Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 202: : Danger comes from overhead

() "Everyone be careful, there is something in the dust..."

At this moment, another team member also issued the same jǐng report. [Wudong Qiankun] レ-Luke.-♠思♥ Road&c Lubs; Guest レ

at the same time……


Xia Jian's ears suddenly heard a series of vigorous sounds of breaking through the air.


With the loud shouts, Xia Jian pulled out his waist just because of his hobbies, and he spent a lot of effort to fool the Desert Eagle from someone else's hand, aiming in the direction of the strong wind, raising his hand and shooting...


The 0.44-inch special metal bullet, with a dark red tail flame, instantly disappeared into the sand and dust.


His ears were slightly pointed, and soon he heard the sound of a bullet entering the flesh and blood spraying out. ..


Immediately afterwards, there was a strange, sharp scream.


"Go and see..."

Xia Jian, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately took the person and rushed to the direction where the call sounded just now.


Too bad it's still late.

The sound of the air, and the area where the target was located was already empty, only a large pool of black and purple blood remained on the ground.

"Dark Chaser?"

"No! Dark chasers won't run away..."

"This thing is so fast!!"

"Boss, could it be the blood clan you mentioned?"

Looking at the bloodstains on the ground, aside from jǐng ringing, everyone quickly began to discuss...

For everyone's inquiries, Xia Jian is naturally unable to answer now. Can only pretend to be deep. After all, Xia only heard its screams now, and didn't even see its shadow. Xia Jian was not a god. Naturally, it is impossible to tell whether this enemy hidden in the sand is just an ordinary dark chaser, an advanced blood race, or some kind of strange monster...

But luckily...

Fortunately, when Xia Jian came out this time, he brought all powerful evolutionaries. Moreover, Xia Jian estimated that the strength of this sneak attacker should be the same as that of the early stage of evolution.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make three sneak attacks. Three times without success!

But the problem is...

Is there really only one attacker hidden in the sand?

"It's a bit strange..." Just when Xia Jian was puzzled, Asha suddenly frowned.

"What did you find?" Wen Yan. Xia Jian looked at her subconsciously.

"Boss, along the blood trail, pay attention to observe the nearby ground..."


Xia Jian frowned and observed for a while, thoughtful. Due to too much dust. After a while, the surface of the collapsed construction waste was already covered with a thick layer of dust. However, along the blood trail, "Why are there no footprints on the ground?"

"Not really..."

Not only Xia Jian, but most people in the team discovered this situation.

There was clearly an enemy here just now!

And this enemy. Also injured and bleeding. But apart from the bloodstains on the ground and the sound of breaking the air when it first left, there is no trace of it ever being here!

"Will it be the same as the old bear, a monster whose body can be dematerialized?"

No wonder everyone thinks about this...

After all, in my team, there is a Xiong Aiguo who can atomize his body. He has more contact with him, and everyone will naturally think of this.

But no one thought of another possibility...

"Tick tock..."

At this moment, a very small voice suddenly came from a place not far away.

Like drops of water falling to the ground...

But it was such a small voice, but Xia Jian keenly captured it, and his eyes suddenly shifted to that direction.

In a pile of gray sand, there was a drop of stunned red!

is blood!

And this drop of blood was slowly soaking into the sand.

"On top of..."

It seems that he finally thought of something. While reminding everyone, Xia Jian pointed the muzzle above his head for the first time...


In order to find the four members who were alone, the location of the team had already penetrated deep into the collapsed building.

There are exposed walls everywhere, and steel beams piercing the sky.

In some places, you can even see the bodies of some dark chasers who have been crushed into flesh.

Now, about five meters in front of Xia Jian, there is a half-bare wall, like a small hill, standing there obliquely. If you walk more than 100 meters forward, the remaining half has not collapsed. The building is like a giant beast, looming in the misty dust.

And this time...

Just above the half-bare wall in front, on the white, cracked wall, there are dark, slender human figures clinging to each other. They are like geckos, firmly grasping the wall with their limbs, or standing upside down. , or turned his head, using those pairs of scarlet blood pupils, exuding an endless violent atmosphere, like a prey, staring closely at the team below.


Xia Jian saw it, and so did the rest of the team.

Unexpectedly, there are more than one of these sneak attackers...

But a group! Densely crowded all over a wall, the number may be no less than a hundred, a spectacular sight, and everyone can't help but tremble in their hearts.

"How did these things get up?"

"No matter how it got up, call me quickly..."

With Xia Jian's roar, the entire team instantly woke up from the shock.



In a series of crisp metal collisions, dozens of firearms were loaded instantly.

next second...


"Bah... ah..."

The firearms in everyone's hands were full of fire in an instant.

Tongues of flames twitched, and in the dense gunshots, one after another dark red bullet rails were seen, piercing the sand and dust, and with the whistling of death, they rushed towards the monsters above like lightning.

"Pfft... pfft..."


In the face of the dense rain of bullets, there were dozens of sneak attackers immediately, dodging in no hurry, and being swept away by the bullets, dark red blood flowers bloomed in the air.

But more bullets entered the severely sloping wall.

For a time, a sharp whistle made a loud noise, and the sand and stones splashed...

Under everyone's shocked gaze, the black attackers who were originally clinging to the wall suddenly spread out a pair of huge, flesh-like wings from behind, flying in all directions. .

"Fuck!! These things can fly..."

Now even stupid will know why these things are moving so fast, and when they move, the wind is always loud, and there are no footprints on the ground.

"Keep the formation! Everyone, please don't spread out..."

"Be careful, this wall is about to fall..."

But now there is no time for Xia Jian and the others to sigh the wonder of the Creator.

Due to the excessive firepower just now, half of the wall that was still able to support it will finally collapse again and collapse under their fierce firepower.


With a loud bang, the sand and dust that had just faded became denser again...

……………………………………(To be continued.)

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