Doomsday Extinction

Vol 2 Chapter 5: : "Summon Skeleton"

The plan finally negotiated by Xia Jian and Xie Cong was actually very simple. [Wudong Qiankun]

Let Xia Jian divert most of the dark chasers first!

And Xie Cong took the opportunity to lead everyone to quickly enter the secret passage that he and Huo Jie had transferred before, and dive directly back to the pier.


In doing so, the danger is self-evident.

Not to mention Xia Jian, who is responsible for attracting firepower, there is a danger of being surrounded by a group of dark chasers.

Even Shi Hu, Feng Feng and others...

It is also possible that, if one is not careful, the entire army will be wiped out.

But other than that, there is simply no better option.

Due to disrepair and the rampage of the previous black corpse kings, the nearby underground tunnel network has long been destroyed.


It is simply impossible to go directly to the vicinity of the pier.

If you want to leave this area, you have to rush out of this area before you can go back underground...

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so difficult to choose.


Not to mention, under the leadership of Xie Cong, how Shi Hu and others were racing against death.

At this time, Xia Jian knew that he was suffering...

With Xia Jian's current strength, naturally he is not a fearful pursuer!

After all, he is now a little strong with an average value of over forty for the four basic genus, and an astonishing fifty-eight points in the power genus!

It's not a piece of cake to deal with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who are basically no more than thirty of the four major genera!


The above is just for yín!

The real situation is that at this time Xia Jian is being chased by these dark chasers. Embarrassed! I almost didn't complain that my parents lost two legs!

how so?

There are too many ants, and they can still kill the elephant! How can you say this!

What's more, the strength gap between Dark Chaser and Xia Jian is not as huge as that of Ant and Elephant!

But now the dark chasers gathered around him. It has reached a terrifying four-digit figure!!

With that dense head, only Xia Jian's scalp is numb!

If you want to be a little more timid, I'm afraid I'll be scared to the ground!

As for how to fight against a thousand with one, or against a thousand with one, Xia Jian didn't even dare to think about it!

What a joke!

If you really want to do that, if you don't get bitten to death, you will be exhausted to death!

The worst is not these!

as a qualified bait. In order to better attract firepower, reduce the burden and create conditions for everyone. Xia Jian can't run fast!

He has to take it slow, hang those dark chasers not far or near behind his buttocks, let them fully see hope, and fully arouse their appetite for himself!

female horse!

How to say this is so awkward!

Anyway the fact is. over time. As more and more dark chasers gather from all directions, Xia Jian's scope of activities is getting smaller and smaller!

When Xie Cong's 'ok' message came from the walkie-talkie, when Xia Jian wanted to break out of the siege, he found out tragically that his bait was too competent for his female horse, and there were nearly 10,000 dark chasers. , were all attracted by him, and surrounded him like a wolf like a tiger!

What to do?!

under last resort. Xia Jian jumped a few times and quickly jumped onto the roof of a building. Looking at the overwhelming crowd of dark chasers downstairs that stretches for several miles, one head and two big!

If only I could fly!

Xia Jian can only hope so extravagantly!

But if you want to fly, it is impossible for the time being!

Xia Jian quickly looked at the distribution of the dark chasers below, hoping to see if he could find a route to break through!

But at that time, in order to attract better firepower, he went around in circles, and the group of dark chasers downstairs was very uniform, almost all in a circle!

Want to punch hard!

It has to rely on strength!

'If there is another person, just divert these things away a little!'

Xia Jian couldn't help but think so!

Indeed! With his strength, in fact, as long as there is a little confusion and a little gap, it is not too difficult to rush out!

But the question is, where to find someone here?

Just in time for...


There was a sudden scream from below.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of wind blew up, and it turned out that a dark chaser had already chased up from the stairs!

Xia Jian was finally discovered at this meeting, it was like a thirsty wolf who saw the young daughter-in-law of a good family, his eyes lit up, he even roared and swooped forward with boundless passion!


Xia Jianzheng's stomach full of fire has nowhere to spread!

Immediately, a punch hit the dark chaser's forehead...


The head of the dark chaser exploded without any suspense!

Xia Jian's mind also remembered the prompt to gain experience at the right time!

It's just that the assassins are killing a lot now, and Xia Jian has basically ignored the prompts such as gaining experience!

This needs to be concerned about these things all the time, so why not fight?!

Therefore, now only when encountering some new species that cannot be named, such as the bat-winged beast at that time, will I pay special attention!

This time is no exception!

After solving this dark chaser, Xia Jian remembered to block the stairwell!

The method is simple!

Just stomp a few feet, and the stairwell will collapse! Don't even think about going up!

After finishing this, Xia Jian walked to the edge of the building and glanced down!

It was found that although these dark chasers are not as smart as the blood clan, they can't climb walls, but they also found a stupid way to play Arhat! They climbed up the roof along the corner of the wall!

Xia Jian couldn't help but feel a little fortunate!

Fortunately, the building I chose is high enough! It has more than ten floors! If these dark chasers really want to climb up by stacking Arhats, it is estimated that the difficulty is not ordinary!


When Xia Jian's eyes swept over the corpse of the dark chaser on the ground again, Xia Jian's heart moved!

I always feel like I'm missing something!

Soon Xia Jian found the source of what made him feel wrong...

Because when he called up his own attribute panel again, the level column. Suddenly displayed: 20/19/10.

‘Damn, how did you forget about this!’

Xia Jian slapped his forehead heavily!

It seems that when he first came out, the Taoist profession was only eighteenth level. It's already nineteen!

But I can't blame Xia Jian for being so careless! I didn't even realize that I had upgraded!

Since he is now out of the novice protection, when he upgrades, the status is no longer full, and the experience is automatically allocated. If Xia Jian does not pay attention to check the system prompts, it is really difficult to notice when he upgrades. !

This will make Xia Jian re-read the system prompts...

It turned out that it was when the bat-winged beast launched the attack. It has already been upgraded!

Not only that……

Even after the Taoist priest reached level 20, there was only about one-third of his experience left!

But it's not surprising to think about it!

After all, Xia Jianke had already reached level 18 the moment he set off from the base! He also pondered the skill "Soul Fire Talisman" for several days.

After departure. During the three days on the road, I also killed the dark chaser!

In addition, so many people died tonight, and there are also many dead bat-winged beasts! And Xia Jian has been running around on the battlefield, so he has no little experience!

The most exaggerated is the king-level bat-winged beast killed by the demon guardian!

It alone contributed 10,000 experience points to Xia Jian!

This is 10,000 points of experience!

It directly made Xia Jian's experience skyrocket!

see this tip. a time. Xia Jiandu felt that the demon guardian seemed less annoying!

'Right! "Summon Skeleton"!'

After sighing, Xia Jianjian remembered that in the game "Legend", it seems that when a Taoist priest reaches the nineteenth level, he can learn another god-level skill "Summon Skeleton"!

Speaking of the skill "Summon Skeleton", it is quite incredible!

That's just the face of a Taoist priest!

The root of why Taoists are called Taoists is!

Before the 35th level of the Taoist priest, the biggest reliance on pk, leveling, and recreational ss!

A Taoist who doesn't know "Summoning Skeleton" is still a Taoist?


These are just the settings in the game!

Now Xia Jian is praying in his heart. I hope this system will move "Summon Skull" to reality. But don't let it be weakened!

With some trepidation, Xia Jian learned "Summoning Skeletons".

In the next second, a huge amount of information, as well as a mysterious and incomprehensible incantation, was forced into Xia Jian's mind!

In this information...

Xia Jian saw the terrifying undead with a huge size and composed entirely of bones.

Seeing this scene, Xia Jian was a little excited!

If you guessed correctly, in the picture in your mind, those powerful undead should be summoned with "Summon Skeleton"!

Quickly click on the skill introduction...

"Summon Skeleton": Summons the bones of the deceased and retains some of the strength in front of the deceased...

For this simple and irresponsible introduction, Xia Jian has long been prepared!

Decisively start asking the system...

But the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is quite cruel...

'From the corpse of the deceased, summon its bones and retain part of the strength of the deceased...'

This is the introduction after system translation...

Simple though!

But Xia Jian heard a few key pieces of information...

First of all, to cast "Summon Skeleton", you must need corpses! Skeletons are summoned from corpses!

This is completely different from the setting in "Legend", isn't it! It's a bit similar to the skill of the Necromancer in another game "Darkness"! But the problem is, people's one move is a group, what about myself? It seems that only Get one!

Secondly, the strength of the skeletons found is completely linked to the strength in front of the deceased, and it is only a part of it!

Let's not discuss what percentage this part is!

The fact that this is linked to the strength of the deceased is quite a fool!

It looks good...

Want to get powerful skeletons!


Go kill a more powerful demon, blood, or mutant creature first!

But the problem is, you are already strong enough to kill it, so why bring it in? Just look at it?

of course!

You can also think about it in reverse!

That's to pick up scumbags!

Just like the king-level bat-winged beast slaughtered by the demon guardian today, Xia Jian can go and recruit it.

It's just that no one can guarantee that there will be such luck at any time!

But now there is one more question to be clarified...

‘What is the strength of this part?’

'Eighty percent at level 0, 90 percent at level 1, 100 percent at level 2, 120 percent at level 3... 200 percent at level 7...'

'Well! This is not bad...'

Xia Jian nodded with satisfaction...

Unexpectedly, the zero level can have 80% of the strength!

That king-level bat-winged beast seems to be a middle-level king-level! If it is summoned, it is estimated that it can also be a beginner-level king!

If you train to level seven in the future, you will be able to reach the late king level, or even break through to the emperor level!

But now that I think about these things, it seems a little too early!

Not a single word!

Think about how to get out first!

And even if he arrives at the pier, Xia Jian may not dare to go in! Who dares to say that the demon guardian must not be inside!

Rubbing his face vigorously, Xia Jian shook his head and threw aside all the mess in his mind...

Unconsciously, it seemed to land on the headless corpse of the dark chaser on the ground...

'I don't know what this headless corpse will look like when summoned? The difficulty also summons a headless skeleton?'

‘Would you like to try it?’

I just learned a new skill, and my heart is always a little itchy. After thinking about it, Xia Jian walked to the corpse...

He carefully reviewed the esoteric incantation in his mind, and slowly pressed his right palm on the ground less than one meter away from the corpse.

next second...

Xia Jian felt that his originally full spiritual power had suddenly dropped a lot, and he had consumed a thousand points in an instant!

At the same time, a white flame, created from nothing, suddenly burned from the corpse of the dark chaser...

say fire...

But Xia Jian didn't feel the slightest heat!

Instead, he felt a biting chill!! It made him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

When Xia Jian was a little suspicious, when his summons this time failed...


There was a sudden sound from the corpse...

I saw that the corpse, which had no other injuries, except for the head that was blasted by Xia Jian, suddenly burst open without warning...

The bright red muscles, the blood vessels with clear veins, the smooth and warm, and the fresh and tender viscera were all exposed in front of Xia Jian's eyes at once...

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it fell off the bones of Bai Sensen.


Just when Xia Jian was immersed in this amazing change and was still shocked, a crisp sound suddenly came out!

It's not like the sound of the body exploding just now!

It's like the crashing sound of two bones smashing together!

Xia Jian was suddenly shocked...

Looking at the past following the voice, I found that the head that had been blown up by myself didn't know when it would return to the position it should have existed.

And those cracks that were cracked, were also burned by the cold white flame, and began to be sewn together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the upper and lower jaws of this skull are opening and closing, as if speaking.

"That's fine too..."


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Impermanence almost vomited out today!

Go for a walk first! Come back and continue! There is one more tonight! (To be continued. Mobile users, please read.)

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