The rain was still falling, and the sky was still dark.

"Drip, drip--"

As night fell, the city was unusually quiet. The dark clouds seemed to be squeezed dry, and the rain gradually weakened.

In a clothing store, the door was blocked by various obstacles, and the two sat cross-legged on the ground to recover their spiritual energy.

Chu Antian closed his eyes and meditated, while Mu Yun opened his eyes and stared at the dark rainy night outside the window.

His eyebrows were full of worries, and he kept an eye on the situation in the sky.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, and the black rain curtain that was originally covered gradually dissipated, and the situation outside was clearly presented in his eyes.

The streets were in a mess, full of potholes, and the strong sour smell was nauseating. The air was filled with the suffocating stench of death.

"The black rain... has stopped."

Mu Yun stood up, looked up at the sky, and muttered to himself, "I don't know if the Longbei River can still withstand the remaining corpse tide."

"Huh?" Chu Antian opened his eyes and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Mu Yun shook his head, "Nothing, how are you recovering?"

"Almost." Chu Antian nodded.

Hearing this, Mu Yun put down his hanging heart.

The two got up and walked outside the house, looking up at the dark clouds in the sky that had completely dispersed.

"Let's go, go back early to avoid accidents." Mu Yun whispered.

Chu Antian nodded in agreement.


"Da Da Da——"

"Tu Tu Tu——"

On the bank of the Longbei River, Niu Dazhuang raised two rifles and shot at the opposite bank, with flames spitting and bullets flying.

Next to Niu Dazhuang, the others stood in a row and also attacked fiercely on the opposite bank of the river.

As the black rain disappeared, the green slaves' offensive became more fierce.

The originally inky black river water was now rippling, and countless corpses emerged from the bottom of the water. People with intensive phobia could not bear it at all.

"Gulp gulp!"

It can be clearly noticed that the temperature of the river water is dropping, and the speed of corpses being corroded and decomposed is slowing down.

Some second-level green slaves can even step on the corpses of their companions and stay in the water for a few minutes.

Half of the 50-meter-wide river surface has been covered by the corpses of green slaves. It may not be long before the corpse tide will lie across the river and sweep over.

"Da da da!"

Niu Dazhuang and others are still desperately shooting forward to prevent the corpse tide from crossing the river.

"The bullet's lethality is still too weak, use superpowers." Zhong Li suggested calmly.

The others agreed one after another.

At this moment, they are all third-level psychics, and the power of their skills is much stronger than before, which is enough to deal with these ordinary green slaves.

Everyone quickly adjusted their positions, flipped their wrists lightly, and light appeared on their palms.

Then, basin-sized fireballs, boulders as big as water tanks, and overwhelming arrow rain fell on the opposite group of corpses.

For a time, wailing was everywhere.

The fireball exploded, blasting more than a dozen green slaves piled together around to pieces, and blood and flesh splattered.

The boulders fell and smashed into the group of corpses, causing huge waves. One after another, boulders smashed the heads of a large number of green slaves.

The arrows penetrated the body, pierced the skin, and deeply penetrated the body of the green slaves.

Although these green slaves are powerful, they are only superior in number after all.

The key is that Longting's development speed is too fast, and the evolution speed of the green slaves cannot keep up with their breakthrough speed.

Facing the crazy attacks of everyone, a large area of ​​the dense tide of corpses was immediately cleared.

The zombies kept coming and soon filled the gap.

Soon, the second round of superpowers came again.

The overwhelming skills fell like raindrops, sweeping away the zombies again.

After the spiritual energy in the body was exhausted, he quickly took out the spiritual energy crystal core to absorb it, and fired two shots.

When Mu Yun arrived, the battle was almost over.

"It seems that even without us, these people have become a force to be reckoned with."

Listening to Mu Yun's words, Chu Antian said in a mature manner, "This is inevitable. The cruel end of the world is forcing them to grow up."


Mu Yun was a little confused. When did his wife become so wise?

"What's the look in your eyes?" Chu Antian raised his eyebrows.

Mu Yun immediately looked away and touched his nose, "What you said just now makes sense, you are worthy of being my wife."

"Stop talking nonsense, feel free to go back to bed after cleaning up, it's almost eleven o'clock."

Chu Antian rolled her eyes at him and took the lead to walk forward.

Mu Yun followed her with a smile, feeling very happy.

My wife has grown up, and she can live comfortably in the future.

With the return of Mu Yun and Chu Antian, the matter of the green corpse tide

The incident finally came to an end.

The river was filled with corpses, and the stench was disgusting.

But Mu Yun didn't mind it at all. There were nearly three million supernatural crystal cores under the corpses.

He could never have dreamed of such a rich harvest.

"City Lord, do you need to send people to salvage?"

"No." Mu Yun waved his hand, "You take people to clean up the battlefield on the other side, and the battlefield in area z7 also needs to be cleaned up. Leave the river to me."

Niu Dazhuang nodded, "Okay."

"By the way, remember to burn these corpses. It would be bad if there was a plague." Mu Yun ordered.

"Okay, I got it."

Niu Dazhuang took the order and left, while Mu Yun went down to the river himself to salvage the crystal cores.


The domain unfolded, Mu Yun flew above the river, and then slowly sank.

The river water was forced back by the domain, revealing the riverbed, which was filled with countless shiny crystal cores, reflecting an attractive luster under the moonlight.

Looking at the crystal cores on the riverbed, Mu Yun's breathing became rapid.

He waved his hand gently at the crystal cores, and under the control of his mind, countless crystal cores flew up from the riverbed and fell into the space ring in his hand.

A long river of crystal cores disappeared without a trace.

Mu Yun swam around the bottom of the river, and after making sure that nothing was missed, he returned to the surface of the river.

"How was the harvest this time?"

Chu Antian, who had been guarding the river bank, came forward.

"We really made a fortune this time." Mu Yun happily stretched out his hand in front of her and shook it, "It's more than 2.8 million in total, enough for us to break through to the eighth level."

Hearing this, Chu Antian couldn't help but gasp, "There are so many!"

"That's right, don't you see your man's methods." Mu Yun said proudly.

A moment later, Niu Dazhuang and others had also cleaned up the battlefield and returned, bringing back more than 300,000 crystal cores, all of which were put into Mu Yun's space ring.

"Let's go back."

"Oh!!" xN

The group walked towards the base in a mighty manner, and everyone walked quickly as if they had received their salary.

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