Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 205: : bold woman

Speaking of which, Chen Sisi felt that she really felt that today was her unlucky day!!


Everything is wrong!

In fact, she hasn't felt better since the Great Destruction Day!

Logically speaking, as a master of biology who graduated from MIT in the United States and returned to China, Chen Sisi should live a very nourishing life even in the apocalypse!

After all, it's a scalpel!

In the last days, when they may be injured at any time, they are the angels in white who can give people a second life!

For the sake of their own lives, whoever sees them should not be careful to serve them!

Chen Sisi thought so too!

I don't think the reality is cruel...

She had just entered the first week of the apocalypse. At that time, she was still hiding in a relatively solid laboratory with her mentor, conducting experiments on the x-virus. Unexpectedly, a group of ferocious soldiers suddenly rushed in...

At the beginning, Chen Sisi and his mentor thought that these soldiers were sent by the government to rescue them, so they cooperated with each other very much!

But when they were taken captive to their destination, Chen Sisi suddenly realized that these soldiers were not sent by the government at all. Their female horses were simply a group of warlords who betrayed their beliefs!

Chen Sisi's tragic discovery that she was placed under house arrest!!

House arrest, house arrest!

This group of warlords even forced themselves to do all kinds of extremely **** and cruel human experiments!!

During that time, Chen Sisi almost collapsed...

Fortunately, there was a riot in the base later!

As if another group of warlords came to attack this group of warlords!

Taking advantage of the chaos at the base, the unbearable mentor took Chen Sisi and escaped from the base!

Finally escaped the tiger's mouth!

Chen Sisi thought "". [Wu Dong Qiankun] Now you can always live a little better! You can study what you want to study!

But this is where the real disaster really begins!

Although I didn’t have much freedom before, at least I had no worries about food and clothing, and occasionally I could do the research I wanted to do secretly!

But now. Freedom is freedom! But you don’t need to think about researching anything. The first thing you have to do is to ensure that you don’t starve to death or freeze to death!!

Always be on the lookout for other survivors!

Because those rude guys don't care what national treasure-level research institute identities Chen Sisi and her mentor are! It would be a fortune in misfortune not to kill them and make soup!

When I come across some perverted people, the one I like to play with the most is Chen Sisi Lei's tune that she has an identity and is a beautiful woman!

Fortunately, when Chen Sisi was at school on weekdays. Lots of research on psychology!

Although there are countless dangers in the process, she finally uses her wisdom to resolve them one by one!

If it was a shock, six days passed. Chen Sisi finally recognized a reality!

That is, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not contact strangers!


Today, as usual, Chen Sisi came out of the hiding place early. Going to search for food nearby!

After all, the teacher is old!

Although he is tough. I always say that I am old and strong, but as a student, how can I have the heart to let a mentor who is nearly seventy years old come out to take risks?

Selecting an alley, Chen Sisi burrowed out with a cat on his waist!

Since it is not too far from the Lianhu base, it is often visited by other survivors on weekdays, so there are generally not too many dark chasers on the streets.

Coupled with nearly four months of research, now Chen Sisi can be described as a deep-rooted dark chaser's various habits and weaknesses. There was no danger along the way!

But at this moment, a convoy suddenly appeared at the end of the street!

Now for the survivors of the apocalypse. Chen Sisi is quite a bit about the psychology of the tiger's discoloration!

The moment she found the convoy, she turned around without saying a word and got into a building on the side of the street!

But the fleet is a bit big!!

There are more than ten vehicles of various sizes, and the number of people is more than 600!

In order to wait for the convoy to pass, Chen Sisi waited for half an hour! Feeling bored, Chen Sisi began to look at the building he got into!

But Chen Sisi is fine if she doesn't observe! As soon as she observes, she really finds something wrong!

In this building, she found the bodies of many animals!!

All kinds of animals have...

But Chen Sisi soon discovered another strange place!

Although there are many types of these animal carcasses, they are generally some such as: golden cats, chihuahuas, huskies, mice, which are not aggressive and relatively small animals!

As a scientific researcher, Chen Sisi subconsciously wanted to find out what happened here!

For this reason, she doesn't even care about the fact that she is still hungry!

Then she really found some problems!

These animals did not seem to have been killed, and there were no wounds at all on the surface of their bodies!

On the contrary, every corpse has one thing in common, that is, the necks of all corpses seem to be larger, and all corpses, without exception, are **** in their mouths!

Chen Sisi dissected a corpse under the misfortune of ghosts!

Unexpectedly, she really found the reason...

The bodies of these animal corpses, that is, the thoracic cavity, are all empty, and various organs and so on seem to be forcibly pushed aside by something!

Chen Sisi's body trembled!!

I thought of the alien almost instantly!!

Don't laugh! Who stipulates that female masters at Harvard can't watch horror movies! At least Chen Sisi likes to watch horror movies by locking herself in a small dark room!


After being shocked for a while, Chen Sisi's curiosity rose again!

Who made her a researcher!

Now that I see another new species other than the dark chaser and mutant creature, how can Chen Sisi hold back and not go to find out!

This woman! Once she becomes stubborn, ten cows will not be able to pull her back!

Anyway, without any hesitation, Chen Sisi boldly searched for these corpses and began to find them in this building!!


Following the corpse left on the ground, Chen Sisi kept going up, and soon came to the thirty-sixth floor of the building!

Then she saw a scene that was enough to make her unforgettable in her life...

When she got into the thirty-six corridor, she suddenly found that the ceiling of the entire corridor was hanging upside down, densely packed, countless, terrifying creatures like bats!

These bat-like monsters are naturally bat-winged beasts!

Chen Sisi was stunned at that moment!

But it's not over yet...

Maybe the ignorant is fearless!

After being shocked, Chen Sisi ate the gall of a bear heart and leopard, and even dared to get some blood samples of bat-winged beasts back for research!

What happens next is almost predictable!

After a little girl with no strength, she got into a dangerous Not only did she not want to run away, she even wanted to get the blood samples of these bat-winged beasts in a whimsical way... …

Not only did Chen Sisi fail to get a blood sample, but because he alerted the bat-winged beast, he was madly chased by hundreds of bat-winged beasts!

Chen Sisi finally knew that he was going to escape...

The bat-winged beast is naturally chasing it all the way!

Luckily it was in the building at the time!

As a flying demon, the bat-winged beast cannot exert its speed in a small space. It can only see the wall against the wall, see the door break, and chase Chen Sisi on a rampage!

Then disaster struck!!

The crumbling building, under the destruction of hundreds of bat-winged beasts, finally completely collapsed...

…………………………………………………… (To be continued.)

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