Not yet, but I think it should be soon. The chief of staff has been contacted, and the higher-ups are still investigating the source of the text message."

"I know, go down."


Yang Chen waved his men away and looked at Chen Feng, who had been sitting on the sofa, "Brother Chen, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

"I don't understand these, but I have a suggestion."

"Tell me."

"If that Mu Yun is the savior, let him deal with the zombies.

"It's better for us to develop the base, rescue more survivors, collect awakening fruits from all over the city, and make a fortune quietly, isn't it?"


Yang Chen was shocked by his idea, but after careful consideration, it was indeed a good idea.

"Great, Brother Chen really woke me up with one word, let's do a good job of the foundation first, and wait and see for the rest."

Yang Chen clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, I'll treat you tonight!"

"Haha, see you tonight. "

Yang Chen, who was at a loss at first, suddenly became enlightened and became much more energetic.

If Mu Yun was at the scene, he would definitely give thirty-two thumbs up to Mr. Chen Feng, the Wolong.

Mu Yun knew that the end of the world had just begun, and the crisis in the future would be far more terrifying than now.

Others are working hard to improve themselves, but you are so leisurely that you think that everything will be fine after the zombie tide is eliminated?

It seems that your life is too comfortable.

Since you are so generous, we Longting will accept the zombie tide without hesitation.

After a while, those cuckolds in the village and the county will evolve into more terrifying monsters, and you will cry.


In a meeting room in Kyoto.

"Xiao Yu, what do you think about this?"

An old man with gray beard put down the information in his hand and looked at the young man sitting opposite.

Qin Yu naturally knew what his grandfather was asking.

After a moment of silence, he pushed his gold-wire frame.

"Grandpa, are you asking about Ye Hanyue or Mu Yun? "

The old man nodded slightly, "Of course it's these two people."

"Since Ye Hanyue will enter Skynet again, even at the cost of exposing her tracks, I infer that she was forced."

Qin Yu paused and continued.

"If she really joined Dragon Court, with her personality, she would not leave any traces.

We have been looking for her for five years and there is no trace. There is no reason to expose her tracks by sending a text message."

The old man raised his eyebrows slightly, "Then what is her purpose of exposing herself?"

"To ask for help." Qin Yu answered affirmatively.

"But she didn't ask us for help, otherwise there would be no need to go through so much trouble."

"I think... Grandpa has guessed it."

"Well, the analysis is good." The old man nodded in appreciation.

"The dark web organization that disappeared for five years is finally going to move. This Mu Yun has caused a lot of trouble."

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