The battle was not easy, but the enemy was defeated.

Just ask, with just a hundred cannons, what is a mere tide of green zombies?

Those green zombies are only worthy of carrying their shoes!

"Very good, now, guns in hand, follow me!"

At Mu Yun's command, everyone began to move quickly.

This battle is not so easy. Even if they have formed a crushing equipment, it is still quite difficult for 130 people to fight against tens of millions of green zombies.

"Husband, is it really okay?"

Although Chu Antian is full of confidence in Mu Yun's strength, she can't help but feel her heart tighten when she thinks of the dense green zombie tide like locusts she saw on the plane.

"Don't worry, it's not a real head-on fight. You can run if you can't win."

With that, more than a hundred people left the manor in a mighty manner.

Except for the logistics lady in charge of planting and Sister Lan who was responsible for guarding the house, everyone else went to the battlefield.


If someone looked down from the sky above City B, they would be able to find a green lotus slowly unfolding in the city.

The zombie tide was divided into twelve sectors by the military, from Z1 to Z12.

And the first thing Mu Yun had to deal with was the two areas Z6 and Z7 that were rushing towards the Blue Bay.

In the car, Mu Yun took out Aped, opened the satellite map of City B, and began to look for a suitable blocking location.

Soon, he found an excellent blocking position, about three kilometers northeast of the Z6 area, there was a small raised hill.

The hill was about three stories high and had a steep slope. Most importantly, the situation in the Z6 area could be observed from the top of the hill.

(The special operations team cleared the way ahead and took the lead in clearing the cuckolds near the target location. Everyone went to XX Park to gather.)

(Received!) xN

This is the benefit of telepathic transmission. Walkie-talkies are so weak.

As Mu Yun's order was issued, the two vans of the maids began to accelerate and immediately came to the front of the convoy.

When they were close to the hill, everyone pulled over and stopped. There was no road.

The road to XX Park was not cleared by anyone. It was all covered with vines. Zhong Li led the six people directly to the destination on foot.

Seven dark figures rushed forward. When they saw the scattered cuckolds on the roadside, they drew their swords and killed them directly. After a while, they cleared the cuckolds on the road and continued to charge towards the target.

Half an hour later, when everyone came to the top of the mountain, more than 30 green corpses were lying on the ground.


Yan Yunyun swung the Tang sword in her hand, threw away the green sticky blood on the blade, and then put the long sword back into the scabbard behind her.

The cute bun-faced girl put on a cool expression, "Done!"

The maid sisters all gave thumbs up, "Great!"

When Coco, who was held in Chu Antian's arms, saw this, her eyes were full of sparkling stars.

"So... so cool~"

"Then Coco, grow up quickly, and your aunt will teach you when you grow up."

Chu Antian pinched Coco's pink nose and made her giggle.


Nodding heavily, Coco secretly made up her mind that when she grew up, she must become as handsome as Yan Yunyun!

The hill was covered with a lot of vines, and Mu Yun immediately ordered everyone to clear the site and set traps.

Take out thirty howitzers, and Mu Yun handed them to Niu Dazhuang for placement.

Each howitzer normally requires five people to operate, and thirty is already the limit for them.

How to load ammunition, how to place it in the right position, how to locate it, and how to fire it.

Mu Yun passed this information to everyone through his mind, and everyone immediately understood it.

I have to say that Coco's ability is really convenient.

More than a dozen earth-type psychics began to use their abilities to change the topography of the hilltop, turning it into a platform more suitable for setting up howitzers.

And the traps in the middle of the hill also need to be set up by these earth-type psychics.

It can be said that although the earth-type has low attack power, it has a mainstay position on the battlefield.

After working for a whole morning, everyone finally built the position.

On the top of the mountain, Mu Yun held a telescope and looked at the green corpse tide three kilometers away, with a cold face flashing.

The M777 howitzer system is equipped with a digital fire control system, a gun-mounted computer, a laser gyro inertial navigation automatic positioning and orientation equipment, and night observation and aiming equipment.

The effective range can reach 24 kilometers, the normal speed is 2 rounds/minute, and the power can destroy all targets within a radius of ten meters, impacting

The wave can even spread to 50 meters, directly blowing away a large number of targets around.


With an order, all artillery adjusted their angles and aimed at the green corpse tide in the distance.





With a series of terrifying noises, the dense green ocean in the distance instantly exploded into countless waves, accompanied by deafening screams, green juice splashed, and broken limbs and flesh flew all over the sky.

The fire and smoke dissipated, and the green ocean was immediately torn open with a terrifying hole.

The green slaves noticed the sound in the valley and began to rush towards Mu Yun and others.

The grenades were quickly loaded. Seeing this, Mu Yun ordered without hesitation, "Fire!!"

As soon as the words fell, the shells instantly cut through the air and hit the enemy's back row fiercely, one, two, three...

The roar of the shells came one after another. In less than ten seconds, the green corpse tide that had just rushed out less than a hundred meters suddenly suffered heavy casualties.

"Hahaha, so fucking cool!"

Niu Dazhuang shouted excitedly, and the eyes of others also lit up.

I have never fought such a rich battle in my life.

"You are the only one who talks too much, keep loading the bullets!"

Mu Yun glared at him, Niu Dazhuang smiled and immediately turned around to continue loading the bullets.

The roar continued.

Mu Yun and others stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. The whole battle situation had become one-sided.

The corpses of the green corpse tide were laid in a thick layer, and the originally dense corpse tide suddenly became much sparser.

But this is far from being able to eliminate it.

It is not so easy to eliminate a number of 600,000 or 700,000.

In half an hour, the green corpse tide was blown to pieces, but there were still 200,000 or 300,000 of them.

Some scattered green corpses broke through the fire coverage and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

This means that the distance between the corpse tide and the top of the mountain is less than 300 meters.

Niu Dazhuang continued to command everyone to bomb the corpse tide in the distance. Zhong Li, Chu Antian and others also stopped watching the show, picked up their rifles and fired at the bottom of the mountain.

"Da Da Da..."

The muzzle spewed out hot flames, and the sound of shells falling to the ground continued.

Mu Yun was even more exaggerated and directly took out a Vulcan Gatling gun.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, six roots of pure depleted uranium bullets, one breath of 3,600 revolutions, great compassion to save the world!"

Mu Yun chanted Buddhist verses in his mouth, raised the Gatling gun, and madly fired at the corpses. The bullets rained down, one after another, pouring into the corpses, making the corpses bloody and flesh flying.

Seeing this, everyone was in an uproar.

Damn, the boss is too cruel, Amitabha, good, good.

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