The manor was full of trees and trees.

Inside the manor.

Originally, Su Yaya was leading the wood-type superpowers to promote the growth of white fruits in the back garden of the castle, but a sudden black rain destroyed the fruits of their labor today.

If this can be promoted, the harvest will be the third-level white fruit, which is one of the most needed materials in the base at this stage.

What a pity, several hours of work were in vain.

Not only that, several young ladies were contaminated by the black rain, and their clothes were corroded. The key is that the concentrated sulfuric acid burned their fair skin. If the wounds are not cleaned in time, they may leave scars.

"It's so bad. Why is God like this? Can't we successfully cultivate the fruit?"

One of the young ladies complained angrily.

"Okay, hurry up and find Xiao Ning to help treat it, so that the wound will not pus."

Everyone dispersed, leaving only Su Yaya still standing at the door of the back garden, staring at the withered and fallen ginkgo on the ground in a daze.

The people in the castle were very busy.

Sister Lan was directing everyone to reinforce the castle and fix materials such as iron plates and steel plates on the roof and outer walls of the castle.

Fortunately, Mu Yun had notified Sister Lan in advance and reinforced the roof of the castle in advance, otherwise the only building in the base would be destroyed.


By the Longbei River.

After eating and drinking, everyone was refreshed.

"City Lord, shall we continue?"

Niu Dazhuang asked, touching his bulging belly.

"Continue, we don't know when this black rain will end. Once it stops, the high temperature after the reaction of concentrated sulfuric acid and water will disappear, and the sulfuric acid will slowly be diluted. At that time, it will not be able to be used to deal with the corpse tide." Mu Yun said.

"Hehe, the city lord knows a lot."

Niu Dazhuang smiled honestly.

The others nodded in agreement.

How could these people who had been working hard for a long time know that if they learned math, physics and chemistry well, they would not be afraid of going anywhere.

"Now we need to make a new plan. The zombie tide in area z7 is easy to deal with, but other areas are too far away from here. We need to find a way to lure the zombie tide over."

Mu Yun's words were recognized by everyone.

"City Lord, you tell me what to do. I'll listen to you."

Niu Dazhuang immediately expressed his opinion.

If I knew what to do, I would have issued an order directly. Why would I waste time holding a meeting?

Mu Yun glared at him unhappily.

If Niu Dazhuang hadn't said this, everyone might have thought about how to attract the zombie tide in their hearts, so that Mu Yun could also peek at everyone's thoughts, and then put on a far-sighted look and pretend to be forcible.

But as soon as Niu Dazhuang finished speaking, the others immediately echoed him.

"Yes, yes, Lord, you go ahead and say it. We won't say no."

"That's right. Lord, you have always planned everything. We believe in you."

Mu Yun: "..."

Can't you have your own opinions?

Looking at the expectant eyes of the people around him, Mu Yun's mouth twitched.

Forget it. If it doesn't work, I can only use the dumbest way.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for his order, Mu Yun took out a map and spread it on the table.

"Next, we will be divided into three teams. Niu Dazhuang will continue to lead people to stay here to attract the tide of corpses."

"Chu Antian and I will lead our teams to the z5 and z8 areas to attract the tide of corpses."

"Specific actions, first like this, then like this, then like this, and finally..."

Mu Yun simply standardized the mission and then added something.

"Remember, this operation must be safe. It's okay if the mission cannot be completed, but people must come back to me!"

At this point, Mu Yun's face became serious.

Everyone said yes in unison and quickly went to work according to the plan.

The first thing is to make a tool to move freely in the black rain.

The car is obviously scrapped. Although the metal and glass on the outside can effectively isolate the corrosion of the black rain, the tires cannot.

Moreover, the road is now bumpy. Even if the black rain is over, this situation may not be suitable for driving.

Therefore, we can only rely on bus No. 11.

Mu Yun took out a lot of metal materials and cooperated with Chu Antian, the welder, to create thirty iron umbrellas.

A circle of iron sheet hangs from the edge of the iron umbrella, which can wrap the person under the iron umbrella tightly.

In order to facilitate observation of the surroundings, four windows are opened around the iron umbrella and sealed with glass.

In this way, as long as you are careful, you can move freely in the black rain.


To be on the safe side, everyone tied steel sheets on their arms, knees, shoes and other easily exposed parts.

After making all these preparations, the two of them held up an iron umbrella together and walked towards their designated destinations.

The raindrops fell on the iron umbrella and made a crackling sound, but it did not cause any harm to the people under the umbrella. Seeing this, everyone felt relieved.

According to Mu Yun's plan, thirty people were sent to each area, two people in a group, to arrive at the designated location to place the time bomb and then evacuate the scene.

Through the movement caused by fifteen fixed-point explosions, the corpse tide was lured to Longbei River little by little. Even if it only reached the z7 area, the last distance would be easy to deal with.

Chu Antian went to the z8 area. If everything went well, the task could be completed with just one round of explosions.

But Mu Yun's side was a little more difficult. After all, the distance from the z5 area to the z7 area was relatively far, and two rounds of bombing might be required.

In other words, each group of people needed to place time bombs at two locations, and it would take thirty explosions to make the corpse tide enter the designated location.

If it were normal, this mission would not be difficult, but at this moment, the black rain was pouring down, and everyone could not fight in such an environment at all.

It was okay to encounter ordinary green slaves who were alone, and they could avoid them by running fast, but if they encountered mutated green slaves, it would be troublesome.

This mission was very risky, but the rewards were also amazing.

The end of the world is cruel. Only by trying hard to survive can you have the opportunity to become stronger, change the status quo, and break free from the threat of the end of the world.

Mu Yun dared not assert how long this black rain would last, but Mu Yun knew very well that the appearance of black rain prevented humans from becoming stronger.

On the other hand, the green slaves were the opposite.

The devil fruit was growing every day, and the number of mutated green slaves, second-level green slaves, and third-level green slaves would increase.

Under this situation, if you don't fight hard, it's no different from waiting to die.

So, this time, Mu Yun decided to take a risk.

Soon, Mu Yun's team arrived at the first designated location.

Among the team of fifteen iron umbrellas, one of them left the team, pried open the door of a store and went in to clear out the green slaves and set up a bomb.

The remaining fourteen umbrellas continued to move forward.

In the dilapidated city covered by darkness, this strange team walked silently on the street without saying a word.

The few green slaves that occasionally appeared were all solved by Yan Yunyun, who shared an umbrella with Mu Yun, using her supernatural power.

Under a few ice cones, the green slaves died directly.

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