Doomsday Extinction

Chapter 301: : Meet the Black Corpse King Again

Compared to Hua Fang, who knew that he was unconscious and couldn't see what happened behind him, and Huo Jie, Xie Cong and others who were busy fleeing from the beginning, Xia Jian was undoubtedly much luckier. [Wudong Qiankun]

Because it is far enough away from the accident site, Xia Jian doesn't have to worry about his life being in danger!

And because he followed Huafang all the time, he was able to witness the whole incident at the first time.


When the first loud bang came out".

Xia Jian had already sensed the approaching crisis and jumped to the top of a building.

Just waiting to find out where the loud noise came from...


The loud noise came out again.

Following the direction of the sound, Xia Jian also discovered the small subway station hidden behind the building for the first time.

But before he could start to feel how deep Huo Jie's scheming was, the condescending Xia Jian found that the ground near the subway station, which was originally full of people, suddenly began to appear numerous dense cracks of different sizes, and these cracks were like spider webs. Cracks are spreading rapidly around at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And in these cracks like spider webs.

The originally flat ground suddenly appeared four or five small, inconspicuous, protuberances like small mounds.

These cracks are centered on these small mounds and spread rapidly.

"This is……"

But before Xia Jian took a closer look, these small mounds that suddenly appeared, dented back again.

Then there was a loud bang...

At first, the small mound that had just sunk in, rose up again in a more jùè way.

And the severity of this earthquake. It is several times more than the previous two times, and the cracking degree of the ground has also intensified again. At this time, it can no longer be called a crack.

It has been completed and evolved into a bottomless ravine.

As these gullies take shape...

There is also a terrifying mental fluctuation. Swept the entire battlefield in an instant...

"There's something underground!"

Xia Jian made a judgment almost immediately.

This is clearly some kind of terrifying creature with a huge size underground, and it is about to break out of the ground.

The previous loud noise was just a precursor to these creatures breaking out of the ground, but the way they broke out was very barbaric and violent.

It seems that in order to confirm what Xia Jian said...

The terrifying aura quickly dissipated...

And those protrusions. It sank again.

However, Xia Jian didn't think that those creatures were hidden underground, so he planned to retreat.

The reason why they died down was just the last blow in breaking the ground. Build up strength.



After a few seconds, a roar suddenly resounded through the night sky.

Countless bat-winged beasts hovering in the sky, as if frightened, fluttered their wings and flew high.


next moment. The small mounds that had sunk in just now. Like a balloon that was inflated to the extreme, it suddenly exploded.

Countless sand and gravel fragments suddenly splashed all over the sky...

During the period, you can also see countless broken limbs, broken arms, and human bodies that have not yet died, screaming and screaming, flying into the air together with the scattered stones.

Then, five dark, huge, terrifying monsters with rock-like muscles drilled out of the blasted dark caves...

And with these huge monsters drilled out of the cave. There are also countless dense bat-winged beasts like bats.

Facing the combined sweep of the two...

Those survivors who fled wildly just now, even evolutionaries. All so vulnerable.

Constantly being lifted into the air...

Then it was instantly engulfed by the countless bat-winged beasts that rushed in, turning into a pile of minced meat that could not see any original shape, and scattered all over the sky.

"Those who entered the tunnel just now are all dead..."

Seeing this cruel scene, Xia Jian instantly became enlightened.

For some reason, Xia Jian suddenly felt that maybe this was a trap at all.

A trap for Ho Jie and Lianhu base.

From the very beginning, these huge monsters, as well as those bat-winged beasts, have been hiding in that tunnel.

Just waiting for these people from the Lianhu base to throw themselves into the net!

Thinking of this, Xia Jian couldn't help shivering...

is it possible?

These bat-winged beasts and these giant beasts are so smart, they are smart enough to set traps!


In the face of this terrifying monster, Huo Jie was quite self-aware and made a decisive decision. He had to give up the rescue of those companions and comrades whose results were destined.

Commanding the remaining men and horses, they quickly returned to the previous building...

As for Liu Jian...

No one cares about them anymore!

Xia Jian's mind has been completely attracted by the behemoth that crawled out of the ground with five heads.

"This is……"

Looking at these terrifying monsters with a height of seven or eight meters, dark bodies, hideous faces, and various crude weapons, Xia Jian felt a little familiar for no reason...

"Is it the Black Corpse King?"

Xia Jian is still a little unsure!

Although the appearance of the five monsters in front of him is very similar to the two black corpse kings he once killed.

But the five monsters in front of him were obviously bigger than the Black Corpse King in Xia Jian's memory, and their breath was more terrifying.

"The peak of the general level?"

"King class?"

These monsters made Xia Jian feel more terrifying than the Tibetan mastiff leader. What shocked Xia Jian was that they not only used all kinds of simple weapons, but even covered their bodies with all kinds of shoddy armor.

"Maybe this is the true strength of the Black Corpse King!"

Xia Jian couldn't help thinking like this...

After all, the two black corpse kings that he killed before were only drilled out of those black yètǐ just now, so they can be regarded as immature versions!

Immediately after. Xia Jian glanced around him with some heart palpitations...

These black corpse kings made Xia Jian not only think of another more terrifying monster.

That is, the demon guardian who is suspected to be mutated by Chen Li! That thing shouldn't come too!

Against these black corpse kings, although they can't beat them, Xia Jian is more or less confident in escaping. But if you really meet that demon guardian, if there is no miracle like the last time and it slips away by itself, then you will really be dead.

But just as he glanced around for a while, Xia Jian inadvertently saw a petite figure near the entrance of the small subway station.

"is her……"

The figure Xia Jian saw was Hua Fang.

But at this time, Xia Jian had always regarded Hua Fang as Xiao Ling, and had no idea that he had mistaken the person.

"not good……"

Available soon. Xia Jian's attention was all attracted by the majestic mountain-like body standing behind Hua Fang.

Because Huafang is standing near the entrance of the subway station.

When a black corpse king came out, it happened to be less than twenty meters away from her.

Twenty meters! !

For a height of seven or eight meters. In his hand, he was holding a truck as thick as a wheel, and it was not a distance at all.

Don't wait for Xia Jian's reminder...

The black corpse king had already launched an attack on Huafang.

A huge stick more than ten meters long and as thick as a truck wheel. in the dark. A large piece of dust was rolled up and swept across Huafang like a destructive force.

Being hit by the stick, Hua Fang's slender and slender body was like a kite with a broken string. It smashed into a building not far away, leaving only a dark hole.


Xia Jian scolded angrily. Not caring about the danger, he jumped off the roof as soon as he jumped.

After a few jumps, they reached the downstairs of the building where Hua Fang disappeared.

It's not that Xia Jian is not afraid of death!

It's just that Xia Jian is essentially a person with clear grievances.

His worldview is simple...

If you owe someone's kindness, you must pay it back!

And if anyone offends him, then he will come back with revenge tenfold and a hundredfold.

It's as simple as that...

Since Xiao Ling had saved his life, in Xia Jian's opinion, risking her own life to save her life was a matter of course.

Fortunately, after Huafang was swept away with a stick, the black corpse king didn't want to continue chasing (perhaps it thought that Huafang had died), and went directly to kill the other survivors. .

This relieved Xia Jian's pressure a lot!

After all, most of these ordinary bat-winged beasts, which are like flies, have only soldier-level strength.

As long as he is not surrounded, Xia Jian is not afraid.


All the way downstairs, Xia Jian confirmed Hua Fang's location.

The feet are slightly bent, and the force is instantly transmitted to the ground...


Hearing a low drink, the ground suddenly exploded.

With the force of the recoil, Xia Jian's whole body was like a sharp arrow from the string, rushing straight up along the outer wall of the building.

In the process, several nasty bat-winged beasts swooped down from mid-air.

"Woman, go to hell!"

Xia Jian swung the saber in his hand again and again, drawing black shadows of death around his body.

Under the weight of the horse-chopping knife weighing several tons and Xia Jian's terrifying strength, the bat-winged beast that rushed up was too fragile to be attacked, and continuously exploded into clouds of blood.

When you do your best and the speed of the upstroke slows down...

Xia Jian reached for the wall with one hand, his five fingers were deeply embedded in the concrete outer wall, and he took advantage of the situation to go down, and five shocking finger marks appeared on the hard concrete wall immediately.

Under the extremely strong force, the speed that had just slowed down increased again.

so twice...

Xia Jian had already reached the eighth floor where Hua Fang disappeared.

What appeared in front of Xia Jian was a dark, huge cave.

At the bottom of the cave five or six meters deep, a smaller body, as if without bones, lay there softly.

"Xiao Ling?"

Seeing Hua Fang like this, Xia Jian couldn't help being surprised.

It was too late to confirm the real was that several "Healing Techniques" were thrown onto Huafang.


Hua Fang, who was on the verge of death with a weak breath, was rescued by Xia Jian's "Healing Techniques".

"Hey! Xiao Ling!"

Seeing Hua Fang's voice, Xia Jian hurriedly turned her over.

But when Xia Jian saw the face of the woman in front of him...

"Uh!! You are?"

"I'm not Xiao Ling..."

Hua Fang weakly looked at the man in front of him, a trace of pain and struggle flashed in his eyes.

……………………………………(To be continued.)

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