The girl stood at the door of the tent and glanced inside through the gap.

Three strong men were sitting in the tent, drinking with a thin girl.

The girl was slender, with heavy makeup on her face. She was wrapped in a white nightgown, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and round shoulders, and seemed to be trembling.

The three strong men had lewd smiles on their mouths and touched her cheeks with their hands, "Oh, look at this little face that is so pale from fear."

The girl bit her lips and lowered her head.

"Hehe, you haven't eaten for two days. Are you very hungry?"

The thin girl remained silent.

"You're a woman, why are you so tough?" A man with a face full of flesh sneered and stretched out his hand to pinch the thin girl's pointed chin.

"Be honest and take off your clothes." Another strong man said.

The girl opened her eyes wide in fear, "No... No, please let me go..."

The thin girl's voice was crying, which sounded particularly sad.

"Aren't you afraid of the patrol team of the base?"

The three strong men looked at each other, and an evil smile flashed on their faces.

"Patrol team? They all went to Area B to maintain order today. It's impossible for them to come to such a place where no one lives."

The thin girl trembled violently when she heard this.

"Don't come over, or I'll call for help."

"Okay, since you don't want to drink a toast, don't blame us."

After that, the three strong men pushed the thin girl down and tore off her already torn clothes.

"Help... Ugh!"

Just as she was about to speak, the man covered the girl's mouth with his hand.

"Woo woo..." The thin girl struggled and shook her head desperately.


A bullet silently cut through the void, pierced through the throats of the three strong men, and splashed a flower of blood...

The thin girl froze all over, staring blankly at the three fallen men, her eyes filled with fear and confusion.

What happened?

How did they die?

Who killed them?

She covered her mouth in disbelief, tears sliding down her cheeks. No matter what, she was saved.

At this moment, the door curtain was suddenly lifted, and a gloomy and cool breeze came in.

The girl pulled up the clothes on the ground to cover her body, and suddenly looked up, but saw a pair of bright eyes without emotion.

As the moonlight fell, the various weapons on the girl's back flashed with a cold light.

"You... who are you? You saved me?"

She swallowed her saliva and tried to keep her voice as calm as possible.


The girl responded softly.

She walked slowly to the girl, lowered her eyes and stared at her, her eyes calm.

"Thank you..."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, "My name is Shen Rou, what's your name?"

The girl said two words lightly, "Mo Lin."

"Mo Lin, thank you for saving me, if it weren't for you, I would definitely be miserable."

The girl's eyes were red again, and her voice was full of joy after surviving a disaster.

"Tell me about the situation here."

Mo Lin looked indifferent, and did not pay attention to the girl's words, but changed the subject.

"Don't you know?"

Shen Rou wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "This is the Dragon Court Base, which belongs to the category of District D..."

After a long time, Mo Lin had a general understanding of Dragon Court.

"Ye Hanyue, do you know where she is?"

Mo Lin interrupted Shen Rou's narration and asked directly.

"Ye Hanyue? I don't know her." Shen Rou frowned slightly, "Do you have something to do with her?"

She was just an ordinary survivor, and she was one of the latecomers. She had never seen Ye Hanyue's appearance.

Even if they had seen her, they would not know that the person who registered them for the interview was Ye Hanyue.

"It's okay... Thank you..."

Mo Lin left after saying a word, leaving Shen Rou in a daze.

Shen Rou looked at the empty door and murmured, "What a strange girl..."


Mo Lin left District D and prepared to go straight to the inner city.

As the saying goes, to catch a thief, you must first catch the king.

Since there is no trace of Ya Hanyue, then just find the owner of this place.

Mo Lin's goal was clear, and she rushed all the way to the inner city.

However, just as she bypassed the guards and came to the bustling commercial street of District B.

Looking around, a "moon" light on the window of an extremely eye-catching high-rise building caught Mo Lin's attention.

She stopped, squinted her eyes, and observed carefully.

That tall building full of flowers.

She had also heard Shen Rou talk about Feng Lou and knew what kind of business was going on here.

A stunningly beautiful face appeared in Mo Lin's mind. If something unexpected happened to Yue, Yue's appearance would be the first choice.

Could the word "月" mean "month"?

She took a deep breath and decided to go upstairs to investigate for herself.

Mo Lin quietly climbed from the wall to the fifth floor.

A dark shadow enveloped her body, and it was very strange that no one noticed anything strange in the brightly lit street.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the room, he heard a faint sound coming from inside.

Mo Lin frowned, feeling anxious.

Isn’t it said that the top names are all just prostitutes but not their bodies?

But why is there a woman's voice in this? Was it forced?

Thinking of this, Mo Lin was not ready to wait anymore, but kicked the door open directly.

The door was slammed open, and sharp shouts suddenly sounded in the room.

"Ah - who?!"

The crazy lion was frightened half to death by Mo Lin who suddenly broke in.

Mo Lin cleared up the scene in the room at a glance, and her brows furrowed even more.

It seems... there is no sign of the moon.

Hey? Got it wrong.

Mo Lin glanced at the mad lion calmly, closed the door slowly, and pretended that nothing happened.

Crazy Lion:......

"Mad, you want to leave even after you are here. How dare you disturb my leisurely life? Stop right there!"

A group of men heard the noise and rushed up with weapons. They were stunned when they saw the strange woman who suddenly broke in.

What's going on? Why is there a strange woman here?

"Who are you?"

Also appearing together was Mama-san, who widened her eyes and shouted angrily.

Realizing that she had been exposed, Mo Lin didn't waste any time and rushed out of the window at the end of the corridor.

Everyone immediately chased after him.

"Catch her! Don't let her get away!"

The mad lion cursed and quickly followed.

"Where are the city guards? There is an intruder, catch her quickly!"

Mamasang chased and shouted, causing quite a commotion in the commercial street.

Soon, the patrolling soldiers discovered Mo Lin fleeing on the roof, and a group of crazy lion men behind her.

The most eye-catching one is the crazy lion.

Under the bright moonlight, he was naked, with a bathrobe wrapped around his waist, blocking his key parts.

There are also a few red lip marks on his face, and you can tell at a glance what he just did.

"Stop her! Don't let her escape!"

The mad lion waved his arms and roared through gritted teeth.

Soon, the news that the invaders appeared in Area B and caused trouble spread to the inner city.

Several people who were watching TV with Coco were alarmed.

Only Ye Hanyue was typing on the keyboard, as if she had found something interesting again.

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